コード例 #1
class BirthClinic(Model):
    Birth clinic model, consists of two cylinders, one of which is rotated.

    def __init__(self, diameter=3.0, height=3.0, name="birth_clinic"):

        :param diameter: Intended diameter of the birth clinic
        :param name:
        super(BirthClinic, self).__init__(name=name, static=True)

        self.diameter = diameter
        scale = diameter / MESH_DIAMETER

        # Cannot go higher than mesh height, or lower than the bottom
        # of the slice.
        scaled_height = scale * MESH_HEIGHT
        self.height = max(min(height, scaled_height), SLICE_FRACTION * scaled_height)

        mesh = Mesh("model://tol_robot/meshes/BirthClinic.dae", scale=scale)

        col = Collision("bc_col", mesh)
        surf = Element(tag_name="surface")
        friction = Friction(
        contact = "<contact>" \
                  "<ode>" \
                  "<kd>%s</kd>" \
                  "<kp>%s</kp>" \
                  "</ode>" \
                  "</contact>" % (
                      nf(constants.SURFACE_KD), nf(constants.SURFACE_KP)

        vis = Visual("bc_vis", mesh.copy())
        self.link = Link("bc_link", elements=[col, vis])

        # By default the model has 0.5 * scale * MESH_HEIGHT below
        # and above the surface. Translate such that we have exactly
        # the desired height instead.
        self.link.translate(Vector3(0, 0, self.height - (0.5 * scaled_height)))
コード例 #2
ファイル: builder.py プロジェクト: caboj/revolve
    def _build_body(self, traversed, model, plugin, component, link=None, child_joints=None):
        :param traversed: Set of components that were already traversed,
                          prevents loops (since all connections are two-sided).
        :type traversed: set
        :param model:
        :param plugin:
        :param component:
        :type component: Component
        :param link:
        :type link: Link
        :return: The primary link used in this traversal, i.e. the link
                 passed to it or the first link created.
        if component in traversed:
            return link

        create_link = link is None
        if create_link:
            # New tree, create a link. The component name
            # should contain the body part ID so this name should
            # be unique.
            # The position of the link is determined later when we decide
            # its center of mass.
            link = Link("link_%s" % component.name, self_collide=True)
            child_joints = []

        # Add this component to the link.
        position = link.to_local_frame(component.get_position())
        rotation = link.to_local_direction(component.get_rotation())

        # Add sensors registered on this component

        for conn in component.connections:
            if conn.joint:
                # Create the subtree after the joint
                other_link = self._build_body(traversed, model, plugin, conn.other)
                if other_link is None:
                    # This connection was already created
                    # from the other side.

                # Check whether this component is the parent or the child
                # of the joint connection (it is the parent by default)
                # This is relevant for another reason, because we will
                # be moving the internals of the current joint around
                # to center the inertia later on. This means that for
                # joints for which the current link is the child we need
                # to move the joint as well since the joint position is
                # expressed in the child frame. If the current link is
                # the parent there is no need to move it with this one,
                # and since `create_joint` is called after everything
                # within the child link has been fully neither does
                # the other link code.
                parent_link = link
                child_link = other_link
                is_child = conn.joint.parent is not component

                if is_child:
                    parent_link, child_link = other_link, link

                joint = conn.joint.create_joint(parent_link, child_link,
                                                conn.joint.parent, conn.joint.child)

                if is_child:
                # Just add this element to the current link
                self._build_body(traversed, model, plugin, conn.other, link, child_joints)

        if create_link:
            # Give the link the inertial properties of the combined collision,
            # only calculated by the item which created the link.
            # Note that we need to align the center of mass with the link's origin,
            # which will move the internal components around. In order to compensate
            # for this in the internal position we need to reposition the link according
            # to this change.
            translation = link.align_center_of_mass()

            # Translate all the joints expressed in this link's frame that
            # were created before repositioning
            # Note that the joints need the same translation as the child elements
            # rather than the counter translation of the link.
            for joint in child_joints:

        return link
コード例 #3
ファイル: builder.py プロジェクト: karinemiras/revolve
    def _build_body(self, traversed, model, plugin, component, link=None, child_joints=None):
        :param traversed: Set of components that were already traversed,
                          prevents loops (since all connections are two-sided).
        :type traversed: set
        :param model:
        :param plugin:
        :param component:
        :type component: Component
        :param link:
        :type link: Link
        :return: The primary link used in this traversal, i.e. the link
                 passed to it or the first link created.
        if component in traversed:
            return link

        create_link = link is None
        if create_link:
            # New tree, create a link. The component name
            # should contain the body part ID so this name should
            # be unique.
            # The position of the link is determined later when we decide
            # its center of mass.
            link = Link("link_%s" % component.name, self_collide=True)
            child_joints = []

        # Add this component to the link.
        position = link.to_local_frame(component.get_position())
        rotation = link.to_local_direction(component.get_rotation())

        # Add sensors registered on this component

        for conn in component.connections:
            if conn.joint:
                # Create the subtree after the joint
                other_link = self._build_body(traversed, model, plugin, conn.other)
                if other_link is None:
                    # This connection was already created
                    # from the other side.

                # Check whether this component is the parent or the child
                # of the joint connection (it is the parent by default)
                # This is relevant for another reason, because we will
                # be moving the internals of the current joint around
                # to center the inertia later on. This means that for
                # joints for which the current link is the child we need
                # to move the joint as well since the joint position is
                # expressed in the child frame. If the current link is
                # the parent there is no need to move it with this one,
                # and since `create_joint` is called after everything
                # within the child link has been fully neither does
                # the other link code.
                parent_link = link
                child_link = other_link
                is_child = conn.joint.parent is not component

                if is_child:
                    parent_link, child_link = other_link, link

                joint = conn.joint.create_joint(parent_link, child_link,
                                                conn.joint.parent, conn.joint.child)

                if is_child:
                # Just add this element to the current link
                self._build_body(traversed, model, plugin, conn.other, link, child_joints)

        if create_link:
            # Give the link the inertial properties of the combined collision,
            # only calculated by the item which created the link.
            # Note that we need to align the center of mass with the link's origin,
            # which will move the internal components around. In order to compensate
            # for this in the internal position we need to reposition the link according
            # to this change.
            translation = link.align_center_of_mass()

            # Translate all the joints expressed in this link's frame that
            # were created before repositioning
            # Note that the joints need the same translation as the child elements
            # rather than the counter translation of the link.
            for joint in child_joints:

        return link
コード例 #4
# them around together.
group = PosableGroup()

# Move and rotate the group to confuse the mechanism
# (this should just be undone at the align later)
group.rotate_around(Vector3(1, 1, 0), 0.1 * pi)
group.translate(Vector3(0.6, 0.7, 0.8))

# Create a new, larger box called link 2
link2 = Link("my_link_2")
link2.make_box(2.0, 4, 3, 3)

# Translate and rotate just to add some extra complexity
link2.translate(Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 2))
link2.rotate_around(Vector3(1, 1, 1), 0.5 * pi)

# Now align the group so its right center lands at
# the top center of link 2
    # Center of the right face of box 1
    Vector3(1, 0, 0),

    # Vector normal to box 2 right face
    Vector3(1, 0, 0),

    # Vector normal to box 2 top face should align with...(*)
    Vector3(0, 0, 1),

    # Center of the top face of box 2
コード例 #5
# them around together.
group = PosableGroup()

# Move and rotate the group to confuse the mechanism
# (this should just be undone at the align later)
group.rotate_around(Vector3(1, 1, 0), 0.1 * pi)
group.translate(Vector3(0.6, 0.7, 0.8))

# Create a new, larger box called link 2
link2 = Link("my_link_2")
link2.make_box(2.0, 4, 3, 3)

# Translate and rotate just to add some extra complexity
link2.translate(Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 2))
link2.rotate_around(Vector3(1, 1, 1), 0.5 * pi)

# Now align the group so its right center lands at
# the top center of link 2
    # Center of the right face of box 1
    Vector3(1, 0, 0),

    # Vector normal to box 2 right face
    Vector3(1, 0, 0),

    # Vector normal to box 2 top face should align with...(*)
    Vector3(0, 0, 1),

    # Center of the top face of box 2