コード例 #1
ファイル: config_android.py プロジェクト: zourzouvillys/J2V8
def build_j2v8_java(config):
    # TODO: pass in file arch ABI
    return \
        u.clearNativeLibs(config) + \
        u.copyNativeLibs(config) + \
        u.setVersionEnv(config) + \
        u.gradle("clean assembleRelease")
コード例 #2
ファイル: config_android.py プロジェクト: zourzouvillys/J2V8
def build_j2v8_junit(config):
    # if you are running this step without cross-compiling, it is assumed that a proper target Android device
    # or emulator is running that can execute the tests (platform + architecture must be compatible to the the build settings)

    test_cmds = \
        u.setVersionEnv(config) + \
        u.gradle("connectedCheck --info")

    # we are running a build directly on the host shell
    if (not config.build_agent):
        # just run the tests on the host directly
        return test_cmds

    # we are cross-compiling, run both the emulator and gradle test-runner in parallel
            lambda x: x.replace("$TEST_CMDS", " && ".join(test_cmds)))

        image_arch = config.target.file_abi(config.arch)
        emu_arch = "-arm" if config.arch == c.arch_arm else "64-x86"

            "./docker/android/start-emulator.sh", lambda x: x.replace(
                "$IMG_ARCH", image_arch).replace("$EMU_ARCH", emu_arch))

        return [
            "/usr/bin/supervisord -c /j2v8/docker/android/supervisord.conf"
コード例 #3
def build_j2v8_test(config):
    # if you are running this step without cross-compiling, it is assumed that a proper target Android device
    # or emulator is running that can execute the tests (platform + architecture must be compatible to the the build settings)

    # add the extra step arguments to the command if we got some
    step_args = getattr(config, "args", None)
    step_args = " " + step_args if step_args else ""

    test_cmds = \
        u.setVersionEnv(config) + \
        u.gradle("spoon" + step_args)

    # we are running a build directly on the host shell
    if (not config.cross_agent):
        # just run the tests on the host directly
        return test_cmds

    # we are cross-compiling, run both the emulator and gradle test-runner in parallel
            lambda x: x.replace("$TEST_CMDS", " && ".join(test_cmds)))

        emu_arch = "-arm" if config.arch == c.arch_arm else "64-x86"

            "./docker/android/start-emulator.sh", lambda x: x.replace(
                "$IMG_ARCH", config.file_abi).replace("$EMU_ARCH", emu_arch))

        return [
            "/usr/bin/supervisord -c /j2v8/docker/android/supervisord.conf"
コード例 #4
ファイル: config_android.py プロジェクト: eclipsesource/J2V8
def build_j2v8_test(config):
    # if you are running this step without cross-compiling, it is assumed that a proper target Android device
    # or emulator is running that can execute the tests (platform + architecture must be compatible to the the build settings)

    # add the extra step arguments to the command if we got some
    step_args = getattr(config, "args", None)
    step_args = " " + step_args if step_args else ""

    test_cmds = \
        u.setVersionEnv(config) + \
        u.gradle("spoon" + step_args)

    # we are running a build directly on the host shell
    if (not config.cross_agent):
        # just run the tests on the host directly
        return test_cmds

    # we are cross-compiling, run both the emulator and gradle test-runner in parallel
            lambda x: x.replace("$TEST_CMDS", " && ".join(test_cmds))

        emu_arch = "-arm" if config.arch == c.arch_arm else "64-x86"

            lambda x: x
                .replace("$IMG_ARCH", config.file_abi)
                .replace("$EMU_ARCH", emu_arch)

	os.chmod("./docker/android/start-emulator.sh", 0755)

        return ["/usr/bin/supervisord -c /j2v8/docker/android/supervisord.conf"]
コード例 #5
def build_j2v8_release(config):
    return \
        u.setVersionEnv(config) + \
        u.gradle(" uploadArchives")
コード例 #6
ファイル: config_android.py プロジェクト: eclipsesource/J2V8
def build_j2v8_java(config):
    return \
        u.clearNativeLibs(config) + \
        u.copyNativeLibs(config) + \
        u.setVersionEnv(config) + \
        u.gradle("clean assembleRelease")
コード例 #7
ファイル: config_android.py プロジェクト: eclipsesource/J2V8
def build_j2v8_release(config):
    return \
        u.setVersionEnv(config) + \
        u.gradle(" uploadArchives")