def replay_on_holdout(args, sim_env): holdoutfile = h5py.File(args.holdoutfile, 'r') tasks = eval_util.get_specified_tasks(args.tasks, args.taskfile, args.i_start, args.i_end) loadresultfile = h5py.File(args.loadresultfile, 'r') loadresult_items = eval_util.get_holdout_items(loadresultfile, tasks) num_successes = 0 num_total = 0 for i_task, demo_id_rope_nodes in loadresult_items: print "task %s" % i_task sim_util.reset_arms_to_side(sim_env) redprint("Replace rope") rope_nodes, rope_params, _, _ = eval_util.load_task_results_init(args.loadresultfile, i_task) # uncomment if the results file don't have the right rope nodes #rope_nodes = demo_id_rope_nodes["rope_nodes"][:] if args.replay_rope_params: rope_params = args.replay_rope_params # don't call replace_rope and sim.settle() directly. use time machine interface for deterministic results! time_machine = sim_util.RopeSimTimeMachine(rope_nodes, sim_env) if args.animation: sim_env.viewer.Step() eval_util.save_task_results_init(args.resultfile, sim_env, i_task, rope_nodes, rope_params) for i_step in range(len(loadresultfile[i_task]) - (1 if 'init' in loadresultfile[i_task] else 0)): print "task %s step %i" % (i_task, i_step) sim_util.reset_arms_to_side(sim_env) redprint("Observe point cloud") new_xyz = sim_env.sim.observe_cloud() eval_stats = eval_util.EvalStats() best_action, full_trajs, q_values, trans, rots = eval_util.load_task_results_step(args.loadresultfile, sim_env, i_task, i_step) time_machine.set_checkpoint('depth_0_%i'%i_step, sim_env) time_machine.restore_from_checkpoint('depth_0_%i'%i_step, sim_env, sim_util.get_rope_params(rope_params)) eval_stats.success, eval_stats.feasible, eval_stats.misgrasp, full_trajs = simulate_demo_traj(sim_env, new_xyz, GlobalVars.actions[best_action], full_trajs, animate=args.animation, interactive=args.interactive) print "BEST ACTION:", best_action replay_trans, replay_rots = sim_util.get_rope_transforms(sim_env) if np.linalg.norm(trans - replay_trans) > 0 or np.linalg.norm(rots - replay_rots) > 0: yellowprint("The rope transforms of the replay rope doesn't match the ones in the original result file by %f and %f" % (np.linalg.norm(trans - replay_trans), np.linalg.norm(rots - replay_rots))) else: yellowprint("Reproducible results OK") eval_util.save_task_results_step(args.resultfile, sim_env, i_task, i_step, eval_stats, best_action, full_trajs, q_values) if is_knot(sim_env.sim.rope.GetControlPoints()): break; if is_knot(sim_env.sim.rope.GetControlPoints()): num_successes += 1 num_total += 1 redprint('REPLAY Successes / Total: ' + str(num_successes) + '/' + str(num_total))
def load_simulation(args, sim_env): sim_env.env = openravepy.Environment() sim_env.env.StopSimulation() sim_env.env.Load("robots/pr2-beta-static.zae") sim_env.robot = sim_env.env.GetRobots()[0] actions = h5py.File(args.actionfile, 'r') fakedatafile = h5py.File(args.fakedatafile, 'r') GlobalVars.init_tfm = fakedatafile['init_tfm'][()] init_rope_xyz, _ = sim_util.load_fake_data_segment(sim_env, fakedatafile, args.fake_data_segment, args.fake_data_transform) # this also sets the torso (torso_lift_joint) to the height in the data # Set table height to correct height of first rope in holdout set holdoutfile = h5py.File(args.holdoutfile, 'r') first_holdout = holdoutfile[holdoutfile.keys()[0]] init_rope_xyz = first_holdout['rope_nodes'][:] if 'frame' not in first_holdout or first_holdout['frame'][()] != 'r': init_rope_xyz =[:3,:3].T) + GlobalVars.init_tfm[:3,3][None,:] table_height = init_rope_xyz[:,2].mean() - .02 # Before: .02 table_xml = sim_util.make_table_xml(translation=[1, 0, table_height], extents=[.85, .55, .01]) sim_env.env.LoadData(table_xml) if 'bookshelve' in args.obstacles: sim_env.env.Load("data/bookshelves.env.xml") if 'boxes' in args.obstacles: sim_env.env.LoadData(sim_util.make_box_xml("box0", [.7,.43,table_height+(.01+.12)], [.12,.12,.12])) sim_env.env.LoadData(sim_util.make_box_xml("box1", [.74,.47,table_height+(.01+.12*2+.08)], [.08,.08,.08])) cc = trajoptpy.GetCollisionChecker(sim_env.env) for gripper_link in [link for link in sim_env.robot.GetLinks() if 'gripper' in link.GetName()]: cc.ExcludeCollisionPair(gripper_link, sim_env.env.GetKinBody('table').GetLinks()[0]) sim_util.reset_arms_to_side(sim_env) if args.animation: sim_env.viewer = trajoptpy.GetViewer(sim_env.env) if args.animation > 1 and os.path.isfile(args.window_prop_file) and os.path.isfile(args.camera_matrix_file): print "loading window and camera properties" window_prop = np.loadtxt(args.window_prop_file) camera_matrix = np.loadtxt(args.camera_matrix_file) try: sim_env.viewer.SetWindowProp(*window_prop) sim_env.viewer.SetCameraManipulatorMatrix(camera_matrix) except: print "SetWindowProp and SetCameraManipulatorMatrix are not defined. Pull and recompile Trajopt." else: print "move viewer to viewpoint that isn't stupid" print "then hit 'p' to continue" sim_env.viewer.Idle() print "saving window and camera properties" try: window_prop = sim_env.viewer.GetWindowProp() camera_matrix = sim_env.viewer.GetCameraManipulatorMatrix() np.savetxt(args.window_prop_file, window_prop, fmt='%d') np.savetxt(args.camera_matrix_file, camera_matrix) except: print "GetWindowProp and GetCameraManipulatorMatrix are not defined. Pull and recompile Trajopt."
def eval_demo_playback(args, sim_env): actionfile = GlobalVars.actions num_successes = 0 num_total = 0 actions_names = [] for action_name in actionfile: actions_names.append(action_name) i = 0 i_task = 0 i_step = 0 while i < len(actions_names): (demo_name, seg_name) = actions_names[i].split('-') if seg_name == 'seg00': if i > 0: if is_knot(sim_env.sim.rope.GetControlPoints()): redprint("KNOT TIED!") num_successes += 1 num_total += 1 i_task += 1 i_step = 0 print "task %s" % demo_name sim_util.reset_arms_to_side(sim_env, floating=True) redprint("Replace rope") rope_xyz = np.asarray(actionfile[actions_names[i]]['cloud_xyz']) rope_nodes = rope_initialization.find_path_through_point_cloud(rope_xyz) # don't call replace_rope and sim.settle() directly. use time machine interface for deterministic results! time_machine = sim_util.RopeSimTimeMachine(rope_nodes, sim_env, rope_params=sim_util.get_rope_params("thick"), floating=True) if args.animation: sim_env.viewer.Step() print "task %s step %i" % (i_task, i_step) sim_util.reset_arms_to_side(sim_env, floating=True) redprint("Observe point cloud") #new_xyz = sim_env.sim.observe_cloud(GlobalVars.rope_observe_cloud_upsample) new_xyz = sim_env.sim.observe_cloud2(0.01, GlobalVars.rope_observe_cloud_upsample, 1, 4) state = ("eval_%i"%get_unique_id(), new_xyz) action = actions_names[i] eval_stats = eval_util.EvalStats() eval_stats.success, eval_stats.feasible, eval_stats.misgrasp, full_trajs = \ compute_trans_traj(sim_env, new_xyz, GlobalVars.actions[action], animate=args.animation, interactive=args.interactive) i += 1 num_total += 1 redprint('Eval Successes / Total: ' + str(num_successes) + '/' + str(num_total))
def load_simulation(args, sim_env): sim_env.env = openravepy.Environment() sim_env.env.StopSimulation() actions = h5py.File(args.actionfile, 'r') fakedatafile = h5py.File(args.fakedatafile, 'r') GlobalVars.init_tfm = fakedatafile['init_tfm'][()] init_rope_xyz, _ = sim_util.load_fake_data_segment(sim_env, fakedatafile, args.fake_data_segment, args.fake_data_transform, floating=True) # this also sets the torso (torso_lift_joint) to the height in the data GlobalVars.init_tfm = GlobalVars.init_tfm # Set table height to correct height of first rope in holdout set holdoutfile = h5py.File(args.holdoutfile, 'r') first_holdout = holdoutfile[holdoutfile.keys()[0]] init_rope_xyz = first_holdout['rope_nodes'][:] if 'frame' not in first_holdout or first_holdout['frame'][()] != 'r': init_rope_xyz =[:3,:3].T) + GlobalVars.init_tfm[:3,3][None,:] table_height = init_rope_xyz[:,2].mean() - .02 # Before: .02 GlobalVars.table_height = table_height table_xml = sim_util.make_table_xml(translation=[1, 0, table_height], extents=[.85, .55, .01]) sim_env.env.LoadData(table_xml) sim_util.reset_arms_to_side(sim_env, floating=True) if args.animation: sim_env.viewer = trajoptpy.GetViewer(sim_env.env) table = sim_env.env.GetKinBody('table') sim_env.viewer.SetTransparency(table, 0.4) if args.animation > 1 and os.path.isfile(args.window_prop_file) and os.path.isfile(args.camera_matrix_file): print "loading window and camera properties" window_prop = np.loadtxt(args.window_prop_file) camera_matrix = np.loadtxt(args.camera_matrix_file) try: sim_env.viewer.SetWindowProp(*window_prop) sim_env.viewer.SetCameraManipulatorMatrix(camera_matrix) except: print "SetWindowProp and SetCameraManipulatorMatrix are not defined. Pull and recompile Trajopt." else: print "move viewer to viewpoint that isn't stupid" print "then hit 'p' to continue" sim_env.viewer.Idle() print "saving window and camera properties" try: window_prop = sim_env.viewer.GetWindowProp() camera_matrix = sim_env.viewer.GetCameraManipulatorMatrix() np.savetxt(args.window_prop_file, window_prop, fmt='%d') np.savetxt(args.camera_matrix_file, camera_matrix) except: print "GetWindowProp and GetCameraManipulatorMatrix are not defined. Pull and recompile Trajopt."
def simulate_demo_traj(sim_env, new_xyz, seg_info, full_trajs, ignore_infeasibility=True, animate=False, interactive=False): sim_util.reset_arms_to_side(sim_env) old_xyz = np.squeeze(seg_info["cloud_xyz"]) old_xyz = clouds.downsample(old_xyz, DS_SIZE) new_xyz = clouds.downsample(new_xyz, DS_SIZE) handles = [] if animate: handles.append(sim_env.env.plot3(old_xyz,5, (1,0,0))) handles.append(sim_env.env.plot3(new_xyz,5, (0,0,1))) miniseg_starts, miniseg_ends, _ = sim_util.split_trajectory_by_gripper(seg_info, thresh = GRIPPER_ANGLE_THRESHOLD) success = True feasible = True misgrasp = False print colorize.colorize("mini segments:", "red"), miniseg_starts, miniseg_ends for (i_miniseg, (i_start, i_end)) in enumerate(zip(miniseg_starts, miniseg_ends)): if i_miniseg >= len(full_trajs): break full_traj = full_trajs[i_miniseg] for lr in 'lr': gripper_open = sim_util.binarize_gripper(seg_info["%s_gripper_joint"%lr][i_start], GRIPPER_ANGLE_THRESHOLD) prev_gripper_open = sim_util.binarize_gripper(seg_info["%s_gripper_joint"%lr][i_start-1], GRIPPER_ANGLE_THRESHOLD) if i_start != 0 else False if not sim_util.set_gripper_maybesim(sim_env, lr, gripper_open, prev_gripper_open): redprint("Grab %s failed" % lr) misgrasp = True success = False if not success: break if len(full_traj[0]) > 0: if not eval_util.traj_is_safe(sim_env, full_traj, COLLISION_DIST_THRESHOLD): redprint("Trajectory not feasible") feasible = False if feasible or ignore_infeasibility: success &= sim_util.sim_full_traj_maybesim(sim_env, full_traj, animate=animate, interactive=interactive) else: success = False if not success: break sim_env.sim.settle(animate=animate) sim_env.sim.release_rope('l') sim_env.sim.release_rope('r') sim_util.reset_arms_to_side(sim_env) if animate: sim_env.viewer.Step() return success, feasible, misgrasp, full_trajs
def load_simulation(args, sim_env): sim_env.env = openravepy.Environment() sim_env.env.StopSimulation() sim_env.env.Load("robots/pr2-beta-static.zae") sim_env.robot = sim_env.env.GetRobots()[0] actions = h5py.File(args.actionfile, 'r') fakedatafile = h5py.File(args.fakedatafile, 'r') GlobalVars.init_tfm = fakedatafile['init_tfm'][()] init_rope_xyz, _ = sim_util.load_fake_data_segment( sim_env, fakedatafile, args.fake_data_segment, args.fake_data_transform ) # this also sets the torso (torso_lift_joint) to the height in the data # Set table height to correct height of first rope in holdout set holdoutfile = h5py.File(args.holdoutfile, 'r') first_holdout = holdoutfile[holdoutfile.keys()[0]] init_rope_xyz = first_holdout['rope_nodes'][:] if 'frame' not in first_holdout or first_holdout['frame'][()] != 'r': init_rope_xyz = GlobalVars.init_tfm[:3, :3].T) + GlobalVars.init_tfm[:3, 3][None, :] table_height = init_rope_xyz[:, 2].mean() - .02 # Before: .02 table_xml = sim_util.make_table_xml(translation=[1, 0, table_height], extents=[.85, .55, .01]) sim_env.env.LoadData(table_xml) if 'bookshelve' in args.obstacles: sim_env.env.Load("data/bookshelves.env.xml") if 'boxes' in args.obstacles: sim_env.env.LoadData( sim_util.make_box_xml("box0", [.7, .43, table_height + (.01 + .12)], [.12, .12, .12])) sim_env.env.LoadData( sim_util.make_box_xml( "box1", [.74, .47, table_height + (.01 + .12 * 2 + .08)], [.08, .08, .08])) cc = trajoptpy.GetCollisionChecker(sim_env.env) for gripper_link in [ link for link in sim_env.robot.GetLinks() if 'gripper' in link.GetName() ]: cc.ExcludeCollisionPair(gripper_link, sim_env.env.GetKinBody('table').GetLinks()[0]) sim_util.reset_arms_to_side(sim_env) if args.animation: sim_env.viewer = trajoptpy.GetViewer(sim_env.env) if args.animation > 1 and os.path.isfile( args.window_prop_file) and os.path.isfile( args.camera_matrix_file): print "loading window and camera properties" window_prop = np.loadtxt(args.window_prop_file) camera_matrix = np.loadtxt(args.camera_matrix_file) try: sim_env.viewer.SetWindowProp(*window_prop) sim_env.viewer.SetCameraManipulatorMatrix(camera_matrix) except: print "SetWindowProp and SetCameraManipulatorMatrix are not defined. Pull and recompile Trajopt." else: print "move viewer to viewpoint that isn't stupid" print "then hit 'p' to continue" sim_env.viewer.Idle() print "saving window and camera properties" try: window_prop = sim_env.viewer.GetWindowProp() camera_matrix = sim_env.viewer.GetCameraManipulatorMatrix() np.savetxt(args.window_prop_file, window_prop, fmt='%d') np.savetxt(args.camera_matrix_file, camera_matrix) except: print "GetWindowProp and GetCameraManipulatorMatrix are not defined. Pull and recompile Trajopt."
def replay_on_holdout(args, sim_env): holdoutfile = h5py.File(args.holdoutfile, 'r') tasks = eval_util.get_specified_tasks(args.tasks, args.taskfile, args.i_start, args.i_end) loadresultfile = h5py.File(args.loadresultfile, 'r') loadresult_items = eval_util.get_holdout_items(loadresultfile, tasks) num_successes = 0 num_total = 0 for i_task, demo_id_rope_nodes in loadresult_items: print "task %s" % i_task sim_util.reset_arms_to_side(sim_env) redprint("Replace rope") rope_nodes, rope_params, _, _ = eval_util.load_task_results_init( args.loadresultfile, i_task) # uncomment if the results file don't have the right rope nodes #rope_nodes = demo_id_rope_nodes["rope_nodes"][:] if args.replay_rope_params: rope_params = args.replay_rope_params # don't call replace_rope and sim.settle() directly. use time machine interface for deterministic results! time_machine = sim_util.RopeSimTimeMachine(rope_nodes, sim_env) if args.animation: sim_env.viewer.Step() eval_util.save_task_results_init(args.resultfile, sim_env, i_task, rope_nodes, rope_params) for i_step in range( len(loadresultfile[i_task]) - (1 if 'init' in loadresultfile[i_task] else 0)): print "task %s step %i" % (i_task, i_step) sim_util.reset_arms_to_side(sim_env) redprint("Observe point cloud") new_xyz = sim_env.sim.observe_cloud() eval_stats = eval_util.EvalStats() best_action, full_trajs, q_values, trans, rots = eval_util.load_task_results_step( args.loadresultfile, sim_env, i_task, i_step) time_machine.set_checkpoint('depth_0_%i' % i_step, sim_env) time_machine.restore_from_checkpoint( 'depth_0_%i' % i_step, sim_env, sim_util.get_rope_params(rope_params)) eval_stats.success, eval_stats.feasible, eval_stats.misgrasp, full_trajs = simulate_demo_traj( sim_env, new_xyz, GlobalVars.actions[best_action], full_trajs, animate=args.animation, interactive=args.interactive) print "BEST ACTION:", best_action replay_trans, replay_rots = sim_util.get_rope_transforms(sim_env) if np.linalg.norm(trans - replay_trans) > 0 or np.linalg.norm( rots - replay_rots) > 0: yellowprint( "The rope transforms of the replay rope doesn't match the ones in the original result file by %f and %f" % (np.linalg.norm(trans - replay_trans), np.linalg.norm(rots - replay_rots))) else: yellowprint("Reproducible results OK") eval_util.save_task_results_step(args.resultfile, sim_env, i_task, i_step, eval_stats, best_action, full_trajs, q_values) if is_knot(sim_env.sim.rope.GetControlPoints()): break if is_knot(sim_env.sim.rope.GetControlPoints()): num_successes += 1 num_total += 1 redprint('REPLAY Successes / Total: ' + str(num_successes) + '/' + str(num_total))
def eval_on_holdout(args, sim_env): feature_fn, _, num_features, actions = select_feature_fn(args) weightfile = h5py.File(args.weightfile, 'r') weights = weightfile['weights'][:] w0 = weightfile['w0'][()] if 'w0' in weightfile else 0 weightfile.close() assert weights.shape[ 0] == num_features, "Dimensions of weights and features don't match. Make sure the right feature is being used" holdoutfile = h5py.File(args.holdoutfile, 'r') tasks = eval_util.get_specified_tasks(args.tasks, args.taskfile, args.i_start, args.i_end) holdout_items = eval_util.get_holdout_items(holdoutfile, tasks) num_successes = 0 num_total = 0 for i_task, demo_id_rope_nodes in holdout_items: print "task %s" % i_task sim_util.reset_arms_to_side(sim_env) redprint("Replace rope") rope_xyz = demo_id_rope_nodes["rope_nodes"][:] # Transform rope_nodes from the kinect's frame into the frame of the PR2 if 'frame' not in demo_id_rope_nodes or demo_id_rope_nodes['frame'][ ()] != 'r': redprint("Transforming rope into frame of robot") rope_xyz =[:3, :3].T ) + GlobalVars.init_tfm[:3, 3][None, :] rope_nodes = rope_initialization.find_path_through_point_cloud( rope_xyz) # don't call replace_rope and sim.settle() directly. use time machine interface for deterministic results! time_machine = sim_util.RopeSimTimeMachine(rope_nodes, sim_env) if args.animation: sim_env.viewer.Step() eval_util.save_task_results_init(args.resultfile, sim_env, i_task, rope_nodes, args.exec_rope_params) for i_step in range(args.num_steps): print "task %s step %i" % (i_task, i_step) sim_util.reset_arms_to_side(sim_env) redprint("Observe point cloud") new_xyz = sim_env.sim.observe_cloud() state = ("eval_%i" % get_unique_id(), new_xyz) redprint("Choosing an action") q_values = [ q_value_fn(state, action, feature_fn, weights, w0) for action in actions ] q_values_root = q_values time_machine.set_checkpoint('depth_0_%i' % i_step, sim_env) assert args.lookahead_width >= 1, 'Lookahead branches set to zero will fail to select any action' agenda = sorted(zip(q_values, actions), key=lambda v: -v[0])[:args.lookahead_width] agenda = [ (v, a, 'depth_0_%i' % i_step, a) for (v, a) in agenda ] # state is (value, most recent action, checkpoint id, root action) best_root_action = None for depth in range(args.lookahead_depth): expansion_results = [] for (branch, (q, a, chkpt, r_a)) in enumerate(agenda): time_machine.restore_from_checkpoint( chkpt, sim_env, sim_util.get_rope_params(args.lookahead_rope_params)) cur_xyz = sim_env.sim.observe_cloud() success, _, _, full_trajs = \ compute_trans_traj(sim_env, cur_xyz, GlobalVars.actions[a], animate=args.animation, interactive=False) if args.animation: sim_env.viewer.Step() if is_knot(sim_env.sim.rope.GetControlPoints()): best_root_action = r_a break result_cloud = sim_env.sim.observe_cloud() result_chkpt = 'depth_%i_branch_%i_%i' % (depth + 1, branch, i_step) if depth != args.lookahead_depth - 1: # don't save checkpoint at the last depth to save computation time time_machine.set_checkpoint(result_chkpt, sim_env) expansion_results.append( (result_cloud, a, success, result_chkpt, r_a)) if best_root_action is not None: redprint('Knot Found, stopping search early') break agenda = [] for (cld, incoming_a, success, chkpt, r_a) in expansion_results: if not success: agenda.append((-np.inf, actions[0], chkpt, r_a)) # TODO why first action? continue next_state = ("eval_%i" % get_unique_id(), cld) q_values = [(q_value_fn(next_state, action, feature_fn, weights, w0), action, chkpt, r_a) for action in actions] agenda.extend(q_values) agenda.sort(key=lambda v: -v[0]) agenda = agenda[:args.lookahead_width] first_root_action = agenda[0][-1] if all(r_a == first_root_action for (_, _, _, r_a) in agenda): best_root_action = first_root_action redprint( 'All best actions have same root, stopping search early' ) break if best_root_action is None: best_root_action = agenda[0][-1] time_machine.restore_from_checkpoint( 'depth_0_%i' % i_step, sim_env, sim_util.get_rope_params(args.exec_rope_params)) eval_stats = eval_util.EvalStats() eval_stats.success, eval_stats.feasible, eval_stats.misgrasp, full_trajs = \ compute_trans_traj(sim_env, new_xyz, GlobalVars.actions[best_root_action], animate=args.animation, interactive=args.interactive) print "BEST ACTION:", best_root_action eval_util.save_task_results_step(args.resultfile, sim_env, i_task, i_step, eval_stats, best_root_action, full_trajs, q_values_root) if is_knot(sim_env.sim.rope.GetControlPoints()): redprint("KNOT TIED!") break if is_knot(sim_env.sim.rope.GetControlPoints()): num_successes += 1 num_total += 1 redprint('Eval Successes / Total: ' + str(num_successes) + '/' + str(num_total))
def simulate_demo_traj(sim_env, new_xyz, seg_info, full_trajs, ignore_infeasibility=True, animate=False, interactive=False): sim_util.reset_arms_to_side(sim_env) old_xyz = np.squeeze(seg_info["cloud_xyz"]) old_xyz = clouds.downsample(old_xyz, DS_SIZE) new_xyz = clouds.downsample(new_xyz, DS_SIZE) handles = [] if animate: handles.append(sim_env.env.plot3(old_xyz, 5, (1, 0, 0))) handles.append(sim_env.env.plot3(new_xyz, 5, (0, 0, 1))) miniseg_starts, miniseg_ends, _ = sim_util.split_trajectory_by_gripper( seg_info, thresh=GRIPPER_ANGLE_THRESHOLD) success = True feasible = True misgrasp = False print colorize.colorize("mini segments:", "red"), miniseg_starts, miniseg_ends for (i_miniseg, (i_start, i_end)) in enumerate(zip(miniseg_starts, miniseg_ends)): if i_miniseg >= len(full_trajs): break full_traj = full_trajs[i_miniseg] for lr in 'lr': gripper_open = sim_util.binarize_gripper( seg_info["%s_gripper_joint" % lr][i_start], GRIPPER_ANGLE_THRESHOLD) prev_gripper_open = sim_util.binarize_gripper( seg_info["%s_gripper_joint" % lr][i_start - 1], GRIPPER_ANGLE_THRESHOLD) if i_start != 0 else False if not sim_util.set_gripper_maybesim(sim_env, lr, gripper_open, prev_gripper_open): redprint("Grab %s failed" % lr) misgrasp = True success = False if not success: break if len(full_traj[0]) > 0: if not eval_util.traj_is_safe(sim_env, full_traj, COLLISION_DIST_THRESHOLD): redprint("Trajectory not feasible") feasible = False if feasible or ignore_infeasibility: success &= sim_util.sim_full_traj_maybesim( sim_env, full_traj, animate=animate, interactive=interactive) else: success = False if not success: break sim_env.sim.settle(animate=animate) sim_env.sim.release_rope('l') sim_env.sim.release_rope('r') sim_util.reset_arms_to_side(sim_env) if animate: sim_env.viewer.Step() return success, feasible, misgrasp, full_trajs
def compute_trans_traj(sim_env, new_xyz, seg_info, ignore_infeasibility=True, animate=False, interactive=False): sim_util.reset_arms_to_side(sim_env) redprint("Generating end-effector trajectory") old_xyz = np.squeeze(seg_info["cloud_xyz"]) old_xyz = clouds.downsample(old_xyz, DS_SIZE) new_xyz = clouds.downsample(new_xyz, DS_SIZE) link_names = ["%s_gripper_tool_frame" % lr for lr in ('lr')] hmat_list = [(lr, seg_info[ln]['hmat']) for lr, ln in zip('lr', link_names)] if GlobalVars.gripper_weighting: interest_pts = get_closing_pts(seg_info) else: interest_pts = None lr2eetraj, _, old_xyz_warped = warp_hmats_tfm(old_xyz, new_xyz, hmat_list, interest_pts) handles = [] if animate: handles.append(sim_env.env.plot3(old_xyz, 5, (1, 0, 0))) handles.append(sim_env.env.plot3(new_xyz, 5, (0, 0, 1))) handles.append(sim_env.env.plot3(old_xyz_warped, 5, (0, 1, 0))) miniseg_starts, miniseg_ends, _ = sim_util.split_trajectory_by_gripper( seg_info, thresh=GRIPPER_ANGLE_THRESHOLD) success = True feasible = True misgrasp = False print colorize.colorize("mini segments:", "red"), miniseg_starts, miniseg_ends full_trajs = [] prev_vals = {lr: None for lr in 'lr'} for (i_miniseg, (i_start, i_end)) in enumerate(zip(miniseg_starts, miniseg_ends)): ################################ redprint("Generating joint trajectory for part %i" % (i_miniseg)) # figure out how we're gonna resample stuff # Use inverse kinematics to get trajectory for initializing TrajOpt, # since demonstrations library does not contain joint angle data for # left and right arms ee_hmats = {} for lr in 'lr': ee_link_name = "%s_gripper_tool_frame" % lr # TODO: Change # of timesteps for resampling? ee_hmats[ee_link_name] = resampling.interp_hmats( np.arange(i_end + 1 - i_start), np.arange(i_end + 1 - i_start), lr2eetraj[lr][i_start:i_end + 1]) lr2oldtraj = get_old_joint_traj_ik(sim_env, ee_hmats, prev_vals, i_start, i_end) #lr2oldtraj = {} #for lr in 'lr': # manip_name = {"l":"leftarm", "r":"rightarm"}[lr] # old_joint_traj = asarray(seg_info[manip_name][i_start:i_end+1]) # #print (old_joint_traj[1:] - old_joint_traj[:-1]).ptp(axis=0), i_start, i_end # if sim_util.arm_moved(old_joint_traj): # lr2oldtraj[lr] = old_joint_traj if len(lr2oldtraj) > 0: old_total_traj = np.concatenate(lr2oldtraj.values(), 1) JOINT_LENGTH_PER_STEP = .1 _, timesteps_rs = sim_util.unif_resample(old_total_traj, JOINT_LENGTH_PER_STEP) #### ### Generate fullbody traj bodypart2traj = {} for (lr, old_joint_traj) in lr2oldtraj.items(): manip_name = {"l": "leftarm", "r": "rightarm"}[lr] old_joint_traj_rs = mu.interp2d(timesteps_rs, np.arange(len(old_joint_traj)), old_joint_traj) ee_link_name = "%s_gripper_tool_frame" % lr new_ee_traj = lr2eetraj[lr][i_start:i_end + 1] new_ee_traj_rs = resampling.interp_hmats( timesteps_rs, np.arange(len(new_ee_traj)), new_ee_traj) print "planning trajectory following" new_joint_traj, pose_errs = planning.plan_follow_traj( sim_env.robot, manip_name, sim_env.robot.GetLink(ee_link_name), new_ee_traj_rs, old_joint_traj_rs) prev_vals[lr] = new_joint_traj[-1] part_name = {"l": "larm", "r": "rarm"}[lr] bodypart2traj[part_name] = new_joint_traj ################################ redprint("Executing joint trajectory for part %i using arms '%s'" % (i_miniseg, bodypart2traj.keys())) full_traj = sim_util.getFullTraj(sim_env, bodypart2traj) full_trajs.append(full_traj) for lr in 'lr': gripper_open = sim_util.binarize_gripper( seg_info["%s_gripper_joint" % lr][i_start], GRIPPER_ANGLE_THRESHOLD) prev_gripper_open = sim_util.binarize_gripper( seg_info["%s_gripper_joint" % lr][i_start - 1], GRIPPER_ANGLE_THRESHOLD) if i_start != 0 else False if not sim_util.set_gripper_maybesim(sim_env, lr, gripper_open, prev_gripper_open): redprint("Grab %s failed" % lr) misgrasp = True success = False if not success: break if len(full_traj[0]) > 0: if not eval_util.traj_is_safe(sim_env, full_traj, COLLISION_DIST_THRESHOLD): redprint("Trajectory not feasible") feasible = False if feasible or ignore_infeasibility: success &= sim_util.sim_full_traj_maybesim( sim_env, full_traj, animate=animate, interactive=interactive) else: success = False if not success: break sim_env.sim.settle(animate=animate) sim_env.sim.release_rope('l') sim_env.sim.release_rope('r') sim_util.reset_arms_to_side(sim_env) if animate: sim_env.viewer.Step() return success, feasible, misgrasp, full_trajs
def eval_on_holdout(args, sim_env): feature_fn, _, num_features, actions = select_feature_fn(args) weightfile = h5py.File(args.weightfile, 'r') weights = weightfile['weights'][:] w0 = weightfile['w0'][()] if 'w0' in weightfile else 0 weightfile.close() assert weights.shape[0] == num_features, "Dimensions of weights and features don't match. Make sure the right feature is being used" holdoutfile = h5py.File(args.holdoutfile, 'r') tasks = eval_util.get_specified_tasks(args.tasks, args.taskfile, args.i_start, args.i_end) holdout_items = eval_util.get_holdout_items(holdoutfile, tasks) num_successes = 0 num_total = 0 for i_task, demo_id_rope_nodes in holdout_items: print "task %s" % i_task sim_util.reset_arms_to_side(sim_env) redprint("Replace rope") rope_xyz = demo_id_rope_nodes["rope_nodes"][:] # Transform rope_nodes from the kinect's frame into the frame of the PR2 if 'frame' not in demo_id_rope_nodes or demo_id_rope_nodes['frame'][()] != 'r': redprint("Transforming rope into frame of robot") rope_xyz =[:3,:3].T) + GlobalVars.init_tfm[:3,3][None,:] rope_nodes = rope_initialization.find_path_through_point_cloud(rope_xyz) # don't call replace_rope and sim.settle() directly. use time machine interface for deterministic results! time_machine = sim_util.RopeSimTimeMachine(rope_nodes, sim_env) if args.animation: sim_env.viewer.Step() eval_util.save_task_results_init(args.resultfile, sim_env, i_task, rope_nodes, args.exec_rope_params) for i_step in range(args.num_steps): print "task %s step %i" % (i_task, i_step) sim_util.reset_arms_to_side(sim_env) redprint("Observe point cloud") new_xyz = sim_env.sim.observe_cloud() state = ("eval_%i"%get_unique_id(), new_xyz) redprint("Choosing an action") q_values = [q_value_fn(state, action, feature_fn, weights, w0) for action in actions] q_values_root = q_values time_machine.set_checkpoint('depth_0_%i'%i_step, sim_env) assert args.lookahead_width>= 1, 'Lookahead branches set to zero will fail to select any action' agenda = sorted(zip(q_values, actions), key = lambda v: -v[0])[:args.lookahead_width] agenda = [(v, a, 'depth_0_%i'%i_step, a) for (v, a) in agenda] # state is (value, most recent action, checkpoint id, root action) best_root_action = None for depth in range(args.lookahead_depth): expansion_results = [] for (branch, (q, a, chkpt, r_a)) in enumerate(agenda): time_machine.restore_from_checkpoint(chkpt, sim_env, sim_util.get_rope_params(args.lookahead_rope_params)) cur_xyz = sim_env.sim.observe_cloud() success, _, _, full_trajs = \ compute_trans_traj(sim_env, cur_xyz, GlobalVars.actions[a], animate=args.animation, interactive=False) if args.animation: sim_env.viewer.Step() if is_knot(sim_env.sim.rope.GetControlPoints()): best_root_action = r_a break result_cloud = sim_env.sim.observe_cloud() result_chkpt = 'depth_%i_branch_%i_%i'%(depth+1, branch, i_step) if depth != args.lookahead_depth-1: # don't save checkpoint at the last depth to save computation time time_machine.set_checkpoint(result_chkpt, sim_env) expansion_results.append((result_cloud, a, success, result_chkpt, r_a)) if best_root_action is not None: redprint('Knot Found, stopping search early') break agenda = [] for (cld, incoming_a, success, chkpt, r_a) in expansion_results: if not success: agenda.append((-np.inf, actions[0], chkpt, r_a)) # TODO why first action? continue next_state = ("eval_%i"%get_unique_id(), cld) q_values = [(q_value_fn(next_state, action, feature_fn, weights, w0), action, chkpt, r_a) for action in actions] agenda.extend(q_values) agenda.sort(key = lambda v: -v[0]) agenda = agenda[:args.lookahead_width] first_root_action = agenda[0][-1] if all(r_a == first_root_action for (_, _, _, r_a) in agenda): best_root_action = first_root_action redprint('All best actions have same root, stopping search early') break if best_root_action is None: best_root_action = agenda[0][-1] time_machine.restore_from_checkpoint('depth_0_%i'%i_step, sim_env, sim_util.get_rope_params(args.exec_rope_params)) eval_stats = eval_util.EvalStats() eval_stats.success, eval_stats.feasible, eval_stats.misgrasp, full_trajs = \ compute_trans_traj(sim_env, new_xyz, GlobalVars.actions[best_root_action], animate=args.animation, interactive=args.interactive) print "BEST ACTION:", best_root_action eval_util.save_task_results_step(args.resultfile, sim_env, i_task, i_step, eval_stats, best_root_action, full_trajs, q_values_root) if is_knot(sim_env.sim.rope.GetControlPoints()): redprint("KNOT TIED!") break; if is_knot(sim_env.sim.rope.GetControlPoints()): num_successes += 1 num_total += 1 redprint('Eval Successes / Total: ' + str(num_successes) + '/' + str(num_total))
def compute_trans_traj(sim_env, new_xyz, seg_info, ignore_infeasibility=True, animate=False, interactive=False): sim_util.reset_arms_to_side(sim_env) redprint("Generating end-effector trajectory") old_xyz = np.squeeze(seg_info["cloud_xyz"]) old_xyz = clouds.downsample(old_xyz, DS_SIZE) new_xyz = clouds.downsample(new_xyz, DS_SIZE) link_names = ["%s_gripper_tool_frame"%lr for lr in ('lr')] hmat_list = [(lr, seg_info[ln]['hmat']) for lr, ln in zip('lr', link_names)] if GlobalVars.gripper_weighting: interest_pts = get_closing_pts(seg_info) else: interest_pts = None lr2eetraj, _, old_xyz_warped = warp_hmats_tfm(old_xyz, new_xyz, hmat_list, interest_pts) handles = [] if animate: handles.append(sim_env.env.plot3(old_xyz,5, (1,0,0))) handles.append(sim_env.env.plot3(new_xyz,5, (0,0,1))) handles.append(sim_env.env.plot3(old_xyz_warped,5, (0,1,0))) miniseg_starts, miniseg_ends, _ = sim_util.split_trajectory_by_gripper(seg_info, thresh = GRIPPER_ANGLE_THRESHOLD) success = True feasible = True misgrasp = False print colorize.colorize("mini segments:", "red"), miniseg_starts, miniseg_ends full_trajs = [] prev_vals = {lr:None for lr in 'lr'} for (i_miniseg, (i_start, i_end)) in enumerate(zip(miniseg_starts, miniseg_ends)): ################################ redprint("Generating joint trajectory for part %i"%(i_miniseg)) # figure out how we're gonna resample stuff # Use inverse kinematics to get trajectory for initializing TrajOpt, # since demonstrations library does not contain joint angle data for # left and right arms ee_hmats = {} for lr in 'lr': ee_link_name = "%s_gripper_tool_frame"%lr # TODO: Change # of timesteps for resampling? ee_hmats[ee_link_name] = resampling.interp_hmats(np.arange(i_end+1-i_start), np.arange(i_end+1-i_start), lr2eetraj[lr][i_start:i_end+1]) lr2oldtraj = get_old_joint_traj_ik(sim_env, ee_hmats, prev_vals, i_start, i_end) #lr2oldtraj = {} #for lr in 'lr': # manip_name = {"l":"leftarm", "r":"rightarm"}[lr] # old_joint_traj = asarray(seg_info[manip_name][i_start:i_end+1]) # #print (old_joint_traj[1:] - old_joint_traj[:-1]).ptp(axis=0), i_start, i_end # if sim_util.arm_moved(old_joint_traj): # lr2oldtraj[lr] = old_joint_traj if len(lr2oldtraj) > 0: old_total_traj = np.concatenate(lr2oldtraj.values(), 1) JOINT_LENGTH_PER_STEP = .1 _, timesteps_rs = sim_util.unif_resample(old_total_traj, JOINT_LENGTH_PER_STEP) #### ### Generate fullbody traj bodypart2traj = {} for (lr,old_joint_traj) in lr2oldtraj.items(): manip_name = {"l":"leftarm", "r":"rightarm"}[lr] old_joint_traj_rs = mu.interp2d(timesteps_rs, np.arange(len(old_joint_traj)), old_joint_traj) ee_link_name = "%s_gripper_tool_frame"%lr new_ee_traj = lr2eetraj[lr][i_start:i_end+1] new_ee_traj_rs = resampling.interp_hmats(timesteps_rs, np.arange(len(new_ee_traj)), new_ee_traj) print "planning trajectory following" new_joint_traj, pose_errs = planning.plan_follow_traj(sim_env.robot, manip_name, sim_env.robot.GetLink(ee_link_name), new_ee_traj_rs,old_joint_traj_rs) prev_vals[lr] = new_joint_traj[-1] part_name = {"l":"larm", "r":"rarm"}[lr] bodypart2traj[part_name] = new_joint_traj ################################ redprint("Executing joint trajectory for part %i using arms '%s'"%(i_miniseg, bodypart2traj.keys())) full_traj = sim_util.getFullTraj(sim_env, bodypart2traj) full_trajs.append(full_traj) for lr in 'lr': gripper_open = sim_util.binarize_gripper(seg_info["%s_gripper_joint"%lr][i_start], GRIPPER_ANGLE_THRESHOLD) prev_gripper_open = sim_util.binarize_gripper(seg_info["%s_gripper_joint"%lr][i_start-1], GRIPPER_ANGLE_THRESHOLD) if i_start != 0 else False if not sim_util.set_gripper_maybesim(sim_env, lr, gripper_open, prev_gripper_open): redprint("Grab %s failed" % lr) misgrasp = True success = False if not success: break if len(full_traj[0]) > 0: if not eval_util.traj_is_safe(sim_env, full_traj, COLLISION_DIST_THRESHOLD): redprint("Trajectory not feasible") feasible = False if feasible or ignore_infeasibility: success &= sim_util.sim_full_traj_maybesim(sim_env, full_traj, animate=animate, interactive=interactive) else: success = False if not success: break sim_env.sim.settle(animate=animate) sim_env.sim.release_rope('l') sim_env.sim.release_rope('r') sim_util.reset_arms_to_side(sim_env) if animate: sim_env.viewer.Step() return success, feasible, misgrasp, full_trajs