コード例 #1
    def fit(self, train_data):
        train_data  训练数据  会根据normalize做标准化
        n_components = self.n_components
        normalize = self.normalize
        threshold = self.threshold
        kernel = self.kernel
        gamma = self.gamma
        fit_inverse_transform = self.fit_inverse_transform
        samplesNum, featuresNum = train_data.shape
        TrainDataScaler = None
        if normalize is True:
            scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit(train_data)
            trainDataScale = scaler.transform(train_data)
            TrainDataScaler = trainDataScale
            self.Scaler = scaler
            self.TrainDataScaler = trainDataScale
            TrainDataScaler = train_data

        kpca_model = KernelPCA(
        kpca_model.fit(TrainDataScaler)  #用训练数据训练模型

        val = kpca_model.lambdas_  #核矩阵的特征值与特征向量
        vec = kpca_model.alphas_
        kernel_matrix = kpca_model._get_kernel(TrainDataScaler)

        self.val = val
        self.vec = vec

        if n_components is None:
            n_components = MY_KPCA.calComponentSelectNums(val,

        self.n_components = n_components
        kpca_N = KernelPCA(kernel=kernel,

        kpca_N.fit(TrainDataScaler)  #重新训练模型
        val_n_components = kpca_N.lambdas_
        lamda = np.diag(val_n_components)  #特征值对角矩阵

        self.Kpca_Total = kpca_model
        self.Kpca_N = kpca_N
        self.samplesNum = samplesNum
        self.featuresNum = featuresNum
        self.lamda = lamda
        self.traindata = train_data
        self.K = kernel_matrix

        return self
コード例 #2
def kernel_pca_filter(field, nmodes, return_filter=False, **kwargs_pca):
    Apply a Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA) filter to a field. This 
    subtracts off functions in the frequency direction that correspond to the 
    highest SNR modes of the empirical frequency-frequency covariance, with 
    some non-linear weighting by a specified kernel.
    (WARNING: Can use a lot of memory)

    Uses `sklearn.decomposition.KernelPCA`. For more details, see:

        field (array_like):
            3D array containing the field that the filter will be applied to. 
            NOTE: This assumes that the 3rd axis of the array is frequency.

        nmodes (int):
            Number of eigenmodes to filter out (modes are ordered by SNR).

        return_filter (bool, optional):
            Whether to also return the linear FG filter operator and coefficients. 

        **kwargs_pca (dict, optional):
            Keyword arguments for the `sklearn.decomposition.KernelPCA`

        cleaned_field (array_like), transformer (sklearn.decomposition.KernelPCA instance, optional): Foreground-filtered field and KPCA filter object.
        - ``cleaned_field (array_like)``:
            Foreground-cleaned field.

        - ``transformer sklearn.decomposition.KernelPCA instance, optional)``:
            Contains the KPCA filter. Only returned if `return_operator = True`. 
            To get the foreground model, you can do the following: 
                x = field - mean_field # shape (Npix, Nfreq)
                x_trans = transformer.fit_transform(x.T) # mode amplitudes per pixel
                x_fg = transformer.inverse_transform(x_trans).T # foreground model
    # Subtract mean vs. frequency
    x = mean_spectrum_filter(field).reshape((-1, field.shape[-1])).T

    # Build PCA model and get amplitudes for each mode per pixel
    transformer = KernelPCA(n_components=nmodes,
    x_trans = transformer.fit_transform(x.T)

    # Manually perform inverse transform, using the remaining eigenmode with
    # the smallest eigenvalue
    X = transformer.alphas_[:, -1:] * np.sqrt(
        transformer.lambdas_[-1:])  # = x_trans
    K = transformer._get_kernel(X, transformer.X_transformed_fit_[:, -1:])
    n_samples = transformer.X_transformed_fit_.shape[0]
    K.flat[::n_samples + 1] += transformer.alpha
    x_clean = np.dot(K, transformer.dual_coef_).reshape(field.shape)

    # Return FG-subtracted data (and, optionally, the PCA filter instance)
    if return_filter:
        return x_clean, transformer
        return x_clean