コード例 #1
ファイル: UserList.py プロジェクト: boxingbeetle/softfab
        async def process(self, req: Request['UserList_POST.Arguments'],
                          user: User) -> None:
            # Find user record.
            userName = req.args.user
                subject = self.userDB[userName]
            except KeyError:
                raise PresentableError(
                    [f'There is no user named "{userName}"'])

            # Parse and check all changes.
            requestUserName = user.name
            newRoles = uiRoleToSet(req.args.role)
            if (userName == requestUserName
                    and not rolesGrantPrivilege(newRoles, 'u/m')):
                # Prevent user from revoking their own 'u/m' privilege.
                raise PresentableError(xhtml[xhtml.p(
                )['Revoking your own privileges could lead to '
                  'a situation from which recovery is impossible.'], xhtml.p[
                      f'If you want to change the role of user "{userName}", '
                      f'please log in as another user with operator '
                      f'privileges.'], ])

            # Changes are OK, commit them.
            subject.roles = newRoles

            raise Redirect(
                pageURL('UserList', UserList_GET.Arguments.subset(req.args)))
コード例 #2
 def presentFeed(self, proc: Processor, ccURL: str) -> XMLContent:
     projectName = proc.project.name
     yield atom.title[f'{projectName} SoftFab - Recent Jobs']
     yield atom.subtitle[
         f'The most recent jobs running in the {projectName} SoftFab']
     yield atom.id[f'{rootURL}jobs']
     yield atom.updated[self.presentTime(getTime())]
     yield atom.generator(uri=HOMEPAGE, version=VERSION)['SoftFab']
     # TODO: Akregator for KDE4 won't show the icon, no matter what I try.
     #       Might be related to Konqueror often losing the icon.
     yield atom.icon[ccURL + 'styles/SoftFabIcon.png']
     #yield atom.link(
     #rel = 'shortcut icon',
     #href = ccURL + 'styles/SoftFabIcon.png',
     #type = 'image/png',
     # Link to the Control Center.
     yield atom.link(
         href=ccURL + 'Home',
     # Link to the feed itself.
     yield atom.link(
         href=ccURL + pageURL(self.name, proc.args),
     for job, jobTable in zip(proc.jobs, proc.tables):
         yield atom.entry[self.presentJob(proc, ccURL, job, jobTable)]
コード例 #3
ファイル: pagelinks.py プロジェクト: boxingbeetle/softfab
def createJobsURL(jobIDs: Sequence[str]) -> str:
    '''Returns a URL of a page that contains details about the given jobs.
    if len(jobIDs) == 1:
        return createJobURL(jobIDs[0])
        # Note: This also works fine for zero jobs.
        return pageURL('ShowJobs', JobIdSetArgs(jobId=jobIDs))
コード例 #4
ファイル: pagelinks.py プロジェクト: boxingbeetle/softfab
def createRunURL(run: TaskRun, report: Optional[str] = 'overview') -> str:
    """Return a URL of a page showing details of a task run."""
    jobId = run.getJob().getId()
    taskName = run.getName()
    return pageURL(
        TaskReportArgs(jobId=jobId, taskName=taskName, report=report)
コード例 #5
ファイル: TaskMatrix.py プロジェクト: boxingbeetle/softfab
 def makeURL(taskName: str, beginTime: int, endTime: int) -> str:
     if taskName is None:
         # TODO: The links which match all tasks are currently disabled,
         #       but are also no longer accepted by ReportTasks.
         taskName = '*'
     return pageURL(
コード例 #6
ファイル: selectview.py プロジェクト: boxingbeetle/softfab
    def processSelection(self) -> None:
        db = self.db
        args = self.args
        tagCache = self.tagCache
        action = args.action
        selected = {recordId for recordId in args.sel if recordId in db}

        if action == 'remove':
            selected -= args.bsk
            for value, label_, page in self.iterActions():
                if action == value:
                    raise Redirect(pageURL(page, SelectArgs(sel=selected)))

        # Determine tag key to filter by.
        # Empty string as key shows all records (all-pass filter).
        tagKey = args.tagkey
        tagKeys = tagCache.getKeys()
        if tagKey and tagKey not in tagKeys:
            # Drop non-existing key.
            tagKey = None
        if tagKey is None and tagKeys:
            # Pick default key.
            tagKey = tagKeys[0]

        # Determine tag value to filter by.
        # Empty string as value shows records that are not tagged
        # with the given tag key.
        if tagKey:
            tagValue = args.tagvalue
            if tagValue:
                if not tagCache.hasValue(tagKey, tagValue):
                    # Unknown tag; drop non-existing value.
                    tagValue = None
            if tagValue is None:
                # Pick default value.
                # If nothing is tagged with this key, show untagged.
                tagValue = min(tagCache.getValues(tagKey), default='')
            # A value only has meaning if we have a key.
            tagValue = None

        if (selected != args.sel or tagKey != args.tagkey
                or tagValue != args.tagvalue):
            raise ArgsCorrected(args,

        filteredRecords = self.__filterRecords(tagKey, tagValue)

        self.selected = selected
        self.selectedRecords = [db[recordId] for recordId in selected]
        self.filtered = {record.getId() for record in filteredRecords}
        self.filteredRecords = filteredRecords
コード例 #7
ファイル: FabPage.py プロジェクト: boxingbeetle/softfab
    def getPageURL(cls, page: str, args: Optional[ArgsT]) -> Optional[str]:
        '''Gets the URL of another page, relative to this page.
        This URL includes in its query part the arguments shared between
        this page and the other page.
        If the other page requires arguments not present in this page,
        None is returned.
        otherArgClass = cls.getPageInfo(page)['pageClass'].Arguments
        if args is None:
            # No arguments available.
                emptyArgs = otherArgClass()
            except KeyError:
                # Other page has mandatory arguments.
                return None
                return pageURL(page, emptyArgs)

        # Only gather shared arguments that are mandatory in at least one
        # of the pages. In practice this preserves the arguments we want
        # to share across pages, such as selected names, while dropping
        # arguments such as sort order.
        ourArgClass = args.__class__
        sharedArgs = {}
        for name in otherArgClass.iterMandatoryArgs():
            if hasattr(args, name) and args.isArgument(name):
                if getattr(ourArgClass, name) == getattr(otherArgClass, name):
                    sharedArgs[name] = getattr(args, name)
                    # We share a name with a mandatory argument, but it's not
                    # the same argument.
                    return None
                # Mandatory argument missing.
                return None
        for name in args.iterMandatoryArgs():
            if hasattr(otherArgClass, name) and otherArgClass.isArgument(name):
                if getattr(ourArgClass, name) == getattr(otherArgClass, name):
                    sharedArgs[name] = getattr(args, name)

        return pageURL(page, otherArgClass(sharedArgs))
コード例 #8
        async def process(self, req: Request['ChangePassword_POST.Arguments'],
                          user: User) -> None:
            # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init

            if req.args.action is Actions.CANCEL:
                page = cast(ChangePassword_POST, self.page)
                raise Redirect(page.getCancelURL(req.args))
            elif req.args.action is Actions.CHANGE:
                userDB = self.userDB

                userName = user.name  # get current logged-in user
                if userName is None:
                    self.retry = False
                    raise PresentableError(
                        xhtml["Anonymous user has no password."])

                # Perform sanity checks on new password.
                password = req.args.password
                newCredentials = Credentials(userName, password)
                if password == req.args.password2:
                    quality = passwordQuality(newCredentials)
                    quality = PasswordMessage.MISMATCH
                if quality is not PasswordMessage.SUCCESS:
                    self.retry = True
                    raise PresentableError(xhtml[passwordStr[quality]])

                oldCredentials = Credentials(userName, req.args.loginpass)
                    user_ = await authenticateUser(userDB, oldCredentials)
                except LoginFailed as ex:
                    self.retry = True
                    raise PresentableError(
                        xhtml["Verification of old password failed",
                              f": {ex.args[0]}" if ex.args else None, "."])

                # Apply changes.
                    setPassword(userDB, newCredentials)
                except ValueError as ex:
                    self.retry = True
                    raise PresentableError(xhtml[ex.args[0]])
                    # Successfully changed password
                    raise Redirect(
                                user=userName, msg=PasswordMessage.SUCCESS)))
                assert False, req.args.action
コード例 #9
ファイル: ResourceIndex.py プロジェクト: boxingbeetle/softfab
        async def process(self, req: Request['ResourceIndex_POST.Arguments'],
                          user: User) -> None:
            args = req.args

            # Get resource record.
            resource = self.getResource(args.resource)

            # Update suspend state.
            resource.setSuspend(args.action is Actions.SUSPEND, user.name
                                or 'anonymous')

            # Show new status, forget commands.
            raise Redirect(
コード例 #10
 async def process(self, req: Request['ScheduleIndex_POST.Arguments'],
                   user: User) -> None:
     actions = cast(Mapping[str, str], req.args.action)
     for scheduleId, action in actions.items():
         # Toggle suspend.
         scheduled = self.scheduleDB.get(scheduleId)
         # TODO: Report when action is not possible, instead of ignoring.
         if scheduled is not None:
             checkPrivilegeForOwned(user, 's/m', scheduled,
                                    ('suspend/resume this schedule',
                                     'suspend/resume schedules'))
             if not scheduled.isDone():
                 scheduled.setSuspend(action is Actions.SUSPEND)
     raise Redirect(
コード例 #11
ファイル: Page.py プロジェクト: boxingbeetle/softfab
 def subItemRelURL(self, subPath: str) -> str:
     '''Gets a relative URL to the given item subpath.
     return pageURL(f'{self.page.name}/{subPath}', self.args)
コード例 #12
ファイル: pagelinks.py プロジェクト: boxingbeetle/softfab
def createProductDetailsURL(productDefId: str) -> str:
    return pageURL(
        ProductDefIdArgs(id = productDefId)
コード例 #13
ファイル: pagelinks.py プロジェクト: boxingbeetle/softfab
def createFrameworkDetailsURL(frameworkId: str) -> str:
    return pageURL(
        FrameworkIdArgs(id = frameworkId)
コード例 #14
ファイル: pagelinks.py プロジェクト: boxingbeetle/softfab
def logoutURL(req: Request) -> str:
    """Returns a URL of the Logout page, so that it returns to the request's
    URL after the user has logged out.
    return pageURL('Logout', URLArgs(url=req.getURL()))
コード例 #15
ファイル: pagelinks.py プロジェクト: boxingbeetle/softfab
def createUserDetailsURL(userId: str) -> str:
    return pageURL('UserDetails', UserIdArgs(user = userId))
コード例 #16
ファイル: schedulerefs.py プロジェクト: boxingbeetle/softfab
def createScheduleDetailsURL(scheduleId: str) -> str:
    return pageURL('ScheduleDetails', ScheduleIdArgs(id=scheduleId))
コード例 #17
def setPasswordURL(token: Credentials) -> str:
    return rootURL + pageURL('SetPassword',
        PasswordSetArgs(token=token.name, secret=token.password))
コード例 #18
ファイル: datawidgets.py プロジェクト: boxingbeetle/softfab
 def linkTab(tab: int, text: str) -> XMLNode:
     return xhtml.td(class_='navother')[xhtml.a(href=pageURL(
         proc.args.override(**{tabOffsetField: tab * recordsPerPage})),
コード例 #19
 def loginURL(self, **kwargs: Any) -> str:
     userName = cast(Optional[str], kwargs['proc'].userName)
     return pageURL('Login', LoginNameArgs(loginname=userName))
コード例 #20
ファイル: pagelinks.py プロジェクト: boxingbeetle/softfab
def createJobURL(jobId: str) -> str:
    '''Returns a URL of a page that contains details about the given job.
    return pageURL('ShowReport', JobIdArgs(jobId = jobId))