コード例 #1
def test_all_errors(tmpdir, local_docs, urls):
    """Test good root ref with all bad non-root refs.

    :param tmpdir: pytest fixture.
    :param local_docs: conftest fixture.
    :param urls: conftest fixture.
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'checkout', '-b', 'a_broken', 'master'])
    local_docs.join('conf.py').write('master_doc = exception\n')
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'commit', '-am', 'Broken version.'])
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'checkout', '-b', 'b_broken', 'a_broken'])
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'push', 'origin', 'a_broken', 'b_broken'])

    versions = Versions(gather_git_info(str(local_docs), ['conf.py'], tuple(), tuple()))

    exported_root = tmpdir.ensure_dir('exported_root')
    export(str(local_docs), versions['master']['sha'], str(exported_root.join(versions['master']['sha'])))
    export(str(local_docs), versions['b_broken']['sha'], str(exported_root.join(versions['b_broken']['sha'])))

    # Run.
    destination = tmpdir.ensure_dir('destination')
    build_all(str(exported_root), str(destination), versions)
    assert [r['name'] for r in versions.remotes] == ['master']

    # Verify root HTML links.
    urls(destination.join('contents.html'), ['<li><a href="master/contents.html">master</a></li>'])
    urls(destination.join('master', 'contents.html'), ['<li><a href="contents.html">master</a></li>'])
コード例 #2
def test_all_errors(tmpdir, local_docs, urls):
    """Test good root ref with all bad non-root refs.

    :param tmpdir: pytest fixture.
    :param local_docs: conftest fixture.
    :param urls: conftest fixture.
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'checkout', '-b', 'a_broken', 'master'])
    local_docs.join('conf.py').write('master_doc = exception\n')
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'commit', '-am', 'Broken version.'])
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'checkout', '-b', 'b_broken', 'a_broken'])
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'push', 'origin', 'a_broken', 'b_broken'])

    versions = Versions(
        gather_git_info(str(local_docs), ['conf.py'], tuple(), tuple()))

    exported_root = tmpdir.ensure_dir('exported_root')
    export(str(local_docs), versions['master']['sha'],
    export(str(local_docs), versions['b_broken']['sha'],

    # Run.
    destination = tmpdir.ensure_dir('destination')
    build_all(str(exported_root), str(destination), versions)
    assert [r['name'] for r in versions.remotes] == ['master']

    # Verify root HTML links.
         ['<li><a href="master/contents.html">master</a></li>'])
    urls(destination.join('master', 'contents.html'),
         ['<li><a href="contents.html">master</a></li>'])
コード例 #3
def test_single(tmpdir, local_docs, urls):
    """With single version.

    :param tmpdir: pytest fixture.
    :param local_docs: conftest fixture.
    :param urls: conftest fixture.
    versions = Versions(gather_git_info(str(local_docs), ['conf.py'], tuple(), tuple()))

    # Export.
    exported_root = tmpdir.ensure_dir('exported_root')
    export(str(local_docs), versions['master']['sha'], str(exported_root.join(versions['master']['sha'])))

    # Run and verify directory.
    destination = tmpdir.ensure_dir('destination')
    build_all(str(exported_root), str(destination), versions)
    actual = sorted(f.relto(destination) for f in destination.visit() if f.check(dir=True))
    expected = [
        join('master', '.doctrees'),
        join('master', '_sources'),
        join('master', '_static'),
    assert actual == expected

    # Verify HTML links.
    urls(destination.join('contents.html'), ['<li><a href="master/contents.html">master</a></li>'])
    urls(destination.join('master', 'contents.html'), ['<li><a href="contents.html">master</a></li>'])
コード例 #4
def test_new_branch_tags(tmpdir, local_light, fail):
    """Test with new branches and tags unknown to local repo.

    :param tmpdir: pytest fixture.
    :param local_light: conftest fixture.
    :param bool fail: Fail by not fetching.
    remotes = [r for r in list_remote(str(local_light)) if r[1] == 'ob_at']

    # Fail.
    sha = remotes[0][0]
    target = tmpdir.ensure_dir('exported', sha)
    if fail:
        with pytest.raises(CalledProcessError):
            export(str(local_light), sha, str(target))

    # Fetch.
    fetch_commits(str(local_light), remotes)

    # Export.
    export(str(local_light), sha, str(target))
    files = [f.relto(target) for f in target.listdir()]
    assert files == ['README']
    assert target.join('README').read() == 'new'
コード例 #5
def test_banner_branch(tmpdir, banner, config, local_docs, show_banner):
    """Test banner messages without tags.

    :param tmpdir: pytest fixture.
    :param banner: conftest fixture.
    :param config: conftest fixture.
    :param local_docs: conftest fixture.
    :param bool show_banner: Show the banner.
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'checkout', '-b', 'old_build', 'master'])
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'checkout', 'master'])
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'rm', 'two.rst'])
        'Sample documentation.\n'
        '.. toctree::\n'
        '    one\n'
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'commit', '-am', 'Deleted.'])
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'push', 'origin', 'master', 'old_build'])

    config.show_banner = show_banner
    versions = Versions(gather_git_info(str(local_docs), ['conf.py'], tuple(), tuple()))
    versions['master']['found_docs'] = ('contents', 'one')
    versions['old_build']['found_docs'] = ('contents', 'one', 'two')

    # Export.
    exported_root = tmpdir.ensure_dir('exported_root')
    export(str(local_docs), versions['master']['sha'], str(exported_root.join(versions['master']['sha'])))
    export(str(local_docs), versions['old_build']['sha'], str(exported_root.join(versions['old_build']['sha'])))

    # Run and verify files.
    dst = tmpdir.ensure_dir('destination')
    build_all(str(exported_root), str(dst), versions)
    actual = sorted(f.relto(dst) for f in dst.visit(lambda p: p.basename in ('contents.html', 'one.html', 'two.html')))
    expected = [
        'contents.html', join('master', 'contents.html'), join('master', 'one.html'),
        join('old_build', 'contents.html'), join('old_build', 'one.html'), join('old_build', 'two.html'), 'one.html'
    assert actual == expected

    # Verify no banner.
    if not show_banner:
        for path in expected:
            banner(dst.join(path), None)
    for path in ('contents.html', 'master/contents.html', 'master/one.html', 'one.html'):
        banner(dst.join(path), None)

    # Verify banner.
    banner(dst.join('old_build', 'contents.html'), '../master/contents.html',
           'the development version of Python. The main version is master')
    banner(dst.join('old_build', 'one.html'), '../master/one.html',
           'the development version of Python. The main version is master')
    banner(dst.join('old_build', 'two.html'), '', 'the development version of Python')
コード例 #6
def pre_build(local_root, versions):
    """Build docs for all versions to determine root directory and master_doc names.

    Need to build docs to (a) avoid filename collision with files from root_ref and branch/tag names and (b) determine
    master_doc config values for all versions (in case master_doc changes from e.g. contents.rst to index.rst between

    Exports all commits into a temporary directory and returns the path to avoid re-exporting during the final build.

    :param str local_root: Local path to git root directory.
    :param sphinxcontrib.versioning.versions.Versions versions: Versions class instance.

    :return: Tempdir path with exported commits as subdirectories.
    :rtype: str
    log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    exported_root = TempDir(True).name

    # Extract all.
    for sha in {r['sha'] for r in versions.remotes}:
        target = os.path.join(exported_root, sha)
        log.debug('Exporting %s to temporary directory.', sha)
        export(local_root, sha, target)

    # Build root.
    remote = versions[Config.from_context().root_ref]
    with TempDir() as temp_dir:
        log.debug('Building root (before setting root_dirs) in temporary directory: %s', temp_dir)
        source = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(exported_root, remote['sha'], remote['conf_rel_path']))
        build(source, temp_dir, versions, remote['name'], True)
        existing = os.listdir(temp_dir)

    # Define root_dir for all versions to avoid file name collisions.
    for remote in versions.remotes:
        root_dir = RE_INVALID_FILENAME.sub('_', remote['name'])
        while root_dir in existing:
            root_dir += '_'
        remote['root_dir'] = root_dir
        log.debug('%s root directory is %s', remote['name'], root_dir)

    # Get found_docs and master_doc values for all versions.
    for remote in list(versions.remotes):
        log.debug('Partially running sphinx-build to read configuration for: %s', remote['name'])
        source = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(exported_root, remote['sha'], remote['conf_rel_path']))
            config = read_config(source, remote['name'])
        except HandledError:
            log.warning('Skipping. Will not be building: %s', remote['name'])
        remote['found_docs'] = config['found_docs']
        remote['master_doc'] = config['master_doc']

    return exported_root
コード例 #7
def test_timezones(tmpdir, local):
    """Test mtime on RST files with different git commit timezones.

    :param tmpdir: pytest fixture.
    :param local: conftest fixture.
    files_dates = [
        ('local.rst', ''),
        ('UTC.rst', ' +0000'),
        ('PDT.rst', ' -0700'),
        ('PST.rst', ' -0800'),

    # Commit files.
    for name, offset in files_dates:
        pytest.run(local, ['git', 'add', name])
        env = pytest.author_committer_dates(0)
        env['GIT_AUTHOR_DATE'] += offset
        env['GIT_COMMITTER_DATE'] += offset
        pytest.run(local, ['git', 'commit', '-m', 'Added ' + name],

    # Run.
    target = tmpdir.ensure_dir('target')
    sha = pytest.run(local, ['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD']).strip()
    export(str(local), sha, str(target))

    # Validate.
    actual = {
        i[0]: str(datetime.fromtimestamp(target.join(i[0]).mtime()))
        for i in files_dates
    if -time.timezone == -28800:
        expected = {
            'local.rst': '2016-12-05 03:17:05',
            'UTC.rst': '2016-12-04 19:17:05',
            'PDT.rst': '2016-12-05 02:17:05',
            'PST.rst': '2016-12-05 03:17:05',
    elif -time.timezone == 0:
        expected = {
            'local.rst': '2016-12-05 03:17:05',
            'UTC.rst': '2016-12-05 03:17:05',
            'PDT.rst': '2016-12-05 10:17:05',
            'PST.rst': '2016-12-05 11:17:05',
        return pytest.skip(
            'Need to add expected for {} timezone.'.format(-time.timezone))
    assert actual == expected
コード例 #8
def test_simple(tmpdir, local):
    """Test with just the README in one commit.

    :param tmpdir: pytest fixture.
    :param local: conftest fixture.
    target = tmpdir.ensure_dir('target')
    sha = pytest.run(local, ['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD']).strip()

    export(str(local), sha, str(target))
    pytest.run(local, ['git', 'diff-index', '--quiet', 'HEAD', '--'
                       ])  # Exit 0 if nothing changed.
    files = [f.relto(target) for f in target.listdir()]
    assert files == ['README']
コード例 #9
def test_last_updated(tmpdir, local_docs):
    """Test last updated timestamp derived from git authored time.

    :param tmpdir: pytest fixture.
    :param local_docs: conftest fixture.
    local_docs.join('conf.py').write('html_last_updated_fmt = "%c"\n'
    local_docs.join('two.rst').write('Changed\n', mode='a')
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'commit', '-am', 'Changed two.'],
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'checkout', '-b', 'other', 'master'])
    local_docs.join('three.rst').write('Changed\n', mode='a')
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'commit', '-am', 'Changed three.'],
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'push', 'origin', 'master', 'other'])

    versions = Versions(
        gather_git_info(str(local_docs), ['conf.py'], tuple(), tuple()))

    # Export.
    exported_root = tmpdir.ensure_dir('exported_root')
    export(str(local_docs), versions['master']['sha'],
    export(str(local_docs), versions['other']['sha'],

    # Run.
    destination = tmpdir.ensure_dir('destination')
    build_all(str(exported_root), str(destination), versions)

    # Verify master.
    one = RE_LAST_UPDATED.findall(
        destination.join('master', 'one.html').read())
    two = RE_LAST_UPDATED.findall(
        destination.join('master', 'two.html').read())
    three = RE_LAST_UPDATED.findall(
        destination.join('master', 'three.html').read())
    assert one == ['Last updated on Dec 5, 2016, 3:20:05 AM.\n']
    assert two == ['Last updated on Dec 5, 2016, 3:27:05 AM.\n']
    assert three == ['Last updated on Dec 5, 2016, 3:20:05 AM.\n']

    # Verify other.
    one = RE_LAST_UPDATED.findall(destination.join('other', 'one.html').read())
    two = RE_LAST_UPDATED.findall(destination.join('other', 'two.html').read())
    three = RE_LAST_UPDATED.findall(
        destination.join('other', 'three.html').read())
    assert one == ['Last updated on Dec 5, 2016, 3:20:05 AM.\n']
    assert two == ['Last updated on Dec 5, 2016, 3:27:05 AM.\n']
    assert three == ['Last updated on Dec 5, 2016, 3:28:05 AM.\n']
コード例 #10
def test_last_updated(tmpdir, local_docs):
    """Test last updated timestamp derived from git authored time.

    :param tmpdir: pytest fixture.
    :param local_docs: conftest fixture.
        'html_last_updated_fmt = "%c"\n'
    local_docs.join('two.rst').write('Changed\n', mode='a')
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'commit', '-am', 'Changed two.'], environ=pytest.author_committer_dates(10))
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'checkout', '-b', 'other', 'master'])
    local_docs.join('three.rst').write('Changed\n', mode='a')
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'commit', '-am', 'Changed three.'], environ=pytest.author_committer_dates(11))
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'push', 'origin', 'master', 'other'])

    versions = Versions(gather_git_info(str(local_docs), ['conf.py'], tuple(), tuple()))

    # Export.
    exported_root = tmpdir.ensure_dir('exported_root')
    export(str(local_docs), versions['master']['sha'], str(exported_root.join(versions['master']['sha'])))
    export(str(local_docs), versions['other']['sha'], str(exported_root.join(versions['other']['sha'])))

    # Run.
    destination = tmpdir.ensure_dir('destination')
    build_all(str(exported_root), str(destination), versions)

    # Verify master.
    one = RE_LAST_UPDATED.findall(destination.join('master', 'one.html').read())
    two = RE_LAST_UPDATED.findall(destination.join('master', 'two.html').read())
    three = RE_LAST_UPDATED.findall(destination.join('master', 'three.html').read())
    assert one == ['Last updated on Dec 5, 2016, 3:20:05 AM.\n']
    assert two == ['Last updated on Dec 5, 2016, 3:27:05 AM.\n']
    assert three == ['Last updated on Dec 5, 2016, 3:20:05 AM.\n']

    # Verify other.
    one = RE_LAST_UPDATED.findall(destination.join('other', 'one.html').read())
    two = RE_LAST_UPDATED.findall(destination.join('other', 'two.html').read())
    three = RE_LAST_UPDATED.findall(destination.join('other', 'three.html').read())
    assert one == ['Last updated on Dec 5, 2016, 3:20:05 AM.\n']
    assert two == ['Last updated on Dec 5, 2016, 3:27:05 AM.\n']
    assert three == ['Last updated on Dec 5, 2016, 3:28:05 AM.\n']
コード例 #11
def test_overwrite(tmpdir, local):
    """Test overwriting existing files.

    :param tmpdir: pytest fixture.
    :param local: conftest fixture.
    local.ensure('docs', '_templates', 'layout.html').write('three')
    local.join('docs', 'conf.py').write('one')
    local.join('docs', 'index.rst').write('two')
    pytest.run(local, ['git', 'add', 'docs'])
    pytest.run(local, ['git', 'commit', '-m', 'Added docs dir.'])
    pytest.run(local, ['git', 'push', 'origin', 'master'])
    sha = pytest.run(local, ['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD']).strip()

    target = tmpdir.ensure_dir('target')
    target.ensure('docs', '_templates', 'other', 'other.html').write('other')
    target.join('docs', '_templates', 'other.html').write('other')
    target.ensure('docs', 'other', 'other.py').write('other')
    target.join('docs', 'other.rst').write('other')

    export(str(local), sha, str(target))
    pytest.run(local, ['git', 'diff-index', '--quiet', 'HEAD', '--'])

    expected = [
        join('docs', '_templates'),
        join('docs', '_templates', 'layout.html'),
        join('docs', '_templates', 'other'),
        join('docs', '_templates', 'other.html'),
        join('docs', '_templates', 'other', 'other.html'),
        join('docs', 'conf.py'),
        join('docs', 'index.rst'),
        join('docs', 'other'),
        join('docs', 'other.rst'),
        join('docs', 'other', 'other.py'),
    paths = sorted(f.relto(target) for f in target.visit())
    assert paths == expected
コード例 #12
def test_symlink(tmpdir, local):
    """Test repos with broken symlinks.

    :param tmpdir: pytest fixture.
    :param local: conftest fixture.
    orphan = tmpdir.ensure('to_be_removed')
    pytest.run(local, ['git', 'add', 'good_symlink', 'broken_symlink'])
    pytest.run(local, ['git', 'commit', '-m', 'Added symlinks.'])
    pytest.run(local, ['git', 'push', 'origin', 'master'])

    target = tmpdir.ensure_dir('target')
    sha = pytest.run(local, ['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD']).strip()

    export(str(local), sha, str(target))
    pytest.run(local, ['git', 'diff-index', '--quiet', 'HEAD', '--'
                       ])  # Exit 0 if nothing changed.
    files = sorted(f.relto(target) for f in target.listdir())
    assert files == ['README', 'good_symlink']
コード例 #13
def test_single(tmpdir, local_docs, urls):
    """With single version.

    :param tmpdir: pytest fixture.
    :param local_docs: conftest fixture.
    :param urls: conftest fixture.
    versions = Versions(
        gather_git_info(str(local_docs), ['conf.py'], tuple(), tuple()))

    # Export.
    exported_root = tmpdir.ensure_dir('exported_root')
    export(str(local_docs), versions['master']['sha'],

    # Run and verify directory.
    destination = tmpdir.ensure_dir('destination')
    build_all(str(exported_root), str(destination), versions)
    actual = sorted(
        f.relto(destination) for f in destination.visit() if f.check(dir=True))
    expected = [
        join('master', '.doctrees'),
        join('master', '_sources'),
        join('master', '_static'),
    assert actual == expected

    # Verify HTML links.
         ['<li><a href="master/contents.html">master</a></li>'])
    urls(destination.join('master', 'contents.html'),
         ['<li><a href="contents.html">master</a></li>'])
コード例 #14
def test_error(tmpdir, config, local_docs, urls, parallel):
    """Test with a bad root ref. Also test skipping bad non-root refs.

    :param tmpdir: pytest fixture.
    :param config: conftest fixture.
    :param local_docs: conftest fixture.
    :param urls: conftest fixture.
    :param bool parallel: Run sphinx-build with -j option.
    config.overflow = ('-j', '2') if parallel else tuple()
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'checkout', '-b', 'a_good', 'master'])
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'checkout', '-b', 'c_good', 'master'])
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'checkout', '-b', 'b_broken', 'master'])
    local_docs.join('conf.py').write('master_doc = exception\n')
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'commit', '-am', 'Broken version.'])
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'checkout', '-b', 'd_broken', 'b_broken'])
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'push', 'origin', 'a_good', 'b_broken', 'c_good', 'd_broken'])

    versions = Versions(gather_git_info(str(local_docs), ['conf.py'], tuple(), tuple()))

    exported_root = tmpdir.ensure_dir('exported_root')
    export(str(local_docs), versions['master']['sha'], str(exported_root.join(versions['master']['sha'])))
    export(str(local_docs), versions['b_broken']['sha'], str(exported_root.join(versions['b_broken']['sha'])))

    # Bad root ref.
    config.root_ref = 'b_broken'
    destination = tmpdir.ensure_dir('destination')
    with pytest.raises(HandledError):
        build_all(str(exported_root), str(destination), versions)

    # Remove bad non-root refs.
    config.root_ref = 'master'
    build_all(str(exported_root), str(destination), versions)
    assert [r['name'] for r in versions.remotes] == ['a_good', 'c_good', 'master']

    # Verify root HTML links.
    urls(destination.join('contents.html'), [
        '<li><a href="a_good/contents.html">a_good</a></li>',
        '<li><a href="c_good/contents.html">c_good</a></li>',
        '<li><a href="master/contents.html">master</a></li>',

    # Verify a_good links.
    urls(destination.join('a_good', 'contents.html'), [
        '<li><a href="contents.html">a_good</a></li>',
        '<li><a href="../c_good/contents.html">c_good</a></li>',
        '<li><a href="../master/contents.html">master</a></li>',

    # Verify c_good links.
    urls(destination.join('c_good', 'contents.html'), [
        '<li><a href="../a_good/contents.html">a_good</a></li>',
        '<li><a href="contents.html">c_good</a></li>',
        '<li><a href="../master/contents.html">master</a></li>',

    # Verify master links.
    urls(destination.join('master', 'contents.html'), [
        '<li><a href="../a_good/contents.html">a_good</a></li>',
        '<li><a href="../c_good/contents.html">c_good</a></li>',
        '<li><a href="contents.html">master</a></li>',
コード例 #15
def test_banner_tag(tmpdir, banner, config, local_docs, recent):
    """Test banner messages with tags.

    :param tmpdir: pytest fixture.
    :param banner: conftest fixture.
    :param config: conftest fixture.
    :param local_docs: conftest fixture.
    :param bool recent: --banner-recent-tag instead of --banner-greatest-tag.
    old, new = ('201611', '201612') if recent else ('v1.0.0', 'v2.0.0')
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'tag', old])
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'mv', 'two.rst', 'too.rst'])
                                          'Sample documentation.\n'
                                          '.. toctree::\n'
                                          '    one\n'
                                          '    too\n')
    local_docs.join('too.rst').write('.. _too:\n'
                                     'Sub page documentation 2 too.\n')
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'commit', '-am', 'Deleted.'])
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'tag', new])
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'push', 'origin', 'master', old, new])

    config.banner_greatest_tag = not recent
    config.banner_main_ref = new
    config.banner_recent_tag = recent
    config.show_banner = True
    versions = Versions(
        gather_git_info(str(local_docs), ['conf.py'], tuple(), tuple()))
    versions['master']['found_docs'] = ('contents', 'one', 'too')
    versions[new]['found_docs'] = ('contents', 'one', 'too')
    versions[old]['found_docs'] = ('contents', 'one', 'two')

    # Export.
    exported_root = tmpdir.ensure_dir('exported_root')
    export(str(local_docs), versions['master']['sha'],
    export(str(local_docs), versions[old]['sha'],

    # Run and verify files.
    dst = tmpdir.ensure_dir('destination')
    build_all(str(exported_root), str(dst), versions)
    actual = sorted(
        f.relto(dst) for f in dst.visit(lambda p: p.basename in (
            'contents.html', 'one.html', 'two.html', 'too.html')))
    expected = [
        join('master', 'contents.html'),
        join('master', 'one.html'),
        join('master', 'too.html'),
    if recent:
        expected = [
            join('201612', 'contents.html'),
            join('201612', 'one.html'),
            join('201612', 'too.html')
        ] + expected
        expected = [
            join('201611', 'contents.html'),
            join('201611', 'one.html'),
            join('201611', 'two.html')
        ] + expected
        expected += [
            join('v1.0.0', 'contents.html'),
            join('v1.0.0', 'one.html'),
            join('v1.0.0', 'two.html')
        expected += [
            join('v2.0.0', 'contents.html'),
            join('v2.0.0', 'one.html'),
            join('v2.0.0', 'too.html')
    assert actual == expected

    # Verify master banner.
    for page in ('contents', 'one', 'too'):
            '{new}/{page}.html'.format(new=new, page=page),
            'the development version of Python. The latest version is {}'.
            dst.join('master', '{}.html'.format(page)),
            '../{new}/{page}.html'.format(new=new, page=page),
            'the development version of Python. The latest version is {}'.

    # Verify old tag banner.
    banner(dst.join(old, 'contents.html'), '../{}/contents.html'.format(new),
           'an old version of Python. The latest version is {}'.format(new))
    banner(dst.join(old, 'one.html'), '../{}/one.html'.format(new),
           'an old version of Python. The latest version is {}'.format(new))
    banner(dst.join(old, 'two.html'), '', 'an old version of Python')
コード例 #16
def test_banner_tag(tmpdir, banner, config, local_docs, recent):
    """Test banner messages with tags.

    :param tmpdir: pytest fixture.
    :param banner: conftest fixture.
    :param config: conftest fixture.
    :param local_docs: conftest fixture.
    :param bool recent: --banner-recent-tag instead of --banner-greatest-tag.
    old, new = ('201611', '201612') if recent else ('v1.0.0', 'v2.0.0')
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'tag', old])
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'mv', 'two.rst', 'too.rst'])
        'Sample documentation.\n'
        '.. toctree::\n'
        '    one\n'
        '    too\n'
        '.. _too:\n'
        'Sub page documentation 2 too.\n'
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'commit', '-am', 'Deleted.'])
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'tag', new])
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'push', 'origin', 'master', old, new])

    config.banner_greatest_tag = not recent
    config.banner_main_ref = new
    config.banner_recent_tag = recent
    config.show_banner = True
    versions = Versions(gather_git_info(str(local_docs), ['conf.py'], tuple(), tuple()))
    versions['master']['found_docs'] = ('contents', 'one', 'too')
    versions[new]['found_docs'] = ('contents', 'one', 'too')
    versions[old]['found_docs'] = ('contents', 'one', 'two')

    # Export.
    exported_root = tmpdir.ensure_dir('exported_root')
    export(str(local_docs), versions['master']['sha'], str(exported_root.join(versions['master']['sha'])))
    export(str(local_docs), versions[old]['sha'], str(exported_root.join(versions[old]['sha'])))

    # Run and verify files.
    dst = tmpdir.ensure_dir('destination')
    build_all(str(exported_root), str(dst), versions)
    actual = sorted(f.relto(dst)
                    for f in dst.visit(lambda p: p.basename in ('contents.html', 'one.html', 'two.html', 'too.html')))
    expected = [
        join('master', 'contents.html'), join('master', 'one.html'), join('master', 'too.html'),
    if recent:
        expected = [join('201612', 'contents.html'), join('201612', 'one.html'), join('201612', 'too.html')] + expected
        expected = [join('201611', 'contents.html'), join('201611', 'one.html'), join('201611', 'two.html')] + expected
        expected += [join('v1.0.0', 'contents.html'), join('v1.0.0', 'one.html'), join('v1.0.0', 'two.html')]
        expected += [join('v2.0.0', 'contents.html'), join('v2.0.0', 'one.html'), join('v2.0.0', 'too.html')]
    assert actual == expected

    # Verify master banner.
    for page in ('contents', 'one', 'too'):
        banner(dst.join('{}.html'.format(page)), '{new}/{page}.html'.format(new=new, page=page),
               'the development version of Python. The latest version is {}'.format(new))
        banner(dst.join('master', '{}.html'.format(page)), '../{new}/{page}.html'.format(new=new, page=page),
               'the development version of Python. The latest version is {}'.format(new))

    # Verify old tag banner.
        dst.join(old, 'contents.html'), '../{}/contents.html'.format(new),
        'an old version of Python. The latest version is {}'.format(new)
        dst.join(old, 'one.html'), '../{}/one.html'.format(new),
        'an old version of Python. The latest version is {}'.format(new)
    banner(dst.join(old, 'two.html'), '', 'an old version of Python')
コード例 #17
def test_error(tmpdir, config, local_docs, urls, parallel):
    """Test with a bad root ref. Also test skipping bad non-root refs.

    :param tmpdir: pytest fixture.
    :param config: conftest fixture.
    :param local_docs: conftest fixture.
    :param urls: conftest fixture.
    :param bool parallel: Run sphinx-build with -j option.
    config.overflow = ('-j', '2') if parallel else tuple()
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'checkout', '-b', 'a_good', 'master'])
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'checkout', '-b', 'c_good', 'master'])
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'checkout', '-b', 'b_broken', 'master'])
    local_docs.join('conf.py').write('master_doc = exception\n')
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'commit', '-am', 'Broken version.'])
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'checkout', '-b', 'd_broken', 'b_broken'])
        ['git', 'push', 'origin', 'a_good', 'b_broken', 'c_good', 'd_broken'])

    versions = Versions(
        gather_git_info(str(local_docs), ['conf.py'], tuple(), tuple()))

    exported_root = tmpdir.ensure_dir('exported_root')
    export(str(local_docs), versions['master']['sha'],
    export(str(local_docs), versions['b_broken']['sha'],

    # Bad root ref.
    config.root_ref = 'b_broken'
    destination = tmpdir.ensure_dir('destination')
    with pytest.raises(HandledError):
        build_all(str(exported_root), str(destination), versions)

    # Remove bad non-root refs.
    config.root_ref = 'master'
    build_all(str(exported_root), str(destination), versions)
    assert [r['name']
            for r in versions.remotes] == ['a_good', 'c_good', 'master']

    # Verify root HTML links.
    urls(destination.join('contents.html'), [
        '<li><a href="a_good/contents.html">a_good</a></li>',
        '<li><a href="c_good/contents.html">c_good</a></li>',
        '<li><a href="master/contents.html">master</a></li>',

    # Verify a_good links.
    urls(destination.join('a_good', 'contents.html'), [
        '<li><a href="contents.html">a_good</a></li>',
        '<li><a href="../c_good/contents.html">c_good</a></li>',
        '<li><a href="../master/contents.html">master</a></li>',

    # Verify c_good links.
    urls(destination.join('c_good', 'contents.html'), [
        '<li><a href="../a_good/contents.html">a_good</a></li>',
        '<li><a href="contents.html">c_good</a></li>',
        '<li><a href="../master/contents.html">master</a></li>',

    # Verify master links.
    urls(destination.join('master', 'contents.html'), [
        '<li><a href="../a_good/contents.html">a_good</a></li>',
        '<li><a href="../c_good/contents.html">c_good</a></li>',
        '<li><a href="contents.html">master</a></li>',
コード例 #18
def test_multiple(tmpdir, config, local_docs, urls, triple, parallel):
    """With two or three versions.

    :param tmpdir: pytest fixture.
    :param config: conftest fixture.
    :param local_docs: conftest fixture.
    :param urls: conftest fixture.
    :param bool triple: With three versions (including master) instead of two.
    :param bool parallel: Run sphinx-build with -j option.
    config.overflow = ('-j', '2') if parallel else tuple()
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'tag', 'v1.0.0'])
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'push', 'origin', 'v1.0.0'])
    if triple:
        pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'tag', 'v1.0.1'])
        pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'push', 'origin', 'v1.0.1'])

    versions = Versions(
        gather_git_info(str(local_docs), ['conf.py'], tuple(), tuple()))

    # Export (git tags point to same master sha).
    exported_root = tmpdir.ensure_dir('exported_root')
    export(str(local_docs), versions['master']['sha'],

    # Run and verify directory.
    destination = tmpdir.ensure_dir('destination')
    build_all(str(exported_root), str(destination), versions)
    actual = sorted(
        f.relto(destination) for f in destination.visit() if f.check(dir=True))
    expected = [
        join('master', '.doctrees'),
        join('master', '_sources'),
        join('master', '_static'),
        join('v1.0.0', '.doctrees'),
        join('v1.0.0', '_sources'),
        join('v1.0.0', '_static'),
    if triple:
            join('v1.0.1', '.doctrees'),
            join('v1.0.1', '_sources'),
            join('v1.0.1', '_static'),
    assert actual == expected

    # Verify root HTML links.
    expected = [
        '<li><a href="master/contents.html">master</a></li>',
        '<li><a href="v1.0.0/contents.html">v1.0.0</a></li>',
    if triple:
        expected.append('<li><a href="v1.0.1/contents.html">v1.0.1</a></li>')
    urls(destination.join('contents.html'), expected)

    # Verify master links.
    expected = [
        '<li><a href="contents.html">master</a></li>',
        '<li><a href="../v1.0.0/contents.html">v1.0.0</a></li>'
    if triple:
            '<li><a href="../v1.0.1/contents.html">v1.0.1</a></li>')
    urls(destination.join('master', 'contents.html'), expected)

    # Verify v1.0.0 links.
    expected = [
        '<li><a href="../master/contents.html">master</a></li>',
        '<li><a href="contents.html">v1.0.0</a></li>'
    if triple:
            '<li><a href="../v1.0.1/contents.html">v1.0.1</a></li>')
    urls(destination.join('v1.0.0', 'contents.html'), expected)
    if not triple:

    # Verify v1.0.1 links.
    urls(destination.join('v1.0.1', 'contents.html'), [
        '<li><a href="../master/contents.html">master</a></li>',
        '<li><a href="../v1.0.0/contents.html">v1.0.0</a></li>',
        '<li><a href="contents.html">v1.0.1</a></li>',
コード例 #19
def test_multiple(tmpdir, config, local_docs, urls, triple, parallel):
    """With two or three versions.

    :param tmpdir: pytest fixture.
    :param config: conftest fixture.
    :param local_docs: conftest fixture.
    :param urls: conftest fixture.
    :param bool triple: With three versions (including master) instead of two.
    :param bool parallel: Run sphinx-build with -j option.
    config.overflow = ('-j', '2') if parallel else tuple()
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'tag', 'v1.0.0'])
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'push', 'origin', 'v1.0.0'])
    if triple:
        pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'tag', 'v1.0.1'])
        pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'push', 'origin', 'v1.0.1'])

    versions = Versions(gather_git_info(str(local_docs), ['conf.py'], tuple(), tuple()))

    # Export (git tags point to same master sha).
    exported_root = tmpdir.ensure_dir('exported_root')
    export(str(local_docs), versions['master']['sha'], str(exported_root.join(versions['master']['sha'])))

    # Run and verify directory.
    destination = tmpdir.ensure_dir('destination')
    build_all(str(exported_root), str(destination), versions)
    actual = sorted(f.relto(destination) for f in destination.visit() if f.check(dir=True))
    expected = [
        join('master', '.doctrees'),
        join('master', '_sources'),
        join('master', '_static'),
        join('v1.0.0', '.doctrees'),
        join('v1.0.0', '_sources'),
        join('v1.0.0', '_static'),
    if triple:
            join('v1.0.1', '.doctrees'),
            join('v1.0.1', '_sources'),
            join('v1.0.1', '_static'),
    assert actual == expected

    # Verify root HTML links.
    expected = [
        '<li><a href="master/contents.html">master</a></li>',
        '<li><a href="v1.0.0/contents.html">v1.0.0</a></li>',
    if triple:
        expected.append('<li><a href="v1.0.1/contents.html">v1.0.1</a></li>')
    urls(destination.join('contents.html'), expected)

    # Verify master links.
    expected = ['<li><a href="contents.html">master</a></li>', '<li><a href="../v1.0.0/contents.html">v1.0.0</a></li>']
    if triple:
        expected.append('<li><a href="../v1.0.1/contents.html">v1.0.1</a></li>')
    urls(destination.join('master', 'contents.html'), expected)

    # Verify v1.0.0 links.
    expected = ['<li><a href="../master/contents.html">master</a></li>', '<li><a href="contents.html">v1.0.0</a></li>']
    if triple:
        expected.append('<li><a href="../v1.0.1/contents.html">v1.0.1</a></li>')
    urls(destination.join('v1.0.0', 'contents.html'), expected)
    if not triple:

    # Verify v1.0.1 links.
    urls(destination.join('v1.0.1', 'contents.html'), [
        '<li><a href="../master/contents.html">master</a></li>',
        '<li><a href="../v1.0.0/contents.html">v1.0.0</a></li>',
        '<li><a href="contents.html">v1.0.1</a></li>',
コード例 #20
def test_banner_branch(tmpdir, banner, config, local_docs, show_banner):
    """Test banner messages without tags.

    :param tmpdir: pytest fixture.
    :param banner: conftest fixture.
    :param config: conftest fixture.
    :param local_docs: conftest fixture.
    :param bool show_banner: Show the banner.
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'checkout', '-b', 'old_build', 'master'])
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'checkout', 'master'])
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'rm', 'two.rst'])
                                          'Sample documentation.\n'
                                          '.. toctree::\n'
                                          '    one\n')
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'commit', '-am', 'Deleted.'])
    pytest.run(local_docs, ['git', 'push', 'origin', 'master', 'old_build'])

    config.show_banner = show_banner
    versions = Versions(
        gather_git_info(str(local_docs), ['conf.py'], tuple(), tuple()))
    versions['master']['found_docs'] = ('contents', 'one')
    versions['old_build']['found_docs'] = ('contents', 'one', 'two')

    # Export.
    exported_root = tmpdir.ensure_dir('exported_root')
    export(str(local_docs), versions['master']['sha'],
    export(str(local_docs), versions['old_build']['sha'],

    # Run and verify files.
    dst = tmpdir.ensure_dir('destination')
    build_all(str(exported_root), str(dst), versions)
    actual = sorted(
        f.relto(dst) for f in dst.visit(
            lambda p: p.basename in ('contents.html', 'one.html', 'two.html')))
    expected = [
        join('master', 'contents.html'),
        join('master', 'one.html'),
        join('old_build', 'contents.html'),
        join('old_build', 'one.html'),
        join('old_build', 'two.html'), 'one.html'
    assert actual == expected

    # Verify no banner.
    if not show_banner:
        for path in expected:
            banner(dst.join(path), None)
    for path in ('contents.html', 'master/contents.html', 'master/one.html',
        banner(dst.join(path), None)

    # Verify banner.
    banner(dst.join('old_build', 'contents.html'), '../master/contents.html',
           'the development version of Python. The main version is master')
    banner(dst.join('old_build', 'one.html'), '../master/one.html',
           'the development version of Python. The main version is master')
    banner(dst.join('old_build', 'two.html'), '',
           'the development version of Python')