コード例 #1
def raw_seg_list():
    """A generic list of raw segments to test against."""
    return [
        RawSegment("bar", FilePositionMarker()),
        RawSegment("foo", FilePositionMarker().advance_by("bar")),
        RawSegment("bar", FilePositionMarker().advance_by("barfoo")),
コード例 #2
def test__parser__base_segments_raw_compare():
    """Test comparison of raw segments."""
    fp1 = FilePositionMarker.from_fresh()
    fp2 = FilePositionMarker.from_fresh()
    rs1 = RawSegment("foobar", fp1)
    rs2 = RawSegment("foobar", fp2)
    assert rs1 == rs2
コード例 #3
def test__parser__base_segments_raw_compare():
    """Test comparison of raw segments."""
    template = TemplatedFile.from_string("foobar")
    rs1 = RawSegment("foobar",
                     PositionMarker(slice(0, 6), slice(0, 6), template))
    rs2 = RawSegment("foobar",
                     PositionMarker(slice(0, 6), slice(0, 6), template))
    assert rs1 == rs2
コード例 #4
def test__parser__base_segments_base_compare():
    """Test comparison of base segments."""
    rs1 = RawSegment("foobar", FilePositionMarker())
    rs2 = RawSegment("foobar", FilePositionMarker())

    ds1 = DummySegment([rs1])
    ds2 = DummySegment([rs2])
    dsa2 = DummyAuxSegment([rs2])

    # Check for equality
    assert ds1 == ds2
    # Check a different match on the same details are not the same
    assert ds1 != dsa2
コード例 #5
ファイル: lexer_test.py プロジェクト: sidhreddy/sqlfluff
def test__parser__lexer_multimatcher(caplog):
    """Test the RepeatedMultiMatcher."""
    matcher = RepeatedMultiMatcher(
        SingletonMatcher("dot", ".",
                         RawSegment.make(".", name="dot", is_code=True)),
        RegexMatcher("test", r"#[^#]*#", RawSegment.make("test", name="test")),
    start_pos = FilePositionMarker.from_fresh()
    with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
        res = matcher.match("..#..#..#", start_pos)
        assert res.new_string == "#"  # Should match right up to the final element
        assert res.new_pos == start_pos.advance_by("..#..#..")
        assert len(res.segments) == 5
        assert res.segments[2].raw == "#..#"
コード例 #6
def test__parser__base_segments_base_compare():
    """Test comparison of base segments."""
    template = TemplatedFile.from_string("foobar")
    rs1 = RawSegment("foobar", PositionMarker(slice(0, 6), slice(0, 6), template))
    rs2 = RawSegment("foobar", PositionMarker(slice(0, 6), slice(0, 6), template))

    ds1 = DummySegment([rs1])
    ds2 = DummySegment([rs2])
    dsa2 = DummyAuxSegment([rs2])

    # Check for equality
    assert ds1 == ds2
    # Check a different match on the same details are not the same
    assert ds1 != dsa2
コード例 #7
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: pvonglehn/sqlfluff
 def make_whitespace(cls, raw, pos_marker):
     """Make a whitespace segment."""
     WhitespaceSegment = RawSegment.make(" ",
     return WhitespaceSegment(raw=raw, pos_marker=pos_marker)
コード例 #8
ファイル: formatters_test.py プロジェクト: sqlfluff/sqlfluff
def test__cli__formatters__violation(tmpdir):
    """Test formatting violations.

    NB Position is 1 + start_pos.
    s = RawSegment(
            slice(10, 19),
            slice(10, 19),
            TemplatedFile.from_string("      \n\n  foobarbar"),
    r = RuleGhost("A", "DESC")
    v = SQLLintError(segment=s, rule=r)
    formatter = OutputStreamFormatter(
        FileOutput(FluffConfig(require_dialect=False), str(tmpdir / "out.txt")), False
    f = formatter.format_violation(v)
    # Position is 3, 3 becase foobarbar is on the third
    # line (i.e. it has two newlines preceding it) and
    # it's at the third position in that line (i.e. there
    # are two characters between it and the preceding
    # newline).
    assert escape_ansi(f) == "L:   3 | P:   3 |    A | DESC"
コード例 #9
def test__parser__base_segments_stubs():
    """Test stub methods that have no implementation in base class."""
    template = TemplatedFile.from_string("foobar")
    rs1 = RawSegment("foobar", PositionMarker(slice(0, 6), slice(0, 6), template))
    base_segment = BaseSegment(segments=[rs1])

    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
コード例 #10
def test__cli__formatters__violation():
    """Test formatting violations.

    NB Position is 1 + start_pos.
    s = RawSegment("foobarbar", FilePositionMarker(0, 20, 11, 100))
    r = RuleGhost("A", "DESC")
    v = SQLLintError(segment=s, rule=r)
    f = format_violation(v)
    assert escape_ansi(f) == "L:  20 | P:  11 |    A | DESC"
コード例 #11
def test__cli__formatters__violation():
    """Test formatting violations.

    NB Position is 1 + start_pos.
    s = RawSegment(
            slice(10, 19),
            slice(10, 19),
            TemplatedFile.from_string("      \n\n  foobarbar"),
    r = RuleGhost("A", "DESC")
    v = SQLLintError(segment=s, rule=r)
    f = format_violation(v)
    # Position is 3, 3 becase foobarbar is on the third
    # line (i.e. it has two newlines preceding it) and
    # it's at the third position in that line (i.e. there
    # are two characters between it and the preceeding
    # newline).
    assert escape_ansi(f) == "L:   3 | P:   3 |    A | DESC"
コード例 #12
ファイル: lexer_test.py プロジェクト: sidhreddy/sqlfluff
def test__parser__lexer_regex(raw, reg, res, caplog):
    """Test the RegexMatcher."""
    matcher = RegexMatcher("test", reg, RawSegment.make("test", name="test"))
    with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
        assert_matches(raw, matcher, res)
コード例 #13
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: pvonglehn/sqlfluff
 def make_newline(cls, pos_marker, raw=None):
     """Make a newline segment."""
     # Default the newline to \n
     raw = raw or "\n"
     nls = RawSegment.make("\n", name="newline", type="newline")
     return nls(raw=raw, pos_marker=pos_marker)
コード例 #14
def test__parser__base_segments_raw_compare():
    """Test comparison of raw segments."""
    rs1 = RawSegment("foobar", FilePositionMarker())
    rs2 = RawSegment("foobar", FilePositionMarker())
    assert rs1 == rs2
コード例 #15
def test__parser__base_segments_raw_init():
    """Test initialisation. Other tests just use the fixture."""
    RawSegment("foobar", FilePositionMarker())
コード例 #16
def raw_seg_list(raw_seg):
    """Construct a list of raw segments as a fixture."""
    return [
        RawSegment(".barfoo", raw_seg.pos_marker.advance_by(raw_seg.raw))
コード例 #17
def raw_seg():
    """Construct a raw segment as a fixture."""
    fp = FilePositionMarker().advance_by("abc")
    return RawSegment("foobar", fp)
コード例 #18
ファイル: lexer_test.py プロジェクト: sidhreddy/sqlfluff
def test__parser__lexer_singleton(raw, res):
    """Test the SingletonMatcher."""
    matcher = SingletonMatcher("dot", ".",
                               RawSegment.make(".", name="dot", is_code=True))
    assert_matches(raw, matcher, res)
コード例 #19
def test__parser__base_segments_raw_init():
    """Test initialisation. Other tests just use the fixture."""
    fp = FilePositionMarker.from_fresh()
    RawSegment("foobar", fp)