コード例 #1
import json
import random

import numpy as np

from src.utils2 import c_ex as c, get_path
import src.dataloaders as d
from src.logistic import fit_logistic_regression

path = get_path(__file__) + '/..'

D = d.trainingset_extended()
Dt = d.testset_extended()

cols = c('sde5', 'v11', 'e9')

a = range(D.shape[0])

X = D[:, cols]
X = X[a[:320000], :]
y = D[a[:320000], c('isalert')]
y = y.astype(int)^1

Xt = D[:, cols]
Xt = Xt[a[320000:], :]
yt = D[a[320000:], c('isalert')]
yt = yt.astype(int)^1

num_tests = 1
コード例 #2
import json

from src.utils2 import get_path

root = get_path(__file__) + "/../.."
with open(root + "/sessions/18-forward-selection/data/forward-selection-results-2-for-docs.json") as f:
    data = json.load(f)

num_rows = len(data["labels_chosen"])
columns_change = int(num_rows / 2)

def print_table_header():
    print r"\begin{minipage}[t]{50mm}"
    print r"\vspace{0pt}"
    print r"\begin{tabularx}{50mm}{ l R }"
    print r"Feature added & AUC \\\hline"

def print_table_footer():
    print r"\end{tabularx}"
    print r"\end{minipage}"


for i, feature in enumerate(data["labels_chosen"]):
    if i == columns_change:
        print r"{\itshape continues ...} & "
コード例 #3
import json

from src.utils2 import get_path

root = get_path(__file__) + '/../..'
with open(root+'/sessions/18-forward-selection/data/forward-selection-results-2-for-docs.json') as f:
    data = json.load(f)

def print_table_header():
    print r'\begin{tabularx}{40mm}{ l R }'
    print r'Feature added & AUC \\\hline'

def print_table_footer():
    print r'\end{tabularx}'

features = data['labels_chosen'][:5] + data['labels_chosen'][-2:]
aucs = data['max_auc'][:5] + data['max_auc'][-2:]

for i, feature in enumerate(features):
    print r'%s & %.04f \\' % (feature, aucs[i])
    if i==4:
        print r'$\vdots$ & $\vdots$ \\'