コード例 #1
def test_vec_identities(py_c_vec) -> None:
    """Check that vectors in the same axis as the rotation don't get spun."""
    Vec, Angle, Matrix, parse_vec_str = py_c_vec

    for ang in range(0, 360, 13):
        # Check the two constructors match.
        assert_rot(Matrix.from_pitch(ang), Matrix.from_angle(Angle(pitch=ang)))
        assert_rot(Matrix.from_yaw(ang), Matrix.from_angle(Angle(yaw=ang)))
        assert_rot(Matrix.from_roll(ang), Matrix.from_angle(Angle(roll=ang)))

        # Various magnitudes to test
        for mag in (-250, -1, 0, 1, 250):
            assert_vec(Vec(y=mag) @ Matrix.from_pitch(ang), 0, mag, 0)
            assert_vec(Vec(z=mag) @ Matrix.from_yaw(ang), 0, 0, mag)
            assert_vec(Vec(x=mag) @ Matrix.from_roll(ang), mag, 0, 0)
コード例 #2
def test_vec_basic_pitch(py_c_vec) -> None:
    """Check each direction rotates appropriately in pitch."""
    Vec, Angle, Matrix, parse_vec_str = py_c_vec

    assert_vec(Vec(200, 0, 0) @ Matrix.from_pitch(0), 200, 0, 0)
    assert_vec(Vec(0, 0, 150) @ Matrix.from_pitch(0), 0, 0, 150)

    assert_vec(Vec(200, 0, 0) @ Matrix.from_pitch(90), 0, 0, -200)
    assert_vec(Vec(0, 0, 150) @ Matrix.from_pitch(90), 150, 0, 0)

    assert_vec(Vec(200, 0, 0) @ Matrix.from_pitch(180), -200, 0, 0)
    assert_vec(Vec(0, 0, 150) @ Matrix.from_pitch(180), 0, 0, -150)

    assert_vec(Vec(200, 0, 0) @ Matrix.from_pitch(270), 0, 0, 200)
    assert_vec(Vec(0, 0, 150) @ Matrix.from_pitch(270), -150, 0, 0)
コード例 #3
def test_matrix_roundtrip_pitch(py_c_vec):
    """Check converting to and from a Matrix does not change values."""
    Vec, Angle, Matrix, parse_vec_str = py_c_vec

    # We can't directly check the resulted value, some of these produce
    # gimbal lock and can't be recovered.
    # So instead check the rotation matrix is the same.
    for pitch in range(0, 360, 45):
        old_ang = Angle(pitch, 0, 0)
        new_ang = Matrix.from_pitch(pitch).to_angle()
            (old_ang, new_ang),