コード例 #1
ファイル: getpkm.py プロジェクト: JoelWAnna/ir-gts
def getpkm():
    token = 'c9KcX1Cry3QKS2Ai7yxL6QiQGeBGeQKR'
    sent = False
    print 'Ready to receive from NDS'
    while not sent:
        sock, req = getReq()
        a = req.action

        if len(req.getvars) == 1: sendResp(sock, token)
        elif a == 'info':
            sendResp(sock, '\x01\x00')
            print 'Connection Established.'
        elif a == 'setProfile': sendResp(sock, '\x00' * 8)
        elif a == 'result': sendResp(sock, '\x05\x00')
        elif a == 'delete': sendResp(sock, '\x01\x00')
        elif a == 'search': sendResp(sock, '')
        elif a == 'post':
            sendResp(sock, '\x0c\x00')
            print 'Receiving Pokemon...'
            data = req.getvars['data']
            bytes = b64decode(data.replace('-', '+').replace('_', '/'))
            decrypt = makepkm(bytes)
            filename = namegen(decrypt[0x48:0x5e])
            filename += '.pkm'
            save(filename, decrypt)
            sent = True
コード例 #2
ファイル: getpkm.py プロジェクト: JamieJQuinn/IR-GTS
def getpkm():
    token = 'c9KcX1Cry3QKS2Ai7yxL6QiQGeBGeQKR'
    sent = False
    print 'Ready to receive from NDS'
    while not sent:
        sock, req = getReq()
        a = req.action

        if len(req.getvars) == 1: sendResp(sock, token)
        elif a == 'info':
            sendResp(sock, '\x01\x00')
            print 'Connection Established.'
        elif a == 'setProfile': sendResp(sock, '\x00' * 8)
        elif a == 'result': sendResp(sock, '\x05\x00')
        elif a == 'delete': sendResp(sock, '\x01\x00')
        elif a == 'search': sendResp(sock, '')
        elif a == 'post':
            sendResp(sock, '\x0c\x00')
            print 'Receiving Pokemon...'
            data = req.getvars['data']
            bytes = b64decode(data.replace('-', '+').replace('_', '/'))
            decrypt = makepkm(bytes)
            filename = namegen(decrypt[0x48:0x5e])
            filename += '.pkm'
            save(filename, decrypt)
            sent = True
コード例 #3
def getpkm():
    sent = False
    response = ''
    print 'Ready to receive from NDS'
    while not sent:
        sock, req = getReq()
        a = req.action

        if len(req.getvars) == 1:
            sendResp(sock, gtsvar.token)
        elif a == 'info':
            response = '\x01\x00'
            print 'Connection Established.'
        elif a == 'setProfile':
            response = '\x00' * 8
        elif a == 'result':
            response = '\x05\x00'
        elif a == 'delete':
            response = '\x01\x00'
        elif a == 'search':
            response = '\x01\x00'
        elif a == 'post':
            response = '\x0c\x00'
            print 'Receiving Pokemon...'
            data = req.getvars['data']
            bytes = urlsafe_b64decode(data)
            decrypt = makepkm(bytes)
            filename = ''
            if decrypt[0x49] != '\x00':
                pid = 0
                for i in xrange(0, 4):
                    pid += ord(decrypt[i]) << (i * 8)
                filename = str(pid)
                for i in decrypt[0x48:0x5e]:
                    if i == '\xff':
                    if i != '\x00':
                        filename += i
            filename += '.pkm'
            save(filename, decrypt)
            sent = True

        m = hashlib.sha1()
        m.update(gtsvar.salt + urlsafe_b64encode(response) + gtsvar.salt)
        response += m.hexdigest()
        sendResp(sock, response)
コード例 #4
ファイル: getpkm.py プロジェクト: Mikewando/IR-GTS-BW-new
def getpkm():
    sent = False
    response = ''
    print 'Ready to receive from game.'
    while not sent:
        sock, req = getReq()
        a = req.action

        if len(req.getvars) == 1:
            sendResp(sock, gtsvar.token)
        elif a == 'info':
            response = '\x01\x00'
            print 'Connection Established.'
        elif a == 'setProfile': response = '\x00' * 8
        elif a == 'result': response = '\x05\x00'
        elif a == 'delete': response = '\x01\x00'
        elif a == 'search': response = '\x01\x00'
        elif a == 'post':
            response = '\x0c\x00'
            print 'Receiving Pokemon...'
            data = req.getvars['data']
            bytes = urlsafe_b64decode(data)
            decrypt = makepkm(bytes)
            filename = ''
            if decrypt[0x49] != '\x00':
                pid = 0
                for i in xrange(0, 4):
                    pid += ord(decrypt[i]) << (i * 8)
                filename = str(pid)
                for i in decrypt[0x48:0x5e]:
                    if i == '\xff':
                    if i != '\x00':
                        filename += i
            filename += '.pkm'
            save(filename, decrypt)
            cpath = 'in-game, saved to %s' % filename
            statread(decrypt, cpath)
            sent = True

        m = hashlib.sha1()
        m.update(gtsvar.salt + urlsafe_b64encode(response) + gtsvar.salt)
        response += m.hexdigest()
        sendResp(sock, response)