def main(self): console('Generating new Application Framework project ...') dirpath = self.options.dir while not dirpath: default = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'appfwk_project') dirpath = prompt('\nEnter path for project files', default=default) dirpath = os.path.abspath(dirpath) if os.path.exists(dirpath): console('Project directory already exists, aborting.') return self.create_project_directory(dirpath) self.create_local_settings(dirpath) self.collectreports(dirpath) if self.options.offline_js: self.get_offline_js(dirpath) if not self.options.no_git: self.initialize_git(dirpath) if not self.options.no_init: self.initialize_project(dirpath) console('\n*****\n') console('App Framework project created.') if self.options.no_init: console("Change to that directory and run " "'steel appfwk init' to initialize the project.")
def validate_args(self): if self.options.rest_server and not self.options.authfile: console('Must specify an authfile to use with rest-server.') sys.exit(1) if self.options.authfile and not self.options.rest_server: console('Must specify a rest-server for use with an authfile.') sys.exit(1)
def create_workspace_directory(self, dirpath): """Creates a workspace directory with a readme and management script""" # Make directory console('Creating project directory %s ...' % dirpath) self.mkdir(dirpath) self.create_file(dirpath, '', README_CONTENT) self.create_file(dirpath, '', COLLECT_EXAMPLES_CONTENT)
def main(self): cwd = os.getcwd() if not os.path.exists(''): console('This command must be run inside the project directory to initialize.') return shell('python initialize --trace', msg='Initializing project using default settings', cwd=cwd)
def signal_handler(self, signum, frame): if signum == signal.SIGHUP: console('Received signal %s, reloading config' % signum) self.reload_config() else: console('Received signal %s, shutting down gracefully.' % signum) if self.scheduler.running: self.scheduler.shutdown() sys.exit()
def main(self): cwd = os.getcwd() if not os.path.exists(''): console('This command must be run inside the project directory.') return shell('python reload --trace', msg='Reloading app framework reports', cwd=cwd)
def create_workspace_directory(self, dirpath): """Create a workspace directory with a readme and management script.""" # Make directory console('Creating project directory %s ...' % dirpath) self.mkdir(dirpath) self.create_file(dirpath, '', README_CONTENT) self.create_file(dirpath, '', COLLECT_EXAMPLES_CONTENT)
def main(self): cwd = os.getcwd() if not os.path.exists(''): console('This command must be run inside the project directory.') return if self.options.interactive: yn = prompt_yn('This will delete and re-initialize the database from ' 'scratch. There is no undo.\nAre you sure?', False) if not yn: console('Aborting.') sys.exit() shell('python reset_appfwk --force --trace', msg='Resetting project database', cwd=cwd)
def create_project_directory(self, dirpath): """Creates project directory and copies/links necessary files.""" console('Creating project directory %s ...' % dirpath) self.mkdir(dirpath) # link and media directories # when symlink not available (windows) will copy files instead link_pkg_files('steelscript.appfwk.apps', '../', dirpath, symlink=hasattr(os, 'symlink'), buf=self.debug) for p in ('media', 'thirdparty'): link_pkg_dir('steelscript.appfwk.apps', '../' + p, os.path.join(dirpath, p), symlink=hasattr(os, 'symlink'), buf=self.debug) # copy and make folders self.mkdir(os.path.join(dirpath, 'logs')) datapath = os.path.join(dirpath, 'data') self.mkdir(datapath) link_pkg_dir('steelscript.appfwk.apps', '../initial_data', os.path.join(datapath, 'initial_data'), symlink=False, buf=self.debug) self.mkdir(os.path.join(datapath, 'datacache')) # copy example-configs link_pkg_files('steelscript.appfwk.apps', '../project/example-configs/*', os.path.join(dirpath, 'example-configs'), symlink=False, buf=self.debug) # copy sample locations link_pkg_files('steelscript.appfwk.apps', 'geolocation/sample_location*', os.path.join(dirpath, 'example-configs'), symlink=False, buf=self.debug)
def _cp_examples_from_src(cls, dirpath, overwrite): """Copy all examples from steelscript root directories""" # Get the paths of installed packages (ex /src/steelscript-netprofiler) pkg_paths = (os.path.dirname(p) for p in steelscript.__path__) # Get all the paths to the example files if the /examples folder exists example_paths = (p for p in pkg_paths if os.path.exists(os.path.join(p, 'examples'))) new_dir = None for p in example_paths: new_dir = cls.path_leaf(p) + '-examples' # Remove 'steelscript-' prefix new_dir = new_dir.split('-', 1)[1] new_dir_path = os.path.join(dirpath, new_dir) cls.mkdir(new_dir_path) cls.copy_all(os.path.join(p, 'examples'), new_dir_path, overwrite) console("done") if new_dir is None: console("WARNING: No examples were found")
def _cp_examples_from_src(cls, dirpath, overwrite): """Copy all examples from steelscript root directories.""" # Get the paths of installed packages (ex /src/steelscript-netprofiler) pkg_paths = (os.path.dirname(p) for p in steelscript.__path__) # Get all the paths to the example files if the /examples folder exists example_paths = (p for p in pkg_paths if os.path.exists(os.path.join(p, 'examples'))) new_dir = None for p in example_paths: new_dir = cls.path_leaf(p) + '-examples' # Remove 'steelscript-' prefix new_dir = new_dir.split('-', 1)[1] new_dir_path = os.path.join(dirpath, new_dir) cls.mkdir(new_dir_path) cls.copy_all(os.path.join(p, 'examples'), new_dir_path, overwrite) console("done") if new_dir is None: console("WARNING: No examples were found")
def create_local_settings(self, dirname): """Creates local settings configuration.""" secret = ''.join( choice('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!@#$%^&*(-_=+)') for i in range(50) ) fname = os.path.join(dirname, '') if not os.path.exists(fname): console('Writing local settings %s ... ' % fname, newline=False) with open(fname, 'w') as f: f.write(LOCAL_CONTENT) if self.options.offline_js: f.write("OFFLINE_JS = True\n") f.write("STATICFILES_DIRS += (os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, " "'offline'), )\n") else: f.write("#OFFLINE_JS = True\n") f.write("#STATICFILES_DIRS += (os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, " "'offline'), )\n") f.write("SECRET_KEY = '%s'\n" % secret) f.write(LOCAL_FOOTER) console('done.') else: console('Skipping local settings generation.')
def collect_examples(cls, dirpath, overwrite=False): """Copy examples from installed steelscript packages into workspace. :param dirpath: The absolute path to the directory the examples should be copied into. :param overwrite: If True, all edited examples will be overwritten with examples found in the installed packages /examples directories. """ try: get_distribution('steelscript') except DistributionNotFound: console("Package not found: 'steelscript'") console("Check the installation") return console("Collecting examples from installed packages ... ", newline=False) examples_root = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'share', 'doc', 'steelscript', 'examples') # If the packages were installed normally, examples will be located in # the virtualenv/share/docs/steelscript/examples and if not they will # be in the packages root directories in /examples if os.path.exists(examples_root): cls._cp_examples_from_docs(dirpath, overwrite) else: cls._cp_examples_from_src(dirpath, overwrite)
def create_local_settings(self, dirname): """Creates local settings configuration.""" secret = ''.join( choice('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!@#$%^&*(-_=+)') for i in range(50)) fname = os.path.join(dirname, '') if not os.path.exists(fname): console('Writing local settings %s ... ' % fname, newline=False) with open(fname, 'w') as f: f.write(LOCAL_CONTENT) if self.options.offline_js: f.write("OFFLINE_JS = True\n") f.write("STATICFILES_DIRS += (os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, " "'offline'), )\n") else: f.write("#OFFLINE_JS = True\n") f.write("#STATICFILES_DIRS += (os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, " "'offline'), )\n") f.write("SECRET_KEY = '%s'\n" % secret) f.write(LOCAL_FOOTER) console('done.') else: console('Skipping local settings generation.')
def _cp_examples_from_docs(cls, dirpath, overwrite): """Copy all examples from the virtual enviornment's installed packages""" examples_root = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'share', 'doc', 'steelscript', 'examples') e = AvailableDistributions() # Get packages with prefix steel (ex. steelscript.netshark) steel_pkgs = (x for x in e if x.startswith('steel')) # Remove the 'steelscript.' prefix no_prefix_pkgs = (x.split('.', 1)[1] if '.' in x else x for x in steel_pkgs ) # Turn those package names (ex. 'netshark') into full paths example_paths = (os.path.join(examples_root, p) for p in no_prefix_pkgs if os.path.exists(os.path.join(examples_root, p))) new_dir = None for p in example_paths: new_dir = cls.path_leaf(p) + '-examples' new_dir_path = os.path.join(dirpath, new_dir) cls.mkdir(new_dir_path) cls.copy_all(p, new_dir_path, overwrite) console("done") if new_dir is None: console("WARNING: No examples were found")
def _cp_examples_from_docs(cls, dirpath, overwrite): """Copy all examples from the virtual environment's installed packages. """ examples_root = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'share', 'doc', 'steelscript', 'examples') e = AvailableDistributions() # Get packages with prefix steel (ex. steelscript.netshark) steel_pkgs = (x for x in e if x.startswith('steel')) # Remove the 'steelscript.' prefix no_prefix_pkgs = (x.split('.', 1)[1] if '.' in x else x for x in steel_pkgs) # Turn those package names (ex. 'netshark') into full paths example_paths = (os.path.join(examples_root, p) for p in no_prefix_pkgs if os.path.exists(os.path.join(examples_root, p))) new_dir = None for p in example_paths: new_dir = cls.path_leaf(p) + '-examples' new_dir_path = os.path.join(dirpath, new_dir) cls.mkdir(new_dir_path) cls.copy_all(p, new_dir_path, overwrite) console("done") if new_dir is None: console("WARNING: No examples were found")
def create_file(self, dirname, filename, content): """Create a file according to some basic specifications.""" fname = os.path.join(dirname, filename) if not os.path.exists(fname): console('Writing {0} file {1} ... '.format(filename, fname), newline=False) with open(fname, 'w') as f: f.write(content) console('done.') else: console('File already exists, skipping writing the file.')
def _cp_files(cls, kind, src_paths, dst_paths, overwrite): if src_paths: console("Collecting {} from installed packages ... ".format(kind), newline=False) for src, dst in zip(src_paths, dst_paths): cls.mkdir(dst) cls.copy_all(src, dst, overwrite) console("done") else: console("WARNING: No {} were found".format(kind))
def main(self): console('Generating new SteelScript workspace...') dirpath = self.options.dir while not dirpath: default = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'steelscript-workspace') dirpath = prompt('\nEnter path for workspace files', default=default) dirpath = os.path.abspath(dirpath) if os.path.exists(dirpath): console('Workspace directory already exists, aborting.') return self.create_workspace_directory(dirpath) self.collect_examples(dirpath, True) if self.options.git: self.initialize_git(dirpath) console('\n*****\n') console('SteelScript workspace created.')
def get_offline_js(self, dirpath): console("Downloading offline JavaScript files...") offline_js_dir = os.path.join(dirpath, 'offline') self.mkdir(offline_js_dir) failedurls = set() offline_files = settings.OFFLINE_JS_FILES + settings.OFFLINE_CSS_FILES for url, dirname in offline_files: filename = url.rsplit('/', 1)[1] console("Downloading {0}... ".format(url), newline=False) connectionfailed = False try: r = requests.get(url, stream=True, allow_redirects=True) except requests.exceptions.Timeout: console("failed: request timed out.".format(filename)) connectionfailed = True except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: console("failed with connection error: {0}".format(e)) connectionfailed = True if connectionfailed: failedurls.add(url) elif r.status_code != console("failed with HTTP status code {0}.".format( filename, r.status_code)) failedurls.add(url) else: if dirname is not None: f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) downloadpath = else: downloadpath = os.path.join(offline_js_dir, filename) f = open(downloadpath, 'w') for chunk in r: f.write(chunk) f.close() console("success.") # If dirname is not None, that means the file is a zip or tar # archive and should be extracted to that subdirectory. if dirname is not None: finaldir = os.path.join(offline_js_dir, dirname) console("Extracting to " + finaldir + "... ", newline=False) os.mkdir(finaldir) try: # when original url gets redirected to the cloud, # the zip file would be moved to the middle # hence search for string of '.zip' followed by # Non-alphanumeric letters if r.url.endswith('zip') or \'.zip[^a-zA-Z\d]', r.url): # Unzip into temporary dir, then move the contents # of the outermost dir where we want. (With tar we # can just use --strip-components 1.) unzipdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() shell("unzip {0} -d {1}".format( downloadpath, unzipdir)) shell("mv -v {0}/*/* {1}".format( unzipdir, finaldir)) shell("rm -rf {0}".format(unzipdir)) else: # Not a zip, assume tarball. self.mkdir(finaldir) shell(("tar xvf {0} --strip-components 1 " "--directory {1}").format( downloadpath, finaldir)) except Exception as e: # This will probably be a ShellFailed exception, but # we need to clean up the file no matter what. raise e finally: os.remove(downloadpath) console("success.") if failedurls: console("Warning: the following offline JavaScript files failed " "to download. To complete this installation, you must " "manually download these files to " + offline_js_dir + ".") for url, dirname in settings.OFFLINE_JS_FILES: if url in failedurls: console(" {0}".format(url)) if dirname is not None: console( " (this file is an archive -- extract to %s)" % os.path.join(offline_js_dir, dirname)) else: console("Done.")
def get_offline_js(self, dirpath): console("Downloading offline JavaScript files...") offline_js_dir = os.path.join(dirpath, 'offline') self.mkdir(offline_js_dir) failedurls = set() offline_files = settings.OFFLINE_JS_FILES + settings.OFFLINE_CSS_FILES for url, dirname in offline_files: filename = url.rsplit('/', 1)[1] console("Downloading {0}... ".format(url), newline=False) connectionfailed = False try: r = requests.get(url, stream=True, allow_redirects=True) except requests.exceptions.Timeout: console("failed: request timed out.".format(filename)) connectionfailed = True except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: console("failed with connection error: {0}".format(e)) connectionfailed = True if connectionfailed: failedurls.add(url) elif r.status_code != console("failed with HTTP status code {0}.".format(filename, r.status_code)) failedurls.add(url) else: if dirname is not None: f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) downloadpath = else: downloadpath = os.path.join(offline_js_dir, filename) f = open(downloadpath, 'w') for chunk in r: f.write(chunk) f.close() console("success.") # If dirname is not None, that means the file is a zip or tar # archive and should be extracted to that subdirectory. if dirname is not None: finaldir = os.path.join(offline_js_dir, dirname) console("Extracting to " + finaldir + "... ", newline=False) os.mkdir(finaldir) try: # when original url gets redirected to the cloud, # the zip file would be moved to the middle # hence search for string of '.zip' followed by # Non-alphanumeric letters if r.url.endswith('zip') or \'.zip[^a-zA-Z\d]', r.url): # Unzip into temporary dir, then move the contents # of the outermost dir where we want. (With tar we # can just use --strip-components 1.) unzipdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() shell("unzip {0} -d {1}".format(downloadpath, unzipdir)) shell("mv -v {0}/*/* {1}".format(unzipdir, finaldir)) shell("rm -rf {0}".format(unzipdir)) else: # Not a zip, assume tarball. self.mkdir(finaldir) shell(("tar xvf {0} --strip-components 1 " "--directory {1}").format(downloadpath, finaldir)) except Exception as e: # This will probably be a ShellFailed exception, but # we need to clean up the file no matter what. raise e finally: os.remove(downloadpath) console("success.") if failedurls: console("Warning: the following offline JavaScript files failed " "to download. To complete this installation, you must " "manually download these files to " + offline_js_dir + ".") for url, dirname in settings.OFFLINE_JS_FILES: if url in failedurls: console(" {0}".format(url)) if dirname is not None: console(" (this file is an archive -- extract to %s)" % os.path.join(offline_js_dir, dirname)) else: console("Done.")