コード例 #1
class StockTrendTest(unittest.TestCase):
    """The Stock Trend Test suite"""
    def setUp(self):
        """This method is called before every test method below is executed"""
        self.goog = Stock("GOOG")

    def given_a_series_of_prices(self, prices):
        """Helper method to keep our tests DRY"""
        timestamps = [datetime(2015, 5, 28), datetime(2015, 5, 29),
                      datetime(2015, 5, 30)]
        for timestamp, price in zip(timestamps, prices):
            self.goog.update(timestamp, price)

    def test_increasing_trend_is_true_if_price_increase_for_3_updates(self):
        """Checks if a stock has an increasing trend"""
        self.given_a_series_of_prices([8, 10, 12])

    def test_increasing_trend_is_false_if_price_decreases(self):
        """Checks that increasing trend is false if price decreases"""
        self.given_a_series_of_prices([8, 12, 10])

    def test_increasing_trend_is_false_if_price_equal(self):
        """Checks that increasing trend is false if price remains equal"""
        self.given_a_series_of_prices([8, 10, 10])
コード例 #2
 def test_a_PriceRule_is_False_if_the_stock_hasnt_got_an_update_yet(self):
     Tests if a PriceRule is False if the stock hasn't got an update yet
     self.exchange["AAPL"] = Stock("AAPL")
     rule = PriceRule("AAPL", lambda stock: stock.price > 10)
コード例 #3
class StockTest(unittest.TestCase):
    """The Stock Test suite"""
    def setUp(self):
        """This method is called before every test method below is executed"""
        self.goog = Stock("GOOG")

    def test_price_of_a_new_stock_class_should_be_None(self):
        """Tests that a price of a new Stock should be None"""

    def test_stock_update(self):
        """An update should set the price on the stock object
        We will be using the `datetime` module for the timestamp
        # Following the Arrange-Act-Assert pattern
        # Arrange is in the setUp method above
        self.goog.update(datetime(2015, 5, 28), price=10)  # Act
        self.assertEqual(10, self.goog.price)  # Assert

    def test_negative_price_should_throw_ValueError(self):
        """Tests that a price should not be negative
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.goog.update,
                          datetime(2015, 5, 28), -1)

    def test_stock_price_should_give_the_latest_price(self):
        """After multiple updates, a Stock gives us the latest price"""
        self.goog.update(datetime(2015, 5, 28), price=10)
        self.goog.update(datetime(2015, 5, 29), price=8.4)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(8.4, self.goog.price, delta=0.0001)

    def test_price_is_the_latest_even_if_updates_are_made_out_of_order(self):
        """Tests updates which come out of order"""
        self.goog.update(datetime(2015, 5, 29), price=8)
        self.goog.update(datetime(2015, 5, 28), price=10)
        self.assertEqual(8, self.goog.price)
コード例 #4
 def exchange(self):
     goog = Stock("GOOG")
     goog.update(datetime(2016, 9, 26), 11)
     return {"GOOG": goog}
コード例 #5
 def test_matches_is_false_if_stock_has_not_been_updated(self, exchange):
     exchange["AAPL"] = Stock("AAPL")
     rule = PriceRule("AAPL", lambda stock: stock.price > 10)
     assert rule.matches(exchange) is False
コード例 #6
 def setUp(self):
     """This method is called before every test method below is executed"""
     self.goog = Stock("GOOG")
コード例 #7
def stock():
    return Stock("GOOG")
コード例 #8
 def setUpClass(cls):
     """This method is called before every test method below is executed"""
     goog = Stock("GOOG")
     goog.update(datetime(2015, 5, 28), 11)
     cls.exchange = {"GOOG": goog}
コード例 #9
 def setUpClass(cls):
     """This method is called before every test method below is executed"""
     goog = Stock("GOOG")
     goog.update(datetime(2015, 5, 28), 8)
     goog.update(datetime(2015, 5, 29), 10)
     goog.update(datetime(2015, 5, 30), 12)
     msft = Stock("MSFT")
     msft.update(datetime(2015, 5, 28), 10)
     msft.update(datetime(2015, 5, 29), 10)
     msft.update(datetime(2015, 5, 30), 12)
     redhat = Stock("RHT")
     redhat.update(datetime(2015, 5, 28), 7)
     cls.exchange = {"GOOG": goog, "MSFT": msft, "RHT": redhat}
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_stock.py プロジェクト: jepierre/python_apps
 def test_price_of_another_stock_should_be_none(self):
     stock = Stock("AAPL")
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_stock.py プロジェクト: jepierre/python_apps
 def test_price_of_a_new_stock_class_should_be_none(self):
     stock = Stock("GOOG")
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_rule.py プロジェクト: rckraybill/stock_alerter
 def setUpClass(cls):
     goog = Stock("GOOG")
     goog.update(datetime(2014,2,10), 11)
     cls.exchange = {"GOOG":goog}