コード例 #1
ファイル: write_base.py プロジェクト: MwlLj/sql2cpp
 def __join_padding_str(self, n, func_name, method_info, input_params,
                        in_isarr, param_no, padding):
     content = ""
     padding_var = "padding"
     content += "\t" * n + '{0}.clear();\n'.format(padding_var)
     for param in input_params:
         param_name = param.get(CSqlParse.PARAM_NAME)
         pt = param.get(CSqlParse.PARAM_TYPE)
         param_type = self.type_change(pt)
         param_condition = param.get(CSqlParse.PARAM_CONDITION)
         if param_condition is not None:
             preix = "input{0}.".format(param_no)
             if in_isarr == "true":
                 preix = "iter->"
             str_prefix = ""
             str_suffix = ""
             if pt != "string":
                 str_prefix = "std::to_string("
                 str_suffix = ")"
             param_condition = param_condition.replace(
                 "{}", '").append({2}{0}get{1}(){3}).append("'.format(
                     preix, CStringTools.upperFirstByte(param_name),
                     str_prefix, str_suffix))
             content += "\t" * n + 'if ({0}get{1}Used()) {2}.append("{3}");\n'.format(
                 preix, CStringTools.upperFirstByte(param_name),
                 padding_var, param_condition)
     content += "\t" * n + self.__get_input_set_posture_single(
         func_name, method_info, in_isarr, input_params, param_no, padding,
     return content
コード例 #2
 def __get_content(self):
     content = ""
     method_list = self.m_info_dict.get(CSqlParse.METHOD_LIST)
     for method_info in method_list:
         func_name = method_info.get(CSqlParse.FUNC_NAME)
         define = "uint32_t {0}({1});".format(
             func_name, self.get_method_param_list(func_name, method_info))
         is_exist = CStringTools.is_exist(
             r'(?:^|[ |\s]*?){0}'.format(
                 CStringTools.filter_reg_keyword(define)), self.m_content)
         if is_exist is False:
             content += self.write_method_define(method_info)
     return content
コード例 #3
ファイル: write_base.py プロジェクト: MwlLj/sqlite2cpp
	def __read_data(self, func_name, output_params, isarr, method_info, n, param_no):
		content = ""
		var_type = self.get_output_class_name(func_name, method_info)
		output_params_len = len(output_params)
		content += "\t"*n + "std::vector<std::string> cols;\n"
		content += "\t"*n + "cols.resize({0});\n".format(str(output_params_len))
		content += "\t"*n + "bool b = row->scan(cols);\n"
		content += "\t"*n + "if (!b) continue;\n"
		if isarr is True:
			content += "\t"*n + "{0} tmp;\n".format(var_type)
		content += "\t"*n + "std::stringstream ss;\n"
		tmp = "output{0}.".format(param_no)
		if isarr is True:
			tmp = "tmp."
		i = 0
		for param in output_params:
			param_type = param.get(CSqlParse.PARAM_TYPE)
			param_name = param.get(CSqlParse.PARAM_NAME)
			if param_type is None or param_name is None:
			value = "cols[{0}]".format(i)
			param_type = self.type_change(param_type)
			if param_type != "std::string":
				content += "\t"*n + "{0} {1} = 0;\n".format(param_type, param_name)
				content += "\t"*n + "ss << cols[{0}];\n".format(i)
				content += "\t"*n + "ss >> {0};\n".format(param_name)
				content += "\t"*n + 'ss.clear();\n'
				value = param_name
			content += "\t"*n + "{0}set{1}({2});\n".format(tmp, CStringTools.upperFirstByte(param_name), value)
			i += 1
		if isarr is True:
			# content += "\t"*1 + "}\n"
			content += "\t"*n + "output{0}.push_back(tmp);\n".format(param_no)
		return content
コード例 #4
ファイル: write_cpp_base.py プロジェクト: MwlLj/scriptbase
 def write_set_method(self, param_type, param_name):
     content = ""
     param_type, is_custom_type = self.type_change(param_type)
     content += "void set{0}(const {1} &{2})".format(
         CStringTools.upperFirstByte(param_name), param_type, param_name)
     content += " { this->" + "{0} = {0}".format(param_name) + "; }"
     return content
コード例 #5
 def __replace_sql_brace(self, input_params, sql, is_group):
     fulls, max_number = CStringTools.get_brace_format_list(sql)
     param_len = len(input_params)
     full_set = set(fulls)
     full_len = len(full_set)
     if is_group is False:
         if param_len != full_len:
             str_tmp = "[Param Length Error] may be last #define error ? fulllen length({1}) != params length({2})\n[sql] : \t{0}".format(
                 sql, full_len, param_len)
             raise SystemExit(str_tmp)
         if param_len < max_number + 1:
             str_tmp = "[Param Match Error] may be last #define error ? input param length == {1}, max index == {2}\n[sql] : \t{0}".format(
                 sql, param_len, max_number)
             raise SystemExit(str_tmp)
     for number, keyword in list(full_set):
         inpams = input_params[number]
         tmp = ""
         param_type = inpams.get(CSqlParse.PARAM_TYPE)
         if inpams.get(CSqlParse.PARAM_IS_CONDITION) is False:
             tmp += '\\"'
         tmp += self.type2symbol(param_type)
         if inpams.get(CSqlParse.PARAM_IS_CONDITION) is False:
             tmp += '\\"'
         sql = re.sub(keyword, tmp, sql)
     return sql, fulls
コード例 #6
 def write_get_method(self, param_type, param_name):
     content = ""
     param_type = self.type_change(param_type)
     content += "const {0} &get{1}() const".format(
         param_type, CStringTools.upperFirstByte(param_name))
     content += " { return this->" + param_name + "; }"
     return content
コード例 #7
ファイル: write_base.py プロジェクト: MwlLj/sqlite2cpp
	def __replace_sql_brace(self, input_params, in_isarr, sql, param_no, is_group):
		fulls, max_number = CStringTools.get_brace_format_list2(sql)
		param_len = len(input_params)
		full_set = set(fulls)
		full_len = len(full_set)
		if is_group is False:
			if param_len != full_len:
				str_tmp = "[Param Length Error] may be last #define error ? fulllen length({1}) != params length({2})\n[sql] : \t{0}".format(sql, full_len, param_len)
				raise SystemExit(str_tmp)
			if param_len < max_number + 1:
				str_tmp = "[Param Match Error] may be last #define error ? input param length == {1}, max index == {2}\n[sql] : \t{0}".format(sql, param_len, max_number)
				raise SystemExit(str_tmp)
		for number, keyword, last_is_other, next_is_other in list(full_set):
			inpams = input_params[number]
			tmp = ""
			if last_is_other is True:
				tmp += '"'
			if inpams.get(CSqlParse.PARAM_IS_CONDITION) is False:
				tmp += """ << "'" << """
				tmp += " << "
			value = self.__get_input_posture_single(in_isarr, inpams, param_no)
			tmp += value
			if inpams.get(CSqlParse.PARAM_IS_CONDITION) is False:
				tmp += """ << "'" << """
				tmp += " << "
			if next_is_other is True:
				tmp += '"'
			sql = re.sub(keyword, tmp, sql)
		sql += '";\n'
		return sql, fulls
コード例 #8
ファイル: write_base.py プロジェクト: MwlLj/sql2go
	def get_output_struct_name(self, method):
		method_name = method.get(CSqlParse.FUNC_NAME)
		out_class = method.get(CSqlParse.OUT_CLASS)
		name = ""
		if out_class is not None:
			name = out_class
			name = method_name
		return "C{0}Output".format(CStringTools.upperFirstByte(name))
コード例 #9
ファイル: write_base.py プロジェクト: MwlLj/sql2go
	def get_input_struct_name(self, method):
		method_name = method.get(CSqlParse.FUNC_NAME)
		in_class = method.get(CSqlParse.IN_CLASS)
		name = ""
		if in_class is not None:
			name = in_class
			name = method_name
		return "C{0}Input".format(CStringTools.upperFirstByte(name))
コード例 #10
 def write_set_method(self, param_type, param_name):
     content = ""
     param_type = self.type_change(param_type)
     content += "void set{0}(const {1} &{2}, bool use = true)".format(
         CStringTools.upperFirstByte(param_name), param_type, param_name)
     content += " { this->" + "{0} = {0};".format(
         param_name) + " this->" + "{0}Used = use;".format(
             param_name) + " }"
     return content
コード例 #11
 def __write_callback(self, func_name, out_isarr, output_params):
     content = ""
     callback_name = func_name + "Callback"
     var_type = self.get_output_class_name(func_name)
     isarr = False
     if out_isarr is not None and out_isarr == "true":
         isarr = True
         var_type = "std::list<{0}>".format(var_type)
     content += "int {0}(void *data, int colCount, char **colValue, char **colName)\n".format(
     content += "{\n"
     content += "\t" * 1 + "int ret = 0;\n"
     content += "\n"
     content += "\t" * 1 + "{0} *p = reinterpret_cast<{0}*>(data);\n".format(
     content += "\t" * 1 + "if (p == nullptr) return -1;\n"
     tmp = "p->"
     tmp_len = 1
     if isarr is True:
         tmp = "tmp."
         tmp_len = 1
         content += "\t" * 1 + "{0} tmp;\n".format(
         # content += "\t"*1 + "for (int i = 0; i < colCount; ++i)\n"
         # content += "\t"*1 + "{\n"
     i = 0
     content += "\t" * tmp_len + "std::stringstream ss;\n"
     for param in output_params:
         param_type = param.get(CSqlParse.PARAM_TYPE)
         param_name = param.get(CSqlParse.PARAM_NAME)
         if param_type is None or param_name is None:
         value = "colValue[{0}]".format(i)
         param_type = self.type_change(param_type)
         content += "\t" * tmp_len + "if (colValue[{0}] != nullptr) ".format(
             i) + "{\n"
         if param_type != "std::string":
             content += "\t" * (tmp_len + 1) + "{0} {1} = 0;\n".format(
                 param_type, param_name)
             content += "\t" * (tmp_len +
                                1) + "ss << colValue[{0}];\n".format(i)
             content += "\t" * (tmp_len +
                                1) + "ss >> {0};\n".format(param_name)
             content += "\t" * (tmp_len + 1) + "ss.clear();\n"
             value = param_name
         content += "\t" * (tmp_len + 1) + "{0}set{1}({2});\n".format(
             tmp, CStringTools.upperFirstByte(param_name), value)
         content += "\t" * tmp_len + "}\n"
         i += 1
     if isarr is True:
         # content += "\t"*1 + "}\n"
         content += "\t" * 1 + "p->push_back(tmp);\n"
     content += "\n"
     content += "\t" * 1 + "return ret;\n"
     content += "}\n"
     return content
コード例 #12
ファイル: write_base.py プロジェクト: MwlLj/sqlite2cpp
	def __get_input_posture_single(self, in_isarr, input_param, param_no):
		content = ""
		preix = "input{0}.".format(param_no)
		if in_isarr == "true":
			preix = "iter->"
		param_name = input_param.get(CSqlParse.PARAM_NAME)
		param_type = input_param.get(CSqlParse.PARAM_TYPE)
		content += "{0}get{1}()".format(preix, CStringTools.upperFirstByte(param_name))
		if param_type == "string":
			content += ".c_str()"
		return content
コード例 #13
ファイル: write_base.py プロジェクト: MwlLj/sqlite2cpp
	def get_input_class_name(self, func_name, method_info):
		in_class = method_info.get(CSqlParse.IN_CLASS)
		name = ""
		if in_class is not None:
			name = in_class
			name = func_name
		# hump_func_name = CStringTools.underling2HumpLarger(func_name)
		hump_func_name = CStringTools.upperFirstByte(name)
		input_name = "C{0}Input".format(hump_func_name)
		return input_name
コード例 #14
ファイル: write_interface.py プロジェクト: MwlLj/sql2go
 def inner(content, param_no):
     sql = method.get(CSqlParse.SQL)
     sql = re.sub(r"\\", "", sql)
     tc = 1
     var_name = "input{0}".format(str(param_no))
     if in_ismul is True:
         tc = 2
         var_name = "v"
         content += "\t" * 1 + "for _, v := range *input" + str(
             param_no) + " {\n"
     if output_params is not None and len(output_params) > 0:
         content += "\t" * tc + "rows{0}, err := tx.Query(".format(
         content += "\t" * tc + "result, err = tx.Exec("
     sql, fulls = self.__replace_sql_brace(input_params, sql, False)
     content += 'fmt.Sprintf(`{0}`'.format(sql)
     if input_params is not None:
         for param in input_params:
             is_cond = param.get(CSqlParse.PARAM_IS_CONDITION)
             if is_cond is True:
                 param_name = param.get(CSqlParse.PARAM_NAME)
                 content += ", {1}.{0}".format(
                     CStringTools.upperFirstByte(param_name), var_name)
     content += ")"
     content += self.__write_query_params(input_params, var_name, fulls)
     content += ")\n"
     tc = 1
     end_str = "return err, rowCount"
     if in_ismul is True:
         tc = 2
         end_str = "return err, rowCount"
     content += "\t" * tc + 'if err != nil {\n'
     content += "\t" * (tc + 1) + 'tx.Rollback()\n'
     content += "\t" * (tc + 1) + '{0}\n'.format(end_str)
     content += "\t" * tc + '}\n'
     # if in_ismul is False:
     # 	content += "\t"*1 + "tx.Commit()\n"
     if output_params is not None and len(output_params) > 0:
         content += "\t" * tc + 'defer rows{0}.Close()\n'.format(
         content += "\t" * tc + 'for rows' + str(
             param_no) + '.Next() {\n'
         content += "\t" * (tc + 1) + 'rowCount += 1\n'
         content += self.__write_output(tc + 1, method, param_no)
         content += "\t" * tc + '}\n'
         content += "\t" * tc + "var _ = result\n"
     if in_ismul is True:
         content += "\t" * 1 + '}\n'
     param_no += 1
     # if in_ismul is False:
     # 	content += "\t"*1 + "tx.Commit()\n"
     return content, param_no
コード例 #15
ファイル: write_base.py プロジェクト: MwlLj/sqlite2cpp
	def get_output_class_name(self, func_name, method_info):
		out_class = method_info.get(CSqlParse.OUT_CLASS)
		name = ""
		if out_class is not None:
			name = out_class
			name = func_name
		# hump_func_name = CStringTools.underling2HumpLarger(func_name)
		hump_func_name = CStringTools.upperFirstByte(name)
		output_name = "C{0}Output".format(hump_func_name)
		return output_name
コード例 #16
 def __write_struct(self, method, is_input, method_name, params,
     content = ""
     if self.__class_is_writed(is_input, method) is True:
         return content
     content += "type {0} struct".format(struct_name)
     content += " {\n"
     for param in params:
         param_type = param.get(CSqlParse.PARAM_TYPE)
         param_name = param.get(CSqlParse.PARAM_NAME)
         if param_type is None or param_name is None:
             raise SystemExit(
                 "[Error] method: {0}, type or name is none".format(
         param_type = self.type_change(param_type)
         content += "\t" + "{0} {1}\n".format(
             CStringTools.upperFirstByte(param_name), param_type)
         content += "\t" + "{0}{1} bool\n".format(
     content += "}\n\n"
     return content
コード例 #17
ファイル: write_base.py プロジェクト: MwlLj/sql2cpp
 def __get_input_set_posture_single(self, func_name, method_info, in_isarr,
                                    input_params, param_no, padding,
     content = ""
     preix = "input{0}".format(param_no)
     preix2 = "."
     if in_isarr == "true":
         preix = "*iter"
         preix2 = "."
     content += "const_cast<{4}&>({0}){1}set{2}({3});\n".format(
         preix, preix2, CStringTools.upperFirstByte(padding), set_content,
         self.get_input_class_name(func_name, method_info))
     return content
コード例 #18
ファイル: write_interface.py プロジェクト: MwlLj/sql2go
    def __write_query_params(self, input_params, var_name, fulls):
        content = ""
        if input_params is None:
            return content
        not_cond_params = []
        for number, keyword in fulls:
            param = input_params[number]
            is_cond = param.get(CSqlParse.PARAM_IS_CONDITION)
            if is_cond is True:
        if len(not_cond_params) > 0:
            content += ", "
        i = 0
        for param in not_cond_params:
            if i > 0:
                content += ", "
            i += 1
            param_name = param.get(CSqlParse.PARAM_NAME)
            param_type = param.get(CSqlParse.PARAM_TYPE)
            content += "{0}.{1}".format(
                var_name, CStringTools.upperFirstByte(param_name))
		not_cond_params = []
		for param in input_params:
			is_cond = param.get(CSqlParse.PARAM_IS_CONDITION)
			if is_cond is False:
		length = len(fulls)
		if len(not_cond_params) > 0:
			content += ", "
		i = 0
		forwardIsCond = False
		for number, keyword in fulls:
			param = input_params[number]
			is_cond = param.get(CSqlParse.PARAM_IS_CONDITION)
			if i > 0 and is_cond is False and forwardIsCond is False:
				content += ", "
			i += 1
			if is_cond is True:
				forwardIsCond = True
				forwardIsCond = False
			param_name = param.get(CSqlParse.PARAM_NAME)
			param_type = param.get(CSqlParse.PARAM_TYPE)
			content += "{0}.{1}".format(var_name, CStringTools.upperFirstByte(param_name))
        return content
コード例 #19
ファイル: write_base.py プロジェクト: MwlLj/sqlite2cpp
	def __get_input_posture(self, in_isarr, input_params, param_no):
		content = ""
		length = len(input_params)
		i = 0
		preix = "input{0}.".format(param_no)
		if in_isarr == "true":
			preix = "iter->"
		for param in input_params:
			i += 1
			param_name = param.get(CSqlParse.PARAM_NAME)
			param_type = param.get(CSqlParse.PARAM_TYPE)
			content += "{0}get{1}()".format(preix, CStringTools.upperFirstByte(param_name))
			if param_type == "string":
				content += ".c_str()"
			if i < length:
				content += ", "
		return content
コード例 #20
ファイル: write_base.py プロジェクト: MwlLj/sqlite2cpp
	def __get_input_brace_posture(self, in_isarr, input_params, fulls):
		content = ""
		length = len(fulls)
		i = 0
		preix = "input."
		if in_isarr == "true":
			preix = "iter->"
		for number, keyword, last_is_other, next_is_other in fulls:
			i += 1
			param = input_params[number]
			param_name = param.get(CSqlParse.PARAM_NAME)
			param_type = param.get(CSqlParse.PARAM_TYPE)
			content += "{0}get{1}()".format(preix, CStringTools.upperFirstByte(param_name))
			if param_type == "string":
				content += ".c_str()"
			if i < length:
				content += ", "
		return content
コード例 #21
ファイル: write_interface.py プロジェクト: MwlLj/sql2go
 def __write_output(self, tc, method, param_no):
     in_isarr = method.get(CSqlParse.IN_ISARR)
     out_isarr = method.get(CSqlParse.OUT_ISARR)
     in_ismul = None
     out_ismul = None
     if in_isarr == "true":
         in_ismul = True
         in_ismul = False
     if out_isarr == "true":
         out_ismul = True
         out_ismul = False
     func_name = method.get(CSqlParse.FUNC_NAME)
     output_params = method.get(CSqlParse.OUTPUT_PARAMS)
     output_class_name = self.get_output_struct_name(method)
     content = ""
     length = 0
     if output_params is not None:
         length = len(output_params)
     if length == 0:
         return content
     if out_ismul is True:
         content += "\t" * tc + "tmp := {0}".format(
             output_class_name) + "{}\n"
     for param in output_params:
         param_type = param.get(CSqlParse.PARAM_TYPE)
         param_name = param.get(CSqlParse.PARAM_NAME)
         param_type = self.type_null_change(param_type)
         content += "\t" * tc + "var {0} {1}\n".format(
             param_name, param_type)
     content += "\t" * tc + "scanErr := rows{0}.Scan(".format(str(param_no))
     i = 0
     for param in output_params:
         i += 1
         param_name = param.get(CSqlParse.PARAM_NAME)
         content += "&{0}".format(param_name)
         if i < length:
             content += ", "
     content += ")\n"
     content += "\t" * tc + "if scanErr != nil {\n"
     content += "\t" * (tc + 1) + "continue\n"
     content += "\t" * tc + "}\n"
     pre = ""
     if out_ismul is True:
         pre = "tmp"
         pre = "output{0}".format(str(param_no))
     for param in output_params:
         param_type = param.get(CSqlParse.PARAM_TYPE)
         param_name = param.get(CSqlParse.PARAM_NAME)
         content += "\t" * tc + "{0}.{1} = {2}\n".format(
             pre, CStringTools.upperFirstByte(param_name),
             self.type_back(param_type, param_name))
         content += "\t" * tc + "{0}.{1}{3} = {2}.Valid\n".format(
             pre, CStringTools.upperFirstByte(param_name), param_name,
     if out_ismul is True:
         content += "\t" * tc + "*output{0} = append(*output{0}, tmp)\n".format(
     return content
コード例 #22
    def __write_group(self, func_name, method_info, in_isarr, is_brace,
                      input_params, sql, n):
        content = ""
        # write implement
        sql_group_info = method_info.get(CSqlParse.SQL_GROUP_INFO)
        sql_group_list = sql_group_info.get(CSqlParse.SQL_GROUP_LIST)
        group_input_params = method_info.get(CSqlParse.GROUP_INPUT_PARAMS)
        sql_group_list_len = len(sql_group_list)
        group_input_params_len = len(group_input_params)
        if sql_group_list_len != group_input_params_len:
            raise SystemExit("[Match Error] func_name: {0}".format(func_name))
        groups = CStringTools.binary_bit_combination(sql_group_list_len)
        j = 0
        for group in groups:
            j += 1
            if j == 1:
                content += "\t" * n + "if ("
                content += "\n" + "\t" * n + "else if ("
            i = 0
            group_len = len(group)
            sql_tmp = sql
            sql_tmp = re.sub(r"\/\*begin\{\d?\}\*\/", "", sql_tmp)
            sql_tmp = re.sub(r"\/\*end\*\/", "", sql_tmp)
            sql_tmp = re.sub(r"[ ]{2,}?", " ", sql_tmp)
            for item in group:
                i += 1
                t_f = ""
                if item == 0:
                    t_f = "false"
                    # replace
                    group_no, group_field = sql_group_list[i - 1]
                    index = sql_tmp.index(group_field)
                    pre = sql_tmp[index - 4:index].strip()
                    if pre == "and":
                        sql_tmp = self.__replace_substring_by_pos(
                            sql_tmp, index - 4, index, "")
                    size = len(group_field)
                    index = sql_tmp.index(group_field)
                    back = sql_tmp[index + size:index + size + 4].strip()
                    if back == "and":
                        sql_tmp = self.__replace_substring_by_pos(
                            sql_tmp, index + size, index + size + 4, "")
                    sql_tmp = sql_tmp.replace(group_field, "")
                    t_f = "true"
                this_field = "input."
                if in_isarr == "true":
                    this_field = "iter->"
                content += "{0}get{1}Used() == {2}".format(
                    CStringTools.upperFirstByte(group_input_params[i - 1].get(
                        CSqlParse.PARAM_NAME)), t_f)
                if i < group_len:
                    content += " && "
            if 1 not in group:
                sql_tmp = re.sub("where", "", sql_tmp)

            tmp = ""
            if is_brace is True:
                sql_tmp, fulls = self.__replace_sql_brace(
                    input_params, sql_tmp, True)
                tmp += "\t" * (
                    n + 1) + 'snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "{0}"'.format(sql_tmp)
                if len(fulls) > 0:
                    tmp += "\n" + "\t" * (n + 2) + ", "
                tmp += self.__get_input_brace_posture(in_isarr, input_params,
                tmp += ");"
                tmp += "\t" * (n +
                               1) + 'snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "{0}"'.format(
                                       input_params, sql_tmp, True))
                if len(fulls) > 0:
                    tmp += "\n" + "\t" * (n + 2) + ", "
                tmp += self.__get_input_posture(in_isarr, input_params)
                tmp += ");"

            content += ") {\n" + "{0}\n".format(tmp) + "\t" * n + "}"
        content += "\n"
        return content
コード例 #23
 def get_output_class_name(self, func_name):
     # hump_func_name = CStringTools.underling2HumpLarger(func_name)
     hump_func_name = CStringTools.upperFirstByte(func_name)
     output_name = "C{0}Output".format(hump_func_name)
     return output_name
コード例 #24
ファイル: write_base.py プロジェクト: MwlLj/sql2go
	def get_interface_name(self, method_name):
		return CStringTools.upperFirstByte(method_name)