def test_tempo_should_descrever_quando_difereca_de_tempo_ocorreu_ha_1_mes_atras_com_31_dias(): u"TempoRelativo deveria descrever quando diferenca de tempo ocorreu ha 1 mês atras" relative_time = - timedelta(minutes=60 * 24 * 31) decorrido = TempoRelativo(relative_time) assert that(decorrido.ha).equals(u"há 1 mês") assert that(decorrido.atras).equals(u"1 mês atrás") assert that(unicode(decorrido)).equals(u"há 1 mês")
def select_by_attribute_id(context): "selecting by attribute (id)" dom = DOM(context.html) (body, ) = dom.find("[id=firstp]") assert that(body).is_a(Element) assert that(body.attribute['id']).equals("firstp")
def test_tempo_should_descrever_quando_difereca_de_tempo_ocorreu_ha_55_minutos_atras(): u"TempoRelativo deveria descrever quando diferenca de tempo ocorreu ha 55 minutos atras" relative_time = - timedelta(minutes=55) decorrido = TempoRelativo(relative_time) assert that(decorrido.ha).equals(u"há 55 minutos") assert that(decorrido.atras).equals(u"55 minutos atrás") assert that(unicode(decorrido)).equals(u"há 55 minutos")
def test_that_something_iterable_matches_another(): "sure.that(something_iterable).matches(another_iterable)" KlassOne = type('KlassOne', (object, ), {}) KlassTwo = type('KlassTwo', (object, ), {}) one = [ ("/1", KlassOne), ("/2", KlassTwo), ] two = [ ("/1", KlassOne), ("/2", KlassTwo), ] assert that(one).matches(two) assert that(one).equals(two) def fail_1(): assert that(range(1)).matches(xrange(2)) class Fail2(object): def __init__(self): assert that(xrange(1)).equals(range(2)) class Fail3(object): def __call__(self): assert that(xrange(1)).equals(range(2)) assert that(fail_1).raises('[0] has 1 item, but xrange(2) has 2 items') assert that(Fail2).raises('xrange(1) has 1 item, but [0, 1] has 2 items') assert that(Fail3()).raises('xrange(1) has 1 item, but [0, 1] has 2 items')
def test_that_something_iterable_matches_another(): "sure.that(something_iterable).matches(another_iterable)" KlassOne = type('KlassOne', (object,), {}) KlassTwo = type('KlassTwo', (object,), {}) one = [ ("/1", KlassOne), ("/2", KlassTwo), ] two = [ ("/1", KlassOne), ("/2", KlassTwo), ] assert that(one).matches(two) assert that(one).equals(two) def fail_1(): assert that(range(1)).matches(xrange(2)) class Fail2(object): def __init__(self): assert that(xrange(1)).matches(range(2)) class Fail3(object): def __call__(self): assert that(xrange(1)).matches(range(2)) assert that(fail_1).raises('X is a list and Y is a xrange instead') assert that(Fail2).raises('X is a xrange and Y is a list instead') assert that(Fail3()).raises('X is a xrange and Y is a list instead')
def test_have_property_with_value(): (u"this(instance) or " ".with_value should allow chain up") class Person(object): name = "John Doe" def __repr__(self): return ur"Person()" jay = Person() assert this(jay)"name").being.equal("John Doe") assert this(jay)"name").not_being.equal("Foo") def opposite(): assert this(jay)"name").not_being.equal( "John Doe") def opposite_not(): assert this(jay)"name").being.equal( "Foo") assert that(opposite).raises(AssertionError) assert that(opposite).raises( "'John Doe' should differ to 'John Doe', but is the same thing") assert that(opposite_not).raises(AssertionError) assert that(opposite_not).raises( "X is 'John Doe' whereas Y is 'Foo'")
def test_httpretty_should_mock_headers_requests(now): u"HTTPretty should mock basic headers with requests" HTTPretty.register_uri(HTTPretty.GET, "", body="this is supposed to be the response", status=201) response = requests.get('') assert that(response.status_code).equals(201) assert that(dict(response.headers)).equals({ 'content-type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8', 'connection': 'close', 'content-length': '35', 'status': '201', 'server': 'Python/HTTPretty', 'date': now.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT'), })
def test_second_authentication_step_takes_code_and_makes_a_request(context): "github.API's second authentication step is a redirect" class MyStore(github.TokenStore): data = {} def set(self, k, v):[k] = v def get(self, k): return simple = MyStore() api = github.API("app-id-here", "app-secret-here", store=simple) HTTPretty.register_uri( HTTPretty.POST, "", body='{"access_token": "this-is-the-access-token"}', status=200, ) result = api.authenticate(code="visitor-code") assert that(result).is_a(github.API) last_request = HTTPretty.last_request assert that(last_request.headers).has("Authentication")
def test_have_property(): (u"this(instance)") class Person(object): name = "John Doe" def __repr__(self): return ur"Person()" jay = Person() assert this(jay)"name") assert this(jay)"age") def opposite(): assert this(jay)"name") def opposite_not(): assert this(jay)"age") assert that(opposite).raises(AssertionError) assert that(opposite).raises( "Person() should not have the property `name`, but it is 'John Doe'") assert that(opposite_not).raises(AssertionError) assert that(opposite_not).raises( "Person() should have the property `age` but doesn't")
def test_that_something_iterable_matches_another(): "sure.that(something_iterable).matches(another_iterable)" KlassOne = type('KlassOne', (object,), {}) KlassTwo = type('KlassTwo', (object,), {}) one = [ ("/1", KlassOne), ("/2", KlassTwo), ] two = [ ("/1", KlassOne), ("/2", KlassTwo), ] assert that(one).matches(two) assert that(one).equals(two) def fail_1(): assert that(range(1)).matches(xrange(2)) class Fail2(object): def __init__(self): assert that(xrange(1)).equals(range(2)) class Fail3(object): def __call__(self): assert that(xrange(1)).equals(range(2)) assert that(fail_1).raises('[0] has 1 item, but xrange(2) has 2 items') assert that(Fail2).raises('xrange(1) has 1 item, but [0, 1] has 2 items') assert that(Fail3()).raises('xrange(1) has 1 item, but [0, 1] has 2 items')
def select_by_id(context): "selecting by id" dom = DOM(context.html) body = dom.find("#firstp").first() assert that(body).is_a(Element) assert that(body.attribute['id']).equals("firstp")
def test_tempo_should_descrever_quando_difereca_de_tempo_ocorreu_ha_menos_de_1_minuto_atras(): u"TempoRelativo deveria descrever quando difereça de tempo ocorreu ha menos de 1 minuto atras" relative_time = - timedelta(seconds=55) decorrido = TempoRelativo(relative_time) assert that(decorrido.ha).equals(u"há menos de um minuto") assert that(decorrido.atras).equals(u"alguns segundos atrás") assert that(unicode(decorrido)).equals(u"há menos de um minuto")
def test_assertion_builder_synonyms(): (u"this, it, these and those are all synonyms") assert that(it).is_a(AssertionBuilder) assert that(this).is_a(AssertionBuilder) assert that(these).is_a(AssertionBuilder) assert that(those).is_a(AssertionBuilder)
def test_httpretty_bypasses_when_disabled(): u"HTTPretty should bypass all requests by disabling it" HTTPretty.register_uri(HTTPretty.GET, "http://localhost:9999/go-for-bubbles/", body="glub glub") HTTPretty.disable() fd = urllib2.urlopen('http://localhost:9999/go-for-bubbles/') got1 = fd.close() assert that(got1).equals('. o O 0 O o . o O 0 O o . o O 0 O o . o O 0 O o . o O 0 O o .') fd = urllib2.urlopen('http://localhost:9999/come-again/') got2 = fd.close() assert that(got2).equals('<- HELLO WORLD ->') HTTPretty.enable() fd = urllib2.urlopen('http://localhost:9999/go-for-bubbles/') got3 = fd.close() assert that(got3).equals('glub glub')
def test_tempo_should_descrever_quando_difereca_de_tempo_ocorreu_ha_1_hora_atras(): u"TempoRelativo deveria descrever quando difereça de tempo ocorreu ha 1 hora atras" relative_time = - timedelta(minutes=60) decorrido = TempoRelativo(relative_time) assert that(decorrido.ha).equals(u"há 1 hora") assert that(decorrido.atras).equals(u"1 hora atrás") assert that(unicode(decorrido)).equals(u"há 1 hora")
def test_tempo_should_descrever_quando_difereca_de_tempo_ocorreu_ha_1_minuto_e_meio_atras(): u"TempoRelativo deveria descrever quando difereça de tempo ocorreu ha 1 minuto e meio atras" relative_time = - timedelta(seconds=90) decorrido = TempoRelativo(relative_time) assert that(decorrido.ha).equals(u"há pouco mais de 1 minuto") assert that(decorrido.atras).equals(u"1 minuto e 30 segundos atrás") assert that(unicode(decorrido)).equals(u"há pouco mais de 1 minuto")
def test_soundex_boundary(self): """ Test case to ensure that the boundary cases of the soundex algorithm are handled appropriately. """ assert that(self.runner.soundex('')).equals('0000') assert that(self.runner.soundex(' \r\n')).equals('0000') assert that(self.runner.soundex('3940')).equals('0000')
def test_tempo_should_descrever_quando_difereca_de_tempo_ocorreu_ha_4_dias_atras(): u"TempoRelativo deveria descrever quando difereça de tempo ocorreu ha 4 dias atras" relative_time = - timedelta(minutes=(60 * 24) * 4) decorrido = TempoRelativo(relative_time) assert that(decorrido.ha).equals(u"há 4 dias") assert that(decorrido.atras).equals(u"4 dias atrás") assert that(unicode(decorrido)).equals(u"há 4 dias")
def test_httpretty_bypasses_when_disabled(): u"HTTPretty should bypass all requests by disabling it" HTTPretty.register_uri(HTTPretty.GET, "http://localhost:9999/go-for-bubbles/", body="glub glub") HTTPretty.disable() fd = urllib2.urlopen('http://localhost:9999/go-for-bubbles/') got1 = fd.close() assert that(got1).equals( '. o O 0 O o . o O 0 O o . o O 0 O o . o O 0 O o . o O 0 O o .') fd = urllib2.urlopen('http://localhost:9999/come-again/') got2 = fd.close() assert that(got2).equals('<- HELLO WORLD ->') HTTPretty.enable() fd = urllib2.urlopen('http://localhost:9999/go-for-bubbles/') got3 = fd.close() assert that(got3).equals('glub glub')
def select_html(context): "selecting html" dom = DOM(context.html) html = dom.get("html") assert that(html).is_a(Element) assert that(html.attribute['id']).equals("html")
def see_the_right_stop_and_duration_time(step): stop_cell = world.wait_for_element('#stop-%s' % world.rows, 5, 0.5) assert that(stop_cell.text).equals("%B%e, %Y,%l:%M %P")), \ 'The stop time is not current' duration_cell = world.wait_for_element('#duration-%s' % world.rows, 5, 0.5) assert that(duration_cell.text).equals("00:00:03"), \ 'The duration is incorrect'
def select_by_class_with_many_classes(context): "selecting by many classes at once" dom = DOM(context.html) elements = dom.find("li.stuff.thing") assert that(elements).the_attribute('tag').equals('li') assert that(elements[0].attribute['id']).equals('house')
def test_that_len_is(): "sure.that() len_is(number)" lst = range(1000) assert that(lst).len_is(1000) assert len(lst) == 1000 assert that(lst).len_is(lst)
def attr_retrieves_each_attribute_by_name(context): "attr retrieves attributes each attribute by name" dom = DOM(context.html) ul = dom.find("#objects").first() assert that(ul.attr('id')).equals('objects') assert that(ul.attr('class')).equals('list no-bullets')
def test_get_argv_options_integration(context): u"Nose should parse sys.argv and figure out whether to run as integration" sys.argv = ['./', 'test', '--integration'] runner = Nose() opts = runner.get_argv_options() assert that(opts['is_unit']).equals(False) assert that(opts['is_functional']).equals(False) assert that(opts['is_integration']).equals(True)
def test_that_len_lower_than(): "sure.that() len_lower_than(number)" lst = range(100) lst2 = range(1000) assert that(lst).len_lower_than(101) assert len(lst) == 100 assert that(lst).len_lower_than(lst2)
def test_that_is_a_matcher_should_absorb_callables_to_be_used_as_matcher(): u"that.is_a_matcher should absorb callables to be used as matcher" @that.is_a_matcher def is_truthful(what): assert bool(what), '{0} is so untrue'.format(what) return 'foobar' assert that('friend').is_truthful() assert_equals(that('friend').is_truthful(), 'foobar')
def test_get_argv_options_simple(context): u"Nose should parse sys.argv" sys.argv = ['./', 'test'] runner = Nose() opts = runner.get_argv_options() assert that(opts['is_unit']).equals(False) assert that(opts['is_functional']).equals(False) assert that(opts['is_integration']).equals(False)
def select_by_class(context): "selecting by class name" dom = DOM(context.html) div = dom.find(".nothiddendiv").first() assert that(div).is_a(Element) assert that(div.attribute['id']).equals("nothiddendiv") assert that(div.attribute['style']).has("height:1px;") assert that(div.attribute['style']).has("background:white;")
def select_paragraphs(context): "selecting paragraphs" dom = DOM(context.html) identifiers = ["firstp", "ap", "sndp", "en", "sap", "first"] paragraphs = dom.find("p") assert that(dom).is_a(DOM) assert that(paragraphs).in_each("attribute['id']").matches(identifiers)
def select_by_child(context): "selecting by parent > child, mixing many kinds of selectors" dom = DOM(context.html) elements = dom.find( "ul#objects > li.geometry" ) assert that(elements).in_each('tag').matches(['li', 'li']) assert that(elements).in_each("attribute['id']").matches(['ball', 'square'])
def select_by_child_complex(context): "selecting by parent > child, mixing many kinds of selectors" dom = DOM(context.html) elements = dom.find( " > ul#objects > li.geometry" ) assert that(elements).in_each('tag').matches(['li', 'li']) assert that(elements).in_each("attribute['id']").matches(['ball', 'square'])
def test_tokenstore_set(): "github.TokenStore.set is not implemented by default" store = github.TokenStore() assert that(store.set, with_args=['key-name']).raises( 'github.TokenStore must be subclassed and the method ' \ 'set must be implemented', ) assert that(store.set, with_args=['key-name']).raises(NotImplementedError)
def test_backend_registry_find_definitions(): "creating builders should be as easy as declaring classes" assert that( class Builder1(Registry): name = 'First' scheme = 'builder1://' assert that( assert that(Registry.get('builder1://')).equals(Builder1)
def test_that_is_a_matcher_should_absorb_callables_to_be_used_as_matcher(): u"that.is_a_matcher should absorb callables to be used as matcher" @that.is_a_matcher def is_truthful(what): assert bool(what), '%s is so untrue' % (what) return 'foobar' assert that('friend').is_truthful() assert_equals(that('friend').is_truthful(), 'foobar')
def mock_get_paths_for(names, appending): k = expected_kinds.pop(0) assert that(names).is_a(list) assert that(appending).is_a(list) assert that(names).equals(['john', 'doe']) assert that(appending).equals(['tests', k]) return [ '/apps/john/tests/%s' % k, '/apps/doe/tests/%s' % k, ]
def test_that_len_greater_than_should_raise_assertion_error(): "sure.that() len_greater_than(number) raise AssertionError" lst = range(1000) try: that(lst).len_greater_than(1000) except AssertionError, e: assert_equals( str(e), 'the length of the list should be greater then %d, but is %d' \ % (1000, 1000))
def test_that_len_greater_than_or_equals(): "sure.that() len_greater_than_or_equals(number)" lst = range(1000) lst2 = range(100) assert that(lst).len_greater_than_or_equals(100) assert that(lst).len_greater_than_or_equals(1000) assert len(lst) == 1000 assert that(lst).len_greater_than_or_equals(lst2) assert that(lst).len_greater_than_or_equals(lst)
def test_that_len_lower_than_or_equals_should_raise_assertion_error(): "sure.that() len_lower_than_or_equals(number) raise AssertionError" lst = range(1000) try: that(lst).len_lower_than_or_equals(100) except AssertionError, e: assert_equals( str(e), 'the length of %r should be lower then or equals %d, but is %d' % \ (lst, 100, 1000))
def test_httpretty_should_mock_a_simple_get_with_requests_read(now): u"HTTPretty should mock a simple GET with requests.get" HTTPretty.register_uri(HTTPretty.GET, "", body="Find the best daily deals") response = requests.get('') assert that(response.text).equals('Find the best daily deals') assert that(HTTPretty.last_request.method).equals('GET') assert that(HTTPretty.last_request.path).equals('/')
def test_httpretty_should_mock_a_simple_get_with_httplib2_read(now): u"HTTPretty should mock a simple GET with httplib2.context.http" HTTPretty.register_uri(HTTPretty.GET, "", body="Find the best daily deals") _, got = httplib2.Http().request('', 'GET') assert that(got).equals('Find the best daily deals') assert that(HTTPretty.last_request.method).equals('GET') assert that(HTTPretty.last_request.path).equals('/')
def test_httpretty_should_mock_a_simple_get_with_httplib2_read(now): u"HTTPretty should mock a simple GET with httplib2.context.http" HTTPretty.register_uri(HTTPretty.GET, "", body="The biggest portal in Brazil") _, got = httplib2.Http().request('', 'GET') assert that(got).equals('The biggest portal in Brazil') assert that(HTTPretty.last_request.method).equals('GET') assert that(HTTPretty.last_request.path).equals('/')
def test_that_at_key_equals(): "sure.that().at(object).equals(object)" class Class: name = "some class" Object = Class() dictionary = { 'name': 'John', } assert that(Class).at("name").equals('some class') assert that(Object).at("name").equals('some class') assert that(dictionary).at("name").equals('John')
def test_single_scenario_many_scenarios(): "Untagged scenario following a tagged one should have no tags" feature = Feature.from_string(FEATURE13) first_scenario = feature.scenarios[0] assert that(first_scenario.tags).equals(['runme']) second_scenario = feature.scenarios[1] assert that(second_scenario.tags).equals([]) third_scenario = feature.scenarios[2] assert that(third_scenario.tags).equals(['slow']) last_scenario = feature.scenarios[3] assert that(last_scenario.tags).equals([])
def the_providers_are_working(Then): Then.the_context_has_variables() assert hasattr(Then, 'var1') assert hasattr(Then, 'foobar') assert hasattr(Then, '__sure_providers_of__') providers = Then.__sure_providers_of__ action = Then.the_context_has_variables.__name__ providers_of_var1 = [p.__name__ for p in providers['var1']] assert that(providers_of_var1).contains(action) providers_of_foobar = [p.__name__ for p in providers['foobar']] assert that(providers_of_foobar).contains(action) return True
def test_that_contains_dictionary_keys(): "sure.that(dict(name='foobar')).contains('name')" data = dict(name='foobar') assert 'name' in data assert 'name' in data.keys() assert that(data).contains('name')
def test_that_equals(): "sure.that() equals(object)" something = "something" assert that(something).equals(something) assert something == something
def test_that_checking_all_atributes_of_range(): "sure.that(iterable, within_range=(1, 2)).the_attribute('name').equals('value')" class shape(object): def __init__(self, name): self.kind = 'geometrical form' = name def __repr__(self): return '<%s:%s>' % (self.kind, shapes = [ shape('circle'), shape('square'), shape('square'), shape('triangle'), ] assert shapes[0].name != 'square' assert shapes[3].name != 'square' assert shapes[1].name == 'square' assert shapes[2].name == 'square' assert that(shapes, within_range=(1, 2)). \ the_attribute("name"). \ equals('square')
def the_providers_are_working(Then): Then.the_context_has_variables('JohnDoe') assert hasattr(Then, 'var1') assert 'JohnDoe' in Then assert hasattr(Then, '__sure_providers_of__') providers = Then.__sure_providers_of__ action = Then.the_context_has_variables.__name__ providers_of_var1 = [p.__name__ for p in providers['var1']] assert that(providers_of_var1).contains(action) providers_of_JohnDoe = [p.__name__ for p in providers['JohnDoe']] assert that(providers_of_JohnDoe).contains(action) return True
def test_deep_equals_dict_level3_fails_different_key(): "sure.that() deep_equals(dict) failing on level 3 when has an extra key" something = { 'my::all_users': [ { 'name': 'John', 'age': 33, 'foo': 'bar' }, ], } def assertions(): assert that(something).deep_equals({ 'my::all_users': [ { 'name': 'John', 'age': 33, 'bar': 'foo' }, ], }) assert that(assertions).raises( AssertionError, "given\n" \ "X = {'my::all_users': [{'age': 33, 'foo': 'bar', 'name': 'John'}]}\n" \ " and\n" \ "Y = {'my::all_users': [{'age': 33, 'bar': 'foo', 'name': 'John'}]}\n" \ "X['my::all_users'][0] has the key 'foo' whereas Y['my::all_users'][0] doesn't", )
def test_that_equals(): "sure.that() equals(string)" something = "something" assert that('something').equals(something) assert something == 'something'
def test_that_differs(): "sure.that() differs(object)" something = "something" assert that(something).differs("23123%FYTUGIHOfdf") assert something != "23123%FYTUGIHOfdf"
def test_deep_equals_dict_level2_fail(): "sure.that() deep_equals(dict) failing on level 2" something = { 'one': 'yeah', 'another': { 'two': '##', }, } def assertions(): assert that(something).deep_equals({ 'one': 'yeah', 'another': { 'two': '$$', }, }) assert that(assertions).raises( AssertionError, "given\n" \ "X = {'another': {'two': '##'}, 'one': 'yeah'}\n" \ " and\n" \ "Y = {'another': {'two': '$$'}, 'one': 'yeah'}\n" \ "X['another']['two'] is '##' whereas Y['another']['two'] is '$$'", )
def test_that_is_a(): "sure.that() is_a(object)" something = "something" assert that(something).is_a(str) assert isinstance(something, str)
def assertions(): assert that(something).deep_equals({ 'one': 'yeah', 'another': { 'two': '$$', }, })
def test_deep_equals_dict_level3_fail_values(): "sure.that() deep_equals(dict) failing on level 3" something = { 'my::all_users': [ { 'name': 'John', 'age': 33 }, ], } def assertions(): assert that(something).deep_equals({ 'my::all_users': [ { 'name': 'John', 'age': 30 }, ], }) assert that(assertions).raises( AssertionError, "given\n" \ "X = {'my::all_users': [{'age': 33, 'name': 'John'}]}\n" \ " and\n" \ "Y = {'my::all_users': [{'age': 30, 'name': 'John'}]}\n" \ "X['my::all_users'][0]['age'] is 33 whereas Y['my::all_users'][0]['age'] is 30", )