コード例 #1
ファイル: deltafunctions.py プロジェクト: lazovich/sympy
def deltaintegrate(f, x):
    """The idea for integration is the following:
    -If we are dealing with a DiracDelta expression, i.e.:
    DiracDelta(g(x)), we try to simplify it.
    If we could simplify it, then we integrate the resulting expression.
    We already know we can integrate a simplified expression, because only
    simple DiracDelta expressions are involved.
    If we couldn't simplify it, there are two cases:
    1) The expression is a simple expression, then we return the integral
    Taking care if we are dealing with a Derivative or with a proper DiracDelta
    2) The expression is not simple(i.e. DiracDelta(cos(x))), we can do nothing at all

    -If the node is a multiplication node having a DiracDelta term
    First we expand it.
    If the expansion did work, the we try to integrate the expansion
    If not, we try to extract a simple DiracDelta term, then we have two cases
    1)We have a simple DiracDelta term, so we return the integral
    2)We didn't have a simple term, but we do have an expression with simplified
    DiracDelta terms, so we integrate this expression

    if not f.has(DiracDelta):
        return None
    # g(x) = DiracDelta(h(x))
    if f.func == DiracDelta:
        h = f.simplify(x)
        if h == f:  #can't simplify the expression
            #FIXME: the second term tells whether is DeltaDirac or Derivative
            #For integrating derivatives of DiracDelta we need the chain rule
            if f.is_simple(x):
                if (len(f.args) <= 1 or f.args[1] == 0):
                    return Heaviside(f.args[0])
                    return (DiracDelta(f.args[0], f.args[1] - 1) /
        else:  #let's try to integrate the simplified expression
            fh = sympy.integrals.integrate(h, x)
            return fh
    elif f.is_Mul:  #g(x)=a*b*c*f(DiracDelta(h(x)))*d*e
        g = f.expand()
        if f != g:  #the expansion worked
            fh = sympy.integrals.integrate(g, x)
            if fh and not isinstance(fh, sympy.integrals.Integral):
                return fh
        else:  #no expansion performed, try to extract a simple DiracDelta term
            dg, rest_mult = change_mul(f, x)

            if not dg:
                if rest_mult:
                    fh = sympy.integrals.integrate(rest_mult, x)
                    return fh
                dg = dg.simplify(x)
                if dg.is_Mul:  # Take out any extracted factors
                    dg, rest_mult_2 = change_mul(dg, x)
                    rest_mult = rest_mult * rest_mult_2
                point = solve(dg.args[0], x)[0]
                return (rest_mult.subs(x, point) * Heaviside(x - point))
    return None
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_octave.py プロジェクト: ushukkla/sympy
def test_Function_change_name():
    assert mcode(abs(x)) == "abs(x)"
    assert mcode(ceiling(x)) == "ceil(x)"
    assert mcode(arg(x)) == "angle(x)"
    assert mcode(im(x)) == "imag(x)"
    assert mcode(re(x)) == "real(x)"
    assert mcode(conjugate(x)) == "conj(x)"
    assert mcode(chebyshevt(y, x)) == "chebyshevT(y, x)"
    assert mcode(chebyshevu(y, x)) == "chebyshevU(y, x)"
    assert mcode(laguerre(x, y)) == "laguerreL(x, y)"
    assert mcode(Chi(x)) == "coshint(x)"
    assert mcode(Shi(x)) == "sinhint(x)"
    assert mcode(Ci(x)) == "cosint(x)"
    assert mcode(Si(x)) == "sinint(x)"
    assert mcode(li(x)) == "logint(x)"
    assert mcode(loggamma(x)) == "gammaln(x)"
    assert mcode(polygamma(x, y)) == "psi(x, y)"
    assert mcode(RisingFactorial(x, y)) == "pochhammer(x, y)"
    assert mcode(DiracDelta(x)) == "dirac(x)"
    assert mcode(DiracDelta(x, 3)) == "dirac(3, x)"
    assert mcode(Heaviside(x)) == "heaviside(x)"
    assert mcode(Heaviside(x, y)) == "heaviside(x, y)"
コード例 #3
def test_latex_Heaviside():
    assert latex(Heaviside(x)) == r"\theta\left(x\right)"
    assert latex(Heaviside(x)**2) == r"\left(\theta\left(x\right)\right)^{2}"
コード例 #4
def deltaintegrate(f, x):
    deltaintegrate(f, x)

    The idea for integration is the following:

    - If we are dealing with a DiracDelta expression, i.e. DiracDelta(g(x)),
      we try to simplify it.

      If we could simplify it, then we integrate the resulting expression.
      We already know we can integrate a simplified expression, because only
      simple DiracDelta expressions are involved.

      If we couldn't simplify it, there are two cases:

      1) The expression is a simple expression: we return the integral,
         taking care if we are dealing with a Derivative or with a proper

      2) The expression is not simple (i.e. DiracDelta(cos(x))): we can do
         nothing at all.

    - If the node is a multiplication node having a DiracDelta term:

      First we expand it.

      If the expansion did work, then we try to integrate the expansion.

      If not, we try to extract a simple DiracDelta term, then we have two

      1) We have a simple DiracDelta term, so we return the integral.

      2) We didn't have a simple term, but we do have an expression with
         simplified DiracDelta terms, so we integrate this expression.


        >>> from sympy.abc import x, y, z
        >>> from sympy.integrals.deltafunctions import deltaintegrate
        >>> from sympy import sin, cos, DiracDelta, Heaviside
        >>> deltaintegrate(x*sin(x)*cos(x)*DiracDelta(x - 1), x)
        sin(1)*cos(1)*Heaviside(x - 1)
        >>> deltaintegrate(y**2*DiracDelta(x - z)*DiracDelta(y - z), y)
        z**2*DiracDelta(x - z)*Heaviside(y - z)

    See Also

    if not f.has(DiracDelta):
        return None

    from sympy.integrals import Integral, integrate
    from sympy.solvers import solve

    # g(x) = DiracDelta(h(x))
    if f.func == DiracDelta:
        h = f.simplify(x)
        if h == f:  # can't simplify the expression
            #FIXME: the second term tells whether is DeltaDirac or Derivative
            #For integrating derivatives of DiracDelta we need the chain rule
            if f.is_simple(x):
                if (len(f.args) <= 1 or f.args[1] == 0):
                    return Heaviside(f.args[0])
                    return (DiracDelta(f.args[0], f.args[1] - 1) /
        else:  # let's try to integrate the simplified expression
            fh = integrate(h, x)
            return fh
    elif f.is_Mul or f.is_Pow:  # g(x) = a*b*c*f(DiracDelta(h(x)))*d*e
        g = f.expand()
        if f != g:  # the expansion worked
            fh = integrate(g, x)
            if fh is not None and not isinstance(fh, Integral):
                return fh
            # no expansion performed, try to extract a simple DiracDelta term
            dg, rest_mult = change_mul(f, x)

            if not dg:
                if rest_mult:
                    fh = integrate(rest_mult, x)
                    return fh
                dg = dg.simplify(x)
                if dg.is_Mul:  # Take out any extracted factors
                    dg, rest_mult_2 = change_mul(dg, x)
                    rest_mult = rest_mult*rest_mult_2
                point = solve(dg.args[0], x)[0]
                return (rest_mult.subs(x, point)*Heaviside(x - point))
    return None
コード例 #5
def deltaintegrate(f, x):
    deltaintegrate(f, x)

    The idea for integration is the following:

    - If we are dealing with a DiracDelta expression, i.e. DiracDelta(g(x)),
      we try to simplify it.

      If we could simplify it, then we integrate the resulting expression.
      We already know we can integrate a simplified expression, because only
      simple DiracDelta expressions are involved.

      If we couldn't simplify it, there are two cases:

      1) The expression is a simple expression: we return the integral,
         taking care if we are dealing with a Derivative or with a proper

      2) The expression is not simple (i.e. DiracDelta(cos(x))): we can do
         nothing at all.

    - If the node is a multiplication node having a DiracDelta term:

      First we expand it.

      If the expansion did work, then we try to integrate the expansion.

      If not, we try to extract a simple DiracDelta term, then we have two

      1) We have a simple DiracDelta term, so we return the integral.

      2) We didn't have a simple term, but we do have an expression with
         simplified DiracDelta terms, so we integrate this expression.


        >>> from sympy.abc import x, y, z
        >>> from sympy.integrals.deltafunctions import deltaintegrate
        >>> from sympy import sin, cos, DiracDelta, Heaviside
        >>> deltaintegrate(x*sin(x)*cos(x)*DiracDelta(x - 1), x)
        sin(1)*cos(1)*Heaviside(x - 1)
        >>> deltaintegrate(y**2*DiracDelta(x - z)*DiracDelta(y - z), y)
        z**2*DiracDelta(x - z)*Heaviside(y - z)

    See Also

    if not f.has(DiracDelta):
        return None

    from sympy.integrals import Integral, integrate
    from sympy.solvers import solve

    # g(x) = DiracDelta(h(x))
    if f.func == DiracDelta:
        h = f.expand(diracdelta=True, wrt=x)
        if h == f:  # can't simplify the expression
            #FIXME: the second term tells whether is DeltaDirac or Derivative
            #For integrating derivatives of DiracDelta we need the chain rule
            if f.is_simple(x):
                if (len(f.args) <= 1 or f.args[1] == 0):
                    return Heaviside(f.args[0])
                    return (DiracDelta(f.args[0], f.args[1] - 1) /
        else:  # let's try to integrate the simplified expression
            fh = integrate(h, x)
            return fh
    elif f.is_Mul or f.is_Pow:  # g(x) = a*b*c*f(DiracDelta(h(x)))*d*e
        g = f.expand()
        if f != g:  # the expansion worked
            fh = integrate(g, x)
            if fh is not None and not isinstance(fh, Integral):
                return fh
            # no expansion performed, try to extract a simple DiracDelta term
            deltaterm, rest_mult = change_mul(f, x)

            if not deltaterm:
                if rest_mult:
                    fh = integrate(rest_mult, x)
                    return fh
                deltaterm = deltaterm.expand(diracdelta=True, wrt=x)
                if deltaterm.is_Mul:  # Take out any extracted factors
                    deltaterm, rest_mult_2 = change_mul(deltaterm, x)
                    rest_mult = rest_mult*rest_mult_2
                point = solve(deltaterm.args[0], x)[0]

                # Return the largest hyperreal term left after
                # repeated integration by parts.  For example,
                #   integrate(y*DiracDelta(x, 1),x) == y*DiracDelta(x,0),  not 0
                # This is so Integral(y*DiracDelta(x).diff(x),x).doit()
                # will return y*DiracDelta(x) instead of 0 or DiracDelta(x),
                # both of which are correct everywhere the value is defined
                # but give wrong answers for nested integration.
                n = (0 if len(deltaterm.args)==1 else deltaterm.args[1])
                m = 0
                while n >= 0:
                    r = (-1)**n*rest_mult.diff(x, n).subs(x, point)
                    if r.is_zero:
                        n -= 1
                        m += 1
                        if m == 0:
                            return r*Heaviside(x - point)
                            return r*DiracDelta(x,m-1)
                # In some very weak sense, x=0 is still a singularity,
                # but we hope will not be of any practical consequence.
                return S.Zero
    return None