コード例 #1
ファイル: test_misc.py プロジェクト: quangpq/sympy
def test_rawlines():
    assert rawlines('a a\na') == "dedent('''\\\n    a a\n    a''')"
    assert rawlines('a a') == "'a a'"
    assert rawlines(strlines('\\le"ft')) == ('(\n'
                                             "    '(\\n'\n"
                                             '    \'r\\\'\\\\le"ft\\\'\\n\'\n'
                                             "    ')'\n"
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_misc.py プロジェクト: asmeurer/sympy
def test_rawlines():
    assert rawlines('a a\na') == "dedent('''\\\n    a a\n    a''')"
    assert rawlines('a a') == "'a a'"
    assert rawlines(strlines('\\le"ft')) == (
        "    '(\\n'\n"
        '    \'r\\\'\\\\le"ft\\\'\\n\'\n'
        "    ')'\n"
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_misc.py プロジェクト: asmeurer/sympy
def test_strlines():
    q = 'this quote (") is in the middle'
    # the following assert rhs was prepared with
    # print(rawlines(strlines(q, 10)))
    assert strlines(q, 10) == dedent('''\
        'this quo'
        'te (") i'
        's in the'
        ' middle'
    assert q == (
        'this quo'
        'te (") i'
        's in the'
        ' middle'
    q = "this quote (') is in the middle"
    assert strlines(q, 20) == dedent('''\
        "this quote (') is "
        "in the middle"
    assert strlines('\\left') == (
    assert strlines('\\left', short=True) == r"r'\left'"
    assert strlines('\\le"ft') == (
    q = 'this\nother line'
    assert strlines(q) == rawlines(q)
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_misc.py プロジェクト: msgoff/sympy
def test_strlines():
    q = 'this quote (") is in the middle'
    # the following assert rhs was prepared with
    # print(rawlines(strlines(q, 10)))
    assert strlines(q, 10) == dedent(
        'this quo'
        'te (") i'
        's in the'
        ' middle'
    assert q == ("this quo" 'te (") i' "s in the" " middle")
    q = "this quote (') is in the middle"
    assert strlines(q, 20) == dedent(
        "this quote (') is "
        "in the middle"
    assert strlines("\\left") == ("(\n" "r'\\left'\n" ")")
    assert strlines("\\left", short=True) == r"r'\left'"
    assert strlines('\\le"ft') == ("(\n" "r'\\le\"ft'\n" ")")
    q = "this\nother line"
    assert strlines(q) == rawlines(q)
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_misc.py プロジェクト: quangpq/sympy
def test_strlines():
    q = 'this quote (") is in the middle'
    # the following assert rhs was prepared with
    # print(rawlines(strlines(q, 10)))
    assert strlines(q, 10) == dedent('''\
        'this quo'
        'te (") i'
        's in the'
        ' middle'
    assert q == ('this quo' 'te (") i' 's in the' ' middle')
    q = "this quote (') is in the middle"
    assert strlines(q, 20) == dedent('''\
        "this quote (') is "
        "in the middle"
    assert strlines('\\left') == ('(\n' "r'\\left'\n" ')')
    assert strlines('\\left', short=True) == r"r'\left'"
    assert strlines('\\le"ft') == ('(\n' 'r\'\\le"ft\'\n' ')')
    q = 'this\nother line'
    assert strlines(q) == rawlines(q)
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_misc.py プロジェクト: msgoff/sympy
def test_rawlines():
    assert rawlines("a a\na") == "dedent('''\\\n    a a\n    a''')"
    assert rawlines("a a") == "'a a'"
    assert rawlines(strlines('\\le"ft')) == (
        "(\n" "    '(\\n'\n" "    'r\\'\\\\le\"ft\\'\\n'\n" "    ')'\n" ")"