コード例 #1
    async def addTrigger(self, tdef):
        Adds a trigger to the view.
        iden = tdef.get('iden')
        if iden is None:
            tdef['iden'] = s_common.guid()
        elif self.triggers.get(iden) is not None:
            raise s_exc.DupIden(mesg='A trigger with this iden already exists')

        root = await self.core.auth.getUserByName('root')

        tdef.setdefault('user', root.iden)
        tdef.setdefault('enabled', True)


        return await self._push('trigger:add', tdef)
コード例 #2
ファイル: hiveauth.py プロジェクト: toliver38/synapse
    async def addUser(self, name, passwd=None, email=None, iden=None):
        Add a User to the Hive.

            name (str): The name of the User.
            passwd (str): A optional password for the user.
            email (str): A optional email for the user.
            iden (str): A optional iden to use as the user iden.

            HiveUser: A Hive User.

        if self.usersbyname.get(name) is not None:
            raise s_exc.DupUserName(name=name)

        if iden is None:
            iden = s_common.guid()
            if not s_common.isguid(iden):
                raise s_exc.BadArg(name='iden',
                                   mesg='Argument it not a valid iden.')

            if self.usersbyiden.get(iden) is not None:
                raise s_exc.DupIden(name=name,
                                    mesg='User already exists for the iden.')

        await self._push('user:add', iden, name)

        user = self.user(iden)

        if passwd is not None:
            await user.setPasswd(passwd)

        if email is not None:
            await self.setUserInfo(user.iden, 'email', email)

        # Everyone's a member of 'all'
        await user.grant(self.allrole.iden)

        return user
コード例 #3
ファイル: view.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/synapse
    async def _onPushAddTrigger(self, tdef):


        trig = self.trigdict.get(tdef['iden'])
        if trig is not None:
            return self.triggers.get(tdef['iden']).pack()

        gate = self.core.auth.getAuthGate(tdef['iden'])
        if gate is not None:
            raise s_exc.DupIden(mesg='An AuthGate with this iden already exists')

        user = self.core.auth.user(tdef['user'])
        await self.core.getStormQuery(tdef['storm'])

        trig = await self.triggers.load(tdef)

        await self.trigdict.set(trig.iden, tdef)
        await self.core.auth.addAuthGate(trig.iden, 'trigger')
        await user.setAdmin(True, gateiden=tdef.get('iden'), logged=False)

        return trig.pack()
コード例 #4
    async def addLayer(self, layriden, indx=None):
        if any(layriden == layr.iden for layr in self.layers):
            raise s_exc.DupIden(
                mesg='May not have the same layer in a view twice')

        return await self._push('view:addlayer', layriden, indx)
コード例 #5
ファイル: agenda.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/synapse
    async def add(self, cdef):
        Persistently adds an appointment

            cdef (dict):  May contain the following keys:
                creator (str):  iden of the creating user
                iden (str): Iden of the appointment
                storm (str): storm query to run
                reqs (Union[None, Dict[TimeUnit, Union[int, Tuple[int]], List[...]):
                    one or more dicts of the fixed aspects of the appointment.  dict value may be a single or multiple.
                    May be an empty dict or None.
                incunit (Union[None, TimeUnit]):
                    the unit that changes for recurring, or None for non-recurring.  It is an error for this value to
                    match a key in reqdict.
                incvals (Union[None, int, Iterable[int]): count of units of incunit or explicit day of week or day of
                    month.  Not allowed for incunit == None, required for others (1 would be a typical value)

            For values in reqs that are lists and incvals if a list, all combinations of all values (the product) are

            Packed appointment definition
        iden = cdef['iden']
        incunit = cdef.get('incunit')
        incvals = cdef.get('incvals')
        reqs = cdef.get('reqs', {})
        query = cdef.get('storm')
        creator = cdef.get('creator')
        view = cdef.get('view')

        recur = incunit is not None
        indx = self._next_indx
        self._next_indx += 1

        if iden in self.appts:
            raise s_exc.DupIden()

        if not query:
            raise ValueError('"query" key of cdef parameter is not present or empty')

        if not creator:
            raise ValueError('"creator" key is cdef parameter is not present or empty')

        if not reqs and incunit is None:
            raise ValueError('at least one of reqs and incunit must be non-empty')

        if incunit is not None and incvals is None:
            raise ValueError('incvals must be non-None if incunit is non-None')

        if isinstance(reqs, Mapping):
            reqs = [reqs]

        # Find all combinations of values in reqdict values and incvals values
        nexttime = None
        recs = []  # type: ignore
        for req in reqs:
            if TimeUnit.NOW in req:
                if incunit is not None:
                    mesg = "Recurring jobs may not be scheduled to run 'now'"
                    raise ValueError(mesg)
                nexttime = self._getNowTick()

            reqdicts = self._dictproduct(req)
            if not isinstance(incvals, Iterable):
                incvals = (incvals, )
            recs.extend(ApptRec(rd, incunit, v) for (rd, v) in itertools.product(reqdicts, incvals))

        appt = _Appt(self, iden, recur, indx, query, creator, recs, nexttime=nexttime, view=view)
        self._addappt(iden, appt)

        appt.doc = cdef.get('doc', '')

        await self._storeAppt(appt)

        return appt.pack()