コード例 #1
ファイル: results.py プロジェクト: owenmackwood/connn
class AgentGameOutcomeRow(IsDescription):
    game_number = Int32Col(pos=0)
    opponent = StringCol(name_size, pos=1)
    version = Int32Col(pos=2)
    moved_first = BoolCol(pos=3)
    outcome = StringCol(outcome_size, pos=4)
    when = TimeStamp()
コード例 #2
def _create_h5(filename):
    # save meta.about to the file.
    with open_file(filename, 'w') as h5:
        descriptor1 = {
            'field1': Float64Col(),
            'field2': Float64Col(),
            'field3': Float64Col()
        descriptor2 = {
            'version': Int32Col(),
            'n_rows': Int32Col(),
            'n_cols': Int32Col()
        h5.create_group('/partition', 'meta', createparents=True)
        rows_table = h5.create_table('/partition', 'rows', descriptor1)
        file_header_table = h5.create_table('/partition', 'file_header',
        for i in range(5):
            rows_table.row['field1'] = float(i)
            rows_table.row['field2'] = float(i)
            rows_table.row['field2'] = float(i)

        file_header_table.row['version'] = 1
        file_header_table.row['n_rows'] = 1
        file_header_table.row['n_cols'] = 1
コード例 #3
ファイル: results.py プロジェクト: owenmackwood/connn
class AgentVersionRow(IsDescription):
    version = Int32Col(pos=0, dflt=0)
    won = Int32Col(pos=1, dflt=0)
    lost = Int32Col(pos=2, dflt=0)
    drawn = Int32Col(pos=3, dflt=0)
    failed = Int32Col(pos=4, dflt=0)
    rating = Float64Col(pos=5, dflt=0.0)
    uploaded = TimeStamp()
コード例 #4
class Particle(IsDescription):
    name = StringCol(16)   # 16-character String
    idnumber = Int64Col()      # Signed 64-bit integer
    ADCcount = UInt16Col()     # Unsigned short integer
    TDCcount = UInt8Col()      # unsigned byte
    grid_i = Int32Col()      # 32-bit integer
    grid_j = Int32Col()      # 32-bit integer
    pressure = Float32Col()    # float  (single-precision)
    energy = Float64Col()    # double (double-precision)
コード例 #5
ファイル: results.py プロジェクト: owenmackwood/connn
class GameSummaryAgent(IsDescription):
    name = StringCol(name_size, pos=0)
    version = Int32Col(pos=1)
    game_number = Int32Col(pos=2)
    rating = Float64Col(pos=3, dflt=0.0)
    outcome = StringCol(outcome_size, pos=4)
    total_time = Float64Col(pos=5)
    time_med = Float64Col(pos=6)
    time_max = Float64Col(pos=7)
    state_size_med = Int32Col(pos=8)
    state_size_max = Int32Col(pos=9)
コード例 #6
 def _save_row_spec(self):
     descriptor = {
         'end_row': Int32Col(),
         StringCol(itemsize=255),  # comma separated ints or empty string.
         'start_row': Int32Col(),
         StringCol(itemsize=255),  # comma separated ints or empty string.
         'data_pattern': StringCol(itemsize=255)
     self._save_meta_child('row_spec', descriptor)
コード例 #7
    class _FeatureDescription(IsDescription):

        seqid = StringCol(256)

        start = Int32Col()

        end = Int32Col()

        Name = StringCol(256)

        biotype = StringCol(256)
コード例 #8
ファイル: runLCM.py プロジェクト: BerryHoll/AstroStats-II
class McmcParameters(IsDescription):
  Class that holds the data model for the HDF5 table with the MCMC parameters.
    iterations = Int32Col()
    burnIn = Int32Col()
    thin = Int32Col()
    minMeanAbsoluteMagnitude = Float64Col()
    maxMeanAbsoluteMagnitude = Float64Col()
    priorTau = StringCol(40)
    shapeTau = Float64Col()
    scaleTau = Float64Col()
コード例 #9
class Post(IsDescription):
    id = Int32Col()
    post_type_id = UInt8Col()
    parent_id = Int32Col()
    accepted_answer_id = Int32Col()
    creation_date = Time32Col()
    score = UInt32Col()
    viewcount = UInt32Col()
    owner_user_id = Int32Col()
    answer_count = UInt16Col()
    favorite_count = UInt16Col()
    tags = StringCol(itemsize=25, shape=(5, ))
コード例 #10
ファイル: NSEbootstrap.py プロジェクト: ccmoradia/financials
class Equity(IsDescription):
    SYMBOL = StringCol(50)
    SERIES = StringCol(2)
    OPEN = Float32Col()
    HIGH = Float32Col()
    LOW = Float32Col()
    CLOSE = Float32Col()
    LAST = Float32Col()
    PREVCLOSE = Float32Col()
    TOTTRDQTY = Int32Col()
    TOTTRDVAL = Float64Col()
    TIMESTAMP = StringCol(12)
    TOTALTRADES = Int32Col()
    ISIN = StringCol(12)
コード例 #11
ファイル: NSEbootstrap.py プロジェクト: ccmoradia/financials
class Preopen(IsDescription):
    symbol = StringCol(50)
    xDt = StringCol(50)
    caAct = StringCol(50)
    iep = Float32Col()
    chn = Float16Col()
    perChn = Float16Col()
    pCls = Float32Col()
    trdQnty = Int32Col()
    iVal = Float16Col()
    sumVal = Float32Col()
    sumQnty = Int32Col()
    finQnty = Int32Col()
    sumfinQnty = Int32Col()
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_numpy.py プロジェクト: crackerboy/PyTables
class Record(tables.IsDescription):
    var1 = StringCol(itemsize=4, dflt=b"abcd", pos=0)
    var2 = StringCol(itemsize=1, dflt=b"a", pos=1)
    var3 = BoolCol(dflt=1)
    var4 = Int8Col(dflt=1)
    var5 = UInt8Col(dflt=1)
    var6 = Int16Col(dflt=1)
    var7 = UInt16Col(dflt=1)
    var8 = Int32Col(dflt=1)
    var9 = UInt32Col(dflt=1)
    var10 = Int64Col(dflt=1)
    var11 = Float32Col(dflt=1.0)
    var12 = Float64Col(dflt=1.0)
    var13 = ComplexCol(itemsize=8, dflt=(1. + 0.j))
    var14 = ComplexCol(itemsize=16, dflt=(1. + 0.j))
    if hasattr(tables, 'Float16Col'):
        var15 = tables.Float16Col(dflt=1.0)
    if hasattr(tables, 'Float96Col'):
        var16 = tables.Float96Col(dflt=1.0)
    if hasattr(tables, 'Float128Col'):
        var17 = tables.Float128Col(dflt=1.0)
    if hasattr(tables, 'Complex196Col'):
        var18 = tables.ComplexCol(itemsize=24, dflt=(1. + 0.j))
    if hasattr(tables, 'Complex256Col'):
        var19 = tables.ComplexCol(itemsize=32, dflt=(1. + 0.j))
コード例 #13
    class _VariantDescription(IsDescription):

        CHROM = StringCol(256)

        POS = Int32Col()

        ID = StringCol(256)

        REF = StringCol(256)

        ALT = StringCol(256)

        QUAL = Float32Col()

        CAF = StringCol(256)

        CLNDISDB = StringCol(256)

        CLNDN = StringCol(256)

        CLNSIG = StringCol(256)

        CLNREVSTAT = StringCol(256)

        CLNVI = StringCol(256)

        effect = StringCol(256)

        impact = StringCol(256)

        gene_name = StringCol(256)

        GT = StringCol(256)
コード例 #14
class Test_GrainData(IsDescription):
       Description class specifying structured storage for tests
    idnumber = Int32Col()  # Signed 64-bit integer
    volume = Float32Col()  # float
    center = Float32Col(shape=(3, ))  # float
コード例 #15
def _get_rows_descriptor(columns):
    """ Converts columns specifications from ambry_sources format to pytables descriptor.

        columns (list of dict)

        dict: valid pytables descriptor.
    TYPE_MAP = {
        'int': lambda pos: Int32Col(pos=pos),
        'long': lambda pos: Int64Col(pos=pos),
        'str': lambda pos: StringCol(itemsize=255, pos=pos),
        'bytes': lambda pos: StringCol(itemsize=255, pos=pos),
        'float': lambda pos: Float64Col(pos=pos),
        'unknown': lambda pos: StringCol(itemsize=255, pos=pos),
    descriptor = {}

    for column in columns:
        pytables_type = TYPE_MAP.get(column['type'])
        if not pytables_type:
            raise Exception(
                'Failed to convert `{}` ambry_sources type to pytables type.'.
        descriptor[column['name']] = pytables_type(column['pos'])
    return descriptor
コード例 #16
class Particle(IsDescription):
    particle_id = Int32Col()
    mass = Float64Col()
    x_pos = Float64Col()
    y_pos = Float64Col()
    x_vel = Float64Col()
    y_vel = Float64Col()
コード例 #17
ファイル: NSEbootstrap.py プロジェクト: ccmoradia/financials
class Derivative(IsDescription):
    INSTRUMENT = StringCol(6)
    SYMBOL = StringCol(50)
    EXPIRY_DT = StringCol(11)
    STRIKE_PR = Int32Col()
    OPTION_TYP = StringCol(2)
    OPEN = Float32Col()
    HIGH = Float32Col()
    LOW = Float32Col()
    CLOSE = Float32Col()
    SETTLE_PR = Float32Col()
    CONTRACTS = Int32Col()
    VAL_INLAKH = Float64Col()
    OPEN_INT = Int32Col()
    CHG_IN_OI = Int32Col()
    TIMESTAMP = StringCol(11)
コード例 #18
class User(IsDescription):
    id = Int32Col()
    name = StringCol(16)
    age = UInt8Col()
    reputation = UInt16Col()
    creation_date = Time32Col()
    views = UInt16Col()
    upvotes = UInt16Col()
    downvotes = UInt16Col()
コード例 #19
ファイル: runLCM.py プロジェクト: BerryHoll/AstroStats-II
class SurveyParameters(IsDescription):
  Class that holds the data model for the simulated parallax survey parameters. Intended for use with the
  HDF5 files through the pytables package.
    kind = StringCol(itemsize=40)
    numberOfStars = Int32Col()
    minParallax = Float64Col()
    maxParallax = Float64Col()
    meanAbsoluteMagnitude = Float64Col()
    varianceAbsoluteMagnitude = Float64Col()
    parallaxErrorNormalizationMagnitude = Float64Col()
    parallaxErrorSlope = Float64Col()
    parallaxErrorCalibrationFloor = Float64Col()
    magnitudeErrorNormalizationMagnitude = Float64Col()
    magnitudeErrorSlope = Float64Col()
    magnitudeErrorCalibrationFloor = Float64Col()
    apparentMagnitudeLimit = Float64Col()
    numberOfStarsInSurvey = Int32Col()
コード例 #20
    def test_saves_header_rows_and_comment_rows_as_json_string(self):
        temp_fs = fsopendir('temp://')
        parent = MagicMock()
        writer = HDFWriter(parent, temp_fs.getsyspath('temp.h5'))
        writer.meta['row_spec']['comment_rows'] = [0, 1]
        writer.meta['row_spec']['header_rows'] = [2, 3]
        descriptor = {
            'end_row': Int32Col(),
            'header_rows': StringCol(itemsize=255),
            'start_row': Int32Col(),
            'comment_rows': StringCol(itemsize=255),
            'data_pattern': StringCol(itemsize=255)
        writer._save_meta_child('row_spec', descriptor)

            [(x['comment_rows'], x['header_rows'])
             for x in writer._h5_file.root.partition.meta.row_spec.iterrows()],
            [(b('[0, 1]'), b('[2, 3]'))])
コード例 #21
    def write_file_header(self):
        """ Write the version, number of rows and number of cols to the h5 file. """

        if 'file_header' in self._h5_file.root.partition:
            self._h5_file.remove_node('/partition', 'file_header')

        descriptor = {
            'version': Int32Col(),
            'n_rows': Int32Col(),
            'n_cols': Int32Col()

        table = self._h5_file.create_table('/partition', 'file_header',
                                           descriptor, 'Header of the file.')

        table.row['version'] = HDFPartition.VERSION
        table.row['n_rows'] = self.n_rows
        table.row['n_cols'] = self.n_cols
コード例 #22
class SSelectorOnMeshElement(IsDescription):
    shortName = StringCol(ELEMENT_LENGTH, pos=0)
    imin = Int32Col(pos=1)
    jmin = Int32Col(pos=2)
    kmin = Int32Col(pos=3)
    imax = Int32Col(pos=4)
    jmax = Int32Col(pos=5)
    kmax = Int32Col(pos=6)
    v1 = Float32Col()
    v2 = Float32Col()
    v3 = Float32Col()
コード例 #23
ファイル: peakmap_store.py プロジェクト: kanzy/emzed2
    def setup_spec_table(self):
        if not hasattr(self.node, "ms1_spec_table"):
            for level in (1, 2):
                description = {}
                description["pm_index"] = UInt32Col(pos=0)
                description["rt"] = Float32Col(pos=1)
                description["scan_number"] = Int32Col(pos=2)
                description["start"] = UInt64Col(pos=3)
                description["end"] = UInt64Col(pos=4)
                t = self.file_.create_table(self.node, 'ms%d_spec_table' % level, description,

                # every colums which appears in a where method call should/must be indexed !
                # this is not only for performance but for correct lookup as well (I had strange bugs
                # else)
コード例 #24
ファイル: test_numpy.py プロジェクト: crackerboy/PyTables
class TestTDescr(tables.IsDescription):
    """A description that has several nested columns."""

    x = Int32Col(dflt=0, shape=2, pos=0)  # 0
    y = FloatCol(dflt=1, shape=(2, 2))
    z = UInt8Col(dflt=1)
    z3 = EnumCol({'r': 4, 'g': 2, 'b': 1}, 'r', 'int32', shape=2)
    color = StringCol(itemsize=4, dflt=b"ab", pos=2)
    info = Info()

    class Info(tables.IsDescription):  # 1
        _v_pos = 1
        name = StringCol(itemsize=2)
        value = ComplexCol(itemsize=16, pos=0)  # 0
        y2 = FloatCol(pos=1)  # 1
        z2 = UInt8Col()

        class Info2(tables.IsDescription):
            y3 = Time64Col(shape=2)
            name = StringCol(itemsize=2)
            value = ComplexCol(itemsize=16, shape=2)
コード例 #25
ファイル: varianthdf5.py プロジェクト: phageghost/variant
    class _VariantDescription(IsDescription):
        Describe VariantHDF5 table columns.

        # TODO: Optimize
        CHROM = StringCol(8)
        POS = Int32Col()
        ID = StringCol(16)
        REF = StringCol(256)
        ALT = StringCol(256)
        QUAL = Float32Col()
        # INFO
        CAF = StringCol(16)
        CLNSIG = StringCol(8)
        CLNDBN = StringCol(256)
        # INFO ANN
        effect = StringCol(32)
        impact = StringCol(32)
        gene_name = StringCol(32)
        # FORMAT & sample
        GT = StringCol(8)
コード例 #26
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: puneetarora2000/caton
 class description(IsDescription):
     time = Int32Col()
     st = Int8Col(shape=(N_CH, ))
     wave = Float32Col(shape=(S_TOTAL, N_CH))
     fet = Float32Col(shape=(N_CH, FPC))
     clu = Int32Col()
コード例 #27
class Video(IsDescription):
    label = Int32Col()
    frames = Float32Col(shape=(29, 112, 112))
    yaw = Float32Col()
    file = StringCol(32)
    word = StringCol(32)
コード例 #28
class ParametersTableRow(IsDescription):
    """Describe row format for parameter table.

    Contains parameters values for each image of each event of each telescope in the array.
    Parameters are calculated after image cleaning (i.e. with for example tailcut_clean method)
    There are Hillas, Leakage, Concentration, Timing and Morphology parameters.

    event_index : tables.Int32Col
        Event id of file (from -1 to N )

    leakage_* : tables.Float32Col
        see at https://cta-observatory.github.io/ctapipe/api/ctapipe.containers.LeakageContainer.html?highlight=leakagecontainer#ctapipe.containers.LeakageContainer

    hillas_* : tables.Float32Col
        see at https://cta-observatory.github.io/ctapipe/api/ctapipe.containers.HillasParametersContainer.html#ctapipe.containers.HillasParametersContainer

    concentration_* :
        see at https://cta-observatory.github.io/ctapipe/api/ctapipe.containers.ConcentrationContainer.html#ctapipe.containers.ConcentrationContainer

    timing_* :
        see at https://cta-observatory.github.io/ctapipe/api/ctapipe.containers.TimingParametersContainer.html#ctapipe.containers.TimingParametersContainer

    morphology_* :
        see at https://cta-observatory.github.io/ctapipe/api/ctapipe.containers.MorphologyContainer.html#ctapipe.containers.MorphologyContainer

    log_hillas_intensity : tables.Float32Col
        logaritmic hillas intensity


    event_index = Int32Col()

    leakage_intensity_width_1 = Float32Col()
    leakage_intensity_width_2 = Float32Col()
    leakage_pixels_width_1 = Float32Col()
    leakage_pixels_width_2 = Float32Col()

    hillas_intensity = Float32Col()
    log_hillas_intensity = Float32Col()
    hillas_x = Float32Col()
    hillas_y = Float32Col()
    hillas_r = Float32Col()
    hillas_phi = Float32Col()
    hillas_width = Float32Col()
    hillas_length = Float32Col()
    hillas_psi = Float32Col()
    hillas_skewness = Float32Col()
    hillas_kurtosis = Float32Col()

    concentration_cog = Float32Col()
    concentration_core = Float32Col()
    concentration_pixel = Float32Col()

    timing_slope = Float32Col()  # time gradient
    timing_slope_err = Float32Col()
    timing_intercept = Float32Col()
    timing_intercept_err = Float32Col()
    timing_deviation = Float32Col()

    morphology_num_pixels = Int32Col()
    morphology_num_islands = Int32Col()
    morphology_num_small_islands = Int32Col()
    morphology_num_medium_islands = Int32Col()
    morphology_num_large_islands = Int32Col()
コード例 #29
class Event(IsDescription):
    id = Int32Col()
    timestamp = Time32Col()
    event_type = UInt8Col()
    event_id = Int32Col()
コード例 #30
class Vote(IsDescription):
    id = Int32Col()
    post_id = Int32Col()
    vote_type_id = UInt8Col()
    creation_date = Time32Col()