コード例 #1
    def call_collision_map_processing(
        self, detection_result, reset_collision_models=True, reset_attached_models=True, desired_frame="/base_link"
        """Calls the collision map processing service. Given the result of
        detect, adds the objects to the collision map and returns them as
        instances of GraspableObjects with correct collision names.

        detection_result: a tabletop_object_detector/TabletopDetectionResponse msg,
          usually returned by detect().
        reset_collision_models: whether the current collision models should be reset before adding new models
        reset_attached_models: whether the current list of models attached to the robot should be reset
        desired_frame: what tf frame the results should be returned in

        if detection_result is None:
            rospy.logerr("Error: using a None detection_result")
            return None

        rospy.loginfo("Calling collision map processing")
        processing_call = TabletopCollisionMapProcessingRequest()
        processing_call.detection_result = detection_result.detection

        processing_call.reset_attached_models = reset_attached_models
        processing_call.reset_collision_models = reset_collision_models
        processing_call.desired_frame = desired_frame

            self.last_collision_processing_msg = self.collision_processing.call(processing_call)
        except ServiceException, e:
            rospy.logerr("Error calling collision map: %s" % str(e))
            self.last_collision_processing_msg = None
コード例 #2
ファイル: do_move_it.py プロジェクト: Kenkoko/ua-ros-pkg
 def update_collision_map(self, tabletop_detection_result):
     req = TabletopCollisionMapProcessingRequest()
     req.detection_result = tabletop_detection_result
     req.reset_collision_models = True
     req.reset_attached_models = True
     req.desired_frame = 'base_link'
     res = self.collision_map_processing_srv(req)
     rospy.loginfo('found %d clusters: %s, surface name: %s' %
                   (len(res.graspable_objects), res.collision_object_names, res.collision_support_surface_name))
     return res
コード例 #3
 def update_collision_map(self, tabletop_detection_result):
     req = TabletopCollisionMapProcessingRequest()
     req.detection_result = tabletop_detection_result
     req.reset_collision_models = True
     req.reset_attached_models = True
     req.desired_frame = 'base_link'
     res = self.collision_map_processing_srv(req)
     rospy.loginfo('found %d clusters: %s, surface name: %s' %
                   (len(res.graspable_objects), res.collision_object_names, res.collision_support_surface_name))
     return res
コード例 #4
ファイル: infomax_yippie.py プロジェクト: Kenkoko/ua-ros-pkg
 def update_collision_map(self, tabletop_detection_result):
     rospy.loginfo('collision_map update in progress')
     req = TabletopCollisionMapProcessingRequest()
     req.detection_result = tabletop_detection_result
     req.reset_collision_models = True
     req.reset_attached_models = True
     req.desired_frame = 'base_link'
     res = self.collision_map_processing_srv(req)
     rospy.loginfo('collision_map update is done')
     rospy.loginfo('there are %d graspable objects %s, collision support surface name is "%s"' %
                   (len(res.graspable_objects), res.collision_object_names, res.collision_support_surface_name))
     return res
コード例 #5
    def update_collision_map(self, tabletop_detection_result):
        rospy.loginfo('collision_map update in progress')

        req = TabletopCollisionMapProcessingRequest()
        req.detection_result = tabletop_detection_result
        req.reset_collision_models = True
        req.reset_attached_models = True
        req.desired_frame = 'base_link'

        res = self.collision_map_processing_srv(req)

        rospy.loginfo('collision_map update is done')
            'there are %d graspable objects %s, collision support surface name is "%s"'
            % (len(res.graspable_objects), res.collision_object_names,

        return res
コード例 #6
 def call_collision_map_processing(self, detection_result):
     if detection_result is None:
         rospy.logerr("Error: using a None detection_result")
         return None
     rospy.loginfo("Calling collision map processing")
     processing_call = TabletopCollisionMapProcessingRequest()    
     processing_call.detection_result = detection_result.detection
 #    ask for the exising map and collision models to be reset
     processing_call.reset_attached_models = True
     processing_call.reset_collision_models = True
     processing_call.desired_frame = "base_link"
         self.last_collision_processing_msg = self.collision_processing.call(processing_call)
     except ServiceException, e:
         rospy.logerr("Error calling collision map: %s" % str(e))
         self.last_collision_processing_msg = None
コード例 #7
    def call_collision_map_processing(self, detection_result):

        if detection_result is None:
            rospy.logerr("Error: using a None detection_result")
            return None

        rospy.loginfo("Calling collision map processing")
        processing_call = TabletopCollisionMapProcessingRequest()
        processing_call.detection_result = detection_result.detection
        #    ask for the exising map and collision models to be reset
        processing_call.reset_attached_models = True
        processing_call.reset_collision_models = True
        processing_call.desired_frame = "base_link"

            self.last_collision_processing_msg = self.collision_processing.call(
        except ServiceException, e:
            rospy.logerr("Error calling collision map: %s" % str(e))
            self.last_collision_processing_msg = None
コード例 #8
    tdr = TabletopDetectionResult()
    tdr.table = res.table
    tdr.clusters = res.clusters
    tdr.result = res.result

    update_collision_map = rospy.ServiceProxy(
    req = TabletopCollisionMapProcessingRequest()
    req.detection_result = tdr
    req.reset_collision_models = True
    req.reset_attached_models = True
    req.reset_static_map = True
    req.take_static_collision_map = True
    req.desired_frame = 'base_link'

    coll_map_res = update_collision_map(req)

    rospy.loginfo('found %d clusters, grabbing first' %
    #obj_pcluster = res.clusters[0]

    req = PickupGoal()
    req.arm_name = 'left_arm'
    req.target = coll_map_res.graspable_objects[0]
    #req.target.type = GraspableObject.POINT_CLUSTER
    #req.target.cluster = obj_pcluster
    req.desired_approach_distance = 0.05
    req.min_approach_distance = 0.03
    req.lift.direction.header.frame_id = 'base_link'
コード例 #9
ファイル: view_objects.py プロジェクト: arii/pr2_awesomeness
    def pick_up(self, whicharm="l", NUM_TRIES=5, near_pose=None):

        for i in range(NUM_TRIES):
          rospy.loginfo("Attempt %d  to grasp " % i )
          # call the tabletop detection
          rospy.loginfo("Calling tabletop detector")

          detection_call = TabletopDetectionRequest()

          # we want recognized database objects returned
          # set this to false if you are using the pipeline without the database
          detection_call.return_clusters = True

          #we want the individual object point clouds returned as well
          detection_call.return_models = True
          detection_call.num_models = 1

          detection_call_response = self.object_detection_srv(detection_call).detection
          if not detection_call_response:
              rospy.loginfo("Tabletop detection service failed")
              success=False; break

          if detection_call_response.result != detection_call_response.SUCCESS:
              rospy.loginfo("Tabletop detection returned error code %d", 
              success=False; break
          if len(detection_call_response.clusters)==0\
            and len(detection_call_response.models)==0 :
              rospy.loginfo("The tabletop detector detected the table, "
                        "but found no objects")
              success=False; break

          # call collision map processing
          rospy.loginfo("Calling collision map processing")

          processing_call = TabletopCollisionMapProcessingRequest()

          # pass the result of the tabletop detection 
          processing_call.detection_result = detection_call_response
          print detection_call_response.models
          import pdb;pdb.set_trace()

          # ask for the existing map and collision models to be reset
          processing_call.reset_collision_models = True
          processing_call.reset_attached_models = True

          #ask for the results to be returned in base link frame
          processing_call.desired_frame = "base_link"

          processing_call_response = self.collision_processing_srv(processing_call)
          if not processing_call_response:
              rospy.loginfo("Collision map processing service failed")
              success=False; break

          #the collision map processor returns instances of graspable objects
          if len(processing_call_response.graspable_objects) == 0:
              rospy.loginfo("Collision map processing returned no graspable objects")
              success=False; break
          graspable_objects = processing_call_response.graspable_objects

          # sort graspable objects
          import pdb;
          # sort graspable objects
          objects_with_offsets = [None]*len(graspable_objects)
          #near_point = np.array(list(near_pose[:3]) + [1.0])
          for i, obj in enumerate(graspable_objects):
            points  = point_cloud_to_mat(obj.cluster)
            #centroid =np.reshape(np.mean(points, axis=1), 4) - near_point
            #offset = np.linalg.norm(centroid - near_point)
            #objects_with_offsets[i] = (offset,obj)
          #ordering = sorted(objects_with_offsets, key=lambda item:float((item[0])))
          #graspable_objects = [items[1] for items in ordering]

          #print [items[0] for items in ordering]
          for i, grasp_object in enumerate(graspable_objects):
              # call object pickup
              rospy.loginfo("Calling the pickup action");
              pickup_goal = PickupGoal()

              # pass one of the graspable objects returned 
              # by the collision map processor
              #pickup_goal.target = processing_call_response.graspable_objects[0]
              pickup_goal.target = grasp_object

              # pass the name that the object has in the collision environment
              # this name was also returned by the collision map processor
              pickup_goal.collision_object_name = \

              # pass the collision name of the table, also returned by the collision 
              # map processor
              pickup_goal.collision_support_surface_name = \

              # pick up the object with the left arm
              if whicharm=="l":
                  pickup_goal.arm_name = "left_arm"
                  pickup_goal.arm_name = "right_arm"

              # we will be lifting the object along the "vertical" direction
              # which is along the z axis in the base_link frame

              direction = Vector3Stamped()
              direction.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
              direction.header.frame_id = "base_link"
              direction.vector.x = 0
              direction.vector.y = 0
              direction.vector.z = 1
              pickup_goal.lift.direction = direction
              #request a vertical lift of 10cm after grasping the object

              pickup_goal.lift.desired_distance = 0.1;
              pickup_goal.lift.min_distance = 0.05;
              #do not use tactile-based grasping or tactile-based lift

              pickup_goal.use_reactive_lift = False;
              pickup_goal.use_reactive_execution = False;
              #pickup_goal.allow_gripper_support_collision = True
              #pickup_goal.ignore_collisions = True
              #send the goal
              rospy.loginfo("Waiting for the pickup action...")
              pickup_result =self.pickup_client.get_result()
              assert isinstance(pickup_result, PickupResult)
              success = pickup_result.manipulation_result.value ==\
              if success:
                  rospy.loginfo("Success! Grasped Object.")
                  return success
        if not success:
            rospy.loginfo("failed to grasp object")
        return success
コード例 #10
     rospy.logerr('TabletopSegmentation did not find any clusters')
 tdr = TabletopDetectionResult()
 tdr.table = res.table
 tdr.clusters = res.clusters
 tdr.result = res.result
 update_collision_map = rospy.ServiceProxy('/tabletop_collision_map_processing/tabletop_collision_map_processing', TabletopCollisionMapProcessing)
 req = TabletopCollisionMapProcessingRequest()
 req.detection_result = tdr
 req.reset_collision_models = True
 req.reset_attached_models = True
 req.reset_static_map = True
 req.take_static_collision_map = True
 req.desired_frame = 'base_link'
 coll_map_res = update_collision_map(req)
 rospy.loginfo('found %d clusters, grabbing first' % len(coll_map_res.graspable_objects))
 #obj_pcluster = res.clusters[0]
 req = PickupGoal()
 req.arm_name = 'left_arm'
 req. target = coll_map_res.graspable_objects[0]
 #req.target.type = GraspableObject.POINT_CLUSTER
 #req.target.cluster = obj_pcluster
 req.desired_approach_distance = 0.05
 req.min_approach_distance = 0.03
 req.lift.direction.header.frame_id = 'base_link'
 req.lift.direction.vector.x = 0
コード例 #11
    collision map processing
    rospy.loginfo("processing collision map...")

    # set up collision map request
    col_req = TabletopCollisionMapProcessingRequest()
    # pass the result of the tabletop detection
    col_req.detection_result = det_res.detection
    # ask for the existing map and collision models to be reset
    col_req.reset_static_map = 1
    col_req.reset_collision_models = 1
    col_req.reset_attached_models = 1
    # ask for a new static collision map to be taken with the laser after the new models are added to the environment
    col_req.take_static_collision_map = 1
    # ask for the results to be returned in base_link frame
    col_req.desired_frame = '/base_link'

    # call collision map processing to add the detected objects to the collision map and get back a list of GraspableObjects
        col_res = collision_map_processing_srv(col_req)
    except rospy.ServiceException, e:
        rospy.logerr("error when calling %s: %s" %
                     (collision_map_processing_name, e))

    # print out detected objects
    for (ind, object) in enumerate(col_res.graspable_objects):
        if object.type == GraspableObject.DATABASE_MODEL:
            rospy.loginfo("object %d: recognized object with id %d" %
                          (ind, object.model_pose.model_id))
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_grasping.py プロジェクト: ktiwari9/PR2-Feeder

        rospy.loginfo("%d objects detected" %
#    detection_reply.detection.cluster_model_indices = tuple(xrange(len(detection_reply.detection.clusters)))

    rospy.loginfo("Calling collision map processing")
    processing_call = TabletopCollisionMapProcessingRequest()
    processing_call.detection_result = detection_reply.detection
    #    ask for the exising map and collision models to be reset
    processing_call.reset_attached_models = False
    processing_call.reset_collision_models = False
    processing_call.reset_static_map = False
    #    after the new models are added to the environment
    processing_call.take_static_collision_map = False
    processing_call.desired_frame = "base_link"

    processing_reply = collision_processing_srv.call(processing_call)
    if len(processing_reply.graspable_objects) == 0:
        rospy.logerr("Collision map processing returned no graspable objects")

    rospy.loginfo("Calling Pickup")

    max_len = 0
    index = 0

    for i, c in enumerate(detection_reply.detection.clusters):
        if len(c.points) > max_len:
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_grasping.py プロジェクト: ktiwari9/PR2-Feeder
        rospy.loginfo("%d objects detected" % len(detection_reply.detection.clusters))
#    detection_reply.detection.cluster_model_indices = tuple(xrange(len(detection_reply.detection.clusters)))

    rospy.loginfo("Calling collision map processing")
    processing_call = TabletopCollisionMapProcessingRequest()    
    processing_call.detection_result = detection_reply.detection
#    ask for the exising map and collision models to be reset
    processing_call.reset_attached_models = False
    processing_call.reset_collision_models = False
    processing_call.reset_static_map = False
#    after the new models are added to the environment
    processing_call.take_static_collision_map = False
    processing_call.desired_frame = "base_link"
    processing_reply = collision_processing_srv.call(processing_call)
    if len(processing_reply.graspable_objects) == 0:
        rospy.logerr("Collision map processing returned no graspable objects")
    rospy.loginfo("Calling Pickup")
    max_len = 0
    index = 0
    for i,c in enumerate(detection_reply.detection.clusters):
        if len(c.points) > max_len: