コード例 #1
    def _handle_set_fileset(self, args, field_name, finfo):
        files = list(self._talus_client.fileset_iter())
        if len(args) == 1 or args[1] != "--all":
            files = filter(lambda x: x.job is None, files)

        fields = []
        for x in xrange(len(files)):
            f = files[x]
            mod = f.timestamps
            fields.append([x, f.name, f.id, str(len(f.files))])

        headers = ["idx", "fileset name", "id", "# files"]
        idx = utils.idx_prompt(fields, "Which fileset should be used?", headers=headers)
        if idx is None:

        fset = files[idx]
        self._params[field_name] = fset.id
コード例 #2
ファイル: param_model.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/talus_client
    def _handle_set_fileset(self, args, field_name, finfo):
        files = list(self._talus_client.fileset_iter())
        if len(args) == 1 or args[1] != "--all":
            files = filter(lambda x: x.job is None, files)

        fields = []
        for x in xrange(len(files)):
            f = files[x]
            mod = f.timestamps
            fields.append([x, f.name, f.id, str(len(f.files))])

        headers = ["idx", "fileset name", "id", "# files"]
        idx = utils.idx_prompt(fields,
                               "Which fileset should be used?",
        if idx is None:

        fset = files[idx]
        self._params[field_name] = fset.id
コード例 #3
ファイル: jobs.py プロジェクト: CylanceSPEAR/talus_client
	def do_create(self, args, job=None):
		"""Create a new job in Talus

		job create TASK_NAME_OR_ID -i IMAGE [-n NAME] [-p PARAMS] [-q QUEUE] [--priority (0-100)] [--network]

		       -n,--name    The name of the job (defaults to name of the task + timestamp)
		      --priority    The priority for the job (0-100, defaults to 50)
			   --network    The network for the image ('all' or 'whitelist'). Whitelist values may
			                also be a 'whitelist:<domain_or_ip>,<domain_or_ip>' to add domains
							to the whitelist. Not specifying additional whitelist hosts results
							in a host-only network filter, plus talus-essential hosts.
			  -q,--queue    The queue the job should be inserted into (default: jobs)
			  -i,--image    The image the job should run in (name or id)
		      -l,--limit    The limit for the task. What the limit means is defined by how the tool
			                reports progress. If the tool does not report progress, then the limit
			                means the number of total VMs to run.
			   -t,--tags	A comma-separated list of additional tags to add to the job
				--vm-max    Maximum amount of time a vm should be allowed to run (defaults to 30m)
				            You may use values such as 30m15s. If no units are used, the value is
							assumed to be in seconds.
		     -p,--params    Params for the task (defaults to the default params of the task)
			     --shell    Create the job in an interactive shell (default if already in shell and no args)
				 --debug	All logs are saved to the database (treated as errored, basically)
		-f,--params-file    The file that contains the params of the job


		To run the task "CalcFuzzer" while only updating the ``chars`` parameter:

		    job create "CalcFuzzer" -p '{"chars": "013579+-()/*"}'
		args = shlex.split(args)
		if self._go_interactive(args):
			if job is None:
				tasks = list(self._talus_client.task_iter())
				fields = []
				for x in xrange(len(tasks)):
					task = tasks[x]
					fields.append([x, task.name, task.id])

				headers = ["idx", "name", "task.id"]

				idx = utils.idx_prompt(fields, "Which task should the job be based on?", headers=headers)
				if idx is None:

				task = tasks[idx]

				job = Job(api_base=self._talus_client._api_base)
				job.tags = task.tags
				job.image = task.image
				job.task = task.id
				job.limit = task.limit
				job.name = task.name + " " + str(datetime.datetime.now())
				job.params = task.params
				job.status = {"name": "run"}
				job.vm_max = task.vm_max
				job.queue = "jobs"

				self.out("basing job on task named {!r} ({})".format(task.name, task.id))

			while True:
				param_cmd = self._make_model_cmd(job)
				cancelled = param_cmd.cmdloop()
				if cancelled:

				error = False
				if job.name is None:
					self.err("Please set a name for the job")
					error = True

				if job.image is None:
					self.err("You need to set an image, yo")
					error = True

				if error:

					job.timestamps = {"created": time.time()}
					self.ok("created new job {}".format(job.id))
				except errors.TalusApiError as e:


		parser = self._argparser()
		parser.add_argument("--name", "-n", default=None)
		parser.add_argument("--network", default="whitelist")
		parser.add_argument("--priority", default=50)
		parser.add_argument("--limit", "-l", default=None)
		parser.add_argument("--image", "-i", default=None)
		parser.add_argument("--queue", "-q", default="jobs")
		parser.add_argument("--params", "-p", default=None)
		parser.add_argument("--params-file", "-f", default=None)
		parser.add_argument("--vm-max", default="30m")
		parser.add_argument("--tags", "-t", default="")
		parser.add_argument("--debug", default=False, action="store_true")

		args = parser.parse_args(args)

		params = args.params
		if args.params_file is not None:
			if not os.path.exists(args.params_file):
				raise errors.TalusApiError("params file does not exist: {}".format(args.params_file))
			with open(args.params_file, "r") as f:
				params = f.read()

		if params is not None:
				params = json.loads(params)
			except Exception as e:
				raise errors.TalusApiError("params are not in json format: " + e.message)

		tags = args.tags.split(",")

		job = self._talus_client.job_create(
			task_name_or_id	= args.task_name_or_id,
			name			= args.name,
			image			= args.image,
			params			= params,
			priority		= args.priority,
			limit			= args.limit,
			queue			= args.queue,
			network			= args.network,
			vm_max			= args.vm_max,
			debug			= args.debug,
			tags			= tags

		self.ok("created job {}".format(job.id))