コード例 #1
def addDevice(Sardana=None, Pool=None):
    app = QtGui.QApplication([])
    Pages = Enumeration('Pages', ('SelectSardanaPool', 'NewDevice', 'CommitPage', 'OutroPage'))
    w = wiz.SardanaBaseWizard()
    w.setWindowTitle("Add New Hardware Wizard")
    selectPool = SelectSardanaPoolBasePage(Sardana, Pool)
    w.setPage(Pages.SelectSardanaPool, selectPool)
    newDevice = NewDeviceBasePage()
    w.setPage(Pages.NewDevice, newDevice)
    commit_page = NewDeviceCommitBasePage()
    w.setPage(Pages.CommitPage, commit_page)
コード例 #2
ファイル: sardanadefs.py プロジェクト: suyzhu/sardana
    "INTERFACES_EXPANDED", "ScalarNumberFilter"

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

import math

from taurus.core.util.enumeration import Enumeration

#: maximum difference between two floats so that they are considered equal
EpsilonError = 1E-16

#: sardana element state enumeration
State = Enumeration(
    ("On", "Off", "Close", "Open", "Insert", "Extract", "Moving", "Standby",
     "Fault", "Init", "Running", "Alarm", "Disable", "Unknown", "Invalid"))

class _SardanaServer(object):
    """Class representing the current sardana server state"""
    def __init__(self):
        self.server_state = State.Invalid

    def __repr__(self):
        return "SardanaServer()"

#: the global object containing the SardanaServer information
SardanaServer = _SardanaServer()
コード例 #3

"""This package contains a collection of taurus console widgets"""

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

import weakref

from taurus import Device
from taurus.core.util.enumeration import Enumeration
from taurus.external.qt import Qt

from IPython.config.loader import Config

EnvironmentMode = Enumeration("EnvironmentMode", ("Overwrite", "Merge"))

class BaseConsoleExtension(object):

    Name = 'ipython'
    Label = 'IPython'

    def __init__(self, console_factory, profile='default', config=None,
        self.console_factory = console_factory
        self.profile = profile
        self.profile_arg = '--profile=' + profile
        self.config = config or Config()
        self.mode = mode
コード例 #4
    .. note::
        The SynchParam class has been included in Sardana
        on a provisional basis. Backwards incompatible changes
        (up to and including removal of the class) may occur if
        deemed necessary by the core developers.

    Delay = 0
    Total = 1
    Active = 2
    Repeats = 3
    Initial = 4

AcqSynchType = Enumeration("AcqSynchType", ["Trigger", "Gate", "Start"])
AcqSynchType.__doc__ = \
    """Enumeration of synchronization types.


    - Trigger - Start each acquisition (experimental channel will decide on
      itself when to end, based on integration time / monitor count)
    - Gate - Start and end each acquisition
    - Start - Start only the first acquisition (experimental channel will
      drive the acquisition based on integration time / monitor count, latency
      time and number of repetitions)

    .. todo:: convert to python enums, but having in mind problems with
             JSON serialization: https://bugs.python.org/issue18264
コード例 #5
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

import time

from taurus.core.util.log import DebugIt
from taurus.core.util.enumeration import Enumeration

from sardana import State
from sardana.pool.poolaction import ActionContext, PoolActionItem, PoolAction

#: enumeration representing possible motion states
MotionState = Enumeration(
        #    "StoppedOnError",
        #    "StoppedOnAbort",

MS = MotionState
MovingStates = MS.Moving, MS.MovingBacklash, MS.MovingInstability
StoppedStates = MS.Stopped,  # MS.StoppedOnError, MS.StoppedOnAbort

# MotionAction = Enumeration("MotionAction", ( \
#    "StartMotion",
#    "Finish",
#    "Abort",
#    "NoAction",
#    "Invalid") )
コード例 #6
ファイル: pooldefs.py プロジェクト: jangarrevoet/sardana
    Delay = 0
    Total = 1
    Active = 2
    Repeats = 3
    Initial = 4

# TODO: convert to to python enums, but having in ming problems with
# JSON serialization: https://bugs.python.org/issue18264
# class AcqSynchType(Enumeration):
#     Trigger = 0
#     Gate = 1

AcqSynchType = Enumeration("AcqSynchType", ["Trigger", "Gate"])

# TODO: convert to to python enums, but having in ming problems with
# JSON serialization: https://bugs.python.org/issue18264
class AcqSynch(Enumeration):

    SoftwareTrigger = 0
    HardwareTrigger = 1
    SoftwareGate = 2
    HardwareGate = 3

    def from_synch_type(self, software, synch_type):
        """Helper obtain AcqSynch from information about software/hardware
        nature of synchronization element and AcqSynchType
コード例 #7
ファイル: macrotree.py プロジェクト: reszelaz/sardana
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

from taurus.core.taurusdevice import TaurusDevice
from taurus.core.util.enumeration import Enumeration
from taurus.external.qt import Qt
from taurus.qt.qtcore.mimetypes import TAURUS_MODEL_MIME_TYPE, \
from taurus.qt.qtcore.model import TaurusBaseTreeItem, TaurusBaseModel, \
from taurus.qt.qtgui.tree import TaurusBaseTreeWidget
from taurus.qt.qtgui.resource import getIcon

from sardana.taurus.core.tango.sardana.macro import MacroInfo

MacroView = Enumeration("MacroView", ("MacroModule", "Macro", "Unknown"))

def getElementTypeIcon(t):
    if t == MacroView.MacroModule:
        return getIcon(":/python-file.png")
    elif t == MacroView.Macro:
        return getIcon(":/python.png")
    return getIcon(":/tango.png")

def getElementTypeSize(t):
    return Qt.QSize(200, 24)

def getElementTypeToolTip(t):
コード例 #8
ファイル: enums.py プロジェクト: napppoli/taurus
# along with Taurus.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

"""This module contains all basic tango enumerations"""

__all__ = ["TangoObjectType", "EVENT_TO_POLLING_EXCEPTIONS",

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext"

from taurus.core.util.enumeration import Enumeration
from taurus.external.enum import IntEnum

TangoObjectType = Enumeration("TangoObjectType",
                              ["Authority", "Server", "Class", "Device",
                               "Attribute", "Property", "Configuration",
TangoObjectType.Database = TangoObjectType.Authority  # backwards compatibility

import numpy
import PyTango

# The exception reasons that will force switching from events to polling
# API_AttributePollingNotStarted - the attribute does not support events.
#                                  Don't try to resubscribe.
# API_DSFailedRegisteringEvent - same exception then the one above but higher
#                                in the stack
# API_NotificationServiceFailed - Problems in notifd, it was not able to
#                                 register the event.
# API_EventChannelNotExported - the notifd is not running
# API_EventTimeout - after a successfull register the the device server
コード例 #9

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

import PyTango

from taurus.core.util.enumeration import Enumeration
from taurus.core.util.log import Logger
from taurus.core.util.singleton import Singleton
from taurus.core.util.containers import CaselessDict
from taurus.core.util.codecs import CodecFactory

PoolElementType = Enumeration("PoolElementType",
                              ("0D", "1D", "2D", "Communication", "CounterTimer", "IORegister",
                               "Motor", "PseudoCounter", "PseudoMotor", "TriggerGate"))

ChannelView = Enumeration("ChannelView",
                          ("Channel", "Enabled", "Output", "PlotType",
                           "PlotAxes", "Timer", "Monitor", "Synchronization",
                           "ValueRefPattern", "ValueRefEnabled",
                           "Conditioning", "Normalization", "NXPath",
                           "Shape", "DataType", "Unknown", "Synchronizer"))

PlotType = Enumeration("PlotType", ("No", "Spectrum", "Image"))

Normalization = Enumeration("Normalization", ("No", "Avg", "Integ"))

#: an enumeration describing all possible acquisition trigger types
AcqTriggerType = Enumeration("AcqTriggerType", (
コード例 #10
## You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
## along with Sardana.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""This is the macro server scan data recorder module"""

__all__ = ["SaveModes", "RecorderStatus", "DataHandler", "DataRecorder"]

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

import time

from taurus.core.util.log import Logger
from taurus.core.util.enumeration import Enumeration

SaveModes = Enumeration('SaveModes', ('Record', 'Block'))
RecorderStatus = Enumeration('RecorderStatus', ('Idle', 'Active', 'Disable'))

class DataHandler:
    """ The data handler is the data recording center of a system. It contains
    one or several recorders.  All data transit through the handler, then 
    given to recorders for final saving """
    def __init__(self):
        self.recorders = []

    def addRecorder(self, recorder):
        if recorder is not None:

    def startRecordList(self, recordlist):
コード例 #11
__all__ = ["ControllerClassTreeWidget", "ControllerClassSelectionDialog"]

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

import sys
import os

import taurus.core
from taurus.core.util.enumeration import Enumeration
from taurus.external.qt import Qt
from taurus.qt.qtcore.mimetypes import TAURUS_MODEL_MIME_TYPE, TAURUS_MODEL_LIST_MIME_TYPE
from taurus.qt.qtcore.model import TaurusBaseTreeItem, TaurusBaseModel, TaurusBaseProxyModel
from taurus.qt.qtgui.tree import TaurusBaseTreeWidget
from taurus.qt.qtgui.resource import getThemeIcon, getIcon

PoolControllerView = Enumeration(
    "PoolControllerView", ("ControllerModule", "ControllerClass", "Unknown"))

def getElementTypeIcon(t):
    if t == PoolControllerView.ControllerModule:
        return getIcon(":/python-file.png")
    elif t == PoolControllerView.ControllerClass:
        return getIcon(":/python.png")
    return getIcon(":/tango.png")

def getElementTypeSize(t):
    return Qt.QSize(200, 24)

def getElementTypeToolTip(t):
コード例 #12
"""A pure Qt led widget"""

__all__ = ["LedColor", "LedStatus", "LedSize", "QLed", "QLedOld"]

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

import sys

from taurus.external.qt import Qt
from taurus.core.util.enumeration import Enumeration
from taurus.qt.qtgui.icon import getCachedPixmap
from taurus.qt.qtgui.display.qpixmapwidget import QPixmapWidget

LedColor = Enumeration("LedColor", [
LedStatus = Enumeration("LedStatus", ["ON", "OFF"])
LedSize = Enumeration("LedSize", [("SMALL", 24), ("LARGE", 48)])

class QLed(QPixmapWidget):
    """A Led"""
    DefaultLedPattern = "leds_images256:led_{color}_{status}.png"
    DefaultLedColor = "green"
    DefaultLedStatus = True
    DefaultLedInverted = False
    DefaultBlinkingInterval = 0

    def __init__(self, parent=None, designMode=False):
        self._ledStatus = self.DefaultLedStatus
コード例 #13
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

import time

from taurus.core.util.log import DebugIt
from taurus.core.util.enumeration import Enumeration

from sardana import State, ElementType, TYPE_TIMERABLE_ELEMENTS
from sardana.sardanathreadpool import get_thread_pool
from sardana.pool.poolaction import ActionContext, PoolActionItem, PoolAction

#: enumeration representing possible motion states
AcquisitionState = Enumeration("AcquisitionState", (\
#    "StoppedOnError",
#    "StoppedOnAbort",

AS = AcquisitionState
AcquiringStates = AS.Acquiring,
StoppedStates = AS.Stopped,  #MS.StoppedOnError, MS.StoppedOnAbort

AcquisitionMap = {
    #AS.Stopped           : State.On,
    AS.Acquiring         : State.Moving,
    AS.Invalid           : State.Invalid,

class PoolAcquisition(PoolAction):
コード例 #14

__all__ = [
    "QObjectRepresentation", "get_qobject_tree", "get_qobject_tree_str",
    "TreeQObjectModel", "TreeQObjectWidget"

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

import weakref

from taurus.external.qt import Qt

from taurus.core.util.enumeration import Enumeration

QObjectRepresentation = Enumeration('QObjectRepresentation',
                                    ('ClassName', 'ObjectName', 'FullName'))

def _build_qobjects_as_dict(qobject, container):

    container[qobject] = childs = {}
    for child in qobject.children():
        if isinstance(child, Qt.QWidget):
            _build_qobjects_as_dict(child, childs)

def get_qobject_tree_as_dict(qobject=None):

    if qobject is None:
        app = Qt.QApplication.instance()
        qobjects = app.topLevelWidgets()
コード例 #15
ファイル: enums.py プロジェクト: cmft/taurus
# along with Taurus.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

"""This module contains all basic tango enumerations"""

__all__ = ["TangoObjectType", "EVENT_TO_POLLING_EXCEPTIONS",

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext"

from taurus.core.util.enumeration import Enumeration
from taurus.external.enum import IntEnum

TangoObjectType = Enumeration("TangoObjectType",
                              ["Authority", "Server", "Class", "Device",
                               "Attribute", "Property", "Configuration",
TangoObjectType.Database = TangoObjectType.Authority  # backwards compatibility

import numpy
import PyTango

# The exception reasons that will force switching from events to polling
# API_AttributePollingNotStarted - the attribute does not support events.
#                                  Don't try to resubscribe.
# API_DSFailedRegisteringEvent - same exception then the one above but higher
#                                in the stack
# API_NotificationServiceFailed - Problems in notifd, it was not able to
#                                 register the event.
# API_EventChannelNotExported - the notifd is not running
# API_EventTimeout - after a successfull register the the device server
コード例 #16
ファイル: enums.py プロジェクト: vallsv/taurus
# Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
# Taurus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Taurus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Taurus.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
""" """

__all__ = ["Alignment"]

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext"

from taurus.core.util.enumeration import Enumeration

#: Flaggable alignment for both horizontal and vertical text
#: Conflicting combinations of flags have undefined meanings.
Alignment = Enumeration("Alignment", (("Left", 0x0001), ("Right", 0x0002),
                                      ("HCenter", 0x0004), ("Top", 0x0020),
                                      ("Bottom", 0x0040), ("VCenter", 0x0080),
                                      ("Center", 0x0004 | 0x0080)))