コード例 #1
def _shortcut(input, residual):
    """Adds a shortcut between input and residual block and merges them with "sum"
    # Expand channels of shortcut to match residual.
    # Stride appropriately to match residual (width, height)
    # Should be int if network architecture is correctly configured.
    input_shape = K.int_shape(input)
    residual_shape = K.int_shape(residual)
    stride_width = int(round(input_shape[ROW_AXIS] / residual_shape[ROW_AXIS]))
    stride_height = int(round(input_shape[COL_AXIS] /
    equal_channels = input_shape[CHANNEL_AXIS] == residual_shape[CHANNEL_AXIS]

    shortcut = input
    # 1 X 1 conv if shape is different. Else identity.
    if stride_width > 1 or stride_height > 1 or not equal_channels:
        shortcut = tf.layers.conv2d(input,
                                    kernel_size=(1, 1),
                                    strides=(stride_width, stride_height),

    return tf.add(shortcut, residual)
コード例 #2
ファイル: AttResUNet.py プロジェクト: yaoyue81/Attention_UNet
def attention_block(x, gating, inter_shape):
    shape_x = K.int_shape(x)
    shape_g = K.int_shape(gating)

    theta_x = layers.Conv2D(inter_shape, (2, 2),
                            strides=(2, 2),
                            padding='same')(x)  # 16
    shape_theta_x = K.int_shape(theta_x)

    phi_g = layers.Conv2D(inter_shape, (1, 1), padding='same')(gating)
    upsample_g = layers.Conv2DTranspose(
        inter_shape, (3, 3),
        strides=(shape_theta_x[1] // shape_g[1],
                 shape_theta_x[2] // shape_g[2]),
        padding='same')(phi_g)  # 16

    concat_xg = layers.add([upsample_g, theta_x])
    act_xg = layers.Activation('relu')(concat_xg)
    psi = layers.Conv2D(1, (1, 1), padding='same')(act_xg)
    sigmoid_xg = layers.Activation('sigmoid')(psi)
    shape_sigmoid = K.int_shape(sigmoid_xg)
    upsample_psi = layers.UpSampling2D(size=(shape_x[1] // shape_sigmoid[1],
                                             shape_x[2] // shape_sigmoid[2]))(
                                                 sigmoid_xg)  # 32

    upsample_psi = expend_as(upsample_psi, shape_x[3])

    y = layers.multiply([upsample_psi, x])

    result = layers.Conv2D(shape_x[3], (1, 1), padding='same')(y)
    result_bn = layers.BatchNormalization()(result)
    return result_bn
コード例 #3
ファイル: CALSTM.py プロジェクト: wn9081/im2latex
 def assertOutputShape(self, output):
     Asserts that the shape of the tensor is consistent with the stack's output shape.
     For e.g. the output shape is o then the input-tensor should be of shape (B,o)
     # assert (self.ActualBatchSize, self._LSTM_stack.output_size) == K.int_shape(output)
     assert K.int_shape(output) == self.batch_output_shape
コード例 #4
ファイル: vae.py プロジェクト: jsn5/worldmodels-keras
def sampling(args):
    z_mean, z_log_var = args
    batch = K.shape(z_mean)[0]
    dim = K.int_shape(z_mean)[1]
    # by default, random_normal has mean=0 and std=1.0
    epsilon = K.random_normal(shape=(batch, dim))
    return z_mean + K.exp(0.5 * z_log_var) * epsilon
コード例 #5
def resnet_18(input_tensor, repetitions=(2, 2, 2, 2)):
    """Builds a custom ResNet like architecture.

  input_shape: The input tensor with shape (nb_rows, nb_cols, nb_channels)
  num_outputs: The number of outputs at final softmax layer
  block_fn: The block function to use. This is either `basic_block` or `bottleneck`.
  The original paper used basic_block for layers < 50
  repetitions: Number of repetitions of various block units.
  At each block unit, the number of filters are doubled and the input size is halved

  The keras `lip_model.Model`.

    block = input_tensor
    filters = 64
    for i, r in enumerate(repetitions):
        block = _residual_block(filters=filters,
                                is_first_layer=(i == 0))(block)
        filters *= 2

    # Last activation
    block = _bn_relu(block)

    # Classifier block
    block_shape = K.int_shape(block)
    pool2 = tf.layers.AveragePooling2D(pool_size=(block_shape[ROW_AXIS],
                                       strides=(1, 1))(block)

    flatten1 = tf.layers.Flatten()(pool2)

    return flatten1
    def __init__(self, input):

        self.input = model = input

        aug_opts = {}
        if config.test_aug_times:
            # ------------------- With test augmentation, keep first sample  the same --------
            assert model.shape[0] == 1, 'Test augmentation only with bs=1'
            no_aug_input = model
            model = replicate_to_batch(model, config.test_aug_times - 1)

            aug_opts = {
                'horizontal_flip': config.horizontal_flip,
                'crop_pixels': config.crop_pixels,

            no_aug_out = self.preprocess_and_augment(no_aug_input, aug_opts={})

        flip_prob = 0.5 if not config.test_aug_times == 2 else 1
        self.aug_out = model = self.preprocess_and_augment(model,

        if config.test_aug_times:
            self.aug_out = model = tf.concat([no_aug_out, self.aug_out], 0)

        # spatio-temporal frontend
        model = tf.contrib.keras.layers.ZeroPadding3D(padding=(2, 3, 3))(model)
        model = tf.layers.Conv3D(filters=64,
                                 kernel_size=(5, 7, 7),
                                 strides=[1, 2, 2],

        model = batch_normalization_wrapper(model)
        model = tf.nn.relu(model)
        model = tf.contrib.keras.layers.ZeroPadding3D(padding=(0, 1, 1))(model)
        model = tf.layers.MaxPooling3D(pool_size=(1, 3, 3),
                                       strides=(1, 2, 2))(model)

        # We want to apply the resnet on every timestep, so reshape into a batch of size b*t
        packed_model = temporal_batch_pack(model,
        resnet = resnet_18(packed_model)
        self.output = temporal_batch_unpack(
            resnet, shape_list(model)[1], input_shape=K.int_shape(resnet)[1:])
コード例 #7
def attention_block(x, gating, inter_shape, name):
    self gated attention, attention mechanism on spatial dimension
    :param x: input feature map
    :param gating: gate signal, feature map from the lower layer
    :param inter_shape: intermedium channle numer
    :param name: name of attention layer, for output
    :return: attention weighted on spatial dimension feature map

    shape_x = K.int_shape(x)
    shape_g = K.int_shape(gating)

    theta_x = layers.Conv2D(inter_shape, (2, 2),
                            strides=(2, 2),
                            padding='same')(x)  # 16
    shape_theta_x = K.int_shape(theta_x)

    phi_g = layers.Conv2D(inter_shape, (1, 1), padding='same')(gating)
    upsample_g = layers.Conv2DTranspose(
        inter_shape, (3, 3),
        strides=(shape_theta_x[1] // shape_g[1],
                 shape_theta_x[2] // shape_g[2]),
        padding='same')(phi_g)  # 16
    # upsample_g = layers.UpSampling2D(size=(shape_theta_x[1] // shape_g[1], shape_theta_x[2] // shape_g[2]),
    #                                  data_format="channels_last")(phi_g)

    concat_xg = layers.add([upsample_g, theta_x])
    act_xg = layers.Activation('relu')(concat_xg)
    psi = layers.Conv2D(1, (1, 1), padding='same')(act_xg)
    sigmoid_xg = layers.Activation('sigmoid')(psi)
    shape_sigmoid = K.int_shape(sigmoid_xg)
    upsample_psi = layers.UpSampling2D(size=(shape_x[1] // shape_sigmoid[1],
                                             shape_x[2] // shape_sigmoid[2]),
                                       name=name + '_weight')(sigmoid_xg)  # 32

    upsample_psi = expend_as(upsample_psi, shape_x[3])

    y = layers.multiply([upsample_psi, x])

    result = layers.Conv2D(shape_x[3], (1, 1), padding='same')(y)
    result_bn = layers.BatchNormalization()(result)
    return result_bn
コード例 #8
def spatial_attention(coder_x,up_x,K):

    shape_coder_x = kk.int_shape(coder_x)
    shape_up_x = kk.int_shape(up_x)

    theta_x = Conv2D(K*flt, (2, 2), padding='same')(coder_x)
    shape_theta_x = kk.int_shape(theta_x)

    phi_g = Conv2D(K*flt, (1, 1), padding='same')(up_x)
    upsample_g = Conv2DTranspose(K*flt, (2, 2), strides=(2, 2))(phi_g)

    concat_xg = keras.layers.add([upsample_g, theta_x])
    act_xg = keras.layers.Activation('relu')(concat_xg)
    psi = Conv2D(1, (1, 1), padding='same')(act_xg)
    sigmoid_xg = keras.layers.Activation('sigmoid')(psi)

    shape_sigmoid = kk.int_shape(sigmoid_xg)

    upsample_psi = UpSampling2D(size = (shape_coder_x[1]//shape_sigmoid[1], shape_coder_x[2]//shape_sigmoid[2]))(sigmoid_xg)

    upsample_psi = expend_as(upsample_psi, shape_coder_x[3])

    #upsample_psi = tf.keras.backend.repeat_elements(upsample_psi, shape_coder_x[3], axis=3)

    y = multiply([upsample_psi, theta_x])

    result = Conv2D(shape_coder_x[3], (1, 1), padding='same')(y)
    result_bn = keras.layers.BatchNormalization()(result)
    return result_bn
コード例 #9
ファイル: CALSTM.py プロジェクト: wn9081/im2latex
    def _decoder_lstm(self, Ex_t, z_t, lstm_states_t_1):
        """Represents invocation of the decoder lstm. (h_t, lstm_states_t) = *(z_t|Ex_t, lstm_states_t_1)"""
        with tf.variable_scope(self.my_scope) as var_scope:
            with tf.name_scope(var_scope.original_name_scope):
                m = self.C.m
                D = self.C.D
                B = self.C.B * self.BeamWidth

                if (not self.C.build_scanning_RNN) or (
                        not self.C.no_clock_to_lstm):
                    inputs_t = tf.concat((Ex_t, z_t),
                    assert K.int_shape(inputs_t) == (B, m + D)
                    assert self.C.build_scanning_RNN, 'no_clock_to_lstm can be set only in a scanning RNN '
                    inputs_t = z_t
                    assert K.int_shape(inputs_t) == (B, D)


                 lstm_states_t) = self._LSTM_stack(inputs_t, lstm_states_t_1)
                return (htop_t, lstm_states_t)
コード例 #10
    def _get_seed_input(self, seed_input):
        """Creates a random `seed_input` if None. Otherwise:
            - Ensures batch_size dim on provided `seed_input`.
            - Shuffle axis according to expected `image_data_format`.
        desired_shape = (1, ) + K.int_shape(self.input_tensor)[1:]
        if seed_input is None:
            return utils.random_array(desired_shape, mean=np.mean(self.input_range),
                                      std=0.05 * (self.input_range[1] - self.input_range[0]))

        # Add batch dim if needed.
        if len(seed_input.shape) != len(desired_shape):
            seed_input = np.expand_dims(seed_input, 0)

        # Only possible if channel idx is out of place.
        if seed_input.shape != desired_shape:
            seed_input = np.moveaxis(seed_input, -1, 1)
        return seed_input.astype(K.floatx())
コード例 #11
ファイル: CALSTM.py プロジェクト: wn9081/im2latex
    def __init__(self, config, context, beamsearch_width=1, var_scope=None):
        assert K.int_shape(context) == (config.B, config.L, config.D)

        with tf.variable_scope(var_scope or 'CALSTM') as scope:
            with tf.name_scope(scope.original_name_scope):
                super(CALSTM, self).__init__(_scope=scope, name=scope.name)
                self.my_scope = scope
                self.C = CALSTMParams(config)
                ## Beam Width to be supplied to BeamsearchDecoder. It essentially broadcasts/tiles a
                ## batch of input from size B to B * BeamWidth. Set this value to 1 in the training
                ## phase.
                self._beamsearch_width = beamsearch_width

                self._a = context  ## Image features from the Conv-Net
                assert self._a.get_shape().as_list() == [
                    self.C.B, self.C.L, self.C.D

                self._LSTM_stack = tfc.RNNWrapper(
                    self.C.decoder_lstm, beamsearch_width=beamsearch_width)
コード例 #12
def get_img_shape(img):
    """Returns image shape in a backend agnostic manner.

        img: An image tensor of shape: `(channels, image_dims...)` if data_format='channels_first' or
            `(image_dims..., channels)` if data_format='channels_last'.

        Tuple containing image shape information in `(samples, channels, image_dims...)` order.
    if isinstance(img, np.ndarray):
        shape = img.shape
        shape = K.int_shape(img)

    if K.image_data_format() == 'channels_last':
        shape = list(shape)
        shape.insert(1, shape[-1])
        shape = tuple(shape[:-1])
    return shape
コード例 #13
    def shortcut(self, input, residual):
        """Adds a shortcut between input and residual block and merges them with "sum"
        # Expand channels of shortcut to match residual.
        # Stride appropriately to match residual (width, height)
        # Should be int if network architecture is correctly configured.
        input_shape = K.int_shape(input)
        #residual_shape = K.int_shape(residual)

             residual_shape = np.shape(residual).as_list()
             residual_shape = np.shape(residual)

        stride_width = int(round(input_shape[ROW_AXIS] / residual_shape[ROW_AXIS]))
        stride_height = int(round(input_shape[COL_AXIS] / residual_shape[COL_AXIS]))
        equal_channels = input_shape[CHANNEL_AXIS] == residual_shape[CHANNEL_AXIS]

        #equal_width = input_shape[ROW_AXIS] == residual_shape[ROW_AXIS]
        #equal_heights = input_shape[COL_AXIS] == residual_shape[COL_AXIS]

        shortcut = input
        # 1 X 1 conv if shape is different. Else identity.
        if stride_width > 1 or stride_height > 1 or not equal_channels:
        #if not equal_width or not equal_height or not equal_channels:
            shortcut = layers.Conv2D(filters=residual_shape[CHANNEL_AXIS],
                              kernel_size=(1, 1),
                              strides=(stride_width, stride_height),

        return layers.add([shortcut, residual])
コード例 #14
ファイル: CALSTM.py プロジェクト: wn9081/im2latex
    def call(self, inputs, state):
        Builds/threads tf graph for one RNN iteration.
        Takes in previous lstm states (h and c),
        the current input and the image annotations (a) as input and outputs the states and outputs for the
        current timestep.
        Note that input(t) = Ey(t-1). Input(t=0) = Null. When training, the target output is used for Ey
        whereas at prediction time (via. beam-search for e.g.) the actual output is used.
        with tf.variable_scope(self.my_scope) as var_scope:
            with tf.name_scope(var_scope.original_name_scope
                               ):  ## Ugly but only way to fix TB visuals

                ## Input
                Ex_t = inputs  # shape = (B,m)
                ## State
                htop_1 = state.lstm_state.h if self._LSTM_stack.num_layers == 1 else state.lstm_state[
                lstm_states_t_1 = state.lstm_state  # shape = ((B,n), (B,n)) = (c_t_1, h_t_1)
                unused_alpha_t_1 = state.alpha  # shape = (B, L)
                unused_beta_t_1 = state.beta  # (B,1)
                a = self._a
                ## Broadcast context from size B to B*BeamWidth, because that's what BeamSearchDecoder does
                ## to the input batch.
                if self.BeamWidth > 1:
                    a = tf.contrib.seq2seq.tile_batch(self._a, self.BeamWidth)

                CONF = self.C
                B = CONF.B * self.BeamWidth
                m = CONF.m
                L = CONF.L
                #        Kv =CONF.K

                assert K.int_shape(Ex_t) == (B, m)
                assert K.int_shape(unused_alpha_t_1) == (B, L)
                assert K.int_shape(unused_beta_t_1) == (B, 1)

                ################ Attention Model ################
                alpha_t, beta_t = self._attention_model(
                    a, htop_1, Ex_t)  # alpha.shape = (B, L), beta.shape = (B,)
                assert K.int_shape(alpha_t) == (B, L)
                assert K.int_shape(beta_t) == (B, 1)

                ################ Soft deterministic attention: z = alpha-weighted mean of a ################
                with tf.variable_scope('Phi'):
                    ## (B, L) batch_dot (B,L,D) -> (B, D)
                    z_t = K.batch_dot(alpha_t, a,
                                      axes=[1, 1])  # z_t.shape = (B, D)
                    z_t = tf.multiply(
                        beta_t, z_t, name='beta_t.z'
                    )  # elementwise multiply (B,1)*(B,D) -> (B,D)
                    z_t = tf.identity(z_t, name='z_t')  ## For tensorboard viz.

                ################ Decoder Layer ################
                (htop_t, lstm_states_t) = self._decoder_lstm(
                    Ex_t, z_t, lstm_states_t_1)  # h_t.shape=(B,n)

                #        ################ Output Layer ################
                #        with tf.variable_scope('Output_Layer'):
                #            yLogits_t = self._output_layer(Ex_t, h_t, z_t) # yProbs_t.shape = (B,K)

                ## assert K.int_shape(yProbs_t) == (B, Kv)
                ## assert K.int_shape(yLogits_t) == (B, Kv)
                assert K.int_shape(alpha_t) == (B, L)
                assert K.int_shape(beta_t) == (B, 1)

                return htop_t, CALSTMState(lstm_states_t, alpha_t, z_t, beta_t)
コード例 #15
ファイル: CALSTM.py プロジェクト: wn9081/im2latex
    def _attention_model(self, a, h_prev, Ex_t):
        with tf.variable_scope(self.my_scope) as var_scope:
            with tf.name_scope(var_scope.original_name_scope):
                with tf.variable_scope('AttentionModel'):
                    CONF = self.C
                    B = self.ActualBatchSize
                    L = CONF.L
                    D = CONF.D
                    h = h_prev
                    n = self.output_size
                    m = CONF.m

                    assert K.int_shape(a) == (B, L, D)
                    assert K.int_shape(h_prev) == (B, n)
                    assert K.int_shape(Ex_t) == (B, m)

                    if (CONF.att_model == 'MLP_shared') or (CONF.att_model
                                                            == '1x1_conv'):
                        Here we'll effectively create L MLP stacks all sharing the same weights. Each
                        stack receives a concatenated vector of a(l) and h as input.
                        # h.shape = (B,n). Expand it to (B,1,n) and then broadcast to (B,L,n) in order
                        # to concatenate with feature vectors of 'a' whose shape=(B,L,D)
                        h = tf.identity(K.tile(K.expand_dims(h, axis=1),
                                               (1, L, 1)),
                        a = tf.identity(a, name='a')
                        if CONF.feed_clock_to_att:
                            assert CONF.build_scanning_RNN, 'Attention model can take Ex_t only in a scanning-LSTM'
                            # Ex_t.shape = (B,m). Expand it to (B,1,m) and then broadcast to (B,L,m) in order
                            # to concatenate with feature vectors of 'a' whose shape=(B,L,D)
                            x = tf.identity(K.tile(K.expand_dims(Ex_t, axis=1),
                                                   (1, L, 1)),
                            # Concatenate a, h nd x. Final shape = (B, L, D+n+m)
                            att_inp = tf.concat([a, h, x], -1,
                                                name='ai_h_x')  # (B, L, D+n+m)
                            assert K.int_shape(att_inp) == (B, L, D + n + m)
                            # Concatenate a and h. Final shape = (B, L, D+n)
                            att_inp = tf.concat([a, h], -1,
                                                name='ai_h')  # (B, L, D+n)
                            assert K.int_shape(att_inp) == (B, L, D + n)

                        if CONF.att_model == 'MLP_shared':
                            ## For #layers > 1 this implementation will endup being different than the paper's implementation because they only
                            ## Below is how it is implemented in the code released by the authors of the paper
                            ##     for i in range(1, CONF.att_a_layers+1):
                            ##         if not last_layer:
                            ##              a = Dense(CONF['att_a_%d_n'%(i,)], activation=tanh)(a)
                            ##         else: # last-layer
                            ##              a = AffineTransform(CONF['att_a_%d_n'%(i,)])(a)
                            ##     h = AffineTransform(CONF['att_h_%d_n'%(i,)])(h)
                            ##     ah = a + K.expand_dims(h, axis=1)
                            ##     ah = tanh(ah)
                            ##     alpha = Dense(softmax_layer_params, activation=softmax)(ah)

                            alpha_1_ = tfc.MLPStack(CONF.att_layers)(
                                att_inp)  # (B, L, 1)
                            assert K.int_shape(alpha_1_) == (B, L, 1
                                                             )  # (B, L, 1)
                            alpha_ = K.squeeze(alpha_1_,
                                               axis=2)  # output shape = (B, L)
                            assert K.int_shape(alpha_) == (B, L)

                        elif CONF.att_model == '1x1_conv':
                            NOTE: The above model ('MLP_shared') tantamounts to a 
                            1x1 convolution on the Lx1 shaped (L=H.W) convnet features with num_channels=D i.e. an input shape of (H,W,C) or (1,L,D).
                            Using 'dimctx' kernels of size (1,1) and stride=1 resulting in an output shape of (1,L,dimctx) [or (B, L, 1, dimctx) with the batch dimension included].
                            This option provides such a convnet layer implementation (which turns out not to be faster than MLP_shared).
                            att_inp = tf.expand_dims(att_inp, axis=1)
                            alpha_1_ = tfc.ConvStack(
                                (B, 1, L, D + self.output_size))(att_inp)
                            assert K.int_shape(alpha_1_) == (B, 1, L, 1)
                            alpha_ = tf.squeeze(alpha_1_, axis=[1,
                                                                3])  # (B, L)
                            assert K.int_shape(alpha_) == (B, L)

                    elif CONF.att_model == 'MLP_full':  # MLP: weights not shared across L
                        ## concatenate a and h_prev and pass them through a MLP. This is different than the theano
                        ## implementation of the paper because we flatten a from (B,L,D) to (B,L*D). Hence each element
                        ## of the L*D vector receives its own weight because the effective weight matrix here would be
                        ## shape (L*D, num_dense_units) as compared to (D, num_dense_units) as in the shared_weights case

                        ## Concatenate a and h. Final shape will be (B, L*D+n)
                        with tf.variable_scope('a_h'):
                            a_ = K.batch_flatten(a)  # (B, L*D)
                                (B, L * D))  # Flatten loses shape info
                            if CONF.build_scanning_RNN and CONF.feed_clock_to_att:
                                assert CONF.build_scanning_RNN, 'Attention model can take Ex_t only in a scanning-LSTM'
                                att_inp = tf.concat(
                                    [a_, h, Ex_t], -1,
                                    name="a_h_x")  # (B, L*D + n + m)
                                assert K.int_shape(att_inp) == (
                                    B, L * D + self.output_size +
                                    m), 'shape %s != %s' % (
                                        (B, L * D + self.output_size + m))
                                att_inp = tf.concat([a_, h], -1,
                                                    name="a_h")  # (B, L*D + n)
                                assert K.int_shape(att_inp) == (
                                    B, L * D +
                                    self.output_size), 'shape %s != %s' % (
                                        (B, L * D + self.output_size))
                        alpha_ = tfc.MLPStack(CONF.att_layers)(
                            att_inp)  # (B, L)
                        assert K.int_shape(alpha_) == (B, L)

                        raise AttributeError(
                            'Invalid value of att_model param: %s' %

                    ## Softmax
                    alpha = tf.identity(tf.nn.softmax(alpha_), name='alpha')
                    assert K.int_shape(alpha) == (B, L)

                    ## Attention Modulator: Beta
                    if CONF.build_att_modulator:
                        beta = tfc.MLPStack(CONF.att_modulator,
                        beta = tf.identity(beta, name='beta')
                        beta = tf.constant(1., shape=(B, 1), dtype=CONF.dtype)
                    assert K.int_shape(beta) == (B, 1)

                    return alpha, beta
コード例 #16
ファイル: vae.py プロジェクト: jsn5/worldmodels-keras
x = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(filters=128,
x = tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=2)(x)
x = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(filters=64,
x = tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=2)(x)
x = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(filters=32,
x = tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=2)(x)
shape = K.int_shape(x)
x = tf.keras.layers.Flatten()(x)
x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(16)(x)

z_mean = tf.keras.layers.Dense(latent_dim)(x)
z_log_var = tf.keras.layers.Dense(latent_dim)(x)
z = tf.keras.layers.Lambda(sampling, output_shape=(latent_dim, ),
                           name="z")([z_mean, z_log_var])

encoder = tf.keras.models.Model(input_img, [z_mean, z_log_var, z],

latent_inputs = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(latent_dim, ), name='z_sampling')
x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(shape[1] * shape[2] * shape[3],