コード例 #1
def test_get_tags_count_from_host_with_null_tags(tags, mq_create_four_specific_hosts, api_get):
    # FIXME: Remove this test after migration to NOT NULL.
    created_hosts = mq_create_four_specific_hosts

    host_id = created_hosts[0].id
    update_host_in_db(host_id, tags=tags)

    url = build_tags_count_url(host_list_or_id=host_id)
    response_status, response_data = api_get(url)

    assert response_status == 200
    assert {host_id: 0} == response_data["results"]
コード例 #2
def _test_order_by_id_desc(inventory_config, api_get, subtests, created_hosts, specifications, order_by, order_how):
    for updates, expected_added_hosts in specifications:
        # Update hosts to they have a same modified_on timestamp, but different IDs.
        # New modified_on value must be set explicitly so it’s saved the same to all
        # records. Otherwise SQLAlchemy would consider it unchanged and update it
        # automatically to its own "now" only for records whose ID changed.
        new_modified_on = now()

        for added_host_index, new_id in updates:
            host = update_host_in_db(created_hosts[added_host_index].id, id=new_id, modified_on=new_modified_on)
            created_hosts[added_host_index] = serialize_db_host(host, inventory_config)

        # Check the order in the response against the expected order. Only indexes
        # are passed, because self.added_hosts values were replaced during the
        # update.
        expected_hosts = tuple(created_hosts[added_host_index] for added_host_index in expected_added_hosts)

        urls = (HOST_URL, build_hosts_url(created_hosts), build_system_profile_url(created_hosts))
        for url in urls:
            with subtests.test(url=url, updates=updates):
                order_query_parameters = build_order_query_parameters(order_by=order_by, order_how=order_how)
                response_status, response_data = api_get(url, query_parameters=order_query_parameters)

                assert_response_status(response_status, expected_status=200)
                assert_host_ids_in_response(response_data, expected_hosts)
コード例 #3
def test_delete_duplicates_last_modified(event_producer, db_create_multiple_hosts, db_get_host, inventory_config):
    """Test that the deletion script always keeps host with the latest 'modified_on' date"""
    canonical_facts = {
        "provider_id": generate_uuid(),
        "insights_id": generate_uuid(),
        "subscription_manager_id": generate_uuid(),
        "bios_uuid": generate_uuid(),
        "satellite_id": generate_uuid(),
        "fqdn": generate_random_string(),
        "provider_type": "aws",
    host_count = 100

    hosts = [minimal_db_host(canonical_facts=canonical_facts) for _ in range(host_count)]
    created_host_ids = [host.id for host in db_create_multiple_hosts(hosts=hosts)]
    updated_host = update_host_in_db(choice(created_host_ids), display_name="new-display-name")
    for host_id in created_host_ids:
        assert db_get_host(host_id)

    Session = _init_db(inventory_config)
    sessions = [Session() for _ in range(3)]
    with multi_session_guard(sessions):
        deleted_hosts_count = host_delete_duplicates_run(
            shutdown_handler=mock.Mock(**{"shut_down.return_value": False}),

    assert deleted_hosts_count == host_count - 1
    for host_id in created_host_ids:
        if host_id != updated_host.id:
            assert not db_get_host(host_id)
            assert db_get_host(host_id)