コード例 #1
ファイル: mysql.py プロジェクト: scality/eve
 def pre_start_hook(self):
     """Pull a mysql docker image and prepare the command to run it."""
     cmd('docker pull mysql/mysql-server:5.7')
     self._start_cmd = [
         'docker', 'run', '--name', self._name, '-p',
         '{}:3306'.format(self.port), '-e',
         'MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD={}'.format(MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD), '-e',
         'MYSQL_DATABASE={}'.format(MYSQL_DATABASE), '-e',
         'MYSQL_USER={}'.format(MYSQL_USER), '-e',
コード例 #2
ファイル: cluster.py プロジェクト: scality/eve
    def external_ip(self):
        """Return the external IP address of the cluster.

            str: '' On Linux.
                Try to find the address that connects the machine to the
                Internet on Mac.

        if self._ext_ip:
            return self._ext_ip
        if platform.system() == 'Darwin':
            self._ext_ip = cmd(
                # The following expression warns due to only one `\` character
                # used, but this is actually voluntary.
                # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string
                "ifconfig | grep -E '([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}'"  # noqa: W605, E501
                " | grep -v"
                " | awk '{ print $2 }' | cut -f2 -d:"
                " | head -n1").strip()
            assert self._ext_ip, 'Not connected to the internet ?'
            return self._ext_ip
            self._ext_ip = ''  # Should work on Linux systems
        return self._ext_ip
コード例 #3
ファイル: daemon.py プロジェクト: scality/eve
 def stop(self):
     """Send a SIGTERM to the daemon and wait until it finishes."""
     print('terminating {} PID: {}...'.format(self._name,
     if self._stop_cmd is not None:
         cmd(self._stop_cmd.format(name=self._name), cwd=self._base_path)
         # self.wait_for_it()
     for _ in range(30):
         if self._process.poll() is not None:
             time.sleep(1)  # allow logs to flush to disk
         print('process still here, retry in 1s')
     raise Exception('{} never stopped {}'.format(self._name,
コード例 #4
ファイル: git_repo.py プロジェクト: scality/eve
    def loglines(self):
        """Return a list of loglines from the git log command.

            list: The lines resulting from git log command
                `git log --pretty=format:"%an %ae|%s|%H|%cd" --date=iso`.

        res = cmd('git log --pretty=format:"%an %ae|%s|%H|%cd" --date=iso',
        return reversed(res.splitlines())
コード例 #5
    def test_git_repo(self):
        """Test that a fake git repo works correctly.

            - Create a fake remote git repo.
            - Clone it with the LocalGitRepo class.
            - Push a specified yaml file on a specified branch.
            - Check that the file is on that branch.
            - Check the branch has been pushed to the remote.

        remote = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='eve_remote_')
        cmd('git init --bare', cwd=remote)
        local = LocalGitRepo(remote=remote)
        command = 'do something'
        branch = 'feature/1'
        local.push(SingleCommandYaml(command), branch=branch)
        self.assertIn(command, cmd('cat eve/main.yml', cwd=local._dir))
        self.assertIn(branch, cmd('git branch', cwd=local._dir))
        self.assertIn(branch, cmd('git branch', cwd=remote))
コード例 #6
ファイル: git_repo.py プロジェクト: scality/eve
 def __init__(self, remote):
     self.remote = remote
     self._dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='eve_local_')
     cmd('git clone {} .'.format(self.remote), cwd=self._dir)
     cmd('git config user.email "*****@*****.**"', cwd=self._dir)
     cmd('git config user.name "John Doe"', cwd=self._dir)
     self.branch = None
コード例 #7
ファイル: git_repo.py プロジェクト: scality/eve
    def push(self, yaml=None, dirs=(), branch=None):
        """Create a new commit to trigger a test build.

            yaml (YamlFactory or str): The yaml file to be pushed.
            dirs (list): Additional folders to be pushed to the git repo root.
            branch (str): The branch name to push to.

        if branch is None:
            branch = 'bugfix/heal_the_world_{}'.format(uuid4())
        if yaml is None:
            yaml = SingleCommandYaml()

        self.branch = branch
            cmd('git checkout %s' % branch, cwd=self._dir)
        except CalledProcessError:
            cmd('git checkout -b %s' % branch, cwd=self._dir)

            mkdir(join(self._dir, 'eve'))
        except OSError as error:
            if not error.errno == errno.EEXIST:
        if isinstance(yaml, RawYaml):
            yaml.filedump(join(self._dir, 'eve', 'main.yml'))
            shutil.copyfile(yaml, join(self._dir, 'eve', 'main.yml'))

        for src in dirs:
            shutil.copytree(src, join(self._dir, basename(src)))

        cmd('git add -A', cwd=self._dir)
        cmd('git commit -m "add yaml file"', cwd=self._dir)
        cmd('git push -u origin HEAD:%s' % branch, cwd=self._dir)
        return self
コード例 #8
ファイル: git_repo.py プロジェクト: scality/eve
 def cmd(self, *args, **kwargs):
     """Run a command in the git repo directory."""
     kwargs['cwd'] = self._dir
     return cmd(*args, **kwargs)
コード例 #9
ファイル: git_repo.py プロジェクト: scality/eve
 def revision(self):
     return cmd('git rev-parse %s' % self.branch, cwd=self._dir).strip()
コード例 #10
ファイル: vault.py プロジェクト: scality/eve
 def _log(self):
     """Return the logs of the Vault docker container."""
     return cmd('docker logs {}'.format(self._name))
コード例 #11
 def pre_start_hook(self):
     """Build an eve docker image and prepare the environment to run it."""
     cmd('docker build --build-arg INTERNAL_DOCKER=1 -t eve_master  .')
     self._env = self.environ
コード例 #12
    def test_simple_build(self):
        """Test a simple build with registry support.

            - Check that the tag doesn't belong to the registry.
            - Build the project.
            - Check all steps for correctness, including image built
              and uploaded to the registry.
            - Check that the tagged image was added to the registry.
            - Build the project again.
            - Check all steps again, make sure image was not built,
              and reused straight from the local images.
            - Remove all local images.
            - Build the project again.
            - Check the image is pulled from the registry.

        local_repo = self.cluster.clone()
        local_repo.push(yaml=SingleCommandYaml('exit 0',
                                                   'type': 'docker',
                                                   'path': 'ubuntu-focal-ctxt'
                                join(__file__, pardir, 'contexts',

        # Check bootstrap
        bootstrap = self.cluster.api.get_builder('bootstrap')
        bootstrap_build = self.cluster.api.get_finished_build('bootstrap',
        self.assertEqual(bootstrap_build['results'], SUCCESS)
        bootstrap_steps = self.cluster.api.get_build_steps(bootstrap_build)
        step_names_and_descriptions = [(step['name'], step['state_string'])
                                       for step in bootstrap_steps]
                (u'worker_preparation', u'worker ready'),
                (u'set the bootstrap build number', u'Set'),
                (u'check index.lock', u"'test ! ...'"),
                (u'checkout git branch', u'update'),
                (u'cancel builds for commits that are not branch tips',
                 u'CancelNonTipBuild'),  # noqa
                (u'set the master_builddir property', u'Set'),
                (u'get the product version',
                 u"property 'product_version' set"),  # noqa
                (u'check the product version', u"'echo 0.0.0 ...'"),
                (u'read eve/main.yml', u'uploading main.yml'),
                (u'get the commit short_revision',
                 u"property 'commit_short_revision' set"),  # noqa
                (u'get the commit timestamp',
                 u"property 'commit_timestamp' set"),
                (u'set the artifacts name', u"property 'artifacts_name' set"),
                (u'set the artifacts public url',
                 u"property 'artifacts_public_url' set"),  # noqa
                (u'get the API version', u'Set'),
                (u'prepare 1 stage(s)', u'finished'),
                (u'[ubuntu-focal-ctxt_e36a] fingerprint', u"Ran"),  # noqa
                (u'[ubuntu-focal-ctxt_e36a] look up', u"failed (1)"),  # noqa
                (u'[ubuntu-focal-ctxt_e36a] pull', u"failed (1)"),  # noqa
                (u'[ubuntu-focal-ctxt_e36a] build', u'Ran'),
                (u'[ubuntu-focal-ctxt_e36a] build retry', u'Ran (skipped)'),
                (u'[ubuntu-focal-ctxt_e36a] push', u'Ran'),
                (u'trigger', u'triggered pre-merge')

        # Check build
        build = self.cluster.api.get_finished_build('pre-merge')
        self.assertEqual(build['results'], SUCCESS)
        steps = self.cluster.api.get_build_steps(build)
        step_names_and_descriptions = [(step['name'], step['state_string'])
                                       for step in steps]
                         [(u'worker_preparation', u'worker ready'),
                          (u'prevent unuseful restarts', u"'[ $(expr ...'"),
                          (u'set the artifacts private url',
                           u"property 'artifacts_private_url' set"),
                          (u'Check worker OS distribution', u'finished'),
                          (u'Set the current builder id', u'finished'),
                          (u'Set the current build url', u'finished'),
                          (u'extract steps from yaml', u'finished'),
                          (u'shell', u"'exit 0'")])

        # Check properties
        bootstrap_properties = self.cluster.api.getw(
            get_params={'property': '*'})

        # now do the same build again, and check image is reused
        buildset = self.cluster.api.force(branch=local_repo.branch)
        buildrequestid = self.cluster.api.getw(
            '/buildrequests', {'buildsetid': buildset.bsid})['buildrequestid']

        bootstrap_build = self.cluster.api.getw(
            '/builds', {
                'buildrequestid': buildrequestid,
                'builderid': bootstrap['builderid'],
                'results': SUCCESS
        bootstrap_steps = self.cluster.api.get_build_steps(bootstrap_build)
        step_names_and_descriptions = [(step['name'], step['state_string'])
                                       for step in bootstrap_steps]
                (u'worker_preparation', u'worker ready'),
                (u'set the bootstrap build number', u'Set'),
                (u'check index.lock', u"'test ! ...'"),
                (u'checkout git branch', u'update'),
                (u'cancel builds for commits that are not branch tips',
                 u'CancelNonTipBuild'),  # noqa
                (u'set the master_builddir property', u'Set'),
                (u'get the product version',
                 u"property 'product_version' set"),
                (u'check the product version', u"'echo 0.0.0 ...'"),
                (u'read eve/main.yml', u'uploading main.yml'),
                (u'get the commit short_revision',
                 u"property 'commit_short_revision' set"),  # noqa
                (u'get the commit timestamp',
                 u"property 'commit_timestamp' set"),
                (u'set the artifacts name', u"property 'artifacts_name' set"),
                (u'set the artifacts public url',
                 u"property 'artifacts_public_url' set"),  # noqa
                (u'get the API version', u'Set'),
                (u'prepare 1 stage(s)', u'finished'),
                (u'[ubuntu-focal-ctxt_e36a] fingerprint', u"Ran"),  # noqa
                (u'[ubuntu-focal-ctxt_e36a] look up', u"Ran"),  # noqa
                (u'[ubuntu-focal-ctxt_e36a] pull', u"Ran (skipped)"),  # noqa
                (u'[ubuntu-focal-ctxt_e36a] build', u'Ran (skipped)'),
                (u'[ubuntu-focal-ctxt_e36a] build retry', u'Ran (skipped)'),
                (u'[ubuntu-focal-ctxt_e36a] push', u'Ran (skipped)'),
                (u'trigger', u'triggered pre-merge')

        # do the same build one last time, but erase the local image first
        build = self.cluster.api.getw('/builds', {
            'builderid': build['builderid'],
            'results': SUCCESS
        image = self.cluster.api.getw(
            get_params={'property': '*'})['properties']['docker_image'][0]

        cmd('docker rmi -f {}'.format(image))

        buildset = self.cluster.api.force(branch=local_repo.branch)
        buildrequestid = self.cluster.api.getw(
            '/buildrequests', {'buildsetid': buildset.bsid})['buildrequestid']

        bootstrap_build = self.cluster.api.getw(
            '/builds', {
                'buildrequestid': buildrequestid,
                'builderid': bootstrap['builderid'],
                'results': SUCCESS
        bootstrap_steps = self.cluster.api.get_build_steps(bootstrap_build)
        step_names_and_descriptions = [(step['name'], step['state_string'])
                                       for step in bootstrap_steps]
                (u'worker_preparation', u'worker ready'),
                (u'set the bootstrap build number', u'Set'),
                (u'check index.lock', u"'test ! ...'"),
                (u'checkout git branch', u'update'),
                (u'cancel builds for commits that are not branch tips',
                 u'CancelNonTipBuild'),  # noqa
                (u'set the master_builddir property', u'Set'),
                (u'get the product version',
                 u"property 'product_version' set"),  # noqa
                (u'check the product version', u"'echo 0.0.0 ...'"),
                (u'read eve/main.yml', u'uploading main.yml'),
                (u'get the commit short_revision',
                 u"property 'commit_short_revision' set"),  # noqa
                (u'get the commit timestamp',
                 u"property 'commit_timestamp' set"),  # noqa
                (u'set the artifacts name', u"property 'artifacts_name' set"),
                (u'set the artifacts public url',
                 u"property 'artifacts_public_url' set"),  # noqa
                (u'get the API version', u'Set'),
                (u'prepare 1 stage(s)', u'finished'),
                (u'[ubuntu-focal-ctxt_e36a] fingerprint', u"Ran"),  # noqa
                (u'[ubuntu-focal-ctxt_e36a] look up', u"failed (1)"),  # noqa
                (u'[ubuntu-focal-ctxt_e36a] pull', u"Ran"),  # noqa
                (u'[ubuntu-focal-ctxt_e36a] build', u'Ran (skipped)'),
                (u'[ubuntu-focal-ctxt_e36a] build retry', u'Ran (skipped)'),
                (u'[ubuntu-focal-ctxt_e36a] push', u'Ran (skipped)'),
                (u'trigger', u'triggered pre-merge')
コード例 #13
ファイル: githost_mock.py プロジェクト: scality/eve
 def pre_start_hook(self):
     """Create a bare git repo before starting the git daemon."""
     repo_path = os.path.join(self._base_path, 'repo_owner', 'test.git')
     cmd('mkdir -p {}'.format(repo_path), cwd=self._base_path)
     cmd('git init --bare', cwd=repo_path)
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_registry.py プロジェクト: scality/eve
 def test_start_stop(self):
     cmd('docker pull ubuntu:focal')
     name = '{}:{}/test_registry_start_stop'.format(
         self.registry.external_ip, self.registry.port)
     cmd('docker tag ubuntu:focal {}'.format(name))
     cmd('docker push {}'.format(name))
     assert name in cmd('docker images')
     cmd('docker rmi {}'.format(name))
     assert name not in cmd('docker images')
     cmd('docker pull {}'.format(name))
     assert name in cmd('docker images')
コード例 #15
ファイル: registry.py プロジェクト: scality/eve
 def pre_start_hook(self):
     cmd('docker pull registry:2')
     self._start_cmd = [
         'docker', 'run', '--name', self._name, '-p',
         '{}:5000'.format(self.port), 'registry:2'
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_githost_mock.py プロジェクト: scality/eve
    def test_start_and_stop(self):
        """Test start and stop a githost mock daemon.

            - Start a GitHostMock.
            - Clone it to a temp directory.
            - Create a branch and push it.
            - Check that the branch has been pushed successfully.
            - Stop the GitHostMock.

        ghm = GitHostMock().start()
        clone_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        cmd('git clone git://localhost:{}/repo_owner/test.git .'.format(
        cmd('git config user.email "*****@*****.**"', cwd=clone_dir)
        cmd('git config user.name "John Doe"', cwd=clone_dir)
        cmd('echo hello > readme.txt', cwd=clone_dir)
        cmd('git add -A', cwd=clone_dir)
        cmd('git commit -m "add yaml file"', cwd=clone_dir)
        cmd('git push -u origin HEAD:mybranch', cwd=clone_dir)
        output = cmd('git checkout mybranch', cwd=clone_dir)
        # Check output from GitHostMock.
        # To support development setups, it's easier to check for the various
        # possible formats here.
        # 1. This format was supported originally by git (quite an old format)
        git_msg_origin = 'set up to track remote branch mybranch'
        # 2. This format appeared in git v2.15.0 (note additional quotes)
        git_msg_2_15 = 'set up to track remote branch \'mybranch\''
        # Check that at least one matches.
        assert git_msg_origin in output or git_msg_2_15 in output