コード例 #1
ファイル: test_reader.py プロジェクト: codingkevin/suds
    def test_inter_processes_persistence(self, tmpdir):
        Same cache item names must be mangled the same in different processes.

        This is a regression test against using a built-in Python hash()
        function internally since that function may be seeded by a process
        specific random seed. This Python interpreter behaviour has been
        enabled by default since Python 3.3 and may be explicitly enabled on
        earlier Python interpreter versions as well.

        test_item_name = "test string"
        test_item_suffix = "test suffix"
        reader = suds.reader.Reader(suds.options.Options())
        expected = reader.mangle(test_item_name, test_item_suffix)
        test_file = tmpdir.join("test_mangle.py")
import suds.options
import suds.reader
reader = suds.reader.Reader(suds.options.Options())
mangled = reader.mangle("%(test_item_name)s", "%(test_item_suffix)s")
assert mangled == '%(expected)s'
""" % {"expected": expected,
    "test_item_name": test_item_name,
    "test_item_suffix": test_item_suffix})
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_reader.py プロジェクト: codingkevin/suds
    def test_inter_processes_persistence(self, tmpdir):
        Same cache item names must be mangled the same in different processes.

        This is a regression test against using a built-in Python hash()
        function internally since that function may be seeded by a process
        specific random seed. This Python interpreter behaviour has been
        enabled by default since Python 3.3 and may be explicitly enabled on
        earlier Python interpreter versions as well.

        test_item_name = "test string"
        test_item_suffix = "test suffix"
        reader = suds.reader.Reader(suds.options.Options())
        expected = reader.mangle(test_item_name, test_item_suffix)
        test_file = tmpdir.join("test_mangle.py")
import suds.options
import suds.reader
reader = suds.reader.Reader(suds.options.Options())
mangled = reader.mangle("%(test_item_name)s", "%(test_item_suffix)s")
assert mangled == '%(expected)s'
""" % {
                "expected": expected,
                "test_item_name": test_item_name,
                "test_item_suffix": test_item_suffix
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_cache.py プロジェクト: ziaa/suds-jurko
    def test_remove_on_exit(self, tmpdir, removal_enabled):
        Test removing the default cache folder on process exit.

        The folder should be removed by default on process exit, but this
        behaviour may be disabled by the user.

        cache_folder_name = "my test cache-%s" % (removal_enabled, )
        cache_folder = tmpdir.join(cache_folder_name).strpath
        test_file = tmpdir.join("test_file.py")
import os.path

import tempfile
original_mkdtemp = tempfile.mkdtemp
mock_mkdtemp_counter = 0
def mock_mkdtemp(*args, **kwargs):
    global mock_mkdtemp_counter
    mock_mkdtemp_counter += 1
    return cache_folder
tempfile.mkdtemp = mock_mkdtemp

import suds.cache
if not suds.cache.FileCache.remove_default_location_on_exit:
    print("Default FileCache folder removal not enabled by default.")
suds.cache.FileCache.remove_default_location_on_exit = %(removal_enabled)s

cache_folder = %(cache_folder)r
if os.path.exists(cache_folder):
    print("Cache folder exists too early.")


if not mock_mkdtemp_counter == 1:
    print("tempfile.mkdtemp() not called as expected (%%d)." %%

if not os.path.isdir(cache_folder):
    print("Cache folder not created when expected.")
""" % {
            "cache_folder": cache_folder,
            "removal_enabled": removal_enabled

        assert not os.path.exists(cache_folder)
        if removal_enabled:
            assert not os.path.exists(cache_folder)
            assert os.path.isdir(cache_folder)
コード例 #4
    def test_remove_on_exit(self, tmpdir, removal_enabled):
        Test removing the default cache folder on process exit.

        The folder should be removed by default on process exit, but this
        behaviour may be disabled by the user.

        cache_folder_name = "my test cache-%s" % (removal_enabled,)
        cache_folder = tmpdir.join(cache_folder_name).strpath
        test_file = tmpdir.join("test_file.py")
import os.path

import tempfile
original_mkdtemp = tempfile.mkdtemp
mock_mkdtemp_counter = 0
def mock_mkdtemp(*args, **kwargs):
    global mock_mkdtemp_counter
    mock_mkdtemp_counter += 1
    return cache_folder
tempfile.mkdtemp = mock_mkdtemp

import suds.cache
if not suds.cache.FileCache.remove_default_location_on_exit:
    print("Default FileCache folder removal not enabled by default.")
suds.cache.FileCache.remove_default_location_on_exit = %(removal_enabled)s

cache_folder = %(cache_folder)r
if os.path.exists(cache_folder):
    print("Cache folder exists too early.")


if not mock_mkdtemp_counter == 1:
    print("tempfile.mkdtemp() not called as expected (%%d)." %%

if not os.path.isdir(cache_folder):
    print("Cache folder not created when expected.")
""" % {"cache_folder": cache_folder, "removal_enabled": removal_enabled})

        assert not os.path.exists(cache_folder)
        if removal_enabled:
            assert not os.path.exists(cache_folder)
            assert os.path.isdir(cache_folder)
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_cache.py プロジェクト: codingkevin/suds
    def test_basic(self, tmpdir, cache_class):
        Test default FileCache folder usage.

        Initial DocumentCache/FileCache/ObjectCache instantiation with no
        explicitly specified location in a process should use
        tempfile.mkdtemp() and that folder should be used as its location.

        After a single DocumentCache/FileCache/ObjectCache instantiation with
        no explicitly specified location, all later DocumentCache/FileCache/
        ObjectCache instantiations with no explicitly specified location in the
        same process should use that same location folder without additional
        tempfile.mkdtemp() calls.

        Both initial & non-initial DocumentCache/FileCache/ObjectCache
        instantiation with an explicitly specified location should use that
        folder as its default location and not make any tempfile.mkdtemp()

        cache_folder_name = "my test cache-%s" % (cache_class.__name__,)
        cache_folder = tmpdir.join(cache_folder_name).strpath
        fake_cache_folder_name = "my fake cache-%s" % (cache_class.__name__,)
        fake_cache_folder = tmpdir.join(fake_cache_folder_name).strpath
        test_file = tmpdir.join("test_file.py")
import os.path

import tempfile
original_mkdtemp = tempfile.mkdtemp
mock_mkdtemp_counter = 0
def mock_mkdtemp(*args, **kwargs):
    global mock_mkdtemp_counter
    mock_mkdtemp_counter += 1
    return cache_folder
tempfile.mkdtemp = mock_mkdtemp

def check_cache_folder(expected_exists, expected_mkdtemp_counter, comment):
    if os.path.exists(cache_folder) != expected_exists:
        if expected_exists:
            message = "does not exist when expected"
            message = "exists when not expected"
        print("Cache folder %%s (%%s)." %% (message, comment))
    if mock_mkdtemp_counter != expected_mkdtemp_counter:
        if mock_mkdtemp_counter < expected_mkdtemp_counter:
            message = "less"
            message = "more"
        print("tempfile.mkdtemp() called %%s times then expected (%%s)" %%
            (message, comment,))

cache_folder = %(cache_folder)r
fake_cache_folder = %(fake_cache_folder)r
def fake_cache(n):
    return fake_cache_folder + str(n)

from suds.cache import DocumentCache, FileCache, ObjectCache
check_cache_folder(False, 0, "import")

assert DocumentCache(fake_cache(1)).location == fake_cache(1)
assert FileCache(fake_cache(2)).location == fake_cache(2)
assert ObjectCache(fake_cache(3)).location == fake_cache(3)
check_cache_folder(False, 0, "initial caches with non-default location")

assert %(cache_class_name)s().location == cache_folder
check_cache_folder(True, 1, "initial cache with default location")

assert DocumentCache().location == cache_folder
assert FileCache().location == cache_folder
assert ObjectCache().location == cache_folder
check_cache_folder(True, 1, "non-initial caches with default location")

assert DocumentCache(fake_cache(4)).location == fake_cache(4)
assert FileCache(fake_cache(5)).location == fake_cache(5)
assert ObjectCache(fake_cache(6)).location == fake_cache(6)
check_cache_folder(True, 1, "non-initial caches with non-default location")

assert DocumentCache().location == cache_folder
assert FileCache().location == cache_folder
assert ObjectCache().location == cache_folder
check_cache_folder(True, 1, "final caches with default location")
""" % {"cache_class_name": cache_class.__name__,
    "cache_folder": cache_folder,
    "fake_cache_folder": fake_cache_folder})

        assert not os.path.exists(cache_folder)
コード例 #6
    def test_basic(self, tmpdir, cache_class):
        Test default FileCache folder usage.

        Initial DocumentCache/FileCache/ObjectCache instantiation with no
        explicitly specified location in a process should use
        tempfile.mkdtemp() and that folder should be used as its location.

        After a single DocumentCache/FileCache/ObjectCache instantiation with
        no explicitly specified location, all later DocumentCache/FileCache/
        ObjectCache instantiations with no explicitly specified location in the
        same process should use that same location folder without additional
        tempfile.mkdtemp() calls.

        Both initial & non-initial DocumentCache/FileCache/ObjectCache
        instantiation with an explicitly specified location should use that
        folder as its default location and not make any tempfile.mkdtemp()

        cache_folder_name = "my test cache-%s" % (cache_class.__name__,)
        cache_folder = tmpdir.join(cache_folder_name).strpath
        fake_cache_folder_name = "my fake cache-%s" % (cache_class.__name__,)
        fake_cache_folder = tmpdir.join(fake_cache_folder_name).strpath
        test_file = tmpdir.join("test_file.py")
import os.path

import tempfile
original_mkdtemp = tempfile.mkdtemp
mock_mkdtemp_counter = 0
def mock_mkdtemp(*args, **kwargs):
    global mock_mkdtemp_counter
    mock_mkdtemp_counter += 1
    return cache_folder
tempfile.mkdtemp = mock_mkdtemp

def check_cache_folder(expected_exists, expected_mkdtemp_counter, comment):
    if os.path.exists(cache_folder) != expected_exists:
        if expected_exists:
            message = "does not exist when expected"
            message = "exists when not expected"
        print("Cache folder %%s (%%s)." %% (message, comment))
    if mock_mkdtemp_counter != expected_mkdtemp_counter:
        if mock_mkdtemp_counter < expected_mkdtemp_counter:
            message = "less"
            message = "more"
        print("tempfile.mkdtemp() called %%s times then expected (%%s)" %%
            (message, comment,))

cache_folder = %(cache_folder)r
fake_cache_folder = %(fake_cache_folder)r
def fake_cache(n):
    return fake_cache_folder + str(n)

from suds.cache import DocumentCache, FileCache, ObjectCache
check_cache_folder(False, 0, "import")

assert DocumentCache(fake_cache(1)).location == fake_cache(1)
assert FileCache(fake_cache(2)).location == fake_cache(2)
assert ObjectCache(fake_cache(3)).location == fake_cache(3)
check_cache_folder(False, 0, "initial caches with non-default location")

assert %(cache_class_name)s().location == cache_folder
check_cache_folder(True, 1, "initial cache with default location")

assert DocumentCache().location == cache_folder
assert FileCache().location == cache_folder
assert ObjectCache().location == cache_folder
check_cache_folder(True, 1, "non-initial caches with default location")

assert DocumentCache(fake_cache(4)).location == fake_cache(4)
assert FileCache(fake_cache(5)).location == fake_cache(5)
assert ObjectCache(fake_cache(6)).location == fake_cache(6)
check_cache_folder(True, 1, "non-initial caches with non-default location")

assert DocumentCache().location == cache_folder
assert FileCache().location == cache_folder
assert ObjectCache().location == cache_folder
check_cache_folder(True, 1, "final caches with default location")
""" % {"cache_class_name": cache_class.__name__,
    "cache_folder": cache_folder,
    "fake_cache_folder": fake_cache_folder})

        assert not os.path.exists(cache_folder)