コード例 #1
ファイル: multi-table.py プロジェクト: rrdenicol/oftest11
def make_match(dl_type=MT_TEST_DL_TYPE, ip_src=MT_TEST_IP):
    Make matching entry template
    match = ofp.ofp_match()
    match.length = ofp.OFPMT_STANDARD_LENGTH
    match.wildcards -= ofp.OFPFW_DL_TYPE
    match.nw_src = parse.parse_ip(ip_src)
    match.nw_src_mask = 0  # Match nw_src
    match.dl_type = dl_type
    return match
コード例 #2
ファイル: multi-table.py プロジェクト: chesteve/oftest11
def make_match(dl_type=MT_TEST_DL_TYPE, ip_src=MT_TEST_IP):
    Make matching entry template
    match = ofp.ofp_match()
    match.length = ofp.OFPMT_STANDARD_LENGTH
    match.wildcards -= ofp.OFPFW_DL_TYPE
    match.nw_src = parse.parse_ip(ip_src)
    match.nw_src_mask = 0 # Match nw_src
    match.dl_type = dl_type
    return match
コード例 #3
ファイル: multi-table.py プロジェクト: rrdenicol/oftest11
    def scenario3(self, first_table=0, second_table=1, third_table=2):
        Add three flow entries:
        First Table; Match IP Src A; goto Second Table
        Second Table; Match IP Src A; send to 1, goto Third Table
        Third Table; Match TCP port B; send to 2

        Then send in 2 packets:
        IP A, TCP C; expect out port 1
        IP A, TCP B; expect out port 2

        @param self object instance
        @param first_table first table
        @param second_table second table
        @param third_table third table
        of_ports = testutils.clear_switch(self, pa_port_map.keys(), pa_logger)

        # Set up first match
        write_goto(self, first_table, second_table)

        # Set up second match
        write_goto_output(self, second_table, third_table, of_ports[0])

        # Set up third match
        match = ofp.ofp_match()
        match.length = ofp.OFPMT_STANDARD_LENGTH
        match.wildcards -= ofp.OFPFW_DL_TYPE
        match.wildcards -= ofp.OFPFW_TP_SRC
        match.dl_type = MT_TEST_DL_TYPE
        match.nw_proto = 6  #TCP
        match.tp_src = 80
        write_output(self, third_table, of_ports[1], match=match)

        # Generate a packet matching only flow 1 and 2; rcv on port[0]
        # Generate a packet matching both flow 1, 2 and 3; rcv on port[1]
コード例 #4
ファイル: multi-table.py プロジェクト: TrafficLab/oftest11
    def scenario3(self, first_table = 0, second_table = 1, third_table = 2):
        Add three flow entries:
        First Table; Match IP Src A; goto Second Table
        Second Table; Match IP Src A; send to 1, goto Third Table
        Third Table; Match TCP port B; send to 2

        Then send in 2 packets:
        IP A, TCP C; expect out port 1
        IP A, TCP B; expect out port 2

        @param self object instance
        @param first_table first table
        @param second_table second table
        @param third_table third table
        of_ports = testutils.clear_switch(self, pa_port_map.keys(), pa_logger)

        # Set up first match
        write_goto(self, first_table, second_table)

        # Set up second match
        write_goto_output(self, second_table, third_table, of_ports[0])

        # Set up third match
        match = ofp.ofp_match()
        match.length = ofp.OFPMT_STANDARD_LENGTH
        match.wildcards -= ofp.OFPFW_DL_TYPE
        match.wildcards -= ofp.OFPFW_NW_PROTO
        match.wildcards -= ofp.OFPFW_TP_SRC
        match.dl_type = MT_TEST_DL_TYPE
        match.nw_proto = 6 #TCP
        match.tp_src = 80
        write_output(self, third_table, of_ports[1], match=match)

        # Generate a packet matching only flow 1 and 2; rcv on port[0]
        reply_check_dp(self, tcp_sport=10,
                       ing_port = of_ports[2], egr_port = of_ports[0])
        # Generate a packet matching both flow 1, 2 and 3; rcv on port[1]
        reply_check_dp(self, tcp_sport=80,
                       ing_port = of_ports[2], egr_port = of_ports[1])
コード例 #5
ファイル: multi-table.py プロジェクト: rrdenicol/oftest11
    def runTest(self):
        of_ports = pa_port_map.keys()
        self.assertTrue(len(of_ports) > 2, "Not enough ports for test")

        # Clear flow table
        rv = testutils.initialize_table_config(self.controller, pa_logger)
        self.assertEqual(rv, 0, "Failed to initialize table config")
        rv = testutils.delete_all_flows(self.controller, pa_logger)
        self.assertEqual(rv, 0, "Failed to delete all flows")

        # Set up first match
        match = ofp.ofp_match()
        match.length = ofp.OFPMT_STANDARD_LENGTH
        match.wildcards -= ofp.OFPFW_DL_TYPE
        match.nw_src_mask = 0  # Match nw_src
        match.dl_type = 0x800
        match.nw_src = parse.parse_ip("")
        act = action.action_output()
        act.port = of_ports[0]

        request = message.flow_mod()
        request.match = match
        request.buffer_id = 0xffffffff
        request.table_id = 0
        inst = instruction.instruction_write_actions()
        self.assertTrue(inst.actions.add(act), "Could not add action")
        self.assertTrue(request.instructions.add(inst), "Could not add inst1")
        inst = instruction.instruction_goto_table()
        inst.table_id = 1
        self.assertTrue(request.instructions.add(inst), "Could not add inst2")
        pa_logger.info("Inserting flow 1")
        rv = self.controller.message_send(request)
        # pa_logger.debug(request.show())
        self.assertTrue(rv != -1, "Error installing flow mod")

        # Set up second match
        match = ofp.ofp_match()
        match.length = ofp.OFPMT_STANDARD_LENGTH
        match.wildcards -= ofp.OFPFW_DL_TYPE
        match.wildcards -= ofp.OFPFW_TP_SRC
        match.dl_type = 0x800
        match.nw_proto = 6  # TCP
        match.tp_src = 80
        act = action.action_output()
        act.port = of_ports[1]

        request = message.flow_mod()
        request.match = match
        request.buffer_id = 0xffffffff
        request.table_id = 1
        inst = instruction.instruction_write_actions()
        self.assertTrue(inst.actions.add(act), "Could not add action")
        self.assertTrue(request.instructions.add(inst), "Could not add inst3")
        pa_logger.info("Inserting flow 2")
        # pa_logger.debug(request.show())
        rv = self.controller.message_send(request)
        self.assertTrue(rv != -1, "Error installing flow mod")

        # Generate a packet matching only flow 1; rcv on port[0]
        pkt = testutils.simple_tcp_packet(ip_src='', tcp_sport=10)
        self.dataplane.send(of_ports[2], str(pkt))
        (rcv_port, rcv_pkt, _) = self.dataplane.poll(timeout=5)
        self.assertTrue(rcv_pkt is not None, "Did not receive packet")
        pa_logger.debug("Packet len " + str(len(rcv_pkt)) + " in on " +
        self.assertEqual(rcv_port, of_ports[0], "Unexpected receive port")

        # Generate a packet matching both flow 1 and flow 2; rcv on port[1]
        pkt = testutils.simple_tcp_packet(ip_src='', tcp_sport=80)
        self.dataplane.send(of_ports[2], str(pkt))
        (rcv_port, rcv_pkt, _) = self.dataplane.poll(timeout=5)
        self.assertTrue(rcv_pkt is not None, "Did not receive packet")
        pa_logger.debug("Packet len " + str(len(rcv_pkt)) + " in on " +
        self.assertEqual(rcv_port, of_ports[1], "Unexpected receive port")
コード例 #6
ファイル: multi-table.py プロジェクト: chesteve/oftest11
    def runTest(self):
        of_ports = pa_port_map.keys()
        self.assertTrue(len(of_ports) > 2, "Not enough ports for test")

        # Clear flow table
        rv = testutils.initialize_table_config(self.controller, pa_logger)
        self.assertEqual(rv, 0, "Failed to initialize table config")
        rv = testutils.delete_all_flows(self.controller, pa_logger)
        self.assertEqual(rv, 0, "Failed to delete all flows")

        # Set up first match
        match = ofp.ofp_match()
        match.length = ofp.OFPMT_STANDARD_LENGTH
        match.wildcards -= ofp.OFPFW_DL_TYPE
        match.nw_src_mask = 0 # Match nw_src
        match.dl_type = 0x800
        match.nw_src = parse.parse_ip("")
        act = action.action_output()
        act.port = of_ports[0]

        request = message.flow_mod()
        request.match = match
        request.buffer_id = 0xffffffff
        request.table_id = 0
        inst = instruction.instruction_write_actions()
        self.assertTrue(inst.actions.add(act), "Could not add action")
        self.assertTrue(request.instructions.add(inst), "Could not add inst1")
        inst = instruction.instruction_goto_table()
        inst.table_id = 1
        self.assertTrue(request.instructions.add(inst), "Could not add inst2")
        pa_logger.info("Inserting flow 1")
        rv = self.controller.message_send(request)
        # pa_logger.debug(request.show())
        self.assertTrue(rv != -1, "Error installing flow mod")

        # Set up second match
        match = ofp.ofp_match()
        match.length = ofp.OFPMT_STANDARD_LENGTH
        match.wildcards -= ofp.OFPFW_DL_TYPE
        match.wildcards -= ofp.OFPFW_TP_SRC
        match.dl_type = 0x800
        match.nw_proto = 6 # TCP
        match.tp_src = 80
        act = action.action_output()
        act.port = of_ports[1]

        request = message.flow_mod()
        request.match = match
        request.buffer_id = 0xffffffff
        request.table_id = 1
        inst = instruction.instruction_write_actions()
        self.assertTrue(inst.actions.add(act), "Could not add action")
        self.assertTrue(request.instructions.add(inst), "Could not add inst3")
        pa_logger.info("Inserting flow 2")
        # pa_logger.debug(request.show())
        rv = self.controller.message_send(request)
        self.assertTrue(rv != -1, "Error installing flow mod")

        # Generate a packet matching only flow 1; rcv on port[0]
        pkt = testutils.simple_tcp_packet(ip_src='', tcp_sport=10)
        self.dataplane.send(of_ports[2], str(pkt))
        (rcv_port, rcv_pkt, _) = self.dataplane.poll(timeout=5)
        self.assertTrue(rcv_pkt is not None, "Did not receive packet")
        pa_logger.debug("Packet len " + str(len(rcv_pkt)) + " in on " + 
        self.assertEqual(rcv_port, of_ports[0], "Unexpected receive port")
        # Generate a packet matching both flow 1 and flow 2; rcv on port[1]
        pkt = testutils.simple_tcp_packet(ip_src='', tcp_sport=80)
        self.dataplane.send(of_ports[2], str(pkt))
        (rcv_port, rcv_pkt, _) = self.dataplane.poll(timeout=5)
        self.assertTrue(rcv_pkt is not None, "Did not receive packet")
        pa_logger.debug("Packet len " + str(len(rcv_pkt)) + " in on " + 
        self.assertEqual(rcv_port, of_ports[1], "Unexpected receive port")