コード例 #1
    def remove_common_words(self, words):
        Removes a word or list of words that are considered common from all self.docs collection
        :param words: string or list of strings
        # if words is a single word convet it into a list for versatility of application of next lines of code
        if isinstance(words, str): words = [words]
        # if words are not stemmed we want to also remove their stemmed version from self.docs, so add them to words
        stemmed_words = [tm.stem(word) for word in words]
        words = words.extend(word for word in stemmed_words if word not in words)
            tm.stem(word) for word in words if tm.stem(word) not in words)

        # remove words from self.docs
        self.docs = [
            filter(lambda word: word not in words, doc) for doc in self.docs
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self, controlled_vocab_file):
        self.terms = {}

        with open(controlled_vocab_file, 'r') as infile:
            for num, line in enumerate(infile):
                self.terms[line.splitlines()[0]] = []

        self.terms_flat = [stem(term) for phrase in self.terms for term in phrase.split()]
        # maps index_pos to _id
        self.doc_ids = []
        self.tdm = TermDocumentMatrix()
        # lookup table of index positions for terms on TDM
        self.term_index_lookup = {}
        # nd array structure for TDM
        self.matrix = np.array([])
        # output dict; comp site for phrase matching
        self.out_dict = {}
        # pseudo hash trick dict
        self.term_index_dict = {}
コード例 #3
    def compute_phrase_matches(self):
        """computes phrase matches as dot products of term vectors
        for search_phrase in self.terms.keys():
            terms = [stem(term) for term in search_phrase.split()]
            # retrieve column vector for unigrams
            if len(terms) == 1:
                    # grab column for term and skip first row
                    self.out_dict[search_phrase] = self.matrix[:, dict[search_phrase]][1:]
                except (KeyError, TypeError):
            # get vectors to multiply; compute dot product of vectors
                    dot_product = reduce(operator.__mul__, [self.matrix[:, self.term_index_dict[a]][1:].astype(int) for a in terms], 1)
                    self.out_dict[search_phrase] = dot_product
                except (KeyError, TypeError):

            tags = {}
            for search_phrase in self.out_dict:
                # maintain original doc index pos with enumeration
                reduced = [a for a in enumerate(self.out_dict[search_phrase]) if a[1] != 0 and a[1] != '0']
                for pair in reduced:
                    tags.setdefault(pair[0], [])
                    # doc_index_pos: tagged_phrase
            doc_lookup = {}
            for _id in enumerate(self.doc_ids):
                doc_lookup[_id[0]] = _id[1]
            out = {}
            for search_phrase in tags:
                out[doc_lookup[search_phrase]] = tags[search_phrase]
            # doc id and list of phrase matches;
            matches = [[i[0], ','.join(i[1])] for i in out.iteritems()]
        return matches