コード例 #1
def test_parallel_quests():
    logic = GameLogic.parse("""
        type foo {
            rules {
                do_a :: not_a(foo) & $not_c(foo) -> a(foo);
                do_b :: not_b(foo) & $not_c(foo) -> b(foo);
                do_c :: $a(foo) & $b(foo) & not_c(foo) -> c(foo);

            constraints {
                a_or_not_a :: a(foo) & not_a(foo) -> fail();
                b_or_not_b :: b(foo) & not_b(foo) -> fail();
                c_or_not_c :: c(foo) & not_c(foo) -> fail();
    kb = KnowledgeBase(logic, "")

    state = State(kb.logic, [

    options = ChainingOptions()
    options.backward = True
    options.kb = kb

    options.max_depth = 3
    options.max_breadth = 1
    options.max_length = 3
    chains = list(get_chains(state, options))
    assert len(chains) == 2

    options.max_breadth = 2
    chains = list(get_chains(state, options))
    assert len(chains) == 3

    options.min_breadth = 2
    chains = list(get_chains(state, options))
    assert len(chains) == 1
    assert len(chains[0].actions) == 3
    assert chains[0].nodes[0].depth == 2
    assert chains[0].nodes[0].breadth == 2
    assert chains[0].nodes[0].parent == chains[0].nodes[2]
    assert chains[0].nodes[1].depth == 2
    assert chains[0].nodes[1].breadth == 1
    assert chains[0].nodes[1].parent == chains[0].nodes[2]
    assert chains[0].nodes[2].depth == 1
    assert chains[0].nodes[2].breadth == 1
    assert chains[0].nodes[2].parent is None

    options.min_breadth = 1
    options.create_variables = True
    state = State(kb.logic)
    chains = list(get_chains(state, options))
    assert len(chains) == 5
コード例 #2
def main():
    args = parse_args()

    # Load game for which to sample quests for.
    game = Game.load(args.game.replace(".ulx", ".json"))

    options = ChainingOptions()
    options.backward = False
    options.max_depth = args.quest_length
    options.max_breadth = args.quest_breadth
    options.rules_per_depth = {}
    options.create_variables = False
    options.rng = np.random.RandomState(args.seed)

    # Sample quests.
    chains = []
    for i in range(args.nb_quests):
        chain = sample_quest(game.world.state, options)

    inform7 = Inform7Game(game)
    print_chains(chains, inform7)

    # Convert chains to networkx graph/tree
    filename_world = pjoin(args.output, "sample_world.png")
    filename_tree = pjoin(args.output, "sample_tree.svg")
    filename_graph = pjoin(args.output, "sample_graph.svg")
    G, labels = build_tree_from_chains(chains, inform7)
    if len(G) > 0:
        image = visualize(game)
        tree = nx.bfs_tree(G, "root")
        save_graph_to_svg(tree, labels, filename_tree)
        save_graph_to_svg(G, labels, filename_graph)
コード例 #3
def test_parallel_quests_navigation():
    logic = GameLogic.parse("""
        type P {

        type I {

        type r {
            rules {
                move :: at(P, r) & $free(r, r') -> at(P, r');

            constraints {
                atat :: at(P, r) & at(P, r') -> fail();

        type o {
            rules {
                take :: $at(P, r) & at(o, r) -> in(o, I);

            constraints {
                inat :: in(o, I) & at(o, r) -> fail();

        type flour : o {

        type eggs : o {

        type cake {
            rules {
                bake :: in(flour, I) & in(eggs, I) -> in(cake, I) & in(flour, cake) & in(eggs, cake);

            constraints {
                inincake :: in(o, I) & in(o, cake) -> fail();
                atincake :: at(o, r) & in(o, cake) -> fail();
    kb = KnowledgeBase(logic, "")

    state = State(kb.logic, [
        Proposition.parse("at(P, r3: r)"),
        Proposition.parse("free(r2: r, r3: r)"),
        Proposition.parse("free(r1: r, r2: r)"),

    bake = [kb.logic.rules["bake"]]
    non_bake = [r for r in kb.logic.rules.values() if r.name != "bake"]

    options = ChainingOptions()
    options.backward = True
    options.create_variables = True
    options.min_depth = 3
    options.max_depth = 3
    options.min_breadth = 2
    options.max_breadth = 2
    options.max_length = 6
    options.kb = kb
    options.rules_per_depth = [bake, non_bake, non_bake]
    options.restricted_types = {"P", "r"}
    chains = list(get_chains(state, options))
    assert len(chains) == 2