def run(self): if tinify.key != None: # If aws keys are available, use them to fetch the image and write back if aws_key_id and aws_secret and aws_bucket and aws_region: source_url_http = urlparse(StaticNode.handle_simple(, scheme='http').geturl() source_url_https = urlparse(StaticNode.handle_simple(, scheme='https').geturl() source = tinify.from_url(source_url_https) path = "%s/%s" % (aws_bucket,'s3', aws_access_key_id=aws_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=aws_secret, region=aws_region, path=path) if cf_zone_id and cf_api_key and cf_api_email: cf = CloudFlare.CloudFlare() cf.zones.purge_cache.delete( cf_zone_id, data={'files': [source_url_http, source_url_https]}) # Else we grab the local image, optimize it and override the local file else: path = os.getcwd() + self.instance.url source = tinify.from_file(path) source.to_file(path) else: print "No tinify key"
def test_should_compress_from_url(self): source = tinify.from_url( '' ) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp: source.to_file( self.assertTrue(0 < os.path.getsize( < 1500)
def test_should_return_source(self): httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.POST, '', location='') tinify.key = 'valid' self.assertIsInstance(tinify.from_url(''), tinify.Source)
def url_image(url): output_path = str(output_dir + '\\' + 'tiny.png') try: source = tinify.from_url(url) source.to_file(output_path) print(url + "转换完成") except tinify.Error: print(url + "转换异常") pass
def resize_image(image_url, index): source = tinify.from_url(image_url) resized = source.resize(method="cover", width=512, height=512) output_name = 'img/output_' + str(index) resized.to_file(output_name + '.jpg') img = + '.jpg') + '.png') os.remove(output_name + '.jpg')
def save_img(url, key, unique): print url img = requests.get(url, stream=True) if img.status_code == 200: source = tinify.from_url(url) source.to_file('vs/' + unicode(tid) + '/' + char[key] + '-' + unicode(unique) + '.png') return char[key] + '-' + unicode(unique) + '.png' else: return ''
def compressFile(inputURL): print("compress_file-------------------------------------") filename = inputURL.split('/')[-1].strip() url = inputURL print(url) print("Getting:" + filename) complete_file = os.path.join(save_path, filename) source = tinify.from_url(url) print("---almost there---") source.to_file(complete_file) print("---Success?---") return
def import_comics(request): if request.method == 'POST': spreadsheet = request.FILES['comics'] reader = csv.reader(spreadsheet) issues_uploaded = 0 for row in reader: (description, stock_no, title, series_code, issue_number, publisher, ship_date, price, artist, writer, colorist, cover_image_link) = row series_title = title.split(' #')[0] issue_title = series_title + " #" + issue_number ship_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(ship_date, "%m/%d/%Y") if Series.objects.filter(series_code=series_code).count() > 0: print "SERIES ALREADY EXISTS, REGULAR UPDATE" series = Series.objects.get(series_code=series_code) else: print "CREATING A SERIES" series = Series.objects.create(publisher=publisher, title=series_title, series_code=series_code) if Issue.objects.filter(series_code=series_code, number=issue_number).count() > 0: print "ISSUE ALREADY EXISTS, DONT CREATE IT" continue else: new_issue = Issue.objects.create(title=issue_title, description=description, ship_date=ship_date, series=series, number=issue_number, price=price, artist=artist, publisher=publisher, series_code=series_code, writer=writer) cover_image = urllib.urlretrieve(cover_image_link) new_issue.cover_image = File(open(cover_image[0], 'rb')) = title + '.jpg' source = tinify.from_url(cover_image_link) source.to_file( File(open(settings.BASE_DIR + new_issue.cover_image.url, 'wb'))) issues_uploaded += 1 if issues_uploaded > 10: break return redirect(request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', '/')) else: context = {'form': ImportComicForm()} return render(request, 'comics/import.html', context)
def test_should_compress_from_url(self): source = tinify.from_url('') with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp: source.to_file( size = os.path.getsize( contents = self.assertTrue(1000 < size < 1500) # width == 137 self.assertIn(b'\x00\x00\x00\x89', contents) self.assertNotIn(b'Copyright Voormedia', contents)
def compress_save_image(image): print("Processing", image) start = time.time() img_name = str(image) temp_name = os.path.basename(img_name) temp_save_location = os.path.join("_temp", temp_name) # saving orig = tinify.from_url("https://" + str(AWS_BUCKET) + "" + image) if RESIZE_WIDTH != None: resized = orig.resize( mode="scale", width=RESIZE_WIDTH ) final = resized.to_file(temp_save_location) else: final = orig.to_file(temp_save_location) # TODO refactor and remove redundant try/catch blocks if ".jpg" in temp_name or ".jpeg" in temp_name: content_type = "image/jpeg" elif ".png" in temp_name: content_type = "image/png" with open(temp_save_location, 'rb') as source: img_data = print(image, "has been successfully compressed.") # upload to S3, overwrite old file save_img = s3.put_object( Body = img_data, Bucket = AWS_BUCKET, Key = image, ContentType = content_type ) print(img_name, "has been saved to S3 bucket", AWS_BUCKET) s3.put_object_tagging( Bucket = AWS_BUCKET, Key = image, Tagging = { "TagSet" : [ { "Key": "s3-tinify-compressed", "Value": "True" } ] } ) print(image, "has been marked as compressed!") end = time.time() - start print("This took", round(end, 2), "seconds")
async def on_message(message): if == client.user: return elif mp = await client.send_message(, 'hello') await client.edit_message(tmp, 'Hello.') elif message.content.startswith('!crop') and len(message.attachments)>0: source = tinify.from_url(message.attachments[0]['url']) resized = source.resize( method="cover", width=128, height=128 ) resized.to_file("img.png") await client.send_file(, "img.png") elif message.content.startswith('!crop') and len(message.embeds)>0: source = tinify.from_url(message.embeds[0]['url']) resized = source.resize( method="cover", width=128, height=128 ) resized.to_file("img.png") await client.send_file(, "img.png")
def down(num, wxurl): dir = f'海賊王/{num}' os.makedirs(dir, exist_ok=True) res = requests.get(wxurl) imgs = BeautifulSoup(res.text, 'lxml').find('div', id="js_content").find_all('img') for px, img in enumerate(imgs, 1): url = img.get("data-src") # print(url) path = os.path.join(dir, f'{px}.jpg') # with open(path, 'wb') as f: # f.write(requests.get(url).content) source = tinify.from_url(url) # 下载并压缩图片 source.to_file(path) print(f'{path} 下载成功') print(f"{dir} 下载完成!")
def compress_and_resize(self) -> bool: try: compressed_images = tinify.from_url(self.parser.get_object_url()) resized_image = compressed_images.resize(method='scale', width=1200) S3Service.upload_file(resized_image.to_buffer(), self.parser.get_object_key()) return True except tinify.AccountError as e: logger.error('Verify your API key and account limit.') logger.exception(f'The error message is: {e.message}') return False except tinify.ClientError as e: logger.error('Check your source image and request options.') logger.exception(f'The error message is: {e.message}') return False except tinify.ServerError as e: logger.error('Temporary issue with the Tinify API.') logger.exception(f'The error message is: {e.message}') return False except tinify.ConnectionError as e: logger.error('A network connection error occurred.') logger.exception(f'The error message is: {e.message}') return False except Exception as e: 'Something else went wrong, unrelated to the Tinify API.') logger.exception(f'The error message is: {e}') return False
def load_url(self, url): self._tiny_ref = tinify.from_url(url)
def image_spider(): # This creates folders(or, in python diction, "directories") within the same folder as the script try: os.makedirs('CORE FILES') except Exception as error_code: print(error_code) logging.error(error_code) try: os.makedirs('IMAGES') except Exception as error_code: print(error_code) logging.error(error_code) try: os.makedirs('IMAGES/ORIGINAL') except Exception as error_code: print(error_code) logging.error(error_code) try: os.makedirs('IMAGES/COMPRESS') except Exception as error_code: print(error_code) logging.error(error_code) try: os.makedirs('DATABASE') except Exception as error_code: print(error_code) logging.error(error_code) try: # This downloads the sitemap file from the given url, 'CORE FILES/sitemap.xml') except Exception as error_code: input( "The link address to the sitemap is invalid. Press any key to exit now. . ." )'Closed Program') print(error_code) logging.critical(error_code) sys.exit() # This indicates the file to open, in this case, "sitemap.xml' sitemap = 'CORE FILES/sitemap.xml' source_code = open(sitemap, 'r') # This tells the computer to convert the xml file into plain text plain_text = # This uses the 'BeautifulSoup' module to parse the xml file soup = BeautifulSoup(plain_text, 'xml') # This calculates the number of a specific tag in the document. in this case, the 'loc' tag, # for which the number is stored as an integer variable url_count = len(soup.find_all('loc')) # This declares a list element to separate and store parsed links link_list = [] # MICROSOFT EXCEL DATABASE # This creates an excel book and add a sheet named "default", then writes text in the first row and column # Using the 'xlsxwriter' module, the method for writing in the excel grids is (row, column, text) outbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('analytics.xlsx') # This adds format to the excel file elements bold = outbook.add_format({'bold': True}) italic = outbook.add_format({'italic': True}) images_sheet = outbook.add_worksheet('images') statistics_sheet = outbook.add_worksheet('statistics') benchmark_sheet = outbook.add_worksheet('benchmark') # The 'images' sheet stores image size and corresponding url images_sheet.write(0, 0, 'Original Size', bold) images_sheet.set_column(0, 0, 17) images_sheet.write(0, 1, 'Compress Size', bold) images_sheet.set_column(0, 1, 17) images_sheet.write(0, 2, 'File Name', bold) images_sheet.set_column(0, 2, 50) images_sheet.write(0, 3, 'URL', bold) images_sheet.set_column(0, 3, 140) # The 'statistics' sheet tracks the results of the program statistics_sheet.write(0, 0, 'Number of Links Retrieved', bold) statistics_sheet.set_column(0, 0, 50) statistics_sheet.write(0, 1, 'Total Images Downloaded', bold) statistics_sheet.set_column(0, 1, 50) statistics_sheet.write(0, 2, 'Original Collective File Size', bold) statistics_sheet.set_column(0, 2, 50) statistics_sheet.write(0, 3, 'Compressed Collective File Size', bold) statistics_sheet.set_column(0, 3, 50) statistics_sheet.write(0, 4, 'Optimization Freed Space', bold) statistics_sheet.set_column(0, 4, 50) # The 'benchmark' sheet stores data tracing the performance benchmark_sheet.write(0, 0, 'Program Execution Time', bold) benchmark_sheet.set_column(0, 0, 50) benchmark_sheet.write(0, 1, 'Proxy Denied Requests', bold) benchmark_sheet.set_column(0, 1, 170) benchmark_sheet.write(0, 2, 'Broken URL (404 Not Found)', bold) benchmark_sheet.set_column(0, 2, 170) benchmark_sheet.write(0, 3, 'Unsupported Media Type', bold) benchmark_sheet.set_column(0, 3, 170) benchmark_sheet.write(0, 4, 'Other Skipped Links', bold) benchmark_sheet.set_column(0, 4, 170) # These are local varables images_row = 0 proxy_row = 0 brokenurl_row = 0 media_row = 0 otherlinks_row = 0 link_counter = 0 image_counter = 0 collectivesize_before = 0 collectivesize_after = 0 # FOR LOOP # This creates a for loop to search through the xml file for i in range( 0, 10 ): # The values in the range expression represent the number of tags try: # This uses the 'BeautifulSoup' module to find all the 'loc' tags in the xml file # Collecting plain text between the opening and closing tags, in this case, '<loc>' and '</loc>" url = soup.findAll("loc")[i].text # This adds each of the collected links into the list link_list.append(url) # For recoding purposes, this prints the url in the list and write it to the created excel file print(' ' + '\n' + 'Page URL: ' + link_list[i]) images_sheet.merge_range(images_row + 1, 0, images_row + 1, 3, '') images_sheet.write(images_row + 1, 0, link_list[i], italic) images_row += 1 link_counter += 1'Page URL: ' + link_list[i]) # This conditional statement separates the two type of links: image and website # Direct image urls include file types (determined by the above string variables), while website urls do not # CONDITIONAL STATEMENT media_filetype = [ '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', 'gif', 'tif', 'tiff', 'bmp', 'svg', 'webp', 'heic', 'heif' ] website_filetype = ['.html', '.phtml', '.htm'] # PART(1/2): If the link pertains to an image file, download the image directly and record it if any(media_item in link_list[i] for media_item in media_filetype): # This uses the 'urllib' module to open each link d = urllib.request.urlopen(link_list[i]) # This obtains information and specifies the type of properties wanted, in this case, 'Content-Length' original_str = )['Content-Length'] # 'Content-Length' is another word for file original_size # This converts the default unit from b (bytes) to kb (kilobytes) original_size = int(original_str) / 1000 # This collects images of a file original_size above a threshold # <--INPUT VALUE ADJUSTS THE THRESHOLD--> (recommended minimum file original_size: 80kb ) # Images greater than 80 kb are considered large and will require longer time to load, # thus slowing down website traffic and resulting in a lower Search Engine Ranking if int(min_threshold) < original_size: if original_size < 1000: # This converts the default unit from b (bytes) to kb (kilobytes) original_size = int(original_str) / 1000 collectivesize_before += original_size original_unit = ' KB ' # This outputs the unit of images greater than 1000 kb as 1 mb # Though images are unlikely to exceed 1 gb, the next level can be created with the same logic elif original_size > 1000: # For recoding purposes, this prints the url in the list and write it to the created excel file original_size = int(original_str) / 1000000 collectivesize_before += (original_size * 1000) original_unit = ' MB ' # This downloads the images[i], 'IMAGES/ORIGINAL')'Image Downloaded: ' + link_list[i]) # This uses the 'tinify' module to compress images saved = tinify.from_url(link_list[i]) name = os.path.basename(link_list[i]) location = 'IMAGES/COMPRESS/' + name saved.to_file(str(location)) compressed_str = os.path.getsize(str(location)) compressed_size = int(compressed_str) / 1000'Image Compressed: ' + location) if compressed_size < 1000: # This converts the default unit from b (bytes) to kb (kilobytes) compressed_size = int(compressed_str) / 1000 collectivesize_after += compressed_size compressed_unit = ' KB ' # This outputs the unit of images greater than 1000 kb as 1 mb # Though images are unlikely to exceed 1 gb, the next level can be created with the same logic elif compressed_size > 1000: compressed_size = int(compressed_str) / 1000000 collectivesize_after += (compressed_size * 1000) compressed_unit = ' MB ' # For recoding purposes, this prints the url in the list and write it to the created excel file print(' ' + '\n' + 'Original Size: ' + str(original_size) + original_unit + link_list[i]) print('Compressed Size: ' + str(compressed_size) + compressed_unit + link_list[i])'Original Size: ' + str(original_size) + original_unit + link_list[i])'Compressed Size: ' + str(compressed_size) + compressed_unit + link_list[i]) images_sheet.write(images_row + 1, 0, str(original_size) + original_unit) images_sheet.write(images_row + 1, 1, str(compressed_size) + compressed_unit) images_sheet.write(images_row + 1, 2, name) images_sheet.write(images_row + 1, 2, link_list[i]) images_row += 1 image_counter += 1 # PART(2/2): If the link pertains to a website, parse its HTML source code, # search for the images, find them, then download and record them elif any(website_item in link_list[i] for website_item in website_filetype): # This uses the 'requests' module to access the link html_code = requests.get(link_list[i]) # This stores the plain text of the HTML file raw_text = html_code.text # This uses the 'BeautifulSoup' module to parse the HTML document webs = BeautifulSoup(raw_text, 'html.parser') # This calculates the number of a specific tag in the document. in this case, the 'img' tag, # for which the number is stored as an integer variable img_count = len(webs.div.find_all('img')) # This creates a for loop to search through the HTML file for k in range( 0, img_count ): # The values in the range expression represent the number of tags try: # This uses the 'BeautifulSoup' module to find all the 'img' tags and retrieve its 'src' path directory = webs.findAll('img')[k].get('src') # These string variables will be used the following conditional statement tag = '' # If the link contains specific error-incurring text stored in the above string variables, # or if the link does not have a complete url address, take certain actions # (1/2) If the link is healthy, store it in the 'src' string variable if tag in directory: src = directory # (2/2) If the link is missing the website domain (being abbreviated with only the file path), # then add the text in the 'tag' variable to the 'src' string variable else: src = tag + directory # This uses the 'urllib' module to open each link d = urllib.request.urlopen(src) # This obtains information and specifies the type of properties wanted, in this case, 'Content-Length' original_str = )['Content-Length'] # 'Content-Length' is another word for file original_size # This converts the default unit from b (bytes) to kb (kilobytes) original_size = int(original_str) / 1000 # This collects images of a file original_size above a threshold, in this case, 100 kb # <--CHANGE THE VALUES TO ADJUST THE THRESHOLD--> (recommended minimum file original_size: 80kb ) # Images greater than 80 kb are considered large and will require longer time to load, # thus slowing down website traffic and resulting in a lower Search Engine Ranking if int(min_threshold) < original_size: if original_size < 1000: # This converts the default unit from b (bytes) to kb (kilobytes) original_size = int(original_str) / 1000 collectivesize_before += original_size original_unit = ' KB ' # This outputs the unit of images greater than 1000 kb as 1 mb # Though images are unlikely to exceed 1 gb, the next level can be created with the same logic elif original_size > 1000: # For recoding purposes, this prints the url in the list and write it t+o the created excel file original_size = int(original_str) / 1000000 collectivesize_before += (original_size * 1000) original_unit = ' MB ' # This downloads the images, 'IMAGES/ORIGINAL')'Image Downloaded: ' + src) # This uses the 'tinify' module to compress the images saved = tinify.from_url(src) name = os.path.basename(src) location = 'IMAGES/COMPRESS/' + name saved.to_file(str(location)) compressed_str = os.path.getsize(str(location)) compressed_size = int(compressed_str) / 1000'Image Compressed: ' + location) if compressed_size < 1000: # This converts the default unit from b (bytes) to kb (kilobytes) compressed_size = int(compressed_str) / 1000 collectivesize_after += compressed_size compressed_unit = ' KB ' # This outputs the unit of images greater than 1000 kb as 1 mb # Though images are unlikely to exceed 1 gb, the next level can be created with the same logic elif compressed_size > 1000: compressed_size = int(compressed_str) / 1000000 collectivesize_after += (compressed_size * 1000) compressed_unit = ' MB ' # For recoding purposes, this prints the url in the list and write it to the created excel file print(' ' + '\n' + 'Original Size: ' + str(original_size) + original_unit + src) print('Compress Size: ' + str(compressed_size) + compressed_unit + src)'Original Size: ' + str(original_size) + original_unit + src)'Compress Size: ' + str(compressed_size) + compressed_unit + src) images_sheet.write( images_row + 1, 0, str(original_size) + original_unit) images_sheet.write( images_row + 1, 1, str(compressed_size) + compressed_unit) images_sheet.write(images_row + 1, 2, name) images_sheet.write(images_row + 1, 2, src) images_row += 1 image_counter += 1 except Exception as error_code: if '403' in str(error_code): benchmark_sheet.write(proxy_row + 1, 1, src) print('Proxy Denied Requests: ' + src) logging.error('Proxy Denied Requests: ' + src) proxy_row += 1 elif '404' in str(error_code): benchmark_sheet.write(brokenurl_row + 1, 2, src) print('Broken URL (404 Not Found): ' + src) logging.error('Broken URL (404 Not Found): ' + src) brokenurl_row += 1 elif '415' in str(error_code): benchmark_sheet.write(media_row + 1, 3, src) print('Unsupported Media Type: ' + src) logging.error('Unsupported Media Type: ' + src) media_row += 1 elif '429' in str(error_code): print(error_code) input( "The program could not continue due to a fatal error. Press any key to exit now. . ." )'Closed Program') logging.critical(error_code) sys.exit() elif '401' in str(error_code): input( "You're tinify API key is invalid. Press any key to exit now. . ." )'Closed Program') print(error_code) logging.critical(error_code) sys.exit() else: benchmark_sheet.write(otherlinks_row + 1, 4, src) print('Other Skipped Links: ' + src) logging.error('Other Skipped Links: ' + src) otherlinks_row += 1 print(str(error_code)) pass except Exception as error_code: if '403' in str(error_code): benchmark_sheet.write(proxy_row + 1, 1, link_list[i]) print('Proxy Denied Requests: ' + link_list[i]) logging.error('Proxy Denied Requests: ' + link_list[i]) proxy_row += 1 elif '404' in str(error_code): benchmark_sheet.write(brokenurl_row + 1, 2, link_list[i]) print('Broken URL (404 Not Found): ' + link_list[i]) logging.error('Broken URL (404 Not Found): ' + link_list[i]) brokenurl_row += 1 elif '415' in str(error_code): benchmark_sheet.write(media_row + 1, 3, link_list[i]) print('Unsupported Media Type: ' + link_list[i]) logging.error('Unsupported Media Type: ' + link_list[i]) media_row += 1 elif '429' in str(error_code): input( "The program could not continue due to a fatal error. Press any key to exit now. . ." )'Closed Program') print(error_code) logging.critical(error_code) sys.exit() elif '401' in str(error_code): input( "You're tinify API key is invalid. Press any key to exit now. . ." )'Closed Program') print(error_code) logging.critical(error_code) sys.exit() else: benchmark_sheet.write(otherlinks_row + 1, 4, link_list[i]) print('Other Skipped Links: ' + link_list[i]) logging.error('Other Skipped Links: ' + link_list[i]) otherlinks_row += 1 print(str(error_code)) pass # This writes all the data to the excel sheet statistics_sheet.write(1, 0, str(link_counter)) print(' ' + '\n' + 'Number of Links Retrieved: ' + str(link_counter)) statistics_sheet.write(1, 1, str(image_counter)) print('Total Images Downloaded: ' + str(image_counter)) if int(collectivesize_before) < 1000000: statistics_sheet.write(1, 2, str(collectivesize_before) + ' KB ') print('Original Collective File Size: ' + str(collectivesize_before) + ' KB') elif 1000000 < int(collectivesize_before) < 1000000000: statistics_sheet.write(1, 2, str(collectivesize_before / 1000) + ' MB ') print('Original Collective File Size: ' + str(collectivesize_before / 1000) + ' MB') elif int(collectivesize_before) > 1000000000: statistics_sheet.write(1, 2, str(collectivesize_before / 1000000) + ' GB ') print('Original Collective File Size: ' + str(collectivesize_before / 1000000) + ' GB') if int(collectivesize_after) < 1000000: statistics_sheet.write(1, 3, str(collectivesize_after) + ' KB ') print('Compressed Collective File Size: ' + str(collectivesize_after) + ' KB') elif 1000000 < int(collectivesize_after) < 1000000000: statistics_sheet.write(1, 3, str(collectivesize_after / 1000) + ' MB ') print('Compressed Collective File Size: ' + str(collectivesize_after / 1000) + ' MB') elif int(collectivesize_after) > 1000000000: statistics_sheet.write(1, 3, str(collectivesize_after / 1000000) + ' GB ') print('Compressed Collective File Size: ' + str(collectivesize_after / 1000000) + ' GB') freed_space = int(collectivesize_before) - int(collectivesize_after) if int(freed_space) < 1000000: statistics_sheet.write(1, 4, str(freed_space)) print('Optimization Freed Space: ' + str(int(freed_space)) + ' KB') elif 1000000 < int(freed_space) < 1000000000: statistics_sheet.write(1, 4, str(freed_space / 1000) + ' MB ') print('Optimization Freed Space: ' + str(freed_space / 1000) + ' MB') elif int(freed_space) > 1000000000: statistics_sheet.write(1, 4, str(freed_space / 1000000) + ' GB ') print('Optimization Freed Space: ' + str(freed_space / 1000000) + ' GB') # This ends the timer end = time.time() # This outputs the total run time of the program total_time = (end - start) / 60 benchmark_sheet.write(1, 0, str(total_time) + ' min.') print('Program Execution Time: ' + str(total_time) + ' min.')
'weekRating': '(-)', 'class': get_class(item) } deck_info[temp[0]]['deck'].append(deck) elif re.match(str(r'^T.卡组'), title): level = title[:2] if '[/color]' in string and string.startswith('=='): if deck_name: deck_info = update_deck(deck, deck_info) deck_name = string_ deck = get_deck(deck_name, deck_info) elif string_.endswith('.png') and string_.startswith('./'): imgUrl = r'' + string_[ string_.index('/'):] deck['imgUrl'] = imgUrl source = tinify.from_url(imgUrl) source.to_file('ts/' + unicode(tid) + '/' + level + '-' + pinyin.get_pinyin(deck_name, '') + '.png') deck['imgSrc'] = href + level + '-' + pinyin.get_pinyin( deck_name, '') + '.png' elif string.startswith('套牌代码:') or string.startswith('代码:'): deck['code'] = string.split(':')[1] elif string.startswith('对阵快攻:'): deck['toFast'] = string.split(':')[1] elif string.startswith('对阵控制:'): deck['toControl'] = string.split(':')[1] elif string.startswith('劣势对抗:'): deck['cons'] = string.split(':')[1].split('、') elif '[' not in string and ']' not in string: deck['cardIntro'] = deck.get('cardIntro', '') + string print json.dumps(deck_info, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
def compress_web_image(src_url, dest_file): try: source = tinify.from_url(src_url) source.to_file(dest_file) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e.message)
def get_thumbnail(url: str, width: int, height: int) -> BytesIO: log.debug("tinifying url %s", url) source = tinify.from_url(url) # pylint: disable=no-member resized = source.resize(method="cover", width=width, height=height) return BytesIO(resized.to_buffer())
try: # loop through the image URLs from the JSON for item in data['lighthouseResult']['audits']['uses-optimized-images']['details']['items']: pic_url = item['url'] # NGage is causing an issue, this is a workaround if "GeneralImage.aspx" in pic_url: print("NGage result exempted") else: pic_name = pic_url.split("/")[-1] completeName = os.path.join(save_path, pic_name) # tinypng pulls from image URLs, compresses, then saves print('Compressing ' + pic_name + '...') tinify.from_url(pic_url).to_file(completeName) print('Saved to ' + completeName) # create text file list for image URLs image_list = open(save_path + '/' + 'image_list.txt', 'a') print('Image URLs saved to ' + save_path + '/' + 'image_list.txt') # loop through the image URL to print references for item in data['lighthouseResult']['audits']['uses-optimized-images']['details']['items']: image_list.write(item['url'] + "\n") except KeyError: print(url + ' is not a valid domain name') except: print('Something went wrong')
import tinify import xlrd import os from urllib.parse import urlsplit import requests tinify.key = '5p5UxEJn7z5jYohyzUzpqeCJ3Ymbadxj' pre = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) fname = 'links.xlsx' path = os.path.join(pre, fname) book = xlrd.open_workbook(path) print("Número de abas: ", book.nsheets) print("Nomes das Planilhas:", book.sheet_names()) sh = book.sheet_by_index(0) print(f'Nome: {}, Linhas: {sh.nrows}, Colunas: {sh.ncols}') for rx in range(sh.nrows): linha = str(sh.row(rx)) lixo1, url, lixo2 = linha.split("'") parts = urlsplit(url) paths = parts.path.split('/') page = requests.get(url) print(url) statusCode = page.status_code print('Status Code:',statusCode) if statusCode == 404: os.system("pause") source = tinify.from_url(url) source.to_file(paths[-1])
import tinify tinify.key = "你的KEY" image_path = '本地文件路径' output_path = '压缩后的图片路径' image_url = '在线图片链接' source = tinify.from_file(image_path) source.to_file(output_path) print("转换完成") source = tinify.from_url(image_url) source.to_file(output_path) print(image_url + "转换完成")
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # pip install bs4 import datetime import tinify tinify.key = "JJN9ZVJysJm6k6L158d6NSC2pLxq1hPB" d_today = str( try: with open("data.html") as f: html = soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") # HTMLを解析する images = soup.findAll('img') # 全ての画像を取得する counter = 0 d = {} for image in images: if counter != 0 and counter <= 12: imgFileName = image['src'].replace("-preview", "") # replaceで大きい方の画像に変換する if str(imgFileName) in 'limited-2': imgFileName.replace('limited-2', 'limited') dst_path = './static/img/' + d_today + '-' + str( imgFileName).split('/')[-1] # 出力先のpathとファイル名を設定する source = tinify.from_url(imgFileName) # 画像をtinypngにアップロード source.to_file(dst_path) # 圧縮された画像を出力 counter += 1 print("画像の取得が完了しました。") except: print('画像の取得に失敗しました。')
def get_image(): tinify.key = os.environ["TINIFY_KEY"] source = tinify.from_url(os.environ["IMAGE_URL"]) source.to_file("optimized.png")