コード例 #1
ファイル: algorithms.py プロジェクト: 5lipper/weasel
 def a2b(results, stringTraces, traceInvalid):
     Supposed to identify candidate functions that are linked by a direct edge.
     Yet to be implemented.
     from tools import sortDictionary
     funcs, scores = sortDictionary(results)
     funcs = funcs[::-1]
     scores = scores[::-1]
     # find connection between identified functions
     i = 0
     while scores[i] != 0.0:
         i += 1
     funcs = funcs[:i]
     scores = scores[:i]
     chains = []
     chainsDict = {}
     # TODO: Finish me!
     i = 0
     while i < len(funcs):
         neighbors = traceInvalid.neighbors()
         func = funcs[i]
         while len(neighbors) != 0:
         i += 1
コード例 #2
ファイル: trace.py プロジェクト: 5lipper/weasel
 def getDigraph(self):
     from tools import sortDictionary
     digr = Trace.getDigraph(self)
     for bb in self.way:
         calls = sortDictionary(bb.calls)[1]
         digr.add_node_attribute(bb.startAddr, ("calls",calls))
         digr.add_node_attribute(bb.startAddr, ("type", bb.type))
     return digr
コード例 #3
ファイル: algorithms.py プロジェクト: 5lipper/weasel
 def _a3core(seqs, seqRef):
     from tools import sortDictionary
     scoresIndexes = {}
     for seq in seqs:
         rangesCommon = seqRef.getCommonRanges(seq)[0]
         # add sentinel range
         for i in range(len(rangesCommon)-1):
             r = rangesCommon[i]
             baseScore = rangesCommon[i+1][0] - r[-1]
             for i in range(len(r)):
                 index = r[i]
                 if index not in scoresIndexes:
                     scoresIndexes[index] = 0
                 scoresIndexes[index] += baseScore + i 
     scores = {seqRef.rawSeq[index] : scoresIndexes[index] for index in scoresIndexes}
     normalizedScores = _Helper.normalizeScores(scores)
     keys, values = sortDictionary(normalizedScores)
     # print keys[::-1]
     # print values[::-1]
     return normalizedScores
コード例 #4
ファイル: wiesel.py プロジェクト: 5lipper/weasel
 def A_WEAZEL_BB(protoRuns):
     Sub-algorithm of A-WEAZEL analyzing bb-traces of decision-functions.
     @param protoRuns: The basic-block protocol-runs to analyze.
     @type protoRuns: List of ProtocolRunBb
     @return: A graph of decision and implementation bbs
     @rtype: List of DecisionBb
     # Which node is present in which protocol-run?
     notEmptyProtoRuns = [protoRun for protoRun in protoRuns if protoRun.diGraph is not None]
     if len(notEmptyProtoRuns) == 0:
         print "Got only empty proto-runs in A_WEAZEL_BB. There seems to be something wrong with your tracer (srsly)."
         return None
     allNodesWeight = {}
     for protoRun in notEmptyProtoRuns:
         for node in protoRun.diGraph.nodes():
             if node not in allNodesWeight:
                 allNodesWeight[node] = 0
             allNodesWeight[node] += 1
     # Now get the nodes with the least weight for each protocol-run.
     foundImplementation = False
     decisionNodes = {}     
     for protoRun in notEmptyProtoRuns:
         nodesWeight = {}
         for node in protoRun.diGraph.nodes():
             nodesWeight[node] = allNodesWeight[node]
         nodes, weights = sortDictionary(nodesWeight)
         minWeight = weights[0]
         nodesMinWeight = [nodes[i] for i in range(len(weights)) if weights[i] == minWeight]
         # Find all nodes with higher weight that lead to the minimal weight nodes.
         for nodeMW in nodesMinWeight:
             nodeMWIncidents = protoRun.diGraph.incidents(nodeMW)
             for nodeMWIncident in nodeMWIncidents:
                 if nodesWeight[nodeMWIncident] > minWeight:
                     if not nodeMWIncident in decisionNodes:
                         decisionNodes[nodeMWIncident] = DecisionBb(nodeMWIncident)
                     foundImplementation = True
                     decisionNodes[nodeMWIncident].addEdge(protoRun, ImplementationBb(nodeMW))
     # Finally add those decision nodes in which not all possible decisions were made during runtime.
     class IncompleteDecisionBbCandidate:
         def __init__(self, addr, nExits):
             self.addr = addr
             self.nExits = nExits is not None and nExits or 0
             self.exits = []
         def addExit(self, exit):
             if exit not in self.exits:
         def isCompletelyDefined(self):
             return len(self.exits) == self.nExits
     incompleteDecisionBbCandidates = {}
     for protoRun in notEmptyProtoRuns:
         for bb in protoRun.trace.basicBlocks.values():
             if not bb.isCompletelyDefined():
                 if bb.startAddr not in incompleteDecisionBbCandidates:
                     incompleteDecisionBbCandidates[bb.startAddr] = IncompleteDecisionBbCandidate(bb.startAddr, bb.nExits)
                 for knownExit in bb.knownExits.values():
             elif bb.startAddr in incompleteDecisionBbCandidates:
     for decisionBb in incompleteDecisionBbCandidates.values():
         if not decisionBb.isCompletelyDefined():
             if decisionBb.addr not in decisionNodes:
                 decisionNodes[decisionBb.addr] = DecisionBb(decisionBb.addr)
             decisionNodes[decisionBb.addr].setAttribute(DecisionBb.SPECIFIC_ATTRIBUTES.SUSPICIOUS_EDGES, "%d" % (decisionBb.nExits - len(decisionBb.exits)))     
     return foundImplementation, decisionNodes.values()
コード例 #5
ファイル: wiesel.py プロジェクト: 5lipper/weasel
 def A_WEAZEL(self, protoRuns, fileIoAction=None, basePathTraceData=None, recursionDepth=0, funcsToExclude=[], funcsToInclude=[]):
     The final algorithm for the identification of decision and handling functionality.
     @todo: unify variable naming ("name" instead of "addr" etc.)
     @rtype: List of DecisionFunc
     class Group:
         def __init__(self, exFunc):
             self.decisionFunc = exFunc.callStack[-2]    
             self.refExFunc = exFunc
             self.exFuncs = [exFunc]
             self.protoRuns = [exFunc.protoRun]
             self.closed = False
         def addExclusiveFunction(self, exFunc):
             Adds an exclusive function to the group. It is checked whether the given ex-func fits into the group.
             @param exFunc: The ex-func to add
             @return: Boolean flag indicating success.
             if self.closed:
                 return False
             if self.refExFunc.callStackSingatureLength > len(exFunc.callStack):
                 return False
             # Check if the ex-func shares a call-stack with the reference trace.
             for i in range(self.refExFunc.callStackSingatureLength):
                 if self.refExFunc.callStack[-(i+1)] != exFunc.callStack[-(i+1)]:
                     return False
             if exFunc not in self.exFuncs:
             if exFunc.protoRun not in self.protoRuns:
             return True
         def close(self):
             Closes the group and updates call-stacks of protocol-runs.
             self.closed = True
             self.refCallStack = self.refExFunc.callStack[-self.refExFunc.callStackSingatureLength:]
         def getRefCallStackDecisionFunc(self):
             @return: List (possibly empty) in case the decision func has a callstack, None in case the decision func has no callstack at all. 
             if not self.closed:
                 return None
             return self.refCallStack[:-2]
         def getRefCallStackExclusiveFunc(self):
             if not self.closed:
                 return None
             return self.refCallStack[:-1]
         def dominatesRefCallStackDecisionFunc(self, otherGroup):
             ownCallStack = self.getRefCallStackDecisionFunc()
             otherCallStack = otherGroup.getRefCallStackDecisionFunc()
             if ownCallStack is None or otherCallStack is None:
                 return ownCallStack == otherCallStack
             if len(ownCallStack) < len(otherCallStack):
                 return False
             for i in range(len(otherCallStack)):
                 if ownCallStack[-(i+1)] != otherCallStack[-(i+1)]:
                     return False
             return True
         def isDecisionFuncTop(self):
             # TODO: Does this work with Pure-FTPd?
             return (len(self.refExFunc.callStack) == 2)
     class ExclusiveFunction:
         def __init__(self, name, callStack, callStackSingatureLength, protoRun):
             @param name: The addr/name of the sub-function
             @param callStack: The respective call-stack (without the sub-function itself)
             @param callStackSingatureLength: Number of functions on the call-stack that need to be checked in order to identify this specific sub-function call. 
             @param protoRun: The respective protocol-run
             self.name = name
             self.callStack = protoRun.callStack + callStack #TODO: was old code faulty or good for something?
             self.protoRun = protoRun
             self.callStackSingatureLength = callStackSingatureLength
     # Group proto-runs according to exclusive function calls.
     sCommonFuncs = sets.Set(protoRuns[0].diGraph.nodes())
     for protoRun in protoRuns[1:]:
         sCommonFuncs = sCommonFuncs.intersection(protoRun.diGraph.nodes())
     # create set of functions to ignore
     sExcludeFuncs = sets.Set(funcsToExclude)
     sIncludeFuncs = sets.Set(funcsToInclude)
     # now determine exclusive functions
     exFuncs = []
     for protoRun in protoRuns:
         sFuncs = sets.Set(protoRun.diGraph.nodes())
         sExFuncs = (sFuncs - (sCommonFuncs - sIncludeFuncs)) - sExcludeFuncs
         # remove the starting node of each run
         # first get sub-traces for all identified exclusive functions
         topExFuncs = {}
         for exFunc in sExFuncs:
             ways = protoRun.trace.getWaysBetween(None, exFunc)
             # filter out functions dominated by other function 
             waysUndominated = []
             for way in ways:
                 wayDominated = False
                 for func in way[:-1]:
                     if func in sExFuncs:
                         wayDominated = True
                 if not wayDominated:
             if len(waysUndominated) > 0:
                 topExFuncs[exFunc] = waysUndominated
         # DEBUG
         #print "\t" * recursionDepth + "top-ex-funcs:"
         #for x in topExFuncs: print "\t" * recursionDepth + "%x" % x
         for topExFunc in topExFuncs:
             # Find out how many levels of call-stack back tracing are needed in order to unambiguously differentiate between all ways.
             ways = topExFuncs[topExFunc]
             for iWay in range(len(ways)):
                 # get a set of all indexes without iWay
                 tmp = range(len(ways))
                 sIOtherWays = sets.Set(tmp) 
                 way = ways[iWay]
                 # walk the callstack backwards and check for differences
                 level = 0
                 for i in range(len(way)-1)[::-1]:
                     level += 1
                     # are there still identical callstacks
                     if len(sIOtherWays) == 0:
                     # check for all remaining callstacks
                     iOtherWays = list(sIOtherWays)
                     for iOtherWay in iOtherWays:
                         otherWay = ways[iOtherWay]
                         if i not in range(len(otherWay)) or otherWay[i] != way[i]:
                 callStack = way
                 exFuncs.append(ExclusiveFunction(topExFunc, callStack, level, protoRun))
     # now group the identified exclusive functions
     ## sort exFuncs according to the respective call-stack signature lengths
     tmp = {i:exFuncs[i].callStackSingatureLength for i in range(len(exFuncs))}
     import tools
     exFuncIndexes, nop = tools.sortDictionary(tmp)
     groups = []
     decisionFuncs = {}
     for iExFunc in exFuncIndexes[::-1]:
         exFunc = exFuncs[iExFunc]                
         fitsInExistingGroup = False
         for group in groups:
             fitsInExistingGroup = group.addExclusiveFunction(exFunc)
             if fitsInExistingGroup:
                 # DEBUG
                 # print "\t" * recursionDepth +  "Ex-func %x fits in group of ex-func %x (df %x)" % (exFunc.name, group.refExFunc.name, group.decisionFunc)
         # If the current ex-func does not fit into any existing group, create a new group for it.
         if not fitsInExistingGroup:
             newGroup = Group(exFunc)
             if newGroup.decisionFunc not in decisionFuncs:
                 decisionFuncs[newGroup.decisionFunc] = DecisionFunc(newGroup.decisionFunc)
     # DEBUG
     # print "\t"*recursionDepth + "Identified the following decision funcs:"
     # for df in decisionFuncs:
     #    print "\t"*recursionDepth + "\t%x" % df
     # Finally analyze the decision functions.
     for df in decisionFuncs.values():
         bbProtoRuns = []
         # Analyze each group.
         # NOTE: That groups are already ordered by the length of their call-stack traces!
         # This is important for deciding if a decision func needs to be traced on bb level for a certain group or not.
         for iGroup in range(len(df.groups)):
             group = df.groups[iGroup]
             # If an ex-func is only accessed by a single protocol-run, we assume the ex-func to be a concrete implementation function (e.g. a cmd handler).
             # Recursion ends in this case.
             if len(group.protoRuns) == 1:
                 df.addEdge(group.protoRuns[0], ImplementationFunc(group.refExFunc.name))
                 subProtoRuns = []
                 for exFunc in group.exFuncs:
                     # TODO: The following should return traces not including the given call-stack
                     subCgTraces = exFunc.protoRun.trace.getTracesWithCallStack(exFunc.callStack)
                     subCgTrace = subCgTraces[0] # Note how we necessarily always get exactly one subtrace here.
                     subCallStack = group.getRefCallStackExclusiveFunc()
                     subProtoRun = protocols.protocol.RunFunc(exFunc.protoRun.protoProc, subCgTrace, subCallStack)
                 addrExFunc = group.refExFunc.name
                 # Recursively invoke the algorithm for all groups.
                 # DEBUG
                 # print "\t"* recursionDepth + "Invoking A-WEAZEL for exfunc %x with %d proto-runs." % (addrExFunc, len(subProtoRuns))
                 processingGraphs = self.A_WEAZEL(subProtoRuns, fileIoAction, basePathTraceData, recursionDepth+1, funcsToInclude=funcsToInclude, funcsToExclude=funcsToExclude)
                 # check if any sub-processing graphs were identified
                 if len(processingGraphs) == 0:
                     # if not, the ex-func is a multi protocol run implementation function
                     multiIf = ImplementationFunc(addrExFunc)
                     # get protocol processors 
                     protoProcs = sets.Set()
                     for protoRun in subProtoRuns: protoProcs.add(protoRun.protoProc)
                     implBbProtoRuns = self._getBasicBlockTraces(list(protoProcs), addrExFunc, group.getRefCallStackExclusiveFunc(), fileIoAction, basePathTraceData)
                     isDecisionFunc, bbGraphs = Wiesel.A_WEAZEL_BB(implBbProtoRuns) 
                     multiIf.addBbGraphs(bbGraphs, implBbProtoRuns)
                     processingGraphs = [multiIf]
                 # check if the ex-func is a 'special' one (i.e. was found to exhibit different return values for different protocol runs)
                 if addrExFunc in funcsToInclude and addrExFunc not in funcsToExclude:
                     # if so, check if the ex-func was already identified as decider
                     alreadyIdentified = False
                     for topDecisionFunc in processingGraphs:
                         if topDecisionFunc.addr == addrExFunc:
                             alreadyIdentified = True
                     if not alreadyIdentified:
                         # if it was not already identified, make it the top node and record bb traces
                         intermediateDf = DecisionFunc(addrExFunc)
                         intermediateDf.addEdges(subProtoRuns, processingGraphs)
                         intermediateBbProtoRuns = self._getBasicBlockTracesAWeazel(subProtoRuns, intermediateDf.addr, group.getRefCallStackExclusiveFunc(), fileIoAction, basePathTraceData)
                         # TODO: aggregate bb-traces
                         r = Wiesel.A_WEAZEL_BB(intermediateBbProtoRuns)
                         if r is not None: 
                             isRealDecisionFunc, bbGraphs = r         
                             intermediateDf.addBbGraphs(bbGraphs, intermediateBbProtoRuns)
                             intermediateDf.setAttribute(DecisionFunc.SPECIFIC_ATTRIBUTES.IMPORTANT, str(isRealDecisionFunc))
                         # swap processing graphs
                         processingGraphs = [intermediateDf]
                 # add the generated processing graphs to the node of the decision function
                 df.addEdges(subProtoRuns, processingGraphs)
             # Check if the decision-func was already traced for the given call-stack
             callStackAlreadyTraced = False
             for iPrevGroup in range(iGroup):
                 if df.groups[iPrevGroup].dominatesRefCallStackDecisionFunc(group):
                     callStackAlreadyTraced = True
             if not callStackAlreadyTraced and not df.addr in funcsToExclude:
                 # Aggregate traces of all protocol-runs through the decision-function
                 bbProtoRuns += self._getBasicBlockTracesAWeazel(protoRuns, df.addr, group.getRefCallStackDecisionFunc(), fileIoAction, basePathTraceData)
         r = Wiesel.A_WEAZEL_BB(bbProtoRuns)
         if r is not None: 
             isRealDecisionFunc, bbGraphs = r         
             df.addBbGraphs(bbGraphs, bbProtoRuns)
             df.setAttribute(DecisionFunc.SPECIFIC_ATTRIBUTES.IMPORTANT, str(isRealDecisionFunc))
             print "Failed to analyze %x on bb-level." % df.addr
     return decisionFuncs.values()