コード例 #1
    def add_future(
        future: "Union[Future[_T], concurrent.futures.Future[_T]]",
        callback: Callable[["Future[_T]"], None],
    ) -> None:
        """Schedules a callback on the ``IOLoop`` when the given
        `.Future` is finished.

        The callback is invoked with one argument, the

        This method only accepts `.Future` objects and not other
        awaitables (unlike most of Tornado where the two are
        if isinstance(future, Future):
            # Note that we specifically do not want the inline behavior of
            # tornado.concurrent.future_add_done_callback. We always want
            # this callback scheduled on the next IOLoop iteration (which
            # asyncio.Future always does).
            # Wrap the callback in self._run_callback so we control
            # the error logging (i.e. it goes to tornado.log.app_log
            # instead of asyncio's log).
            future.add_done_callback(lambda f: self._run_callback(
                functools.partial(callback, future)))
            assert is_future(future)
            # For concurrent futures, we use self.add_callback, so
            # it's fine if future_add_done_callback inlines that call.
                future, lambda f: self.add_callback(callback, future))
コード例 #2
ファイル: http1connection.py プロジェクト: valnar1/SickGear
 def finish(self) -> None:
     """Implements `.HTTPConnection.finish`."""
     if (self._expected_content_remaining is not None
             and self._expected_content_remaining != 0
             and not self.stream.closed()):
         raise httputil.HTTPOutputError(
             "Tried to write %d bytes less than Content-Length" %
     if self._chunking_output:
         if not self.stream.closed():
             self._pending_write = self.stream.write(b"0\r\n\r\n")
     self._write_finished = True
     # If the app finished the request while we're still reading,
     # divert any remaining data away from the delegate and
     # close the connection when we're done sending our response.
     # Closing the connection is the only way to avoid reading the
     # whole input body.
     if not self._read_finished:
         self._disconnect_on_finish = True
     # No more data is coming, so instruct TCP to send any remaining
     # data immediately instead of waiting for a full packet or ack.
     if self._pending_write is None:
         future_add_done_callback(self._pending_write, self._finish_request)
コード例 #3
 def try_connect(
         self, addrs: Iterator[Tuple[socket.AddressFamily, Tuple]]) -> None:
         af, addr = next(addrs)
     except StopIteration:
         # We've reached the end of our queue, but the other queue
         # might still be working.  Send a final error on the future
         # only when both queues are finished.
         if self.remaining == 0 and not self.future.done():
                                       or IOError("connection failed"))
     stream, future = self.connect(af, addr)
         future, functools.partial(self.on_connect_done, addrs, af, addr))
コード例 #4
ファイル: http1connection.py プロジェクト: valnar1/SickGear
    def write(self, chunk: bytes) -> "Future[None]":
        """Implements `.HTTPConnection.write`.

        For backwards compatibility it is allowed but deprecated to
        skip `write_headers` and instead call `write()` with a
        pre-encoded header block.
        future = None
        if self.stream.closed():
            future = self._write_future = Future()
            future = self._write_future = Future()
            self._pending_write = self.stream.write(self._format_chunk(chunk))
        return future
コード例 #5
ファイル: gen.py プロジェクト: valnar1/SickGear
    def __init__(self, *args: Future, **kwargs: Future) -> None:
        if args and kwargs:
            raise ValueError("You must provide args or kwargs, not both")

        if kwargs:
            self._unfinished = dict((f, k) for (k, f) in kwargs.items())
            futures = list(kwargs.values())  # type: Sequence[Future]
            self._unfinished = dict((f, i) for (i, f) in enumerate(args))
            futures = args

        self._finished = collections.deque()  # type: Deque[Future]
        self.current_index = None  # type: Optional[Union[str, int]]
        self.current_future = None  # type: Optional[Future]
        self._running_future = None  # type: Optional[Future]

        for future in futures:
            future_add_done_callback(future, self._done_callback)
コード例 #6
ファイル: http1connection.py プロジェクト: valnar1/SickGear
 def write_headers(
     start_line: Union[httputil.RequestStartLine,
     headers: httputil.HTTPHeaders,
     chunk: Optional[bytes] = None,
 ) -> "Future[None]":
     """Implements `.HTTPConnection.write_headers`."""
     lines = []
     if self.is_client:
         assert isinstance(start_line, httputil.RequestStartLine)
         self._request_start_line = start_line
             utf8("%s %s HTTP/1.1" % (start_line[0], start_line[1])))
         # Client requests with a non-empty body must have either a
         # Content-Length or a Transfer-Encoding.
         self._chunking_output = (
             start_line.method in ("POST", "PUT", "PATCH")
             and "Content-Length" not in headers
             and ("Transfer-Encoding" not in headers
                  or headers["Transfer-Encoding"] == "chunked"))
         assert isinstance(start_line, httputil.ResponseStartLine)
         assert self._request_start_line is not None
         assert self._request_headers is not None
         self._response_start_line = start_line
             utf8("HTTP/1.1 %d %s" % (start_line[1], start_line[2])))
         self._chunking_output = (
             # TODO: should this use
             # self._request_start_line.version or
             # start_line.version?
             self._request_start_line.version == "HTTP/1.1"
             # 1xx, 204 and 304 responses have no body (not even a zero-length
             # body), and so should not have either Content-Length or
             # Transfer-Encoding headers.
             and start_line.code not in (204, 304) and
             (start_line.code < 100 or start_line.code >= 200)
             # No need to chunk the output if a Content-Length is specified.
             and "Content-Length" not in headers
             # Applications are discouraged from touching Transfer-Encoding,
             # but if they do, leave it alone.
             and "Transfer-Encoding" not in headers)
         # If connection to a 1.1 client will be closed, inform client
         if (self._request_start_line.version == "HTTP/1.1"
                 and self._disconnect_on_finish):
             headers["Connection"] = "close"
         # If a 1.0 client asked for keep-alive, add the header.
         if (self._request_start_line.version == "HTTP/1.0"
                 and self._request_headers.get("Connection",
                                               "").lower() == "keep-alive"):
             headers["Connection"] = "Keep-Alive"
     if self._chunking_output:
         headers["Transfer-Encoding"] = "chunked"
     if not self.is_client and (self._request_start_line.method == "HEAD"
                                or cast(httputil.ResponseStartLine,
                                        start_line).code == 304):
         self._expected_content_remaining = 0
     elif "Content-Length" in headers:
         self._expected_content_remaining = int(headers["Content-Length"])
         self._expected_content_remaining = None
     # TODO: headers are supposed to be of type str, but we still have some
     # cases that let bytes slip through. Remove these native_str calls when those
     # are fixed.
     header_lines = (native_str(n) + ": " + native_str(v)
                     for n, v in headers.get_all())
     lines.extend(l.encode("latin1") for l in header_lines)
     for line in lines:
         if b"\n" in line:
             raise ValueError("Newline in header: " + repr(line))
     future = None
     if self.stream.closed():
         future = self._write_future = Future()
         future = self._write_future = Future()
         data = b"\r\n".join(lines) + b"\r\n\r\n"
         if chunk:
             data += self._format_chunk(chunk)
         self._pending_write = self.stream.write(data)
     return future
コード例 #7
ファイル: gen.py プロジェクト: valnar1/SickGear
 def timeout_callback() -> None:
     if not result.done():
     # In case the wrapped future goes on to fail, log it.
     future_add_done_callback(future_converted, error_callback)
コード例 #8
ファイル: gen.py プロジェクト: valnar1/SickGear
def with_timeout(
    timeout: Union[float, datetime.timedelta],
    future: _Yieldable,
    quiet_exceptions: "Union[Type[Exception], Tuple[Type[Exception], ...]]" = (),
) -> Future:
    """Wraps a `.Future` (or other yieldable object) in a timeout.

    Raises `tornado.util.TimeoutError` if the input future does not
    complete before ``timeout``, which may be specified in any form
    allowed by `.IOLoop.add_timeout` (i.e. a `datetime.timedelta` or
    an absolute time relative to `.IOLoop.time`)

    If the wrapped `.Future` fails after it has timed out, the exception
    will be logged unless it is either of a type contained in
    ``quiet_exceptions`` (which may be an exception type or a sequence of
    types), or an ``asyncio.CancelledError``.

    The wrapped `.Future` is not canceled when the timeout expires,
    permitting it to be reused. `asyncio.wait_for` is similar to this
    function but it does cancel the wrapped `.Future` on timeout.

    .. versionadded:: 4.0

    .. versionchanged:: 4.1
       Added the ``quiet_exceptions`` argument and the logging of unhandled

    .. versionchanged:: 4.4
       Added support for yieldable objects other than `.Future`.

    .. versionchanged:: 6.0.3
       ``asyncio.CancelledError`` is now always considered "quiet".

    # It's tempting to optimize this by cancelling the input future on timeout
    # instead of creating a new one, but A) we can't know if we are the only
    # one waiting on the input future, so cancelling it might disrupt other
    # callers and B) concurrent futures can only be cancelled while they are
    # in the queue, so cancellation cannot reliably bound our waiting time.
    future_converted = convert_yielded(future)
    result = _create_future()
    chain_future(future_converted, result)
    io_loop = IOLoop.current()

    def error_callback(future: Future) -> None:
        except asyncio.CancelledError:
        except Exception as e:
            if not isinstance(e, quiet_exceptions):
                    "Exception in Future %r after timeout", future, exc_info=True

    def timeout_callback() -> None:
        if not result.done():
        # In case the wrapped future goes on to fail, log it.
        future_add_done_callback(future_converted, error_callback)

    timeout_handle = io_loop.add_timeout(timeout, timeout_callback)
    if isinstance(future_converted, Future):
        # We know this future will resolve on the IOLoop, so we don't
        # need the extra thread-safety of IOLoop.add_future (and we also
        # don't care about StackContext here.
            future_converted, lambda future: io_loop.remove_timeout(timeout_handle)
        # concurrent.futures.Futures may resolve on any thread, so we
        # need to route them back to the IOLoop.
            future_converted, lambda future: io_loop.remove_timeout(timeout_handle)
    return result
コード例 #9
ファイル: gen.py プロジェクト: valnar1/SickGear
def multi_future(
    children: Union[List[_Yieldable], Dict[Any, _Yieldable]],
    quiet_exceptions: "Union[Type[Exception], Tuple[Type[Exception], ...]]" = (),
) -> "Union[Future[List], Future[Dict]]":
    """Wait for multiple asynchronous futures in parallel.

    Since Tornado 6.0, this function is exactly the same as `multi`.

    .. versionadded:: 4.0

    .. versionchanged:: 4.2
       If multiple ``Futures`` fail, any exceptions after the first (which is
       raised) will be logged. Added the ``quiet_exceptions``
       argument to suppress this logging for selected exception types.

    .. deprecated:: 4.3
       Use `multi` instead.
    if isinstance(children, dict):
        keys = list(children.keys())  # type: Optional[List]
        children_seq = children.values()  # type: Iterable
        keys = None
        children_seq = children
    children_futs = list(map(convert_yielded, children_seq))
    assert all(is_future(i) or isinstance(i, _NullFuture) for i in children_futs)
    unfinished_children = set(children_futs)

    future = _create_future()
    if not children_futs:
        future_set_result_unless_cancelled(future, {} if keys is not None else [])

    def callback(fut: Future) -> None:
        if not unfinished_children:
            result_list = []
            for f in children_futs:
                except Exception as e:
                    if future.done():
                        if not isinstance(e, quiet_exceptions):
                                "Multiple exceptions in yield list", exc_info=True
                        future_set_exc_info(future, sys.exc_info())
            if not future.done():
                if keys is not None:
                        future, dict(zip(keys, result_list))
                    future_set_result_unless_cancelled(future, result_list)

    listening = set()  # type: Set[Future]
    for f in children_futs:
        if f not in listening:
            future_add_done_callback(f, callback)
    return future