コード例 #1
ファイル: blendlpfunction.py プロジェクト: hpparvi/PyExoTK
    def create_distributions(self, fc):
        from transitlightcurve.utilities import stellar_density, BIC

        kd = np.sqrt(fc[:,2])
        ed = fc[:,7]
        wd = fc[:,8]
        ad = np.array([uf.a_from_bitpew(_b, _it, _p, _e, _w) for _b, _it, _p, _e, _w in zip(fc[:,4], fc[:,3], fc[:,1], ed, wd)])
        Id = np.array([uf.i_from_bitpew(_b, _it, _p, _e, _w) for _b, _it, _p, _e, _w in zip(fc[:,4], fc[:,3], fc[:,1], ed, wd)]) * 180/np.pi
        dd = np.array([orbits.duration_eccentric_w(_p,_k,_a,_i,_e,_w,1) for _p,_k,_a,_i,_e,_w in zip(fc[:,1], kd, ad, Id*np.pi/180., ed, wd)])
        rd = np.array([stellar_density(_d,_p,_k,_b,_e,_w, False) for _d,_p,_k,_b,_e,_w in zip(dd*24*60*60, fc[:,1]*24*60*60, kd, fc[:,4], ed, wd)])

        p_labels = ['Zero epoch', 'Period', 'T14', 'T14', 'Radius ratio', 'Scaled semi-major axis', 'Inclination', 'Impact parameter',
                    'Eccentricity', 'Argument of periastron', 'Stellar density', 'Third source temperature', ]
        p_units = ['HJD', 'd', 'd', 'h', 'Rs', 'Rs', 'deg', '-', '-', 'rad', 'g/cm^3', 'K']
        p_dists  = [fc[:,0], fc[:,1], dd, 24*dd, kd, ad, Id, fc[:,4], ed, wd, rd, fc[:,6]]

        [p_labels.extend(['Linear ldc {}'.format(cid), 'Quadratic ldc {}'.format(cid)]) for cid in self.cid]
        [p_units.extend(['-', '-']) for cid in self.cid]
        [p_dists.extend([fc[:,self.ld_start+2*cid], fc[:,self.ld_start+2*cid+1]]) for cid in self.cid]

        p_labels.extend(['{} contamination'.format(f) for f in self.filter_names])
        p_units.extend(['-' for i in self.cid])
        p_dists.extend(np.hsplit(np.array([self.get_contamination(pv) for pv in fc]), self.n_colors))

        p_labels.extend(['Error {}'.format(cid) for cid in self.cid])
        p_units.extend(['mmag' for cid in self.cid])
        p_dists.extend([1e3*fc[:,self.ep_start+cid] for cid in self.cid])

        p_labels.extend(['Zeropoint {}'.format(cid) for cid in self.cid])
        p_units.extend(['' for cid in self.cid])
        p_dists.extend([fc[:,self.zp_start+cid] for cid in self.cid])

        p_ids    = range(len(p_dists))

        return p_labels, p_units, p_dists, p_ids
コード例 #2
ファイル: blendlpfunction.py プロジェクト: hpparvi/PyExoTK
    def __call__(self, pv):
        ## Do a boundary test to check if we need to calculate anything further
        ## ====================================================================
        ld_sums = np.array([pv[self.ld_sl[ic]].sum() for ic in self.cid])
        if np.any(pv < self.ps.pmins) or np.any(pv>self.ps.pmaxs) or np.any(ld_sums < 0) or np.any(ld_sums > 1):
            return -1e18

        ## Calculate basic parameter priors
        ## ================================
        log_prior  = self.ps.c_log_prior(pv)
        ## Precalculate the orbit parameters in order to reduce the unnceressary computations
        ## ===================================================================================
        _i = uf.i_from_bitpew(pv[4], pv[3], pv[1], pv[7], pv[8])
        _a = uf.a_from_bitpew(pv[4], pv[3], pv[1], pv[7], pv[8])
        _k = m.sqrt(pv[2])

        ## Calculate derived parameter priors
        ## ==================================
        log_dpriors = 0.

        if self.prior_t14:
            t14 = orbits.duration_eccentric_w(pv[1], _k, _a, _i, pv[7], pv[8], 1)
            log_dpriors += self.prior_t14.log(t14)

        ## Calculate chi squared values
        ## ============================
        flux_m     = self.compute_lc_model(pv, _i, _a, _k)
        chisqr_lc  = [uf.chi_sqr_se(fo, fm, err) for fo, fm, err in zip(self.flux_o, flux_m, pv[self.er_sl])]

        ## Return the log posterior
        ## ========================
        return log_prior + log_dpriors + self.lln + sum([- npt*m.log(e) - chisqr for npt,e,chisqr in zip(self.npt, pv[self.er_sl], chisqr_lc)])
コード例 #3
ファイル: mclpfunction.py プロジェクト: hpparvi/PyExoTK
    def create_distributions(self, fc):
        from transitlightcurve.utilities import stellar_density, BIC

        kd = np.sqrt(fc[:,2])
        ed = fc[:,6]
        wd = fc[:,7]
        ad = np.array([uf.a_from_bitpew(_b, _it, _p, _e, _w) for _b, _it, _p, _e, _w in zip(fc[:,4], fc[:,3], fc[:,1], ed, wd)])
        Id = np.array([uf.i_from_bitpew(_b, _it, _p, _e, _w) for _b, _it, _p, _e, _w in zip(fc[:,4], fc[:,3], fc[:,1], ed, wd)]) * 180/np.pi
        dd = np.array([orbits.duration_eccentric_w(_p,_k,_a,_i,_e,_w,1) for _p,_k,_a,_i,_e,_w in zip(fc[:,1], kd, ad, Id*np.pi/180., ed, wd)])
        rd = np.array([stellar_density(_d,_p,_k,_b,_e,_w, False) for _d,_p,_k,_b,_e,_w in zip(dd*24*60*60, fc[:,1]*24*60*60, kd, fc[:,4], ed, wd)])

        p_labels = ['Zero epoch', 'Period', 'T14', 'T14', '2/T', 'Radius ratio', 'Area ratio', 'Scaled semi-major axis', 'Inclination',
                    'Impact parameter', 'Eccentricity', 'Argument of periastron', 'Contamination',
                    'Stellar density']
        p_units = ['HJD', 'd', 'd', 'h', '2/d', 'Rs', 'Ra', 'Rs', 'deg', '-', '-', 'rad', '-', 'g/cm^3']
        p_dists  = [fc[:,0], fc[:,1], dd, 24*dd, fc[:,3], kd, fc[:,2], ad, Id, fc[:,4], ed, wd, fc[:,5], rd]

        [p_labels.extend(['{} linear ldc'.format(fn), '{} quadratic ldc'.format(fn)]) for fn in self.filter_names]
        [p_units.extend(['-', '-']) for cid in self.cid]
        [p_dists.extend([fc[:,self.ld_start+2*cid], fc[:,self.ld_start+2*cid+1]]) for cid in self.cid]

        p_labels.extend(['{} error'.format(fn) for fn in self.filter_names])
        p_units.extend(['mmag' for cid in self.cid])
        p_dists.extend([1e3*fc[:,self.ep_start+cid] for cid in self.cid])

        p_labels.extend(['{} zeropoint'.format(fn) for fn in self.filter_names])
        p_units.extend(['' for cid in self.cid])
        p_dists.extend([fc[:,self.zp_start+cid] for cid in self.cid])

        p_ids    = range(len(p_dists))

        return p_labels, p_units, p_dists, p_ids
コード例 #4
ファイル: blendlpfunction.py プロジェクト: hpparvi/PyExoTK
    def __call__(self, pv):
        ## Do a boundary test to check if we need to calculate anything further
        ## ====================================================================
        ld_sums = np.array([pv[self.ld_sl[ic]].sum() for ic in self.cid])
        if np.any(pv < self.ps.pmins) or np.any(pv > self.ps.pmaxs) or np.any(
                ld_sums < 0) or np.any(ld_sums > 1):
            return -1e18

        ## Calculate basic parameter priors
        ## ================================
        log_prior = self.ps.c_log_prior(pv)

        ## Precalculate the orbit parameters in order to reduce the unnceressary computations
        ## ===================================================================================
        _i = uf.i_from_bitpew(pv[4], pv[3], pv[1], pv[7], pv[8])
        _a = uf.a_from_bitpew(pv[4], pv[3], pv[1], pv[7], pv[8])
        _k = m.sqrt(pv[2])

        ## Calculate derived parameter priors
        ## ==================================
        log_dpriors = 0.

        if self.prior_t14:
            t14 = orbits.duration_eccentric_w(pv[1], _k, _a, _i, pv[7], pv[8],
            log_dpriors += self.prior_t14.log(t14)

        ## Calculate chi squared values
        ## ============================
        flux_m = self.compute_lc_model(pv, _i, _a, _k)
        chisqr_lc = [
            uf.chi_sqr_se(fo, fm, err)
            for fo, fm, err in zip(self.flux_o, flux_m, pv[self.er_sl])

        ## Return the log posterior
        ## ========================
        return log_prior + log_dpriors + self.lln + sum([
            -npt * m.log(e) - chisqr
            for npt, e, chisqr in zip(self.npt, pv[self.er_sl], chisqr_lc)
コード例 #5
ファイル: blendlpfunction.py プロジェクト: hpparvi/PyExoTK
    def create_distributions(self, fc):
        from transitlightcurve.utilities import stellar_density, BIC

        kd = np.sqrt(fc[:, 2])
        ed = fc[:, 7]
        wd = fc[:, 8]
        ad = np.array([
            uf.a_from_bitpew(_b, _it, _p, _e, _w)
            for _b, _it, _p, _e, _w in zip(fc[:, 4], fc[:, 3], fc[:,
                                                                  1], ed, wd)
        Id = np.array([
            uf.i_from_bitpew(_b, _it, _p, _e, _w)
            for _b, _it, _p, _e, _w in zip(fc[:, 4], fc[:, 3], fc[:,
                                                                  1], ed, wd)
        ]) * 180 / np.pi
        dd = np.array([
            orbits.duration_eccentric_w(_p, _k, _a, _i, _e, _w, 1)
            for _p, _k, _a, _i, _e, _w in zip(fc[:, 1], kd, ad, Id * np.pi /
                                              180., ed, wd)
        rd = np.array([
            stellar_density(_d, _p, _k, _b, _e, _w, False)
            for _d, _p, _k, _b, _e, _w in zip(dd * 24 * 60 * 60, fc[:, 1] *
                                              24 * 60 * 60, kd, fc[:,
                                                                   4], ed, wd)

        p_labels = [
            'Zero epoch',
            'Radius ratio',
            'Scaled semi-major axis',
            'Impact parameter',
            'Argument of periastron',
            'Stellar density',
            'Third source temperature',
        p_units = [
            'HJD', 'd', 'd', 'h', 'Rs', 'Rs', 'deg', '-', '-', 'rad', 'g/cm^3',
        p_dists = [
            fc[:, 0], fc[:, 1], dd, 24 * dd, kd, ad, Id, fc[:, 4], ed, wd, rd,
            fc[:, 6]

                ['Linear ldc {}'.format(cid), 'Quadratic ldc {}'.format(cid)])
            for cid in self.cid
        [p_units.extend(['-', '-']) for cid in self.cid]
                fc[:, self.ld_start + 2 * cid], fc[:,
                                                   self.ld_start + 2 * cid + 1]
            ]) for cid in self.cid

            ['{} contamination'.format(f) for f in self.filter_names])
        p_units.extend(['-' for i in self.cid])
            np.hsplit(np.array([self.get_contamination(pv) for pv in fc]),

        p_labels.extend(['Error {}'.format(cid) for cid in self.cid])
        p_units.extend(['mmag' for cid in self.cid])
        p_dists.extend([1e3 * fc[:, self.ep_start + cid] for cid in self.cid])

        p_labels.extend(['Zeropoint {}'.format(cid) for cid in self.cid])
        p_units.extend(['' for cid in self.cid])
        p_dists.extend([fc[:, self.zp_start + cid] for cid in self.cid])

        p_ids = range(len(p_dists))

        return p_labels, p_units, p_dists, p_ids
コード例 #6
    def create_distributions(self, fc):
        from transitlightcurve.utilities import stellar_density, BIC

        kd = np.sqrt(fc[:, 2])
        ed = fc[:, 6]
        wd = fc[:, 7]
        ad = np.array([
            uf.a_from_bitpew(_b, _it, _p, _e, _w)
            for _b, _it, _p, _e, _w in zip(fc[:, 4], fc[:, 3], fc[:,
                                                                  1], ed, wd)
        Id = np.array([
            uf.i_from_bitpew(_b, _it, _p, _e, _w)
            for _b, _it, _p, _e, _w in zip(fc[:, 4], fc[:, 3], fc[:,
                                                                  1], ed, wd)
        ]) * 180 / np.pi
        dd = np.array([
            orbits.duration_eccentric_w(_p, _k, _a, _i, _e, _w, 1)
            for _p, _k, _a, _i, _e, _w in zip(fc[:, 1], kd, ad, Id * np.pi /
                                              180., ed, wd)
        rd = np.array([
            stellar_density(_d, _p, _k, _b, _e, _w, False)
            for _d, _p, _k, _b, _e, _w in zip(dd * 24 * 60 * 60, fc[:, 1] *
                                              24 * 60 * 60, kd, fc[:,
                                                                   4], ed, wd)

        p_labels = [
            'Zero epoch', 'Period', 'T14', 'T14', '2/T', 'Radius ratio',
            'Area ratio', 'Scaled semi-major axis', 'Inclination',
            'Impact parameter', 'Eccentricity', 'Argument of periastron',
            'Contamination', 'Stellar density'
        p_units = [
            'HJD', 'd', 'd', 'h', '2/d', 'Rs', 'Ra', 'Rs', 'deg', '-', '-',
            'rad', '-', 'g/cm^3'
        p_dists = [
            fc[:, 0], fc[:, 1], dd, 24 * dd, fc[:, 3], kd, fc[:, 2], ad, Id,
            fc[:, 4], ed, wd, fc[:, 5], rd

                ['{} linear ldc'.format(fn), '{} quadratic ldc'.format(fn)])
            for fn in self.filter_names
        [p_units.extend(['-', '-']) for cid in self.cid]
                fc[:, self.ld_start + 2 * cid], fc[:,
                                                   self.ld_start + 2 * cid + 1]
            ]) for cid in self.cid

        p_labels.extend(['{} error'.format(fn) for fn in self.filter_names])
        p_units.extend(['mmag' for cid in self.cid])
        p_dists.extend([1e3 * fc[:, self.ep_start + cid] for cid in self.cid])

            ['{} zeropoint'.format(fn) for fn in self.filter_names])
        p_units.extend(['' for cid in self.cid])
        p_dists.extend([fc[:, self.zp_start + cid] for cid in self.cid])

        p_ids = range(len(p_dists))

        return p_labels, p_units, p_dists, p_ids