コード例 #1
    def next_previous(self, photo, options=None, **kwds):
        Endpoint: /photo/<id>/nextprevious[/<options>].json

        Returns a dict containing the next and previous photo lists
        (there may be more than one next/previous photo returned).
        The options parameter can be used to narrow down the photos
        Eg: options={"album": <album_id>}
        option_string = self._build_option_string(options)
        result = self._client.get(
            "/photo/%s/nextprevious%s.json" %
            (self._extract_id(photo), option_string), **kwds)["result"]
        value = {}
        if "next" in result:
            # Workaround for APIv1
            if not isinstance(result["next"], list):  # pragma: no cover
                result["next"] = [result["next"]]

            value["next"] = []
            for photo in result["next"]:
                value["next"].append(Photo(self._client, photo))

        if "previous" in result:
            # Workaround for APIv1
            if not isinstance(result["previous"], list):  # pragma: no cover
                result["previous"] = [result["previous"]]

            value["previous"] = []
            for photo in result["previous"]:
                value["previous"].append(Photo(self._client, photo))

        return value
コード例 #2
    def upload_from_url(self, url, **kwds):
        Endpoint: /photo/upload.json

        Import a photo from the specified URL
        result = self._client.post("/photo/upload.json", photo=url,
        return Photo(self._client, result)
コード例 #3
    def upload(self, photo_file, **kwds):
        Endpoint: /photo/upload.json

        Uploads the specified photo filename.
        with open(photo_file, 'rb') as in_file:
            result = self._client.post("/photo/upload.json",
                                       files={'photo': in_file},
        return Photo(self._client, result)
コード例 #4
    def update(self, photo, **kwds):
        Endpoint: /photo/<id>/update.json

        Updates a photo with the specified parameters.
        Returns the updated photo object.
        result = self._client.post(
            "/photo/%s/update.json" % self._extract_id(photo),
        return Photo(self._client, result)
コード例 #5
    def replace(self, photo, photo_file, **kwds):
        Endpoint: /photo/<id>/replace.json

        Uploads the specified photo file to replace an existing photo.
        with open(photo_file, 'rb') as in_file:
            result = self._client.post("/photo/%s/replace.json" %
                                       files={'photo': in_file},
        return Photo(self._client, result)
コード例 #6
    def upload_encoded(self, photo_file, **kwds):
        Endpoint: /photo/upload.json

        Base64-encodes and uploads the specified photo filename.
        with open(photo_file, "rb") as in_file:
            encoded_photo = base64.b64encode(in_file.read())
        result = self._client.post("/photo/upload.json",
        return Photo(self._client, result)
コード例 #7
    def replace_from_url(self, photo, url, **kwds):
        Endpoint: /photo/<id>replace.json

        Import a photo from the specified URL to replace an existing
        result = self._client.post("/photo/%s/replace.json" %
        return Photo(self._client, result)
コード例 #8
    def list(self, options=None, **kwds):
        Endpoint: /photos[/<options>]/list.json

        Returns a list of Photo objects.
        The options parameter can be used to narrow down the list.
        Eg: options={"album": <album_id>}
        option_string = self._build_option_string(options)
        photos = self._client.get("/photos%s/list.json" % option_string,
        photos = self._result_to_list(photos)
        return [Photo(self._client, photo) for photo in photos]
コード例 #9
    def replace_encoded(self, photo, photo_file, **kwds):
        Endpoint: /photo/<id>/replace.json

        Base64-encodes and uploads the specified photo filename to
        replace an existing photo.
        with open(photo_file, "rb") as in_file:
            encoded_photo = base64.b64encode(in_file.read())
        result = self._client.post("/photo/%s/replace.json" %
        return Photo(self._client, result)
コード例 #10
    def view(self, photo, options=None, **kwds):
        Endpoint: /photo/<id>[/<options>]/view.json

        Requests all properties of a photo.
        Can be used to obtain URLs for the photo at a particular size,
          by using the "returnSizes" parameter.
        Returns the requested photo object.
        The options parameter can be used to pass in additional options.
        Eg: options={"token": <token_data>}
        option_string = self._build_option_string(options)
        result = self._client.get(
            "/photo/%s%s/view.json" % (self._extract_id(photo), option_string),
        return Photo(self._client, result)
コード例 #11
    def transform(self, photo, **kwds):
        Endpoint: /photo/<id>/transform.json

        Performs the specified transformations.
          eg. transform(photo, rotate=90)
        Returns the transformed photo.
        result = self._client.post(
            "/photo/%s/transform.json" % self._extract_id(photo),

        # APIv1 doesn't return the transformed photo (frontend issue #955)
        if isinstance(result, bool):  # pragma: no cover
            result = self._client.get("/photo/%s/view.json" %

        return Photo(self._client, result)