def importGraph(self):
		# This method is called to import a new graph.
		# An empty graph to populate is accessible through the "graph" class attribute
		# (see documentation of class tlp.Graph).

		# The parameters provided by the user are stored in a Tulip DataSet 
		# and can be accessed through the "dataSet" class attribute
		# (see documentation of class tlp.DataSet).

		# The method must return a boolean indicating if the
		# graph has been successfully imported.
		# Check that we are using at least Tulip 4.8
		if not tulipPluginUtils.tulipVersionCheck(4, 8, 0, self.pluginProgress):
			return False	
		npmPackageDir = self.dataSet[npmPackageDirParamName]
		# Check if the directory contains a npm package first
		rootPackageJson = npmPackageDir + '/package.json'
		if not os.path.exists(rootPackageJson):
			if self.pluginProgress:
				self.pluginProgress.setError('Error : directory ' + npmPackageDir + ' does not seem to contain a npm package.')
			return False
		# parse package depedencies graph
		parsePackageJsonForDependenciesGraph(npmPackageDir, self.graph)
		# apply a force directed algorithm to draw the graph
		self.graph.applyLayoutAlgorithm('Fast Multipole Multilevel Embedder (OGDF)')	
		return True
コード例 #2
	def importGraph(self):
		# This method is called to import a new graph.
		# An empty graph to populate is accessible through the "graph" class attribute
		# (see documentation of class tlp.Graph).
		# The parameters provided by the user are stored in a Tulip DataSet 
		# and can be accessed through the "dataSet" class attribute
		# (see documentation of class tlp.DataSet).
		# The method must return a boolean indicating if the
		# graph has been successfully imported.
		# Check that we are using at least Tulip 4.8
		if not tulipPluginUtils.tulipVersionCheck(4, 8, 0, self.pluginProgress):
			return False
		# get the CMake project source directory path
		cmakeProjectSourceDir = self.dataSet[cmakeProjectSourceDirParamName]

		# create a temporary directory that we will use as a CMake binary directory
		tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

		# build the command line to execute cmake and generate the dot files
		command = self.dataSet[cmakeExecutableParamName] + ' ' + self.dataSet[cmakeParametersParamName] + ' ' \
		          + ' --graphviz=' + cmakeProjectDotFileName + ' ' + cmakeProjectSourceDir
		# create a temporary file in which we will redirect stderr
		stderrfile = tmpdir + '/stderr.txt'
		# execute the CMake project configuration	
		retval = executeCommand(command, tmpdir, stderrfile, self.pluginProgress)	
		# Special case for MinGW Makefiles as it often fails the first time it is executed
		# due to the presence of sh.exe in the PATH environemt variable.
		# It fails the first time CMake is executed but not for the subsequent calls,
		# so relaunch the CMake configuration
		if retval != 0 and 'MinGW Makefiles' in self.dataSet[cmakeParametersParamName]:
			retval = executeCommand(command, tmpdir, stderrfile, self.pluginProgress)
		# something went wrong
		if retval != 0:
			# read stderr file and transmit error string to the plugin progress
			errors = open(stderrfile, 'rb').read().decode('utf-8')
			if self.pluginProgress:
			# remove temporary directory
			return False	
		# check if CMake has generated the expected dot file
		cmakeProjectDotFilePath = tmpdir + '/' + cmakeProjectDotFileName
		if not os.path.exists(cmakeProjectDotFilePath):
			cmakeProjectDotFilePath = tmpdir + '/' + cmakeProjectDotFileName + '.dot'
			if not os.path.exists(cmakeProjectDotFilePath):
				if self.pluginProgress:
					self.pluginProgress.setError("Error : the graphviz file has not been generated by CMake")
				# remove temporary directory	
				return False	
		# import the dot file in Tulip trough the graphviz import plugin
		dotImportParams = tlp.getDefaultPluginParameters("graphviz", self.graph)
		dotImportParams['file::filename'] = cmakeProjectDotFilePath
		tlp.importGraph("graphviz", dotImportParams, self.graph)
		# set some visual attributes to the imported graph
		# apply a force directed algorithm to draw the graph
		self.graph.applyLayoutAlgorithm('Fast Multipole Multilevel Embedder (OGDF)')
		# remove temporary directory
		# done
		return True