コード例 #1
ファイル: ica.py プロジェクト: nedkab/tvb-root
    def evaluate(self):
        """Run FastICA on the given time series data."""

        # problem dimensions
        data = self.time_series.data
        n_time, n_svar, n_node, n_mode = data.shape
        self.n_components = n_comp = self.n_components or n_node

        if n_time < n_comp:
            msg = ("ICA requires more time points (received %d) than number of components (received %d)."
                   " Please run a longer simulation, use a higher sampling frequency or specify a lower"
                   " number of components to extract.")
            msg %= n_time, n_comp
            raise ValueError(msg)

        # ICA operates on matrices, here we perform for all state variables and modes
        W = numpy.zeros((n_comp, n_comp, n_svar, n_mode))  # unmixing
        K = numpy.zeros((n_comp, n_node, n_svar, n_mode))  # whitening matrix
        src = numpy.zeros((n_time, n_comp, n_svar, n_mode))  # component time series

        for mode in range(n_mode):
            for var in range(n_svar):
                sl = Ellipsis, var, mode
                K[sl], W[sl], src[sl] = fastica(data[:, var, :, mode], self.n_components)

        return mode_decompositions.IndependentComponents(source=self.time_series, component_time_series=src,
                                                         prewhitening_matrix=K, unmixing_matrix=W, n_components=n_comp)
コード例 #2
ファイル: ica.py プロジェクト: liadomide/tvb-root
def compute_ica_decomposition(time_series, n_components):
    # type: (TimeSeries, int) -> IndependentComponents
    Run FastICA on the given time series data.


    time_series : TimeSeries
    The timeseries to which the ICA is to be applied.

    n_components : int
    Number of principal components to unmix.

    # problem dimensions
    data = time_series.data
    n_time, n_svar, n_node, n_mode = data.shape
    n_components = n_comp = n_components or n_node

    if n_time < n_comp:
        msg = (
            "ICA requires more time points (received %d) than number of components (received %d)."
            " Please run a longer simulation, use a higher sampling frequency or specify a lower"
            " number of components to extract.")
        msg %= n_time, n_comp
        raise ValueError(msg)

    # ICA operates on matrices, here we perform for all state variables and modes
    W = numpy.zeros((n_comp, n_comp, n_svar, n_mode))  # unmixing
    K = numpy.zeros((n_comp, n_node, n_svar, n_mode))  # whitening matrix
    src = numpy.zeros(
        (n_time, n_comp, n_svar, n_mode))  # component time series

    for mode in range(n_mode):
        for var in range(n_svar):
            sl = Ellipsis, var, mode
            K[sl], W[sl], src[sl] = fastica(data[:, var, :, mode],

    return mode_decompositions.IndependentComponents(source=time_series,
コード例 #3
 def test_independentcomponents(self):
     data = numpy.random.random((10, 10, 10, 10))
     ts = time_series.TimeSeries(data=data)
     n_comp = 5
     dt = mode_decompositions.IndependentComponents(  source = ts,
                                      component_time_series = numpy.random.random((10, n_comp, 10, 10)), 
                                      prewhitening_matrix = numpy.random.random((n_comp, 10, 10, 10)),
                                      unmixing_matrix = numpy.random.random((n_comp, n_comp, 10, 10)),
                                      n_components = n_comp)
     summary = dt.summary_info
     assert summary['Mode decomposition type'] == 'IndependentComponents'
     assert dt.source is not None
     assert dt.mixing_matrix.shape == (0,)
     assert dt.unmixing_matrix.shape == (n_comp, n_comp, 10, 10)
     assert dt.prewhitening_matrix.shape == (n_comp, 10, 10, 10)
     assert dt.norm_source.shape == (10, 10, 10, 10)
     assert dt.component_time_series.shape == (10, 10, n_comp, 10)
コード例 #4
    def evaluate(self):
        Compute the independent sources 
        cls_attr_name = self.__class__.__name__+".time_series"
        self.time_series.trait["data"].log_debug(owner = cls_attr_name)
        ts_shape = self.time_series.data.shape
        #Need more observations than variables
        if ts_shape[0] < ts_shape[2]:
            msg = "ICA requires a longer timeseries (tpts > number of nodes)."
            raise Exception, msg
        #Need more variables than components
        if self.n_components > ts_shape[2]:
            msg = "ICA requires more variables than components to extract (number of nodes > number of components)."
            raise Exception, msg
        if self.n_components is None:
            self.n_components = ts_shape[2]
        #(n_components, n_components, state-variables, modes) --  unmixing matrix
        unmixing_matrix_shape = (self.n_components, self.n_components, ts_shape[1], ts_shape[3])
        LOG.info("unmixing matrix shape will be: %s" % str(unmixing_matrix_shape))
        # (n_components, nodes, state_variables, modes) -- prewhitening matrix
        prewhitening_matrix_shape = (self.n_components, ts_shape[2], ts_shape[1], ts_shape[3])
        LOG.info("prewhitening matrix shape will be: %s" % str(prewhitening_matrix_shape))
        unmixing_matrix = numpy.zeros(unmixing_matrix_shape)
        prewhitening_matrix = numpy.zeros(prewhitening_matrix_shape)
        #(tpts, n_components, state_variables, modes) -- unmixed sources time series
        data_ica = numpy.zeros((ts_shape[0], self.n_components, ts_shape[1], ts_shape[3]))
        #One un/mixing matrix for each state-var & mode.
        for mode in range(ts_shape[3]):
            for var in range(ts_shape[1]):
                # Assumes data must be whitened
                ica = fastica(self.time_series.data[:, var, :, mode], 
                                            n_components = self.n_components,
                                            whiten = True)
                # unmixed sources - component_time_series
                data_ica[:, :, var, mode] = ica[2]
                # prewhitening matrix
                prewhitening_matrix[:, :, var, mode] = ica[0]
                # unmixing matrix
                unmixing_matrix[:, :, var, mode] = ica[1]
        util.log_debug_array(LOG, prewhitening_matrix, "whitening_matrix")
        util.log_debug_array(LOG, unmixing_matrix, "unmixing_matrix")

        ica_result = mode_decompositions.IndependentComponents(source = self.time_series,
                                         component_time_series = data_ica, 
                                         #mixing_matrix = mixing_matrix,
                                         prewhitening_matrix = prewhitening_matrix,
                                         unmixing_matrix = unmixing_matrix,
                                         n_components = self.n_components, 
                                         use_storage = False)
        return ica_result