def test_cpu_matmul_relu():
    # pylint: disable=line-too-long
    expected = [
            'b0 = sch.get_block(name="C", func_name="main")',
            'sch.annotate(block_or_loop=b0, ann_key="meta_schedule.tiling_structure", ann_val="SSRSRS")',
            "l1, l2, l3 = sch.get_loops(block=b0)",
            "v4, v5, v6, v7 = sch.sample_perfect_tile(loop=l1, n=4, max_innermost_factor=64)",
            "l8, l9, l10, l11 = sch.split(loop=l1, factors=[v4, v5, v6, v7])",
            "v12, v13, v14, v15 = sch.sample_perfect_tile(loop=l2, n=4, max_innermost_factor=64)",
            "l16, l17, l18, l19 = sch.split(loop=l2, factors=[v12, v13, v14, v15])",
            "v20, v21 = sch.sample_perfect_tile(loop=l3, n=2, max_innermost_factor=64)",
            "l22, l23 = sch.split(loop=l3, factors=[v20, v21])",
            "sch.reorder(l8, l16, l9, l17, l22, l10, l18, l23, l11, l19)",
            "b24, = sch.get_consumers(block=b0)",
            "sch.reverse_compute_at(block=b24, loop=l17, preserve_unit_loops=1)",
            'b0 = sch.get_block(name="C", func_name="main")',
            'sch.annotate(block_or_loop=b0, ann_key="meta_schedule.tiling_structure", ann_val="SSRSRS")',
            "l1, l2, l3 = sch.get_loops(block=b0)",
            "v4, v5, v6, v7 = sch.sample_perfect_tile(loop=l1, n=4, max_innermost_factor=64)",
            "l8, l9, l10, l11 = sch.split(loop=l1, factors=[v4, v5, v6, v7])",
            "v12, v13, v14, v15 = sch.sample_perfect_tile(loop=l2, n=4, max_innermost_factor=64)",
            "l16, l17, l18, l19 = sch.split(loop=l2, factors=[v12, v13, v14, v15])",
            "v20, v21 = sch.sample_perfect_tile(loop=l3, n=2, max_innermost_factor=64)",
            "l22, l23 = sch.split(loop=l3, factors=[v20, v21])",
            "sch.reorder(l8, l16, l9, l17, l22, l10, l18, l23, l11, l19)",
            "b24, = sch.get_consumers(block=b0)",
            "sch.reverse_compute_at(block=b24, loop=l16, preserve_unit_loops=1)",
            'b0 = sch.get_block(name="C", func_name="main")',
            'sch.annotate(block_or_loop=b0, ann_key="meta_schedule.tiling_structure", ann_val="SSRSRS")',
            "l1, l2, l3 = sch.get_loops(block=b0)",
            "v4, v5, v6, v7 = sch.sample_perfect_tile(loop=l1, n=4, max_innermost_factor=64)",
            "l8, l9, l10, l11 = sch.split(loop=l1, factors=[v4, v5, v6, v7])",
            "v12, v13, v14, v15 = sch.sample_perfect_tile(loop=l2, n=4, max_innermost_factor=64)",
            "l16, l17, l18, l19 = sch.split(loop=l2, factors=[v12, v13, v14, v15])",
            "v20, v21 = sch.sample_perfect_tile(loop=l3, n=2, max_innermost_factor=64)",
            "l22, l23 = sch.split(loop=l3, factors=[v20, v21])",
            "sch.reorder(l8, l16, l9, l17, l22, l10, l18, l23, l11, l19)",
    # pylint: enable=line-too-long
    target = Target("llvm")
    ctx = _create_context(
    spaces = ctx.space_generator.generate_design_space(mod=ctx.mod)
    assert len(spaces) == 3
    check_trace(spaces, expected)
コード例 #2
def test_cuda_sum_with_trivial_block_iter():
    def sum_with_trivial_block_iter(
        A: T.Buffer[(1, 64, 768), "float32"], B: T.Buffer[(1, 64, 1), "float32"]
    ) -> None:
        for i0, i1, i2, i3 in T.grid(1, 64, 1, 768):
            with T.block("sum"):
                ax0, ax1, ax2, k2 = T.axis.remap("SSSR", [i0, i1, i2, i3])
                T.reads(A[ax0, ax1, k2])
                T.writes(B[ax0, ax1, ax2])
                with T.init():
                    B[ax0, ax1, ax2] = T.float32(0)
                B[ax0, ax1, ax2] = B[ax0, ax1, ax2] + A[ax0, ax1, k2]

    # Expect nothing to happen - the rule is not supposed to be applied in this case
    expected = [[]]
    target = Target("cuda", host="llvm")
    ctx = _create_context(
    spaces = ctx.space_generator.generate_design_space(mod=ctx.mod)
    assert len(spaces) == 1
    check_trace(spaces, expected)
def test_cuda_matmul():
    # pylint: disable=line-too-long
    expected = [
            'b0 = sch.get_block(name="C", func_name="main")',
            'sch.annotate(block_or_loop=b0, ann_key="meta_schedule.tiling_structure", ann_val="SSSRRSRS")',
            "l1, l2, l3 = sch.get_loops(block=b0)",
            "v4, v5, v6, v7, v8 = sch.sample_perfect_tile(loop=l1, n=5, max_innermost_factor=64)",
            "l9, l10, l11, l12, l13 = sch.split(loop=l1, factors=[v4, v5, v6, v7, v8])",
            "v14, v15, v16, v17, v18 = sch.sample_perfect_tile(loop=l2, n=5, max_innermost_factor=64)",
            "l19, l20, l21, l22, l23 = sch.split(loop=l2, factors=[v14, v15, v16, v17, v18])",
            "v24, v25, v26 = sch.sample_perfect_tile(loop=l3, n=3, max_innermost_factor=64)",
            "l27, l28, l29 = sch.split(loop=l3, factors=[v24, v25, v26])",
            "sch.reorder(l9, l19, l10, l20, l11, l21, l27, l28, l12, l22, l29, l13, l23)",
            "l30 = sch.fuse(l9, l19)",
            'sch.bind(loop=l30, thread_axis="blockIdx.x")',
            "l31 = sch.fuse(l10, l20)",
            'sch.bind(loop=l31, thread_axis="vthread.x")',
            "l32 = sch.fuse(l11, l21)",
            'sch.bind(loop=l32, thread_axis="threadIdx.x")',
            'sch.annotate(block_or_loop=b0, ann_key="meta_schedule.thread_extent_low_inclusive", ann_val=32)',
            'sch.annotate(block_or_loop=b0, ann_key="meta_schedule.thread_extent_high_inclusive", ann_val=1024)',
            'b33 = sch.cache_write(block=b0, write_buffer_index=0, storage_scope="local")',
            "sch.reverse_compute_at(block=b33, loop=l32, preserve_unit_loops=1)",
            'b34 = sch.cache_read(block=b0, read_buffer_index=1, storage_scope="shared")',
            "sch.compute_at(block=b34, loop=l27, preserve_unit_loops=1)",
            "l35, l36, l37, l38, l39, l40 = sch.get_loops(block=b34)",
            "l41 = sch.fuse(l39, l40)",
            "v42 = sch.sample_categorical(candidates=[1, 2, 3, 4], probs=[0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25])",
            'sch.annotate(block_or_loop=b34, ann_key="meta_schedule.cooperative_fetch", ann_val=v42)',
            'b43 = sch.cache_read(block=b0, read_buffer_index=2, storage_scope="shared")',
            "sch.compute_at(block=b43, loop=l27, preserve_unit_loops=1)",
            "l44, l45, l46, l47, l48, l49 = sch.get_loops(block=b43)",
            "l50 = sch.fuse(l48, l49)",
            "v51 = sch.sample_categorical(candidates=[1, 2, 3, 4], probs=[0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25])",
            'sch.annotate(block_or_loop=b43, ann_key="meta_schedule.cooperative_fetch", ann_val=v51)',
    # pylint: enable=line-too-long
    target = Target("cuda --max_threads_per_block=1024 --thread_warp_size=32", host="llvm")
    ctx = _create_context(
    spaces = ctx.space_generator.generate_design_space(mod=ctx.mod)
    assert len(spaces) == 1
    check_trace(spaces, expected)