コード例 #1
def nlist(s, w):
    Creates a dictionary of symplectic multiplicities (n,rmax) 

        s: Symplectic irrep labes (u3State class) 
        w: u3 label of symplectic weight (u3State class) 

      nl: dictionary
    N = int(w.N - s.N)
    nl = {}
    if N % 2 != 0:
        #If om is a weight state in the irrep s then their N value must differ by a multiple of 2.
        #this is generating a list of possible n's such that sxn->omega
        if N == 2:
            mlt = u3.mult(s, SU3State(2, 0), w)
            if mlt > 0:
                n = U3State([2, 0, 0])
                nl[n] = 1
            for a in range(
                    0, N / 3 * 2 + 1, 2
            ):  #N/4 comes from the fact that for n to be a u3 state, n1>=n2>=n3 and even
                for b in range(0, N / 3 + 1, 2):
                    if (N - a) >= (a - b) >= b:
                        n = U3State([N - a, a - b, b])
                        #Calculate the multiplicity of (lambda_omega,mu_omega) in the coupling (lambda_s,mu_s)X(lambda_n,mu_n)
                        mlt = u3.mult(s, n, w)
                        if mlt >= 1:
                            nl[n] = mlt
    return nl
コード例 #2
def moshinsky(state1, state2, stater, statec, state, type):
	calculates the moshinsky coefficients used to transform between the two-particle and relative-center of mass frames.  
	w1 x w2->w
	wr x wc->w
	type can be either "SU3" or "SO3"
	if type=="SU3":
		state1,state2,stater,statec,state are simply SU3State class 
	if type=="SO3" then state1 etc are (n1,L1) where N1=2*n1+L1 and w1=SU3State(N1,0)
    mosh = 0
    if type == "SU3":
        #check SU3 coupling
        if u3.mult(state1, state2, state) * u3.mult(stater, statec,
                                                    state) != 0:
            mosh = mosh_SU3(state1, state2, stater, statec, state)
    if type == "SO3":
        #check that angular momentum coupling is allowed and that N1+N2=Nr+Nc
        (n1, L1) = state1
        (n2, L2) = state2
        (nr, Lr) = stater
        (nc, Lc) = statec
        L = state
        if (so3.mult(L1, L2, L) != 0) and (so3.mult(Lc, Lr, L) != 0) and (
            (2 * n1 + L1 + 2 * n2 + L2) == (2 * nr + Lr + 2 * nc + Lc)):
            mosh = mosh_SO3((n1, L1), (n2, L2), (nr, Lr), (nc, Lc), L)
    return mosh
コード例 #3
def C_s1(psi2red, psi1red, r0=1):
    Reduced matrix elements of restricted C operator caculated via VCS theory 

      psi2red,psi1red are reduced symplectic basis state (SpStateReduced class)
      r0 is the outer multiplicity of psi1redxB->psi2red (int=1)
    #Defining the U3 variables
    matrix = 0.0
    if psi1red.check() and psi2red.check():
        s = psi1red.s
        n2 = psi2red.n
        p2 = psi2red.r
        w2 = psi2red.w
        n1 = psi1red.n
        p1 = psi1red.r
        w1 = psi1red.w
        K2, n2itr = kmatrix(s, w2)
        K1, n1itr = kmatrix(s, w1)
        K1inv = K1**(-1)
        i2 = n2itr[n2, p2]
        j1 = n1itr[n1, p1]
        for nb, rb in n1itr:
            i1 = n1itr[nb, rb]
            psi1bred = SpStateReduced(s, nb, rb, w1)
            rbpmax = u3.mult(s, nb, w2)
            for rbp in range(1, rbpmax + 1):
                j2 = n2itr[nb, rbp]
                psi2bred = SpStateReduced(s, nb, rbp, w2)
                matrix = matrix + K2[i2, j2] * u3boson.C_s2(
                    psi2bred, psi1bred, r0) * K1inv[i1, j1]
        if abs(matrix) < (10**(-13)):
            matrix = 0.0
    return matrix
コード例 #4
ファイル: spstates.py プロジェクト: yuguxingzhe/spncci
 def check(self):
     rmax = u3.mult(self.s, self.n, self.w)
     check = False
     if self.r in range(1, rmax + 1):
         if self.s.check() and self.n.check() and self.w.check():
             if self.n.N % 2 == 0:
                 check = True
     return check
コード例 #5
ファイル: spstates.py プロジェクト: yuguxingzhe/spncci
 def SU3RME(self, psi2red, psi1red, r):
     ME = 0.0
     if (self.su3Conserved == True) and (r != 1):
         return ME
     rmax = u3.mult(psi1red.w, self.u3, psi2red.w)
     if r > rmax:
         return ME
     if psi1red.s == psi2red.s:
         ME = self.RME(*(psi2red, psi1red, r))
     return ME
コード例 #6
ファイル: sp3r.py プロジェクト: yuguxingzhe/spncci
def CoupledOperators_Sp3R(operator1, operator2, w0, r0, psi2, psi1, r0p):
    s = psi1.s
    w1 = psi1.w
    n1 = psi1.n
    r1 = psi1.r
    w2 = psi2.w
    n2 = psi2.n
    r2 = psi2.r
    matrix = 0.0
    m1 = 0
    m2 = 0
    m3 = 0
    if (w1.N + operator1.u3.N + operator2.u3.N) != w2.N:
        return matrix
#coupling w to first tensor
#Checking if operators are C operators and restricting w12 accordingly
    w12set = u3.couple(w1, operator2.u3)
    r1max = u3.mult(s, n1, w1)
    r2max = u3.mult(s, n2, w2)
    for lambdamu12 in w12set:
        mult1 = u3.mult(lambdamu12, operator1.u3, w2)
        if mult1 == 0:
        mult2 = w12set[lambdamu12]
        #mult2=min(mult2max, r1max)
        w12 = U3State(w1.N + operator2.u3.N, lambdamu12)
        n12set = u3boson.nlist(s, w12)
        if n12set == {}:
        for n12 in n12set:
            r12max = n12set[n12]
            for r12 in range(1, r12max + 1):
                psi12 = SpStateReduced(s, n12, r12, w12)
                for r1p in range(1, mult1 + 1):
                    for r2p in range(1, mult2 + 1):
                        matrix = matrix + (u3.U(
                            w1, operator2.u3, w2, operator1.u3, w12, r2p, r1p,
                            w0, r0, r0p) * operator1.SU3RME(psi2, psi12, r1p) *
                                           operator2.SU3RME(psi12, psi1, r2p))

    return matrix
コード例 #7
def C_s1(psi2red, psi1red, r0=1):
    matrix = 0.0
    if psi2red.check() and psi1red.check():
        n1 = psi1red.n
        n2 = psi2red.n
        if n2 == n1:
            s = psi1red.s
            w1 = psi1red.w
            r1 = psi1red.r
            w2 = psi2red.w
            r2 = psi2red.r
            mult1max = u3.mult(s, n1, w1)
            mult2max = u3.mult(s, n2, w2)
            for r1p in range(1, mult1max + 1):
                for r2p in range(1, mult2max + 1):
                    matrix = matrix + (u3.phi(s, n1, w1, r1, r1p) * u3.phi(
                        n1, s, w2, r2, r2p) * u3.U(n1, s, w2, SU3State(
                            1, 1), w1, r1p, r0, s, 1, r2p) * u3.C_su3(s))
    return matrix
コード例 #8
ファイル: sp3r.py プロジェクト: yuguxingzhe/spncci
def CoupledOperators_Sp3R_SO3(operator1,
    matrix = 0.0
    w = psi.w
    wp = psip.w
    w1 = operator1.u3
    w2 = operator2.u3
    lm0set = u3.couple(w1, w2)
    for lm0 in lm0set:
        k0max = so3.multk(lm0, L0)
        if k0max == 0:
        r0pmax = u3.mult(w, lm0, wp)
        r0max = lm0set[lm0]
        for r0 in range(1, r0max + 1):
            for r0p in range(1, r0pmax + 1):
                for k0 in range(1, k0max + 1):
                    matrix = matrix + (
                             c2=c1) * u3.W(w, psi.k, psi.L, lm0, k0, L0, wp,
                                           psip.k, psip.L, r0p) *
                        CoupledOperators_Sp3R(operator1, operator2, lm0, r0,
                                              psip.red(), psi.red(), r0p))

    if abs(matrix) < (10**(-10)):
        matrix = 0.0
    return matrix
コード例 #9
def C_s3(psipred, psired, r0=1):
  Incorrect derivation reflected in order causing minus sign error.  Need to check with Escher thesis. 
    matrix = 0.0
    n = psired.n
    np = psipred.n
    if np == n:
        s = psired.s
        r = psired.r
        w = psired.w
        rp = psipred.r
        wp = psipred.w
        r1max = u3.mult(s, n, wp)
        for r1 in range(1, r1max + 1):
            matrix = matrix + (u3.phi(n, s, wp, r1, rp) * u3.Z(
                n, s, wp, SU3State(1, 1), w, r, r0, s, 1, r1) * u3.C_su3(s))
    return matrix
コード例 #10
def P(n0, psipred, psired, r0):
  Calculates the matrix element of the polynomial of A's with u3 character n0

    n0 is U(3) symmetry of polynomial (U3State class)
    psipred,psired are reduced basis states (SpStateReduced class)
    r0 is outer multiplicity of psired.wxA->psipred.w

    prme which is the reduced matrix element of P (float)
    # if (n0,psipred,psired,r0) in Pdic:
    #   prme=Pdic[n0,psipred,psired,r0]
    # else:
    prme = 0
    ## Calculate the K matrix element and generating index list
    K, nitr = kmatrix(psired.s, psired.w)
    ## inverting the K matrix
    Kinv = K**(-1)
    ## calculating the Kp matrix and generating index list
    Kp, npitr = kmatrix(psipred.s, psipred.w)
    ## obtaining index of psired.n,psired.r in K matrix
    i = nitr[psired.n, psired.r]
    ## obtaining index of psipred.n,psipred.r in Kp matrix
    ip = npitr[psipred.n, psipred.r]
    # suming over index values of n1,r1 in K matrix
    for n1, r1, in nitr:
        ## obtaining index of n1,r1 in K matrix
        j = nitr[n1, r1]
        # suming over index values of n1p,r1p in Kp matrix
        for n1p, r0p in npitr:
            ## obtaining index of n1p,r1p in Kp matrix
            jp = npitr[n1p, r0p]
            ## Calculating the max multiplicity of sxn1p->wp
            r1pmax = u3.mult(n0, n1, n1p)
            ## summing over multiplicity
            for r1p in range(1, r1pmax + 1):
                ##calculating RME of P
                prme = prme + (Kinv[i, j] * u3.U(
                    n0, n1, psipred.w, psired.s, n1p, r1p, r0p, psired.w, r1,
                    r0) * coef.bcoef(n0, n1, n1p, r1p) * Kp[ip, jp])
    return prme
コード例 #11
def C_n_asymptotic(psi2red, psi1red, r0=1):
    Calculated reduced matrix element of the n-space C operator using the asymptotic approximation in the symplectic basis

      psi2red,psi1red are reduced symplectic basis state (SpStateReduced class)
      r0 is the outer multiplicity of psi1redxB->psi2red (int)

    matrix = 0.0
    #check that psi2red and psi1red are good reduced symplectic states
    if psi2red.check() and psi1red.check():
        s = psi1red.s
        n2 = psi2red.n
        p2 = psi2red.r
        w2 = psi2red.w
        n1 = psi1red.n
        p1 = psi1red.r
        w1 = psi1red.w
        #Calculate the K matrices for psi1red and psi2red
        K1, n1itr = kmatrix_asymptotic(s, w1)
        K2, n2itr = kmatrix_asymptotic(s, w2)
        #inver the psi1red K matrix
        K1inv = K1**(-1)
        #look up indices of desired K-matrix elements
        i2 = n2itr[n2, p2]
        j1 = n1itr[n1, p1]
        #sum over symplectic multiplicities
        for nb, rb in n1itr:
            i1 = n1itr[nb, rb]
            psi1bred = SpStateReduced(s, nb, rb, w1)
            rbpmax = u3.mult(s, nb, w2)
            for rbp in range(1, rbpmax + 1):
                j2 = n2itr[nb, rbp]
                psi2bred = SpStateReduced(s, nb, rbp, w2)
                matrix = matrix + K2[i2, j2] * u3boson.C_n(
                    psi2bred, psi1bred, r0) * K1inv[i1, j1]
        # setting matrix elements whose absolute value is less than 10^(-13) to zero
        if abs(matrix) < (10**(-13)):
            matrix = 0.0
    return matrix
コード例 #12
def C_n(psi2red, psi1red, r0=1):
    Calculate the reduced matrix element of the n-space C operator in the symplectic basis

      psi2red,psi1red are reduced symplectic basis state (SpStateReduced class)
      r0 is the outer multiplicity of psi1redxB->psi2red (int=1)
    matrix = 0.0
    #check that psi2red and psi1red are good reduced symplectic states
    if psi2red.check() and psi1red.check():
        s = psi1red.s
        n2 = psi2red.n
        p2 = psi2red.r
        w2 = psi2red.w
        n1 = psi1red.n
        p1 = psi1red.r
        w1 = psi1red.w
        #compute K matrices for psi2red and psi1red
        K2, n2itr = kmatrix(s, w2)
        K1, n1itr = kmatrix(s, w1)
        #invert K matrix of psi1red
        K1inv = K1**(-1)
        #obtain indexes of desired K-matrix elements
        i2 = n2itr[n2, p2]
        j1 = n1itr[n1, p1]
        #sum over symplectic multipliciites
        for nb, rb in n1itr:
            i1 = n1itr[nb, rb]
            psi1bred = SpStateReduced(s, nb, rb, w1)
            rbpmax = u3.mult(s, nb, w2)
            for rbp in range(1, rbpmax + 1):
                j2 = n2itr[nb, rbp]
                psi2bred = SpStateReduced(s, nb, rbp, w2)
                matrix = matrix + K2[i2, j2] * u3boson.C_n(
                    psi2bred, psi1bred, r0) * K1inv[i1, j1]
        if abs(matrix) < (10**(-13)):
            matrix = 0.0
    return matrix
コード例 #13
def B(psi2, psi1, r0=1):
  Exact RME B in the symplectic basis calculated using VCS theory
    psi2,psi1 are reduced symplectic basis states (class SpStateReduced)
    r0 is outer mutplicity of psi1xB->psi2

    B(psip,psi,1) returns 
    #Calculate k and U for w1 and s, then k and U for s and w2.
    #sum over all n states for w1 but only need to sum over 3 possible n states for w2.
    matrix = 0.0
    if psi1.check() and psi2.check():
        s = psi2.s
        n2 = psi2.n
        p2 = psi2.r
        w2 = psi2.w
        n1 = psi1.n
        p1 = psi1.r
        w1 = psi1.w
        K2, nitr2 = kmatrix(s, w2)
        K1, nitr1 = kmatrix(s, w1)
        if K1.all() == 0 or K2.all() == 0:
            return matrix
        K2 = K2**(-1)
        K1inv = K1
        #position of (n2,p2) in K2 matrix
        i2 = nitr2[n2, p2]
        #position of (n1,p1) in K1 matrix
        j1 = nitr1[n1, p1]
        #sum is restricted by the coupling of n2x(2,0)->n1
        for m2, r2 in nitr2:
            j2 = nitr2[m2, r2]
            psim2 = SpStateReduced(s, m2, r2, w2)
            #first possibility for n2 given that n1X(2,0)->n2
            m1set = [
                U3State([m2.one() + 2, m2.two(),
                U3State([m2.one(), m2.two() + 2,
                U3State([m2.one(), m2.two(),
                         m2.three() + 2])
            for m1 in m1set:
                if m1.check() == True:
                    #multiplicity of the sxm1 coupling
                    r1max = u3.mult(s, m1, w1)
                    #summing over m1,r1
                    for r1 in range(1, r1max + 1):
                        # index for picking element of K matrix for w2
                        i1 = nitr1[m1, r1]
                        psim1 = SpStateReduced(s, m1, r1, w1)
                        matrix = matrix + K2[i2, j2] * u3boson.B(
                            psim2, psim1) * K1inv[j1, i1]
                #second possibility for n2
    return matrix
コード例 #14
def smatrix(s, wp, n1p, r1p, n2p, r2p):
    Calculates the matrix element of S=K^2 and stores the calculated value in the global dictionary Sdictioanry
      s-Symplectic irrep label (U3state class)
      w-symplectic weight (U3State class)
      (n1,r1p) and (n2,r2p) are symplectic multiplicities of w in s (U3state class, int). 
      smatrix(s,w,n1,r1,n1,r1) returns 
      Smatrix(s,w,n1,r1,n2,r2) returns 
    """#results are given in Rowe 1984 jmp 25
    np1 = {}
    np2 = {}
    wnp1 = {}
    wnp2 = {}
    Sm = 0
    #Check if the matrix element of S is already calculated and stored in the global dictioanry Sdictionary
    # if stored return matrix element otherwise calcuate the matrix element and store it.
    if (s, wp, n1p, r1p, n2p, r2p) in Sdictionary:
        Sm = Sdictionary[s, wp, n1p, r1p, n2p, r2p]
        return Sm
    #Smatrix Calculation
    # If wp is a bandhead the the matrix element is trivial 1
    if wp == s:
        Sm = 1
    #Otherwise, use recursion relationship to calculate S
        psi1pred = SpStateReduced(s, n1p, r1p, wp)
        psi2pred = SpStateReduced(s, n2p, r2p, wp)
        #Generating sets of n1 and n2 which will have nonzero u3boson.A_n matrix elements
        #set of allowed n1
        n1set = []
        [m1, m2, m3] = n1p.cartesian()
        if m1 - 2 >= m2:
            n1set.append(U3State([m1 - 2, m2, m3]))
        if m2 - 2 >= m3:
            n1set.append(U3State([m1, m2 - 2, m3]))
        if m3 - 2 >= 0:
            n1set.append(U3State([m1, m2, m3 - 2]))
        #generating list of allowed n2's
        n2set = []
        [m1, m2, m3] = n2p.cartesian()
        if m1 - 2 >= m2:
            n2set.append(U3State([m1 - 2, m2, m3]))
        if m2 - 2 >= m3:
            n2set.append(U3State([m1, m2 - 2, m3]))
        if m3 - 2 >= 0:
            n2set.append(U3State([m1, m2, m3 - 2]))
        #summing over w,n1,r1,n2,r2 to obtain the matrix element of S
        Nw = wp.N - 2
        #compute list of w labels for states that may have nonzero matrix elements of u3boson.A_n
        lmset = u3.couple(wp, SU3State(0, 2))
        #summing over w
        for lm in lmset:
            #converging SU3State lm to U3State w
            w = U3State(Nw, lm)
            #summing over possible n1
            for n1 in n1set:
                #checking for each s, n1, and w if (s, n1,r, w) are a state in the symplectic irrep s
                r1max = u3.mult(s, n1, w)
                if r1max == 0:
                #summing over possible
                for n2 in n2set:
                    #checking for each s, n2, and w if (s, n1,r, w) are a state in the symplectic irrep s
                    r2max = u3.mult(s, n2, w)
                    if r2max == 0:
                    #suming over r1
                    for r1 in range(1, r1max + 1):
                        psi1red = SpStateReduced(s, n1, r1, w)
                        #summing over r2
                        for r2 in range(1, r2max + 1):
                            psi2red = SpStateReduced(s, n2, r2, w)
                            #calcualting the matrix element of S via a recursion relation
                            Sm = Sm + (
                                omega(n1p, wp) - omega(n1, w)) * u3boson.A(
                                    psi1pred, psi1red) * u3boson.A(
                                        psi2pred, psi2red) * smatrix(
                                            s, w, n1, r1, n2,
                                            r2)  #this will be the calculation
        Sm = 2 * Sm / (wp.N - s.N)
        #Storing the calculated matrix element of S in a global dictionary
        Sdictionary[(s, wp, n1p, r1p, n2p, r2p)] = Sm
    return Sm
コード例 #15
def A(psi2, psi1, r0=1):
  Exact matrix elements for Adagger

    psi1,psi1 are reduced basis states (SpStateReduced class)
    r0 is outer multiplicity of coupling psi1xA->psi2


    A(psip,psi) returns 
    #Calculate k and U for w1 and s, then k and U for s and w2.
    #sum over all n states for w1 but only need to sum over 3 possible n states for w2.
    matrix = 0.0
    if r0 == 1:
        s = psi2.s
        n2 = psi2.n
        p2 = psi2.r
        w2 = psi2.w
        n1 = psi1.n
        p1 = psi1.r
        w1 = psi1.w
        K2, nitr2 = kmatrix(s, w2)
        K1, nitr1 = kmatrix(s, w1)
        if K1.all() == 0 or K2.all() == 0:
            return matrix
        K1inv = K1**(-1)
        #position of (n2,p2) in K2 matrix
        j2 = nitr2[n2, p2]
        #position of (n1,p1) in K1 matrix
        j1 = nitr1[n1, p1]
        #sum over all (n,p) multiplicities of w1  ######problem
        for m1, r1 in nitr1:
            i1 = nitr1[m1, r1]
            psim1 = SpStateReduced(s, m1, r1, w1)
            #first possibility for n2
            m2set = [
                U3State([m1.one() + 2, m1.two(),
                U3State([m1.one(), m1.two() + 2,
                U3State([m1.one(), m1.two(),
                         m1.three() + 2])
            for m2 in m2set:
                if m2.check() == True:
                    r2max = u3.mult(s, m2, w2)
                    # this is summing over su3 multiplicities of w2 multiplicities
                    for r2 in range(1, r2max + 1):
                        # index for picking element of K matrix for w2
                        i2 = nitr2[m2, r2]
                        psim2 = SpStateReduced(s, m2, r2, w2)
                        matrix = matrix + K2[j2, i2] * u3boson.A(
                            psim2, psim1) * K1inv[j1, i1]
    return matrix
コード例 #16
def smatrix_asymptotic(s, wp, n1p, r1p, n2p, r2p):
    Calculates the matrix element of S=K^2 using the asymptotic approxiamtion .

      s is the symplectic irrep label (U3state class)
      w is the symplectic weight (U3state class)
      (n1,r1p) and (n2,r2p) are symplectic multiplicities of w in s. (U3State class,int)

      smatrix_asymptotic(s,w,n1,r1,n1,r1) returns
    # Check if the matrix element of S is already calculated and stored in the global dictioanry Sdictionary
    # if stored return matrix element otherwise calcuate the matrix element and store it.
    if (s, wp, n1p, r1p, n2p, r2p) in SAdictionary:
        SmA = SAdictionary[s, wp, n1p, r1p, n2p, r2p]
    #Smatrix Calculation
        np1 = {}
        np2 = {}
        wnp1 = {}
        wnp2 = {}
        SmA = 0

        #In asymptotic limit, off diagonal matrix elements are set to zero.
        if (n1p != n2p) or (r1p != r2p):
            SmA = 0.0
            # If wp is a bandhead the the matrix element is trivial 1
            if wp == s:
                SmA = 1
            #Otherwise, use recursion relationship to calculate S
                #Smatrix Calculation
                psipred = SpStateReduced(s, n1p, r1p, wp)
                #Generating sets of n which will have nonzero u3boson.A_n matrix elements
                nset = []
                nn = U3State([n1p.one() - 2, n1p.two(), n1p.three()])
                if nn.check():
                nn = U3State([n1p.one(), n1p.two() - 2, n1p.three()])
                if nn.check():
                nn = U3State([n1p.one(), n1p.two(), n1p.three() - 2])
                if nn.check():

                #summing over w,n,r
                Nw = wp.N - 2
                lmset = u3.couple(wp, SU3State(0, 2))
                #generating list of w's and summing over them
                for lm in lmset:
                    w = U3State(Nw, lm)
                    #summing over n
                    for n in nset:
                        #checking state (s,n,r,w) is allowed for  some r
                        rmax = u3.mult(s, n, w)
                        if rmax == 0:
                        for r in range(1, rmax + 1):
                            psired = SpStateReduced(s, n, r, w)
                            #Calculating the asymptotic S matrix
                            SmA = SmA + ((omega(n1p, wp) - omega(n, w)) *
                                         u3boson.A(psipred, psired) *
                                         u3boson.A(psipred, psired) *
                                         smatrix_asymptotic(s, w, n, r, n, r))
                SmA = 2 * SmA / (n1p.N)
        #caching S matrix element in SAdictionary
        SAdictionary[s, wp, n1p, r1p, n2p, r2p] = SmA
    return SmA
コード例 #17

def mosh_SO3((n1, L1), (n2, L2), (nr, Lr), (nc, Lc), L):
    mosh = 0
    ##defining the SU(3) content of states
    w1 = SU3State(2 * n1 + L1, 0)
    w2 = SU3State(2 * n2 + L2, 0)
    wr = SU3State(2 * nr + Lr, 0)
    wc = SU3State(2 * nc + Lc, 0)
    # generating list of w's
    wset = u3.couple(w1, w2)
    ## summing over w in wset
    for w in wset:
        ## check that w is also in {wrxwc}
        if u3.mult(wr, wc, w) == 0:
        ## calculate max branching multiplicity of L in w
        kmax = so3.multk(w, L)
        ## summing over branching multplicity from 1 to kmax
        for k in range(1, kmax + 1):
            ## calculating moshinksy coefficient
            mosh = mosh + (u3.W(wr, 1, Lr, wc, 1, Lc, w, k, L, 1) *
                           u3.W(w1, 1, L1, w2, 1, L2, w, k, L, 1) *
                           mosh_SU3(w1, w2, wr, wc, w) *
                           utils.parity(n1 + n2 + nr + nc))
    return mosh

コード例 #18
def bcoef(n1, n2, n3, r):
	Calculates the B coefficient needed for the coupling of two symplectic raising polynomials

		n1, n2, n3: U3State class variable
		r: integers, coupling multiplicity of n1xn2->n3

		b coefficient.  For example,
    #Should probably check that the elements in the su3lib table are correct if we get multiplicity
    if (n1, n2, n3, r) in bdict:
        coef = bdict[n1, n2, n3, r]
        nset = []
        coef = 0.0
        n0 = U3State([0, 0, 0])
        #I'm not sure why I had if n3p==[0,0,0], so I'm eliminating it for now.
        #if n1 or n2 is 0(0,0) then coefficient is trivial
        if n1 == n0 or n2 == n0:
            coef = 1
            rmax = u3.mult(n1, n2, n3)
            m1 = n3.one()
            m2 = n3.two()
            m3 = n3.three()
            if (m1 - 2) >= m2:
                nset.append(U3State([m1 - 2, m2, m3]))
            if (m2 - 2) >= m3:
                nset.append(U3State([m1, m2 - 2, m3]))
            if (m3 - 2) >= 0:
                nset.append(U3State([m1, m2, m3 - 2]))
            t1 = n1.one()
            t2 = n1.two()
            t3 = n1.three()
            if (t1 - 2) >= t2:
                n1p = U3State([t1 - 2, t2, t3])
                if (t2 - 2) >= t3:
                    n1p = U3State([t1, t2 - 2, t3])
                    if (t3 - 2) >= 0:
                        n1p = U3State([t1, t2, t3 - 2])
                        print("n1 not valid")
                        n1p = 0
            for np in nset:
                rpmax = u3.mult(n1p, n2, np)
                for rp in range(1, rpmax + 1):
                    #print SU3State(2,0),n1p,n3,n2,n1,1,r,np,rp,1
                    coef = coef + u3boson.A_n(
                        n3, np) * bcoef(n1p, n2, np, rp) * u3.U(
                            SU3State(2, 0), n1p, n3, n2, n1, 1, r, np, rp, 1)
            coef = coef / u3boson.A_n(n1, n1p)
        bdict[n1, n2, n3, r] = coef
    return coef