コード例 #1
ファイル: fleet_orders.py プロジェクト: AMDmi3/freeorion
 def __setstate__(self, state):
     # construct the universe objects from stored ids
     state["fleet"] = Fleet(state["fleet"])
     target_type = state.pop("target_type")
     if state["target"] is not None:
         assert self.TARGET_TYPE.object_name == target_type
         state["target"] = self.TARGET_TYPE(state["target"])
     self.__dict__ = state
コード例 #2
    def _get_fleet_order_from_target(self, mission_type, target):
        Get a fleet order according to mission type and target.

        :type mission_type: MissionType
        :type target: universe_object.UniverseObject
        :rtype: AIFleetOrder
        fleet_target = Fleet(self.fleet.id)
        return ORDERS_FOR_MISSION[mission_type](fleet_target, target)
コード例 #3
    def __setstate__(self, state):
        target_type = state.pop("target_type")
        if state["target"] is not None:
            object_map = {
                Planet.object_name: Planet,
                System.object_name: System,
                Fleet.object_name: Fleet
            state["target"] = object_map[target_type](state["target"])

        state["fleet"] = Fleet(state["fleet"])
        self.__dict__ = state
コード例 #4
ファイル: AIFleetMission.py プロジェクト: foesi/freeorion
 def __init__(self, fleet_id):
     self.orders = []
     self.fleet = Fleet(fleet_id)
     self.type = None
     self.target = None
コード例 #5
ファイル: AIFleetMission.py プロジェクト: foesi/freeorion
class AIFleetMission(object):
    Stores information about AI mission. Every mission has fleetID and AI targets depending upon AI fleet mission type.

    def __init__(self, fleet_id):
        self.orders = []
        self.fleet = Fleet(fleet_id)
        self.type = None
        self.target = None

    def add_target(self, mission_type, target):
        if self.type == mission_type and self.target == target:
        if self.type or self.target:
            print "Change mission assignment from %s:%s to %s:%s" % (self.type,
        self.type = mission_type
        self.target = target

    def clear_target(self):
        self.target = None
        self.type = None

    def has_target(self, mission_type, target):
        return self.type == mission_type and self.target == target

    def clear_fleet_orders(self):
        self.orders = []

    def _get_fleet_order_from_target(self, mission_type, target):
        fleet_target = Fleet(self.fleet.id)
        return ORDERS_FOR_MISSION[mission_type](fleet_target, target)

    def check_mergers(self, fleet_id=None, context=""):
        if fleet_id is None:
            fleet_id = self.fleet.id

        if self.type not in (MissionType.MILITARY,
        universe = fo.getUniverse()
        empire_id = fo.empireID()
        main_fleet = universe.getFleet(fleet_id)
        system_id = main_fleet.systemID
        if system_id == -1:
            return  # can't merge fleets in middle of starlane
        system_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus[system_id]
        destroyed_list = list(universe.destroyedObjectIDs(empire_id))
        other_fleets_here = [fid for fid in system_status.get('myFleetsAccessible', []) if fid != fleet_id and fid not in destroyed_list and universe.getFleet(fid).ownedBy(empire_id)]
        if not other_fleets_here:
            return  # nothing of record to merge with

        if not self.target:
            m_mt0_id = None
            m_mt0_id = self.target.id

        # TODO consider establishing an AI strategy & tactics planning document for discussing & planning
        # high level considerations for issues like fleet merger
        compatible_roles_map = {
            MissionType.ORBITAL_DEFENSE: [MissionType.ORBITAL_DEFENSE],
            MissionType.MILITARY: [MissionType.MILITARY],
            MissionType.ORBITAL_INVASION: [MissionType.ORBITAL_INVASION],
            MissionType.INVASION: [MissionType.INVASION],

        main_fleet_role = foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_role(fleet_id)
        for fid in other_fleets_here:
            fleet_role = foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_role(fid)
            if fleet_role not in compatible_roles_map[main_fleet_role]:  # TODO: if fleetRoles such as LongRange start being used, adjust this
                continue  # will only considering subsuming fleets that have a compatible role
            fleet = universe.getFleet(fid)
            if not (fleet and (fleet.systemID == system_id)):
            if not (fleet.speed > 0 or main_fleet.speed == 0):  # TODO(Cjkjvfnby) Check this condition
            fleet_mission = foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_mission(fid)
            do_merge = False
            need_left = 0
            if (main_fleet_role == MissionType.ORBITAL_DEFENSE) or (fleet_role == MissionType.ORBITAL_DEFENSE):
                if main_fleet_role == fleet_role:
                    do_merge = True
            elif (main_fleet_role == MissionType.ORBITAL_INVASION) or (fleet_role == MissionType.ORBITAL_INVASION):
                if main_fleet_role == fleet_role:
                    do_merge = False  # TODO: could allow merger if both orb invaders and both same target
            elif not fleet_mission and (main_fleet.speed > 0) and (fleet.speed > 0):
                do_merge = True
                if not self.target and (main_fleet.speed > 0 or fleet.speed == 0):
                    # print "\t\t\t ** Considering merging fleetA (id: %4d) into fleet (id %d) and former has no targets, will take it. FleetA mission was %s "%(fid, fleetID, fleet_mission)
                    do_merge = True
                    target = fleet_mission.target.id if fleet_mission.target else None
                    if target == m_mt0_id:
                        print "Military fleet %d has same target as %s fleet %d and will (at least temporarily) be merged into the latter" % (fid, fleet_role, fleet_id)
                        do_merge = True  # TODO: should probably ensure that fleetA has aggression on now
                    elif main_fleet.speed > 0:
                        neighbors = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(system_id, {}).get('neighbors', [])
                        if (target == system_id) and m_mt0_id in neighbors:  # consider 'borrowing' for work in neighbor system  # TODO check condition
                            if self.type in (MissionType.MILITARY,
                                # continue
                                if self.type == MissionType.SECURE:  # actually, currently this is probably the only one of all four that should really be possible in this situation
                                    need_left = 1.5 * sum([sysStat.get('fleetThreat', 0) for sysStat in
                                                           [foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(neighbor, {}) for neighbor in
                                                                                                          [nid for nid in foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(system_id, {}).get('neighbors', []) if nid != m_mt0_id]]])
                                    fb_rating = foAI.foAIstate.get_rating(fid)
                                    if (need_left < fb_rating.get('overall', 0)) and fb_rating.get('nships', 0) > 1:
                                        do_merge = True
            if do_merge:
                FleetUtilsAI.merge_fleet_a_into_b(fid, fleet_id, need_left,
                                                  context="Order %s of mission %s" % (context, self))

    def _is_valid_fleet_mission_target(self, mission_type, target):
        if not target:
            return False
        if mission_type == MissionType.EXPLORATION:
            if isinstance(target, System):
                empire = fo.getEmpire()
                if not empire.hasExploredSystem(target.id):
                    return True
        elif mission_type in [MissionType.OUTPOST, MissionType.ORBITAL_OUTPOST]:
            fleet = self.fleet.get_object()
            if not fleet.hasOutpostShips:
                return False
            if isinstance(target, Planet):
                planet = target.get_object()
                if planet.unowned:
                    return True
        elif mission_type == MissionType.COLONISATION:
            fleet = self.fleet.get_object()
            if not fleet.hasColonyShips:
                return False
            if isinstance(target, Planet):
                planet = target.get_object()
                population = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.population)
                if planet.unowned or (planet.owner == fleet.owner and population == 0):
                    return True
        elif mission_type in [MissionType.INVASION, MissionType.ORBITAL_INVASION]:
            fleet = self.fleet.get_object()
            if not fleet.hasTroopShips:
                return False
            if isinstance(target, Planet):
                planet = target.get_object()
                if not planet.unowned or planet.owner != fleet.owner:  # TODO remove latter portion of this check in light of invasion retargeting, or else correct logic
                    return True
        elif mission_type in [MissionType.MILITARY, MissionType.SECURE, MissionType.ORBITAL_DEFENSE]:
            if isinstance(target, System):
                return True
        # TODO: implement other mission types
        return False

    def clean_invalid_targets(self):
        """clean invalid AITargets"""
        if not self._is_valid_fleet_mission_target(self.type, self.target):
            self.target = None
            self.type = None

    def _check_abort_mission(self, fleet_order):
        """ checks if current mission (targeting a planet) should be aborted"""
        if fleet_order.target and isinstance(fleet_order.target, Planet):
            planet = fleet_order.target.get_object()
            if isinstance(fleet_order, OrderColonize):
                if planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.population) == 0 and (planet.ownedBy(fo.empireID()) or planet.unowned):
                    return False
            elif isinstance(fleet_order, OrderOutpost):
                if planet.unowned:
                    return False
            elif isinstance(fleet_order, OrderInvade):  # TODO add substantive abort check
                return False
                return False

        # canceling fleet orders
        print "   %s" % fleet_order
        print "Fleet %d had a target planet that is no longer valid for this mission; aborting." % self.fleet.id
        return True

    def _check_retarget_invasion(self):
        """checks if an invasion mission should be retargeted"""
        universe = fo.getUniverse()
        empire = fo.getEmpire()
        empire_id = fo.empireID()
        fleet_id = self.fleet.id
        fleet = universe.getFleet(fleet_id)
        if fleet.systemID == -1:
            # next_loc = fleet.nextSystemID
            return  # TODO: still check
        system = universe.getSystem(fleet.systemID)
        if not system:
        orders = self.orders
        last_sys_target = -1
        if orders:
            last_sys_target = orders[-1].target.id
        if last_sys_target == fleet.systemID:
            return  # TODO: check for best local target
        open_targets = []
        already_targeted = InvasionAI.get_invasion_targeted_planet_ids(system.planetIDs, MissionType.INVASION)
        for pid in system.planetIDs:
            if pid in already_targeted or (pid in foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets):
            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
            if planet.unowned or (planet.owner == empire_id):
            if (planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.shield)) <= 0:
        if not open_targets:
        troops_in_fleet = FleetUtilsAI.count_troops_in_fleet(fleet_id)
        target_id = -1
        best_score = -1
        target_troops = 0
        for pid, rating in InvasionAI.assign_invasion_values(open_targets, empire).items():
            p_score, p_troops = rating
            if p_score > best_score:
                if p_troops >= troops_in_fleet:
                best_score = p_score
                target_id = pid
                target_troops = p_troops
        if target_id == -1:

        print "\t AIFleetMission._check_retarget_invasion: splitting and retargetting fleet %d" % fleet_id
        new_fleets = FleetUtilsAI.split_fleet(fleet_id)
        self.clear_target()  # TODO: clear from foAIstate
        # pods_needed = max(0, math.ceil((target_troops - 2 * (FleetUtilsAI.count_parts_fleetwide(fleet_id, ["GT_TROOP_POD"])) + 0.05) / 2.0))
        troops_needed = max(0, target_troops - FleetUtilsAI.count_troops_in_fleet(fleet_id))
        found_stats = {}
        min_stats = {'rating': 0, 'troopCapacity': troops_needed}
        target_stats = {'rating': 10, 'troopCapacity': troops_needed}
        found_fleets = []
        # TODO check if next statement does not mutate any global states and can be removed
        _ = FleetUtilsAI.get_fleets_for_mission(1, target_stats, min_stats, found_stats, "",
                                                systems_to_check=[fleet.systemID], systems_checked=[],
                                                fleet_pool_set=set(new_fleets), fleet_list=found_fleets,
        for fid in found_fleets:
            FleetUtilsAI.merge_fleet_a_into_b(fid, fleet_id)
        target = Planet(target_id)
        self.add_target(MissionType.INVASION, target)

    def issue_fleet_orders(self):
        """issues AIFleetOrders which can be issued in system and moves to next one if is possible"""
        # TODO: priority
        order_completed = True
        print "Checking orders for fleet %s (on turn %d), with mission type %s" % (self.fleet.get_object(), fo.currentTurn(), self.type or 'No mission')
        if MissionType.INVASION == self.type:
        for fleet_order in self.orders:
            print "Checking order: %s" % fleet_order
            if isinstance(fleet_order, (OrderColonize, OrderOutpost, OrderInvade)):  # TODO: invasion?
                if self._check_abort_mission(fleet_order):
                    print "Aborting fleet order %s" % fleet_order
            if fleet_order.can_issue_order(verbose=False):
                if isinstance(fleet_order, OrderMove) and order_completed:  # only move if all other orders completed
                    print "Issuing fleet order %s" % fleet_order
                elif not isinstance(fleet_order, OrderMove):
                    print "Issuing fleet order %s" % fleet_order
                    print "NOT issuing (even though can_issue) fleet order %s" % fleet_order
                print "Order issued: %s" % fleet_order.order_issued
                if not fleet_order.order_issued:
                    order_completed = False
            else:  # check that we're not held up by a Big Monster
                if fleet_order.order_issued:
                    # It's unclear why we'd really get to this spot, but it has been observed to happen, perhaps due to
                    # game being reloaded after code changes.
                    # Go on to the next order.
                print "CAN'T issue fleet order %s" % fleet_order
                if isinstance(fleet_order, OrderMove):
                    this_system_id = fleet_order.target.id
                    this_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.setdefault(this_system_id, {})
                    if this_status.get('monsterThreat', 0) > fo.currentTurn() * MilitaryAI.cur_best_mil_ship_rating() / 4.0:
                        if (self.type not in (MissionType.MILITARY,
                                              MissionType.SECURE) or
                            fleet_order != self.orders[-1]  # if this move order is not this mil fleet's final destination, and blocked by Big Monster, release and hope for more effective reassignment
                            print "Aborting mission due to being blocked by Big Monster at system %d, threat %d" % (this_system_id, foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus[this_system_id]['monsterThreat'])
                            print "Full set of orders were:"
                            for this_order in self.orders:
                                print " - %s" % this_order
            # moving to another system stops issuing all orders in system where fleet is
            # move order is also the last order in system
            if isinstance(fleet_order, OrderMove):
                fleet = self.fleet.get_object()
                if fleet.systemID != fleet_order.target.id:
        else:  # went through entire order list
            if order_completed:
                print "Final order is completed"
                orders = self.orders
                last_order = orders[-1] if orders else None
                universe = fo.getUniverse()

                if last_order and isinstance(last_order, OrderColonize):
                    planet = universe.getPlanet(last_order.target.id)
                    sys_partial_vis_turn = universe.getVisibilityTurnsMap(planet.systemID, fo.empireID()).get(fo.visibility.partial, -9999)
                    planet_partial_vis_turn = universe.getVisibilityTurnsMap(planet.id, fo.empireID()).get(fo.visibility.partial, -9999)
                    if planet_partial_vis_turn == sys_partial_vis_turn and not planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.population):
                        print "Potential Error: Fleet %d has tentatively completed its colonize mission but will wait to confirm population." % self.fleet.id
                        print "    Order details are %s" % last_order
                        print "    Order is valid: %s; issued: %s; executed: %s" % (last_order.is_valid(), last_order.order_issued, last_order.executed)
                        if not last_order.is_valid():
                            source_target = last_order.fleet
                            target_target = last_order.target
                            print "        source target validity: %s; target target validity: %s " % (bool(source_target), bool(target_target))
                        return  # colonize order must not have completed yet
                clear_all = True
                last_sys_target = -1
                if last_order and isinstance(last_order, OrderMilitary):
                    last_sys_target = last_order.target.id
                    # if (MissionType.SECURE == self.type) or # not doing this until decide a way to release from a SECURE mission
                    secure_targets = set(AIstate.colonyTargetedSystemIDs + AIstate.outpostTargetedSystemIDs + AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs + AIstate.blockadeTargetedSystemIDs)
                    if last_sys_target in secure_targets:  # consider a secure mission
                        if last_sys_target in AIstate.colonyTargetedSystemIDs:
                            secure_type = "Colony"
                        elif last_sys_target in AIstate.outpostTargetedSystemIDs:
                            secure_type = "Outpost"
                        elif last_sys_target in AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs:
                            secure_type = "Invasion"
                        elif last_sys_target in AIstate.blockadeTargetedSystemIDs:
                            secure_type = "Blockade"
                            secure_type = "Unidentified"
                        print "Fleet %d has completed initial stage of its mission to secure system %d (targeted for %s), may release a portion of ships" % (self.fleet.id, last_sys_target, secure_type)
                        clear_all = False
                fleet_id = self.fleet.id
                if clear_all:
                    if orders:
                        print "Fleet %d has completed its mission; clearing all orders and targets." % self.fleet.id
                        print "Full set of orders were:"
                        for this_order in orders:
                            print "\t\t %s" % this_order
                        if foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_role(fleet_id) in (MissionType.MILITARY,
                            allocations = MilitaryAI.get_military_fleets(mil_fleets_ids=[fleet_id], try_reset=False, thisround="Fleet %d Reassignment" % fleet_id)
                            if allocations:
                                MilitaryAI.assign_military_fleets_to_systems(use_fleet_id_list=[fleet_id], allocations=allocations)
                    else:  # no orders
                        print "No Current Orders"
                    # TODO: evaluate releasing a smaller portion or none of the ships
                    system_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.setdefault(last_sys_target, {})
                    new_fleets = []
                    threat_present = (system_status.get('totalThreat', 0) != 0) or (system_status.get('neighborThreat', 0) != 0)
                    target_system = universe.getSystem(last_sys_target)
                    if not threat_present and target_system:
                        for pid in target_system.planetIDs:
                            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
                            if planet and planet.owner != fo.empireID() and planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxDefense) > 0:
                                threat_present = True
                    if not threat_present:
                        print "No current threat in target system; releasing a portion of ships."
                        new_fleets = FleetUtilsAI.split_fleet(self.fleet.id)  # at least first stage of current task is done; release extra ships for potential other deployments
                        print "Threat remains in target system; NOT releasing any ships."
                    new_military_fleets = []
                    for fleet_id in new_fleets:
                        if foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_role(fleet_id) in COMBAT_MISSION_TYPES:
                    allocations = []
                    if new_military_fleets:
                        allocations = MilitaryAI.get_military_fleets(mil_fleets_ids=new_military_fleets, try_reset=False, thisround="Fleet Reassignment %s" % new_military_fleets)
                    if allocations:
                        MilitaryAI.assign_military_fleets_to_systems(use_fleet_id_list=new_military_fleets, allocations=allocations)

    def generate_fleet_orders(self):
        """generates AIFleetOrders from fleets targets to accomplish"""
        universe = fo.getUniverse()
        fleet_id = self.fleet.id
        fleet = universe.getFleet(fleet_id)
        if (not fleet) or fleet.empty or (fleet_id in universe.destroyedObjectIDs(fo.empireID())):  # fleet was probably merged into another or was destroyed

        # TODO: priority
        system_id = fleet.systemID
        start_sys_id = [fleet.nextSystemID, system_id][system_id >= 0]
        # if fleet doesn't have any mission, then repair if needed or resupply if is current location not in supplyable system
        empire = fo.getEmpire()
        fleet_supplyable_system_ids = empire.fleetSupplyableSystemIDs
        # if (not self.hasAnyAIMissionTypes()):
        if not self.target and (system_id not in set(AIstate.colonyTargetedSystemIDs + AIstate.outpostTargetedSystemIDs +
                                                     AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs + AIstate.blockadeTargetedSystemIDs)):
            if self._need_repair():
                repair_fleet_order = MoveUtilsAI.get_repair_fleet_order(self.fleet, start_sys_id)
                if repair_fleet_order and repair_fleet_order.is_valid():
            if fleet.fuel < fleet.maxFuel and self.get_location_target().id not in fleet_supplyable_system_ids:
                resupply_fleet_order = MoveUtilsAI.get_resupply_fleet_order(self.fleet, self.get_location_target())
                if resupply_fleet_order.is_valid():
            return  # no targets

        # for some targets fleet has to visit systems and therefore fleet visit them
        if self.target:
            system_targets_required_to_visit = [self.target.get_system()]
            orders_to_visit_systems = MoveUtilsAI.get_fleet_orders_from_system_targets(self.fleet, system_targets_required_to_visit)
            # TODO: if fleet doesn't have enough fuel to get to final target, consider resetting Mission
            for fleet_order in orders_to_visit_systems:

        # if fleet is in some system = fleet.system_id >=0, then also generate system AIFleetOrders
        if system_id >= 0 and self.target:
            # system in where fleet is
            system_target = System(system_id)
            # if mission aiTarget has required system where fleet is, then generate fleet_order from this aiTarget
            # for all targets in all mission types get required systems to visit
            if system_target == self.target.get_system():
                # from target required to visit get fleet orders to accomplish target
                fleet_order = self._get_fleet_order_from_target(self.type, self.target)

    def _need_repair(self, repair_limit=0.70):
        """Check if fleet needs to be repaired.

         If the fleet is already at a system where it can be repaired, stay there until fully repaired.
         Otherwise, repair if fleet health is below specified *repair_limit*.
         For military fleets, there is a special evaluation called, cf. *MilitaryAI.avail_mil_needing_repair()*

         :param repair_limit: percentage of health below which the fleet is sent to repair
         :type repair_limit: float
         :return: True if fleet needs repair
         :rtype: bool
        # TODO: More complex evaluation if fleet needs repair (consider self-repair, distance, threat, mission...)
        universe = fo.getUniverse()
        fleet_id = self.fleet.id
        # if we are already at a system where we can repair, make sure we use it...
        system = self.fleet.get_system()
        # TODO starlane obstruction is not considered in the next call
        nearest_dock = MoveUtilsAI.get_best_drydock_system_id(system.id, fleet_id)
        if nearest_dock == system.id:
            repair_limit = 0.99
        # if combat fleet, use military repair check
        if foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_role(fleet_id) in COMBAT_MISSION_TYPES:
            return fleet_id in MilitaryAI.avail_mil_needing_repair([fleet_id], on_mission=bool(self.orders),
        # TODO: Allow to split fleet to send only damaged ships to repair
        fleet = universe.getFleet(fleet_id)
        ships_cur_health = 0
        ships_max_health = 0
        for ship_id in fleet.shipIDs:
            this_ship = universe.getShip(ship_id)
            ships_cur_health += this_ship.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.structure)
            ships_max_health += this_ship.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxStructure)
        return ships_cur_health < repair_limit * ships_max_health

    def get_location_target(self):
        """system AITarget where fleet is or will be"""
        # TODO add parameter turn
        fleet = fo.getUniverse().getFleet(self.fleet.id)
        system_id = fleet.systemID
        if system_id >= 0:
            return System(system_id)
        else:  # in starlane, so return next system
            return System(fleet.nextSystemID)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.fleet == other.target

    def __str__(self):
        fleet = self.fleet.get_object()
        if self.type is not None:
            fleet_id = self.fleet.id
            return "%-20s [%10s mission]: %3d ships, total rating: %7d target: %s" % (fleet,
                                                                                      (fleet and len(fleet.shipIDs)) or 0,
                                                                                      foAI.foAIstate.get_rating(fleet_id).get('overall', 0),
            return 'Mission of %s without mission types' % fleet
コード例 #6
class AIFleetMission(object):
    Stores information about AI mission. Every mission has fleetID and AI targets depending upon AI fleet mission type.
    :type target: UniverseObject | None

    def __init__(self, fleet_id):
        self.orders = []
        self.fleet = Fleet(fleet_id)
        self.type = None
        self.target = None

    def set_target(self, mission_type, target):
        Set mission and target for this fleet.

        :type mission_type: MissionType
        :type target: UniverseObject
        if self.type == mission_type and self.target == target:
        if self.type or self.target:
            print "Change mission assignment from %s:%s to %s:%s" % (self.type, self.target, mission_type, target)
        self.type = mission_type
        self.target = target

    def clear_target(self):
        """Clear target and mission for this fleet."""
        self.target = None
        self.type = None

    def has_target(self, mission_type, target):
        Check if fleet has specified mission_type and target.

        :type mission_type: MissionType
        :type target: UniverseObject
        :rtype: bool
        return self.type == mission_type and self.target == target

    def clear_fleet_orders(self):
        """Clear this fleets orders but do not clear mission and target."""
        self.orders = []

    def _get_fleet_order_from_target(self, mission_type, target):
        Get a fleet order according to mission type and target.

        :type mission_type: MissionType
        :type target: UniverseObject
        :rtype: AIFleetOrder
        fleet_target = Fleet(self.fleet.id)
        return ORDERS_FOR_MISSION[mission_type](fleet_target, target)

    def check_mergers(self, context=""):
        If possible and reasonable, merge this fleet with others.

        :param context: Context of the function call for logging purposes
        :type context: str
        if self.type not in MERGEABLE_MISSION_TYPES:
        universe = fo.getUniverse()
        empire_id = fo.empireID()
        fleet_id = self.fleet.id
        main_fleet = universe.getFleet(fleet_id)
        system_id = main_fleet.systemID
        if system_id == INVALID_ID:
            return  # can't merge fleets in middle of starlane
        system_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus[system_id]
        destroyed_list = list(universe.destroyedObjectIDs(empire_id))
        other_fleets_here = [fid for fid in system_status.get('myFleetsAccessible', []) if fid != fleet_id and
                             fid not in destroyed_list and universe.getFleet(fid).ownedBy(empire_id)]
        if not other_fleets_here:

        target_id = self.target.id if self.target else None
        main_fleet_role = foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_role(fleet_id)
        for fid in other_fleets_here:
            fleet_role = foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_role(fid)
            if fleet_role not in COMPATIBLE_ROLES_MAP[main_fleet_role]:
            fleet = universe.getFleet(fid)

            if not fleet or fleet.systemID != system_id or len(fleet.shipIDs) == 0:
            if not (fleet.speed > 0 or main_fleet.speed == 0):  # TODO(Cjkjvfnby) Check this condition
            fleet_mission = foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_mission(fid)
            do_merge = False
            need_left = 0
            if (main_fleet_role == MissionType.ORBITAL_DEFENSE) or (fleet_role == MissionType.ORBITAL_DEFENSE):
                if main_fleet_role == fleet_role:
                    do_merge = True
            elif (main_fleet_role == MissionType.ORBITAL_INVASION) or (fleet_role == MissionType.ORBITAL_INVASION):
                if main_fleet_role == fleet_role:
                    do_merge = False  # TODO: could allow merger if both orb invaders and both same target
            elif not fleet_mission and (main_fleet.speed > 0) and (fleet.speed > 0):
                do_merge = True
                if not self.target and (main_fleet.speed > 0 or fleet.speed == 0):
                    do_merge = True
                    target = fleet_mission.target.id if fleet_mission.target else None
                    if target == target_id:
                        print "Military fleet %d has same target as %s fleet %d. Merging." % (fid, fleet_role, fleet_id)
                        do_merge = True  # TODO: should probably ensure that fleetA has aggression on now
                    elif main_fleet.speed > 0:
                        neighbors = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(system_id, {}).get('neighbors', [])
                        if target == system_id and target_id in neighbors and self.type == MissionType.SECURE:
                            # consider 'borrowing' for work in neighbor system  # TODO check condition
                            need_left = 1.5 * sum(foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(nid, {}).get('fleetThreat', 0)
                                                  for nid in neighbors if nid != target_id)
                            fleet_rating = CombatRatingsAI.get_fleet_rating(fid)
                            if need_left < fleet_rating:
                                do_merge = True
            if do_merge:
                FleetUtilsAI.merge_fleet_a_into_b(fid, fleet_id, need_left,
                                                  context="Order %s of mission %s" % (context, self))

    def _is_valid_fleet_mission_target(self, mission_type, target):
        if not target:
            return False
        if mission_type == MissionType.EXPLORATION:
            if isinstance(target, System):
                empire = fo.getEmpire()
                if not empire.hasExploredSystem(target.id):
                    return True
        elif mission_type in [MissionType.OUTPOST, MissionType.ORBITAL_OUTPOST]:
            fleet = self.fleet.get_object()
            if not fleet.hasOutpostShips:
                return False
            if isinstance(target, Planet):
                planet = target.get_object()
                if planet.unowned:
                    return True
        elif mission_type == MissionType.COLONISATION:
            fleet = self.fleet.get_object()
            if not fleet.hasColonyShips:
                return False
            if isinstance(target, Planet):
                planet = target.get_object()
                population = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.population)
                if planet.unowned or (planet.owner == fleet.owner and population == 0):
                    return True
        elif mission_type in [MissionType.INVASION, MissionType.ORBITAL_INVASION]:
            fleet = self.fleet.get_object()
            if not fleet.hasTroopShips:
                return False
            if isinstance(target, Planet):
                planet = target.get_object()
                if not planet.unowned or planet.owner != fleet.owner:  # TODO remove latter portion of this check in light of invasion retargeting, or else correct logic
                    return True
        elif mission_type in [MissionType.MILITARY, MissionType.SECURE, MissionType.ORBITAL_DEFENSE]:
            if isinstance(target, System):
                return True
        # TODO: implement other mission types
        return False

    def clean_invalid_targets(self):
        """clean invalid AITargets"""
        if not self._is_valid_fleet_mission_target(self.type, self.target):
            self.target = None
            self.type = None

    def _check_abort_mission(self, fleet_order):
        """ checks if current mission (targeting a planet) should be aborted"""
        if fleet_order.target and isinstance(fleet_order.target, Planet):
            planet = fleet_order.target.get_object()
            if isinstance(fleet_order, OrderColonize):
                if planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.population) == 0 and (planet.ownedBy(fo.empireID()) or planet.unowned):
                    return False
            elif isinstance(fleet_order, OrderOutpost):
                if planet.unowned:
                    return False
            elif isinstance(fleet_order, OrderInvade):  # TODO add substantive abort check
                return False
                return False

        # canceling fleet orders
        print "   %s" % fleet_order
        print "Fleet %d had a target planet that is no longer valid for this mission; aborting." % self.fleet.id
        return True

    def _check_retarget_invasion(self):
        """checks if an invasion mission should be retargeted"""
        universe = fo.getUniverse()
        empire_id = fo.empireID()
        fleet_id = self.fleet.id
        fleet = universe.getFleet(fleet_id)
        if fleet.systemID == INVALID_ID:
            # next_loc = fleet.nextSystemID
            return  # TODO: still check
        system = universe.getSystem(fleet.systemID)
        if not system:
        orders = self.orders
        last_sys_target = INVALID_ID
        if orders:
            last_sys_target = orders[-1].target.id
        if last_sys_target == fleet.systemID:
            return  # TODO: check for best local target
        open_targets = []
        already_targeted = InvasionAI.get_invasion_targeted_planet_ids(system.planetIDs, MissionType.INVASION)
        for pid in system.planetIDs:
            if pid in already_targeted or (pid in foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets):
            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
            if planet.unowned or (planet.owner == empire_id):
            if (planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.shield)) <= 0:
        if not open_targets:
        troops_in_fleet = FleetUtilsAI.count_troops_in_fleet(fleet_id)
        target_id = INVALID_ID
        best_score = -1
        target_troops = 0
        for pid, rating in InvasionAI.assign_invasion_values(open_targets).items():
            p_score, p_troops = rating
            if p_score > best_score:
                if p_troops >= troops_in_fleet:
                best_score = p_score
                target_id = pid
                target_troops = p_troops
        if target_id == INVALID_ID:

        print "\t AIFleetMission._check_retarget_invasion: splitting and retargetting fleet %d" % fleet_id
        new_fleets = FleetUtilsAI.split_fleet(fleet_id)
        self.clear_target()  # TODO: clear from foAIstate
        troops_needed = max(0, target_troops - FleetUtilsAI.count_troops_in_fleet(fleet_id))
        min_stats = {'rating': 0, 'troopCapacity': troops_needed}
        target_stats = {'rating': 10, 'troopCapacity': troops_needed}
        found_fleets = []
        # TODO check if next statement does not mutate any global states and can be removed
        _ = FleetUtilsAI.get_fleets_for_mission(target_stats, min_stats, {}, starting_system=fleet.systemID,
                                                fleet_pool_set=set(new_fleets), fleet_list=found_fleets)
        for fid in found_fleets:
            FleetUtilsAI.merge_fleet_a_into_b(fid, fleet_id)
        target = Planet(target_id)
        self.set_target(MissionType.INVASION, target)

    def need_to_pause_movement(self, last_move_target_id, new_move_order):
        When a fleet has consecutive move orders, assesses whether something about the interim destination warrants
        forcing a stop (such as a military fleet choosing to engage with an enemy fleet about to enter the same system,
        or it may provide a good vantage point to view current status of next system in path). Assessments about whether
        the new destination is suitable to move to are (currently) separately made by OrderMove.can_issue_order()
        :param last_move_target_id:
        :type last_move_target_id: int
        :param new_move_order:
        :type new_move_order: OrderMove
        :rtype: bool
        fleet = self.fleet.get_object()
        # don't try skipping over more than one System
        if fleet.nextSystemID != last_move_target_id:
            return True
        universe = fo.getUniverse()
        current_dest_system = universe.getSystem(fleet.nextSystemID)
        if not current_dest_system:
            # shouldn't really happen, but just to be safe
            return True
        distance_to_next_system = ((fleet.x - current_dest_system.x)**2 + (fleet.y - current_dest_system.y)**2)**0.5
        surplus_travel_distance = fleet.speed - distance_to_next_system
        # if need more than one turn to reach current destination, then don't add another jump yet
        if surplus_travel_distance < 0:
            return True
        # TODO: add assessments for other situations we'd prefer to pause, such as cited above re military fleets, and
        # for situations where high value fleets like colony fleets might deem it safest to stop and look around
        # before proceeding
        return False

    def issue_fleet_orders(self):
        """issues AIFleetOrders which can be issued in system and moves to next one if is possible"""
        # TODO: priority
        order_completed = True
        print "Checking orders for fleet %s (on turn %d), with mission type %s" % (self.fleet.get_object(), fo.currentTurn(), self.type or 'No mission')
        if MissionType.INVASION == self.type:
        just_issued_move_order = False
        last_move_target_id = INVALID_ID
        for fleet_order in self.orders:
            if just_issued_move_order and self.fleet.get_object().systemID != last_move_target_id:
                # having just issued a move order, we will normally stop issuing orders this turn, except that if there
                # are consecutive move orders we will consider moving through the first destination rather than stopping
                if not isinstance(fleet_order, OrderMove) or self.need_to_pause_movement(last_move_target_id, fleet_order):
            print "Checking order: %s" % fleet_order
            if isinstance(fleet_order, (OrderColonize, OrderOutpost, OrderInvade)):  # TODO: invasion?
                if self._check_abort_mission(fleet_order):
                    print "Aborting fleet order %s" % fleet_order
            if fleet_order.can_issue_order(verbose=False):
                if isinstance(fleet_order, OrderMove) and order_completed:  # only move if all other orders completed
                    print "Issuing fleet order %s" % fleet_order
                    just_issued_move_order = True
                    last_move_target_id = fleet_order.target.id
                elif not isinstance(fleet_order, OrderMove):
                    print "Issuing fleet order %s" % fleet_order
                    print "NOT issuing (even though can_issue) fleet order %s" % fleet_order
                print "Order issued: %s" % fleet_order.order_issued
                if not fleet_order.order_issued:
                    order_completed = False
            else:  # check that we're not held up by a Big Monster
                if fleet_order.order_issued:
                    # It's unclear why we'd really get to this spot, but it has been observed to happen, perhaps due to
                    # game being reloaded after code changes.
                    # Go on to the next order.
                print "CAN'T issue fleet order %s" % fleet_order
                if isinstance(fleet_order, OrderMove):
                    this_system_id = fleet_order.target.id
                    this_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.setdefault(this_system_id, {})
                    if this_status.get('monsterThreat', 0) > fo.currentTurn() * MilitaryAI.cur_best_mil_ship_rating() / 4.0:
                        if (self.type not in (MissionType.MILITARY,
                                              MissionType.SECURE) or
                            fleet_order != self.orders[-1]  # if this move order is not this mil fleet's final destination, and blocked by Big Monster, release and hope for more effective reassignment
                            print "Aborting mission due to being blocked by Big Monster at system %d, threat %d" % (this_system_id, foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus[this_system_id]['monsterThreat'])
                            print "Full set of orders were:"
                            for this_order in self.orders:
                                print " - %s" % this_order
        else:  # went through entire order list
            if order_completed:
                print "Final order is completed"
                orders = self.orders
                last_order = orders[-1] if orders else None
                universe = fo.getUniverse()

                if last_order and isinstance(last_order, OrderColonize):
                    planet = universe.getPlanet(last_order.target.id)
                    sys_partial_vis_turn = universe.getVisibilityTurnsMap(planet.systemID, fo.empireID()).get(fo.visibility.partial, -9999)
                    planet_partial_vis_turn = universe.getVisibilityTurnsMap(planet.id, fo.empireID()).get(fo.visibility.partial, -9999)
                    if planet_partial_vis_turn == sys_partial_vis_turn and not planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.population):
                        print >> sys.stderr, "Fleet %d has tentatively completed its colonize mission but will wait to confirm population." % self.fleet.id
                        print "    Order details are %s" % last_order
                        print "    Order is valid: %s; issued: %s; executed: %s" % (last_order.is_valid(), last_order.order_issued, last_order.executed)
                        if not last_order.is_valid():
                            source_target = last_order.fleet
                            target_target = last_order.target
                            print "        source target validity: %s; target target validity: %s " % (bool(source_target), bool(target_target))
                        return  # colonize order must not have completed yet
                clear_all = True
                last_sys_target = INVALID_ID
                if last_order and isinstance(last_order, OrderMilitary):
                    last_sys_target = last_order.target.id
                    # if (MissionType.SECURE == self.type) or # not doing this until decide a way to release from a SECURE mission
                    secure_targets = set(AIstate.colonyTargetedSystemIDs + AIstate.outpostTargetedSystemIDs + AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs + AIstate.blockadeTargetedSystemIDs)
                    if last_sys_target in secure_targets:  # consider a secure mission
                        if last_sys_target in AIstate.colonyTargetedSystemIDs:
                            secure_type = "Colony"
                        elif last_sys_target in AIstate.outpostTargetedSystemIDs:
                            secure_type = "Outpost"
                        elif last_sys_target in AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs:
                            secure_type = "Invasion"
                        elif last_sys_target in AIstate.blockadeTargetedSystemIDs:
                            secure_type = "Blockade"
                            secure_type = "Unidentified"
                        print "Fleet %d has completed initial stage of its mission to secure system %d (targeted for %s), may release a portion of ships" % (self.fleet.id, last_sys_target, secure_type)
                        clear_all = False
                fleet_id = self.fleet.id
                if clear_all:
                    if orders:
                        print "Fleet %d has completed its mission; clearing all orders and targets." % self.fleet.id
                        print "Full set of orders were:"
                        for this_order in orders:
                            print "\t\t %s" % this_order
                        if foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_role(fleet_id) in (MissionType.MILITARY,
                            allocations = MilitaryAI.get_military_fleets(mil_fleets_ids=[fleet_id], try_reset=False, thisround="Fleet %d Reassignment" % fleet_id)
                            if allocations:
                                MilitaryAI.assign_military_fleets_to_systems(use_fleet_id_list=[fleet_id], allocations=allocations)
                    else:  # no orders
                        print "No Current Orders"
                    # TODO: evaluate releasing a smaller portion or none of the ships
                    system_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.setdefault(last_sys_target, {})
                    new_fleets = []
                    threat_present = (system_status.get('totalThreat', 0) != 0) or (system_status.get('neighborThreat', 0) != 0)
                    target_system = universe.getSystem(last_sys_target)
                    if not threat_present and target_system:
                        for pid in target_system.planetIDs:
                            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
                            if planet and planet.owner != fo.empireID() and planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxDefense) > 0:
                                threat_present = True
                    if not threat_present:
                        print "No current threat in target system; releasing a portion of ships."
                        new_fleets = FleetUtilsAI.split_fleet(self.fleet.id)  # at least first stage of current task is done; release extra ships for potential other deployments
                        print "Threat remains in target system; NOT releasing any ships."
                    new_military_fleets = []
                    for fleet_id in new_fleets:
                        if foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_role(fleet_id) in COMBAT_MISSION_TYPES:
                    allocations = []
                    if new_military_fleets:
                        allocations = MilitaryAI.get_military_fleets(mil_fleets_ids=new_military_fleets, try_reset=False, thisround="Fleet Reassignment %s" % new_military_fleets)
                    if allocations:
                        MilitaryAI.assign_military_fleets_to_systems(use_fleet_id_list=new_military_fleets, allocations=allocations)

    def generate_fleet_orders(self):
        """generates AIFleetOrders from fleets targets to accomplish"""
        universe = fo.getUniverse()
        fleet_id = self.fleet.id
        fleet = universe.getFleet(fleet_id)
        if (not fleet) or fleet.empty or (fleet_id in universe.destroyedObjectIDs(fo.empireID())):  # fleet was probably merged into another or was destroyed

        # TODO: priority
        system_id = fleet.systemID
        start_sys_id = [fleet.nextSystemID, system_id][system_id >= 0]
        # if fleet doesn't have any mission, then repair if needed or resupply if is current location not in supplyable system
        empire = fo.getEmpire()
        fleet_supplyable_system_ids = empire.fleetSupplyableSystemIDs
        # if (not self.hasAnyAIMissionTypes()):
        if not self.target and (system_id not in set(AIstate.colonyTargetedSystemIDs + AIstate.outpostTargetedSystemIDs +
                                                     AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs + AIstate.blockadeTargetedSystemIDs)):
            if self._need_repair():
                repair_fleet_order = MoveUtilsAI.get_repair_fleet_order(self.fleet, start_sys_id)
                if repair_fleet_order and repair_fleet_order.is_valid():
            cur_fighter_capacity, max_fighter_capacity = FleetUtilsAI.get_fighter_capacity_of_fleet(fleet_id)
            if (fleet.fuel < fleet.maxFuel or cur_fighter_capacity < max_fighter_capacity
                    and self.get_location_target().id not in fleet_supplyable_system_ids):
                resupply_fleet_order = MoveUtilsAI.get_resupply_fleet_order(self.fleet, self.get_location_target())
                if resupply_fleet_order.is_valid():
            return  # no targets

        # for some targets fleet has to visit systems and therefore fleet visit them
        if self.target:
            system_to_visit = self.target.get_system()
            orders_to_visit_systems = MoveUtilsAI.create_move_orders_to_system(self.fleet, system_to_visit)
            # TODO: if fleet doesn't have enough fuel to get to final target, consider resetting Mission
            for fleet_order in orders_to_visit_systems:

        # if fleet is in some system = fleet.system_id >=0, then also generate system AIFleetOrders
        if system_id >= 0 and self.target:
            # system in where fleet is
            system_target = System(system_id)
            # if mission aiTarget has required system where fleet is, then generate fleet_order from this aiTarget
            # for all targets in all mission types get required systems to visit
            if system_target == self.target.get_system():
                # from target required to visit get fleet orders to accomplish target
                fleet_order = self._get_fleet_order_from_target(self.type, self.target)

    def _need_repair(self, repair_limit=0.70):
        """Check if fleet needs to be repaired.

         If the fleet is already at a system where it can be repaired, stay there until fully repaired.
         Otherwise, repair if fleet health is below specified *repair_limit*.
         For military fleets, there is a special evaluation called, cf. *MilitaryAI.avail_mil_needing_repair()*

         :param repair_limit: percentage of health below which the fleet is sent to repair
         :type repair_limit: float
         :return: True if fleet needs repair
         :rtype: bool
        # TODO: More complex evaluation if fleet needs repair (consider self-repair, distance, threat, mission...)
        universe = fo.getUniverse()
        fleet_id = self.fleet.id
        # if we are already at a system where we can repair, make sure we use it...
        system = self.fleet.get_system()
        # TODO starlane obstruction is not considered in the next call
        nearest_dock = MoveUtilsAI.get_best_drydock_system_id(system.id, fleet_id)
        if nearest_dock == system.id:
            repair_limit = 0.99
        # if combat fleet, use military repair check
        if foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_role(fleet_id) in COMBAT_MISSION_TYPES:
            return fleet_id in MilitaryAI.avail_mil_needing_repair([fleet_id], on_mission=bool(self.orders),
        # TODO: Allow to split fleet to send only damaged ships to repair
        fleet = universe.getFleet(fleet_id)
        ships_cur_health = 0
        ships_max_health = 0
        for ship_id in fleet.shipIDs:
            this_ship = universe.getShip(ship_id)
            ships_cur_health += this_ship.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.structure)
            ships_max_health += this_ship.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxStructure)
        return ships_cur_health < repair_limit * ships_max_health

    def get_location_target(self):
        """system AITarget where fleet is or will be"""
        # TODO add parameter turn
        fleet = fo.getUniverse().getFleet(self.fleet.id)
        system_id = fleet.systemID
        if system_id >= 0:
            return System(system_id)
        else:  # in starlane, so return next system
            return System(fleet.nextSystemID)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.fleet == other.target

    def __str__(self):
        fleet = self.fleet.get_object()

        fleet_id = self.fleet.id
        return "%-25s [%-11s] ships: %2d; total rating: %4d; target: %s" % (fleet,
                                                                            "NONE" if self.type is None else self.type,
                                                                            (fleet and len(fleet.shipIDs)) or 0,
                                                                            self.target or 'no target')
コード例 #7
 def __init__(self, fleet_id):
     self.orders = []
     self.fleet = Fleet(fleet_id)
     self.type = None
     self.target = None
コード例 #8
class AIFleetMission(object):
    Stores information about AI mission. Every mission has fleetID and AI targets depending upon AI fleet mission type.
    :type target: universe_object.UniverseObject | None
    def __init__(self, fleet_id):
        self.orders = []
        self.fleet = Fleet(fleet_id)
        self.type = None
        self.target = None

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        target_type = state.pop("target_type")
        if state["target"] is not None:
            object_map = {
                Planet.object_name: Planet,
                System.object_name: System,
                Fleet.object_name: Fleet
            state["target"] = object_map[target_type](state["target"])

        state["fleet"] = Fleet(state["fleet"])
        self.__dict__ = state

    def __getstate__(self):
        retval = dict(self.__dict__)
        # do only store the fleet id not the Fleet object
        retval["fleet"] = self.fleet.id

        # store target type and id rather than the object
        if self.target is not None:
            retval["target_type"] = self.target.object_name
            retval["target"] = self.target.id
            retval["target_type"] = None
            retval["target"] = None

        return retval

    def set_target(self, mission_type, target):
        Set mission and target for this fleet.

        :type mission_type: MissionType
        :type target: universe_object.UniverseObject
        if self.type == mission_type and self.target == target:
        if self.type or self.target:
            print "Change mission assignment from %s:%s to %s:%s" % (
                self.type, self.target, mission_type, target)
        self.type = mission_type
        self.target = target

    def clear_target(self):
        """Clear target and mission for this fleet."""
        self.target = None
        self.type = None

    def has_target(self, mission_type, target):
        Check if fleet has specified mission_type and target.

        :type mission_type: MissionType
        :type target: universe_object.UniverseObject
        :rtype: bool
        return self.type == mission_type and self.target == target

    def clear_fleet_orders(self):
        """Clear this fleets orders but do not clear mission and target."""
        self.orders = []

    def _get_fleet_order_from_target(self, mission_type, target):
        Get a fleet order according to mission type and target.

        :type mission_type: MissionType
        :type target: universe_object.UniverseObject
        :rtype: AIFleetOrder
        fleet_target = Fleet(self.fleet.id)
        return ORDERS_FOR_MISSION[mission_type](fleet_target, target)

    def check_mergers(self, context=""):
        If possible and reasonable, merge this fleet with others.

        :param context: Context of the function call for logging purposes
        :type context: str
        if self.type not in MERGEABLE_MISSION_TYPES:
        universe = fo.getUniverse()
        empire_id = fo.empireID()
        fleet_id = self.fleet.id
        main_fleet = universe.getFleet(fleet_id)
        system_id = main_fleet.systemID
        if system_id == INVALID_ID:
            return  # can't merge fleets in middle of starlane
        system_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus[system_id]

        # if a combat mission, and only have final order (so must be at final target), don't try
        # merging if there is no local threat (it tends to lead to fleet object churn)
        if self.type in COMBAT_MISSION_TYPES and len(
                self.orders) == 1 and not system_status.get('totalThreat', 0):
        destroyed_list = list(universe.destroyedObjectIDs(empire_id))
        other_fleets_here = [
            fid for fid in system_status.get('myFleetsAccessible', [])
            if fid != fleet_id and fid not in destroyed_list
            and universe.getFleet(fid).ownedBy(empire_id)
        if not other_fleets_here:

        target_id = self.target.id if self.target else None
        main_fleet_role = foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_role(fleet_id)
        for fid in other_fleets_here:
            fleet_role = foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_role(fid)
            if fleet_role not in COMPATIBLE_ROLES_MAP[main_fleet_role]:
            fleet = universe.getFleet(fid)

            if not fleet or fleet.systemID != system_id or len(
                    fleet.shipIDs) == 0:
            if not (fleet.speed > 0 or main_fleet.speed
                    == 0):  # TODO(Cjkjvfnby) Check this condition
            fleet_mission = foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_mission(fid)
            do_merge = False
            need_left = 0
            if (main_fleet_role == MissionType.ORBITAL_DEFENSE) or (
                    fleet_role == MissionType.ORBITAL_DEFENSE):
                if main_fleet_role == fleet_role:
                    do_merge = True
            elif (main_fleet_role == MissionType.ORBITAL_INVASION) or (
                    fleet_role == MissionType.ORBITAL_INVASION):
                if main_fleet_role == fleet_role:
                    do_merge = False  # TODO: could allow merger if both orb invaders and both same target
            elif not fleet_mission and (main_fleet.speed > 0) and (fleet.speed
                                                                   > 0):
                do_merge = True
                if not self.target and (main_fleet.speed > 0
                                        or fleet.speed == 0):
                    do_merge = True
                    target = fleet_mission.target.id if fleet_mission.target else None
                    if target == target_id:
                            "Military fleet %d (%d ships) has same target as %s fleet %d (%d ships). Merging former "
                            "into latter." %
                            (fid, fleet.numShips, fleet_role, fleet_id,
                        # TODO: should probably ensure that fleetA has aggression on now
                        do_merge = float(min(
                            main_fleet.speed, fleet.speed)) / max(
                                main_fleet.speed, fleet.speed) >= 0.6
                    elif main_fleet.speed > 0:
                        neighbors = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(
                            system_id, {}).get('neighbors', [])
                        if target == system_id and target_id in neighbors and self.type == MissionType.SECURE:
                            # consider 'borrowing' for work in neighbor system  # TODO check condition
                            need_left = 1.5 * sum(
                                foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(nid, {}).get(
                                    'fleetThreat', 0)
                                for nid in neighbors if nid != target_id)
                            fleet_rating = CombatRatingsAI.get_fleet_rating(
                            if need_left < fleet_rating:
                                do_merge = True
            if do_merge:
                    context="Order %s of mission %s" % (context, self))

    def _is_valid_fleet_mission_target(self, mission_type, target):
        if not target:
            return False
        if mission_type == MissionType.EXPLORATION:
            if isinstance(target, System):
                empire = fo.getEmpire()
                if not empire.hasExploredSystem(target.id):
                    return True
        elif mission_type in [
                MissionType.OUTPOST, MissionType.ORBITAL_OUTPOST
            fleet = self.fleet.get_object()
            if not fleet.hasOutpostShips:
                return False
            if isinstance(target, Planet):
                planet = target.get_object()
                if planet.unowned:
                    return True
        elif mission_type == MissionType.COLONISATION:
            fleet = self.fleet.get_object()
            if not fleet.hasColonyShips:
                return False
            if isinstance(target, Planet):
                planet = target.get_object()
                population = planet.initialMeterValue(fo.meterType.population)
                if planet.unowned or (planet.owner == fleet.owner
                                      and population == 0):
                    return True
        elif mission_type in [
                MissionType.INVASION, MissionType.ORBITAL_INVASION
            fleet = self.fleet.get_object()
            if not fleet.hasTroopShips:
                return False
            if isinstance(target, Planet):
                planet = target.get_object()
                # TODO remove latter portion of next check in light of invasion retargeting, or else correct logic
                if not planet.unowned or planet.owner != fleet.owner:
                    return True
        elif mission_type in [
                MissionType.MILITARY, MissionType.SECURE,
            if isinstance(target, System):
                return True
        # TODO: implement other mission types
        return False

    def clean_invalid_targets(self):
        """clean invalid AITargets"""
        if not self._is_valid_fleet_mission_target(self.type, self.target):
            self.target = None
            self.type = None

    def _check_abort_mission(self, fleet_order):
        """ checks if current mission (targeting a planet) should be aborted"""
        if fleet_order.target and isinstance(fleet_order.target, Planet):
            planet = fleet_order.target.get_object()
            if isinstance(fleet_order, OrderColonize):
                if (planet.initialMeterValue(fo.meterType.population) == 0
                        and (planet.ownedBy(fo.empireID()) or planet.unowned)):
                    return False
            elif isinstance(fleet_order, OrderOutpost):
                if planet.unowned:
                    return False
            elif isinstance(fleet_order,
                            OrderInvade):  # TODO add substantive abort check
                return False
                return False

        # canceling fleet orders
        print "   %s" % fleet_order
        print "Fleet %d had a target planet that is no longer valid for this mission; aborting." % self.fleet.id
        return True

    def _check_retarget_invasion(self):
        """checks if an invasion mission should be retargeted"""
        universe = fo.getUniverse()
        empire_id = fo.empireID()
        fleet_id = self.fleet.id
        fleet = universe.getFleet(fleet_id)
        if fleet.systemID == INVALID_ID:
            # next_loc = fleet.nextSystemID
            return  # TODO: still check
        system = universe.getSystem(fleet.systemID)
        if not system:
        orders = self.orders
        last_sys_target = INVALID_ID
        if orders:
            last_sys_target = orders[-1].target.id
        if last_sys_target == fleet.systemID:
            return  # TODO: check for best local target
        open_targets = []
        already_targeted = InvasionAI.get_invasion_targeted_planet_ids(
            system.planetIDs, MissionType.INVASION)
        for pid in system.planetIDs:
            if pid in already_targeted or (
                    pid in foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets):
            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
            if planet.unowned or (planet.owner == empire_id):
            if (planet.initialMeterValue(fo.meterType.shield)) <= 0:
        if not open_targets:
        troops_in_fleet = FleetUtilsAI.count_troops_in_fleet(fleet_id)
        target_id = INVALID_ID
        best_score = -1
        target_troops = 0
        for pid, rating in InvasionAI.assign_invasion_values(
            p_score, p_troops = rating
            if p_score > best_score:
                if p_troops >= troops_in_fleet:
                best_score = p_score
                target_id = pid
                target_troops = p_troops
        if target_id == INVALID_ID:

        print "\t AIFleetMission._check_retarget_invasion: splitting and retargetting fleet %d" % fleet_id
        new_fleets = FleetUtilsAI.split_fleet(fleet_id)
        self.clear_target()  # TODO: clear from foAIstate
        troops_needed = max(
            0, target_troops - FleetUtilsAI.count_troops_in_fleet(fleet_id))
        min_stats = {'rating': 0, 'troopCapacity': troops_needed}
        target_stats = {'rating': 10, 'troopCapacity': troops_needed}
        found_fleets = []
        # TODO check if next statement does not mutate any global states and can be removed

        _ = FleetUtilsAI.get_fleets_for_mission(
            starting_system=fleet.systemID,  # noqa: F841
        for fid in found_fleets:
            FleetUtilsAI.merge_fleet_a_into_b(fid, fleet_id)
        target = Planet(target_id)
        self.set_target(MissionType.INVASION, target)

    def need_to_pause_movement(self, last_move_target_id, new_move_order):
        When a fleet has consecutive move orders, assesses whether something about the interim destination warrants
        forcing a stop (such as a military fleet choosing to engage with an enemy fleet about to enter the same system,
        or it may provide a good vantage point to view current status of next system in path). Assessments about whether
        the new destination is suitable to move to are (currently) separately made by OrderMove.can_issue_order()
        :param last_move_target_id:
        :type last_move_target_id: int
        :param new_move_order:
        :type new_move_order: OrderMove
        :rtype: bool
        fleet = self.fleet.get_object()
        # don't try skipping over more than one System
        if fleet.nextSystemID != last_move_target_id:
            return True
        universe = fo.getUniverse()
        current_dest_system = universe.getSystem(fleet.nextSystemID)
        if not current_dest_system:
            # shouldn't really happen, but just to be safe
            return True
        distance_to_next_system = ((fleet.x - current_dest_system.x)**2 +
                                   (fleet.y - current_dest_system.y)**2)**0.5
        surplus_travel_distance = fleet.speed - distance_to_next_system
        # if need more than one turn to reach current destination, then don't add another jump yet
        if surplus_travel_distance < 0:
            return True
        # TODO: add assessments for other situations we'd prefer to pause, such as cited above re military fleets, and
        # for situations where high value fleets like colony fleets might deem it safest to stop and look around
        # before proceeding
        return False

    def issue_fleet_orders(self):
        """issues AIFleetOrders which can be issued in system and moves to next one if is possible"""
        # TODO: priority
        order_completed = True
        print "Checking orders for fleet %s (on turn %d), with mission type %s" % (
            self.fleet.get_object(), fo.currentTurn(), self.type
            or 'No mission')
        if MissionType.INVASION == self.type:
        just_issued_move_order = False
        last_move_target_id = INVALID_ID
        for fleet_order in self.orders:
            if just_issued_move_order and self.fleet.get_object(
            ).systemID != last_move_target_id:
                # having just issued a move order, we will normally stop issuing orders this turn, except that if there
                # are consecutive move orders we will consider moving through the first destination rather than stopping
                if (not isinstance(fleet_order, OrderMove)
                        or self.need_to_pause_movement(last_move_target_id,
            print "Checking order: %s" % fleet_order
            if isinstance(
                (OrderColonize, OrderOutpost, OrderInvade)):  # TODO: invasion?
                if self._check_abort_mission(fleet_order):
                    print "Aborting fleet order %s" % fleet_order
            if fleet_order.can_issue_order(verbose=False):
                if isinstance(
                        fleet_order, OrderMove
                ) and order_completed:  # only move if all other orders completed
                    print "Issuing fleet order %s" % fleet_order
                    just_issued_move_order = True
                    last_move_target_id = fleet_order.target.id
                elif not isinstance(fleet_order, OrderMove):
                    print "Issuing fleet order %s" % fleet_order
                    print "NOT issuing (even though can_issue) fleet order %s" % fleet_order
                print "Order issued: %s" % fleet_order.order_issued
                if not fleet_order.order_issued:
                    order_completed = False
            else:  # check that we're not held up by a Big Monster
                if fleet_order.order_issued:
                    # It's unclear why we'd really get to this spot, but it has been observed to happen, perhaps due to
                    # game being reloaded after code changes.
                    # Go on to the next order.
                print "CAN'T issue fleet order %s" % fleet_order
                if isinstance(fleet_order, OrderMove):
                    this_system_id = fleet_order.target.id
                    this_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.setdefault(
                        this_system_id, {})
                    threat_threshold = fo.currentTurn(
                    ) * MilitaryAI.cur_best_mil_ship_rating() / 4.0
                    if this_status.get('monsterThreat', 0) > threat_threshold:
                        # if this move order is not this mil fleet's final destination, and blocked by Big Monster,
                        # release and hope for more effective reassignment
                        if (self.type not in (MissionType.MILITARY,
                                or fleet_order != self.orders[-1]):
                            print "Aborting mission due to being blocked by Big Monster at system %d, threat %d" % (
                                this_system_id, foAI.foAIstate.
                            print "Full set of orders were:"
                            for this_order in self.orders:
                                print " - %s" % this_order
                break  # do not order the next order until this one is finished.
        else:  # went through entire order list
            if order_completed:
                print "Final order is completed"
                orders = self.orders
                last_order = orders[-1] if orders else None
                universe = fo.getUniverse()

                if last_order and isinstance(last_order, OrderColonize):
                    planet = universe.getPlanet(last_order.target.id)
                    sys_partial_vis_turn = get_partial_visibility_turn(
                    planet_partial_vis_turn = get_partial_visibility_turn(
                    if (planet_partial_vis_turn == sys_partial_vis_turn
                            and not planet.initialMeterValue(
                            "Fleet %d has tentatively completed its "
                            "colonize mission but will wait to confirm population."
                            % self.fleet.id)
                        print "    Order details are %s" % last_order
                        print "    Order is valid: %s; issued: %s; executed: %s" % (
                            last_order.is_valid(), last_order.order_issued,
                        if not last_order.is_valid():
                            source_target = last_order.fleet
                            target_target = last_order.target
                            print "        source target validity: %s; target target validity: %s " % (
                                bool(source_target), bool(target_target))
                        return  # colonize order must not have completed yet
                clear_all = True
                last_sys_target = INVALID_ID
                if last_order and isinstance(last_order, OrderMilitary):
                    last_sys_target = last_order.target.id
                    # not doing this until decide a way to release from a SECURE mission
                    # if (MissionType.SECURE == self.type) or
                    secure_targets = set(AIstate.colonyTargetedSystemIDs +
                                         AIstate.outpostTargetedSystemIDs +
                    if last_sys_target in secure_targets:  # consider a secure mission
                        if last_sys_target in AIstate.colonyTargetedSystemIDs:
                            secure_type = "Colony"
                        elif last_sys_target in AIstate.outpostTargetedSystemIDs:
                            secure_type = "Outpost"
                        elif last_sys_target in AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs:
                            secure_type = "Invasion"
                            secure_type = "Unidentified"
                            "Fleet %d has completed initial stage of its mission "
                            "to secure system %d (targeted for %s), "
                            "may release a portion of ships" %
                            (self.fleet.id, last_sys_target, secure_type))
                        clear_all = False
                fleet_id = self.fleet.id
                if clear_all:
                    if orders:
                        print "Fleet %d has completed its mission; clearing all orders and targets." % self.fleet.id
                        print "Full set of orders were:"
                        for this_order in orders:
                            print "\t\t %s" % this_order
                        if foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_role(fleet_id) in (
                                MissionType.MILITARY, MissionType.SECURE):
                            allocations = MilitaryAI.get_military_fleets(
                                thisround="Fleet %d Reassignment" % fleet_id)
                            if allocations:
                    else:  # no orders
                        print "No Current Orders"
                    # TODO: evaluate releasing a smaller portion or none of the ships
                    system_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.setdefault(
                        last_sys_target, {})
                    new_fleets = []
                    threat_present = system_status.get(
                        'totalThreat', 0) + system_status.get(
                            'neighborThreat', 0) > 0
                    target_system = universe.getSystem(last_sys_target)
                    if not threat_present and target_system:
                        for pid in target_system.planetIDs:
                            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
                            if (planet and planet.owner != fo.empireID()
                                    and planet.currentMeterValue(
                                        fo.meterType.maxDefense) > 0):
                                threat_present = True
                    if not threat_present:
                        print "No current threat in target system; releasing a portion of ships."
                        # at least first stage of current task is done;
                        # release extra ships for potential other deployments
                        new_fleets = FleetUtilsAI.split_fleet(self.fleet.id)
                        print "Threat remains in target system; NOT releasing any ships."
                    new_military_fleets = []
                    for fleet_id in new_fleets:
                        if foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_role(
                                fleet_id) in COMBAT_MISSION_TYPES:
                    allocations = []
                    if new_military_fleets:
                        allocations = MilitaryAI.get_military_fleets(
                            thisround="Fleet Reassignment %s" %
                    if allocations:

    def generate_fleet_orders(self):
        """generates AIFleetOrders from fleets targets to accomplish"""
        universe = fo.getUniverse()
        fleet_id = self.fleet.id
        fleet = universe.getFleet(fleet_id)
        if (not fleet) or fleet.empty or (fleet_id
                                          in universe.destroyedObjectIDs(
            # fleet was probably merged into another or was destroyed

        # TODO: priority
        system_id = fleet.systemID
        start_sys_id = [fleet.nextSystemID, system_id][system_id >= 0]
        # if fleet doesn't have any mission,
        # then repair if needed or resupply if is current location not in supplyable system
        empire = fo.getEmpire()
        fleet_supplyable_system_ids = empire.fleetSupplyableSystemIDs
        # if (not self.hasAnyAIMissionTypes()):
        if not self.target and (system_id
                                not in set(AIstate.colonyTargetedSystemIDs +
                                           AIstate.outpostTargetedSystemIDs +
            if self._need_repair():
                repair_fleet_order = MoveUtilsAI.get_repair_fleet_order(
                    self.fleet, start_sys_id)
                if repair_fleet_order and repair_fleet_order.is_valid():
            cur_fighter_capacity, max_fighter_capacity = FleetUtilsAI.get_fighter_capacity_of_fleet(
            if (fleet.fuel < fleet.maxFuel
                    or cur_fighter_capacity < max_fighter_capacity
                    and self.get_location_target().id
                    not in fleet_supplyable_system_ids):
                resupply_fleet_order = MoveUtilsAI.get_resupply_fleet_order(
                    self.fleet, self.get_location_target())
                if resupply_fleet_order.is_valid():
            return  # no targets

        if self.target:
            # for some targets fleet has to visit systems and therefore fleet visit them
            system_to_visit = self.target.get_system()
            orders_to_visit_systems = MoveUtilsAI.create_move_orders_to_system(
                self.fleet, system_to_visit)
            # TODO: if fleet doesn't have enough fuel to get to final target, consider resetting Mission
            for fleet_order in orders_to_visit_systems:

            # also generate appropriate final orders
            fleet_order = self._get_fleet_order_from_target(
                self.type, self.target)

    def _need_repair(self, repair_limit=0.70):
        """Check if fleet needs to be repaired.

         If the fleet is already at a system where it can be repaired, stay there until fully repaired.
         Otherwise, repair if fleet health is below specified *repair_limit*.
         For military fleets, there is a special evaluation called, cf. *MilitaryAI.avail_mil_needing_repair()*

         :param repair_limit: percentage of health below which the fleet is sent to repair
         :type repair_limit: float
         :return: True if fleet needs repair
         :rtype: bool
        # TODO: More complex evaluation if fleet needs repair (consider self-repair, distance, threat, mission...)
        universe = fo.getUniverse()
        fleet_id = self.fleet.id
        # if we are already at a system where we can repair, make sure we use it...
        system = self.fleet.get_system()
        # TODO starlane obstruction is not considered in the next call
        nearest_dock = MoveUtilsAI.get_best_drydock_system_id(
            system.id, fleet_id)
        if nearest_dock == system.id:
            repair_limit = 0.99
        # if combat fleet, use military repair check
        if foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_role(fleet_id) in COMBAT_MISSION_TYPES:
            return fleet_id in MilitaryAI.avail_mil_needing_repair(
        # TODO: Allow to split fleet to send only damaged ships to repair
        fleet = universe.getFleet(fleet_id)
        ships_cur_health = 0
        ships_max_health = 0
        for ship_id in fleet.shipIDs:
            this_ship = universe.getShip(ship_id)
            ships_cur_health += this_ship.initialMeterValue(
            ships_max_health += this_ship.initialMeterValue(
        return ships_cur_health < repair_limit * ships_max_health

    def get_location_target(self):
        """system AITarget where fleet is or will be"""
        # TODO add parameter turn
        fleet = fo.getUniverse().getFleet(self.fleet.id)
        system_id = fleet.systemID
        if system_id >= 0:
            return System(system_id)
        else:  # in starlane, so return next system
            return System(fleet.nextSystemID)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.fleet == other.target

    def __str__(self):
        fleet = self.fleet.get_object()

        fleet_id = self.fleet.id
        return "%-25s [%-11s] ships: %2d; total rating: %4d; target: %s" % (
            fleet, "NONE" if self.type is None else self.type,
            (fleet and len(fleet.shipIDs)) or 0,
            CombatRatingsAI.get_fleet_rating(fleet_id), self.target
            or 'no target')
コード例 #9
ファイル: AIFleetMission.py プロジェクト: matthoppe/freeorion
 def _get_fleet_order_from_target(self, mission_type, target):
     fleet_target = Fleet(self.fleet.id)
     return ORDERS_FOR_MISSION[mission_type](fleet_target, target)
コード例 #10
ファイル: AIFleetMission.py プロジェクト: matthoppe/freeorion
class AIFleetMission(object):
    Stores information about AI mission. Every mission has fleetID and AI targets depending upon AI fleet mission type.
    def __init__(self, fleet_id):
        self.orders = []
        self.fleet = Fleet(fleet_id)
        self.type = None
        self.target = None

    def add_target(self, mission_type, target):
        if self.type == mission_type and self.target == target:
        if self.type or self.target:
            print "Change mission assignment from %s:%s to %s:%s" % (
                self.type, self.target, mission_type, target)
        self.type = mission_type
        self.target = target

    def clear_target(self):
        self.target = None
        self.type = None

    def has_target(self, mission_type, target):
        return self.type == mission_type and self.target == target

    def clear_fleet_orders(self):
        self.orders = []

    def _get_fleet_order_from_target(self, mission_type, target):
        fleet_target = Fleet(self.fleet.id)
        return ORDERS_FOR_MISSION[mission_type](fleet_target, target)

    def check_mergers(self, fleet_id=None, context=""):
        if fleet_id is None:
            fleet_id = self.fleet.id

        if self.type not in (
        universe = fo.getUniverse()
        empire_id = fo.empireID()
        main_fleet = universe.getFleet(fleet_id)
        system_id = main_fleet.systemID
        if system_id == -1:
            return  # can't merge fleets in middle of starlane
        system_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus[system_id]
        destroyed_list = list(universe.destroyedObjectIDs(empire_id))
        other_fleets_here = [
            fid for fid in system_status.get('myFleetsAccessible', [])
            if fid != fleet_id and fid not in destroyed_list
            and universe.getFleet(fid).ownedBy(empire_id)
        if not other_fleets_here:
            return  # nothing of record to merge with

        if not self.target:
            m_mt0_id = None
            m_mt0_id = self.target.id

        # TODO consider establishing an AI strategy & tactics planning document for discussing & planning
        # high level considerations for issues like fleet merger
        compatible_roles_map = {
            MissionType.ORBITAL_DEFENSE: [MissionType.ORBITAL_DEFENSE],
            MissionType.MILITARY: [MissionType.MILITARY],
            MissionType.ORBITAL_INVASION: [MissionType.ORBITAL_INVASION],
            MissionType.INVASION: [MissionType.INVASION],

        main_fleet_role = foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_role(fleet_id)
        for fid in other_fleets_here:
            fleet_role = foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_role(fid)
            if fleet_role not in compatible_roles_map[
                    main_fleet_role]:  # TODO: if fleetRoles such as LongRange start being used, adjust this
                continue  # will only considering subsuming fleets that have a compatible role
            fleet = universe.getFleet(fid)
            if not (fleet and (fleet.systemID == system_id)):
            if not (fleet.speed > 0 or main_fleet.speed
                    == 0):  # TODO(Cjkjvfnby) Check this condition
            fleet_mission = foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_mission(fid)
            do_merge = False
            need_left = 0
            if (main_fleet_role == MissionType.ORBITAL_DEFENSE) or (
                    fleet_role == MissionType.ORBITAL_DEFENSE):
                if main_fleet_role == fleet_role:
                    do_merge = True
            elif (main_fleet_role == MissionType.ORBITAL_INVASION) or (
                    fleet_role == MissionType.ORBITAL_INVASION):
                if main_fleet_role == fleet_role:
                    do_merge = False  # TODO: could allow merger if both orb invaders and both same target
            elif not fleet_mission and (main_fleet.speed > 0) and (fleet.speed
                                                                   > 0):
                do_merge = True
                if not self.target and (main_fleet.speed > 0
                                        or fleet.speed == 0):
                    # print "\t\t\t ** Considering merging fleetA (id: %4d) into fleet (id %d) and former has no targets, will take it. FleetA mission was %s "%(fid, fleetID, fleet_mission)
                    do_merge = True
                    target = fleet_mission.target.id if fleet_mission.target else None
                    if target == m_mt0_id:
                        print "Military fleet %d has same target as %s fleet %d and will (at least temporarily) be merged into the latter" % (
                            fid, fleet_role, fleet_id)
                        do_merge = True  # TODO: should probably ensure that fleetA has aggression on now
                    elif main_fleet.speed > 0:
                        neighbors = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(
                            system_id, {}).get('neighbors', [])
                        if (
                                target == system_id
                        ) and m_mt0_id in neighbors:  # consider 'borrowing' for work in neighbor system  # TODO check condition
                            if self.type in (MissionType.MILITARY,
                                # continue
                                if self.type == MissionType.SECURE:  # actually, currently this is probably the only one of all four that should really be possible in this situation
                                    need_left = 1.5 * sum([
                                        sysStat.get('fleetThreat', 0)
                                        for sysStat in [
                                                neighbor, {}) for neighbor in [
                                                    nid for nid in foAI.
                                                        system_id, {}).get(
                                                            'neighbors', [])
                                                    if nid != m_mt0_id
                                    fb_rating = foAI.foAIstate.get_rating(fid)
                                    if (need_left < fb_rating.get(
                                            'overall', 0)) and fb_rating.get(
                                                'nships', 0) > 1:
                                        do_merge = True
            if do_merge:
                    context="Order %s of mission %s" % (context, self))

    def _is_valid_fleet_mission_target(self, mission_type, target):
        if not target:
            return False
        if mission_type == MissionType.EXPLORATION:
            if isinstance(target, System):
                empire = fo.getEmpire()
                if not empire.hasExploredSystem(target.id):
                    return True
        elif mission_type in [
                MissionType.OUTPOST, MissionType.ORBITAL_OUTPOST
            fleet = self.fleet.get_object()
            if not fleet.hasOutpostShips:
                return False
            if isinstance(target, Planet):
                planet = target.get_object()
                if planet.unowned:
                    return True
        elif mission_type == MissionType.COLONISATION:
            fleet = self.fleet.get_object()
            if not fleet.hasColonyShips:
                return False
            if isinstance(target, Planet):
                planet = target.get_object()
                population = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.population)
                if planet.unowned or (planet.owner == fleet.owner
                                      and population == 0):
                    return True
        elif mission_type in [
                MissionType.INVASION, MissionType.ORBITAL_INVASION
            fleet = self.fleet.get_object()
            if not fleet.hasTroopShips:
                return False
            if isinstance(target, Planet):
                planet = target.get_object()
                if not planet.unowned or planet.owner != fleet.owner:  # TODO remove latter portion of this check in light of invasion retargeting, or else correct logic
                    return True
        elif mission_type in [
                MissionType.MILITARY, MissionType.SECURE,
            if isinstance(target, System):
                return True
        # TODO: implement other mission types
        return False

    def clean_invalid_targets(self):
        """clean invalid AITargets"""
        if not self._is_valid_fleet_mission_target(self.type, self.target):
            self.target = None
            self.type = None

    def _check_abort_mission(self, fleet_order):
        """ checks if current mission (targeting a planet) should be aborted"""
        if fleet_order.target and isinstance(fleet_order.target, Planet):
            planet = fleet_order.target.get_object()
            if isinstance(fleet_order, OrderColonize):
                if planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.population) == 0 and (
                        planet.ownedBy(fo.empireID()) or planet.unowned):
                    return False
            elif isinstance(fleet_order, OrderOutpost):
                if planet.unowned:
                    return False
            elif isinstance(fleet_order,
                            OrderInvade):  # TODO add substantive abort check
                return False
                return False

        # canceling fleet orders
        print "   %s" % fleet_order
        print "Fleet %d had a target planet that is no longer valid for this mission; aborting." % self.fleet.id
        return True

    def _check_retarget_invasion(self):
        """checks if an invasion mission should be retargeted"""
        universe = fo.getUniverse()
        empire = fo.getEmpire()
        empire_id = fo.empireID()
        fleet_id = self.fleet.id
        fleet = universe.getFleet(fleet_id)
        if fleet.systemID == -1:
            # next_loc = fleet.nextSystemID
            return  # TODO: still check
        system = universe.getSystem(fleet.systemID)
        if not system:
        orders = self.orders
        last_sys_target = -1
        if orders:
            last_sys_target = orders[-1].target.id
        if last_sys_target == fleet.systemID:
            return  # TODO: check for best local target
        open_targets = []
        already_targeted = InvasionAI.get_invasion_targeted_planet_ids(
            system.planetIDs, MissionType.INVASION)
        for pid in system.planetIDs:
            if pid in already_targeted or (
                    pid in foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets):
            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
            if planet.unowned or (planet.owner == empire_id):
            if (planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.shield)) <= 0:
        if not open_targets:
        troops_in_fleet = FleetUtilsAI.count_troops_in_fleet(fleet_id)
        target_id = -1
        best_score = -1
        target_troops = 0
        for pid, rating in InvasionAI.assign_invasion_values(
                open_targets, empire).items():
            p_score, p_troops = rating
            if p_score > best_score:
                if p_troops >= troops_in_fleet:
                best_score = p_score
                target_id = pid
                target_troops = p_troops
        if target_id == -1:

        print "\t AIFleetMission._check_retarget_invasion: splitting and retargetting fleet %d" % fleet_id
        new_fleets = FleetUtilsAI.split_fleet(fleet_id)
        self.clear_target()  # TODO: clear from foAIstate
        # pods_needed = max(0, math.ceil((target_troops - 2 * (FleetUtilsAI.count_parts_fleetwide(fleet_id, ["GT_TROOP_POD"])) + 0.05) / 2.0))
        troops_needed = max(
            0, target_troops - FleetUtilsAI.count_troops_in_fleet(fleet_id))
        found_stats = {}
        min_stats = {'rating': 0, 'troopCapacity': troops_needed}
        target_stats = {'rating': 10, 'troopCapacity': troops_needed}
        found_fleets = []
        # TODO check if next statement does not mutate any global states and can be removed
        _ = FleetUtilsAI.get_fleets_for_mission(
        for fid in found_fleets:
            FleetUtilsAI.merge_fleet_a_into_b(fid, fleet_id)
        target = Planet(target_id)
        self.add_target(MissionType.INVASION, target)

    def issue_fleet_orders(self):
        """issues AIFleetOrders which can be issued in system and moves to next one if is possible"""
        # TODO: priority
        order_completed = True
        print "Checking orders for fleet %s (on turn %d), with mission type %s" % (
            self.fleet.get_object(), fo.currentTurn(), self.type
            or 'No mission')
        if MissionType.INVASION == self.type:
        for fleet_order in self.orders:
            print "Checking order: %s" % fleet_order
            if isinstance(
                (OrderColonize, OrderOutpost, OrderInvade)):  # TODO: invasion?
                if self._check_abort_mission(fleet_order):
                    print "Aborting fleet order %s" % fleet_order
            if fleet_order.can_issue_order(verbose=False):
                if isinstance(
                        fleet_order, OrderMove
                ) and order_completed:  # only move if all other orders completed
                    print "Issuing fleet order %s" % fleet_order
                elif not isinstance(fleet_order, OrderMove):
                    print "Issuing fleet order %s" % fleet_order
                    print "NOT issuing (even though can_issue) fleet order %s" % fleet_order
                print "Order issued: %s" % fleet_order.order_issued
                if not fleet_order.order_issued:
                    order_completed = False
            else:  # check that we're not held up by a Big Monster
                if fleet_order.order_issued:
                    # It's unclear why we'd really get to this spot, but it has been observed to happen, perhaps due to
                    # game being reloaded after code changes.
                    # Go on to the next order.
                print "CAN'T issue fleet order %s" % fleet_order
                if isinstance(fleet_order, OrderMove):
                    this_system_id = fleet_order.target.id
                    this_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.setdefault(
                        this_system_id, {})
                    if this_status.get('monsterThreat', 0) > fo.currentTurn(
                    ) * MilitaryAI.cur_best_mil_ship_rating() / 4.0:
                        if (self.type not in (
                                MissionType.MILITARY, MissionType.SECURE
                        ) or fleet_order != self.orders[
                                -1]  # if this move order is not this mil fleet's final destination, and blocked by Big Monster, release and hope for more effective reassignment
                            print "Aborting mission due to being blocked by Big Monster at system %d, threat %d" % (
                                this_system_id, foAI.foAIstate.
                            print "Full set of orders were:"
                            for this_order in self.orders:
                                print " - %s" % this_order
            # moving to another system stops issuing all orders in system where fleet is
            # move order is also the last order in system
            if isinstance(fleet_order, OrderMove):
                fleet = self.fleet.get_object()
                if fleet.systemID != fleet_order.target.id:
        else:  # went through entire order list
            if order_completed:
                print "Final order is completed"
                orders = self.orders
                last_order = orders[-1] if orders else None
                universe = fo.getUniverse()

                if last_order and isinstance(last_order, OrderColonize):
                    planet = universe.getPlanet(last_order.target.id)
                    sys_partial_vis_turn = universe.getVisibilityTurnsMap(
                        fo.empireID()).get(fo.visibility.partial, -9999)
                    planet_partial_vis_turn = universe.getVisibilityTurnsMap(
                        planet.id, fo.empireID()).get(fo.visibility.partial,
                    if planet_partial_vis_turn == sys_partial_vis_turn and not planet.currentMeterValue(
                        print "Potential Error: Fleet %d has tentatively completed its colonize mission but will wait to confirm population." % self.fleet.id
                        print "    Order details are %s" % last_order
                        print "    Order is valid: %s; issued: %s; executed: %s" % (
                            last_order.is_valid(), last_order.order_issued,
                        if not last_order.is_valid():
                            source_target = last_order.fleet
                            target_target = last_order.target
                            print "        source target validity: %s; target target validity: %s " % (
                                bool(source_target), bool(target_target))
                        return  # colonize order must not have completed yet
                clear_all = True
                last_sys_target = -1
                if last_order and isinstance(last_order, OrderMilitary):
                    last_sys_target = last_order.target.id
                    # if (MissionType.SECURE == self.type) or # not doing this until decide a way to release from a SECURE mission
                    secure_targets = set(AIstate.colonyTargetedSystemIDs +
                                         AIstate.outpostTargetedSystemIDs +
                                         AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs +
                    if last_sys_target in secure_targets:  # consider a secure mission
                        if last_sys_target in AIstate.colonyTargetedSystemIDs:
                            secure_type = "Colony"
                        elif last_sys_target in AIstate.outpostTargetedSystemIDs:
                            secure_type = "Outpost"
                        elif last_sys_target in AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs:
                            secure_type = "Invasion"
                        elif last_sys_target in AIstate.blockadeTargetedSystemIDs:
                            secure_type = "Blockade"
                            secure_type = "Unidentified"
                        print "Fleet %d has completed initial stage of its mission to secure system %d (targeted for %s), may release a portion of ships" % (
                            self.fleet.id, last_sys_target, secure_type)
                        clear_all = False
                fleet_id = self.fleet.id
                if clear_all:
                    if orders:
                        print "Fleet %d has completed its mission; clearing all orders and targets." % self.fleet.id
                        print "Full set of orders were:"
                        for this_order in orders:
                            print "\t\t %s" % this_order
                        if foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_role(fleet_id) in (
                                MissionType.MILITARY, MissionType.SECURE):
                            allocations = MilitaryAI.get_military_fleets(
                                thisround="Fleet %d Reassignment" % fleet_id)
                            if allocations:
                    else:  # no orders
                        print "No Current Orders"
                    # TODO: evaluate releasing a smaller portion or none of the ships
                    system_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.setdefault(
                        last_sys_target, {})
                    new_fleets = []
                    threat_present = (system_status.get('totalThreat', 0) !=
                                      0) or (system_status.get(
                                          'neighborThreat', 0) != 0)
                    target_system = universe.getSystem(last_sys_target)
                    if not threat_present and target_system:
                        for pid in target_system.planetIDs:
                            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
                            if planet and planet.owner != fo.empireID(
                            ) and planet.currentMeterValue(
                                    fo.meterType.maxDefense) > 0:
                                threat_present = True
                    if not threat_present:
                        print "No current threat in target system; releasing a portion of ships."
                        new_fleets = FleetUtilsAI.split_fleet(
                        )  # at least first stage of current task is done; release extra ships for potential other deployments
                        print "Threat remains in target system; NOT releasing any ships."
                    new_military_fleets = []
                    for fleet_id in new_fleets:
                        if foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_role(
                                fleet_id) in COMBAT_MISSION_TYPES:
                    allocations = []
                    if new_military_fleets:
                        allocations = MilitaryAI.get_military_fleets(
                            thisround="Fleet Reassignment %s" %
                    if allocations:

    def generate_fleet_orders(self):
        """generates AIFleetOrders from fleets targets to accomplish"""
        universe = fo.getUniverse()
        fleet_id = self.fleet.id
        fleet = universe.getFleet(fleet_id)
        if (not fleet) or fleet.empty or (
                fleet_id in universe.destroyedObjectIDs(fo.empireID())
        ):  # fleet was probably merged into another or was destroyed

        # TODO: priority
        system_id = fleet.systemID
        start_sys_id = [fleet.nextSystemID, system_id][system_id >= 0]
        # if fleet doesn't have any mission, then repair if needed or resupply if is current location not in supplyable system
        empire = fo.getEmpire()
        fleet_supplyable_system_ids = empire.fleetSupplyableSystemIDs
        # if (not self.hasAnyAIMissionTypes()):
        if not self.target and (system_id
                                not in set(AIstate.colonyTargetedSystemIDs +
                                           AIstate.outpostTargetedSystemIDs +
                                           AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs +
            if self._need_repair():
                repair_fleet_order = MoveUtilsAI.get_repair_fleet_order(
                    self.fleet, start_sys_id)
                if repair_fleet_order.is_valid():
            if fleet.fuel < fleet.maxFuel and self.get_location_target(
            ).id not in fleet_supplyable_system_ids:
                resupply_fleet_order = MoveUtilsAI.get_resupply_fleet_order(
                    self.fleet, self.get_location_target())
                if resupply_fleet_order.is_valid():
            return  # no targets

        # for some targets fleet has to visit systems and therefore fleet visit them
        if self.target:
            system_targets_required_to_visit = [self.target.get_system()]
            orders_to_visit_systems = MoveUtilsAI.get_fleet_orders_from_system_targets(
                self.fleet, system_targets_required_to_visit)
            # TODO: if fleet doesn't have enough fuel to get to final target, consider resetting Mission
            for fleet_order in orders_to_visit_systems:

        # if fleet is in some system = fleet.system_id >=0, then also generate system AIFleetOrders
        if system_id >= 0 and self.target:
            # system in where fleet is
            system_target = System(system_id)
            # if mission aiTarget has required system where fleet is, then generate fleet_order from this aiTarget
            # for all targets in all mission types get required systems to visit
            if system_target == self.target.get_system():
                # from target required to visit get fleet orders to accomplish target
                fleet_order = self._get_fleet_order_from_target(
                    self.type, self.target)

    def _need_repair(self, repair_limit=0.70):
        """Check if fleet needs to be repaired.

         If the fleet is already at a system where it can be repaired, stay there until fully repaired.
         Otherwise, repair if fleet health is below specified *repair_limit*.
         For military fleets, there is a special evaluation called, cf. *MilitaryAI.avail_mil_needing_repair()*

         :param repair_limit: percentage of health below which the fleet is sent to repair
         :type repair_limit: float
         :return: True if fleet needs repair
         :rtype: bool
        # TODO: More complex evaluation if fleet needs repair (consider self-repair, distance, threat, mission...)
        universe = fo.getUniverse()
        fleet_id = self.fleet.id
        # if we are already at a system where we can repair, make sure we use it...
        system = self.fleet.get_system()
        # TODO starlane obstruction is not considered in the next call
        nearest_dock = MoveUtilsAI.get_nearest_drydock_system_id(system.id)
        if nearest_dock == system.id:
            repair_limit = 0.99
        # if combat fleet, use military repair check
        if foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_role(fleet_id) in COMBAT_MISSION_TYPES:
            return fleet_id in MilitaryAI.avail_mil_needing_repair(
        # TODO: Allow to split fleet to send only damaged ships to repair
        fleet = universe.getFleet(fleet_id)
        ships_cur_health = 0
        ships_max_health = 0
        for ship_id in fleet.shipIDs:
            this_ship = universe.getShip(ship_id)
            ships_cur_health += this_ship.currentMeterValue(
            ships_max_health += this_ship.currentMeterValue(
        return ships_cur_health < repair_limit * ships_max_health

    def get_location_target(self):
        """system AITarget where fleet is or will be"""
        # TODO add parameter turn
        fleet = fo.getUniverse().getFleet(self.fleet.id)
        system_id = fleet.systemID
        if system_id >= 0:
            return System(system_id)
        else:  # in starlane, so return next system
            return System(fleet.nextSystemID)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.fleet == other.target

    def __str__(self):
        fleet = self.fleet.get_object()
        if self.type is not None:
            fleet_id = self.fleet.id
            return "%-20s [%10s mission]: %3d ships, total rating: %7d target: %s" % (
                fleet, self.type, (fleet and len(fleet.shipIDs))
                or 0, foAI.foAIstate.get_rating(fleet_id).get('overall',
                                                              0), self.target)
            return 'Mission of %s without mission types' % fleet