コード例 #1
def import_last_names():
    last_names_array = []
    file = util.find_all("last_names.txt")
    with open(file, "r") as last_names:
        for line in last_names:
            data = line.split("\t")

    return last_names_array
コード例 #2
ファイル: pep8_check.py プロジェクト: kyphelps/porter
def pep8_all():
    def pep8_file(file_):
        checker = pep8.Checker(filename=file_, max_line_length=99)
        incorrect = checker.check_all()
        if incorrect != 0:

    map(pep8_file, util.find_all(os.environ["PORTER"], ".py"))
コード例 #3
ファイル: coverage_check.py プロジェクト: kyphelps/porter
def coverage_test_package(package):
    def path_to_name(name):
        return os.path.split(name)[1].split('.')[0]

    for module in functional.removed(
            map(path_to_name, util.find_all(
                os.path.join('src', package), '.py')), '__init__'):
        command = coverage_module(package, module)
コード例 #4
def load_location():
    states = []
    file = util.find_all("location.json")
    with open(file, 'r') as location_file:
        global JSON_DATA
        JSON_DATA = json.load(location_file)
        for state in JSON_DATA.keys():
    return states
コード例 #5
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: thekeyman/insyde-tools
    def locate_firmware_volumes(self, data, where=None):
        """Search through `data` looking for firmware volume headers
        `where` optionally specifies where it came from (e.g. compressed section)
        subtract_offset = lambda x: x - FVH_OFFSET_WITHIN_HEADER
        items = find_all(data, "_FVH", subtract_offset)

        #print "Found the following:", items

        return [FirmwareVolume(data, position, where) for position in items]
コード例 #6
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: coreboot/bios_extract
    def locate_firmware_volumes(self, data, where=None):
        """Search through `data` looking for firmware volume headers
        `where` optionally specifies where it came from (e.g. compressed section)
        subtract_offset = lambda x: x - FVH_OFFSET_WITHIN_HEADER
        items = find_all(data, "_FVH", subtract_offset)

        #print "Found the following:", items

        return [FirmwareVolume(data, position, where) for position in items]
コード例 #7
def import_prisons():
    file = util.find_all("prison_list.txt")
    prisons = []
    with open(file, "r") as prison_list:
        for row in prison_list:
            row = row.split("\t")
            name = row[0]
            state = row[1].strip("\n")
            temp = [name, state]

    return prisons
コード例 #8
def import_first_names():
    male_first_names = []
    female_first_names = []
    file = util.find_all("people.txt")
    with open(file, "r") as person_file:
        for line in person_file:
            data = line.split("\t")
            for index, token in enumerate(data):
                if token.isalpha():
                    if index == 1:

    first_names = {"Male": male_first_names, "Female": female_first_names}
    return first_names
コード例 #9
def generate_victim_offender():
    victims = []
    offenders = []
    final = []
    file_path = util.find_all("people.json")
    count = 0
    with open(file_path, "r") as people_json:
        people = json.load(people_json)
        for person in people:
            if person['Victim']:
            count += 1

    # now lets make the connection between the two arrays.
    print(f"length of victims: {len(victims)}")
    print(f"length of offenders: {len(offenders)}")
    # length of victims is always larger than offenders (percentages)
    # therefore, we have a temp_offenders array that stores all deleted offenders
    # in case we run out of offenders to pair with victimes, hence the if stmt

    temp_offenders = []
    for victim in victims:
        length = len(offenders) - 1

        if length < 0:
            l = len(temp_offenders) - 1
            num = random.randint(0, l)
            offender = temp_offenders[num]
            temp = [victim, offender]

            num = random.randint(0, length)
            offender = offenders[num]
            temp = [victim, offender]

    util.output_SQL("VICTIM_OFFENDER", final,
    util.output_json(final, "victim_offender.json")
コード例 #10
def generate_weapons():

    file_name = util.find_all("weapons.csv")
    with open(file_name) as csv_file:
        csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
        line_count = 0
        weapons = []

        for row in csv_reader:
            if line_count == 0:  # some glitch (weird UTF-8 symbol)
                weapon = row[0][1:]
                weapon = row[0]
            fatalities = row[1]
            temp = {weapon: fatalities}
            line_count += 1

        return weapons
コード例 #11
def get_outlier_points(stroke, estimated_position, limit):
    Finds the group of points, that is the closest to the stroke's estimated location,
    and returns the list of those points, which are not in this group.
    :param stroke: The inspected stroke.
    :param estimated_position: The stroke's estimated position.
    :param limit: The length limit of an edge between two vertices in the graph. The graph consists of
    the points of the stroke and it is represented as a graph for the algorithm that groups the points.
    :return: Ordered list of the outlier points' indexes.
    def index_to_point(indexes, point_objects):
        Gets the corresponding point objects in the stroke for the given set of indexes.
        :param indexes: Indexes to be interpreted as points.
        :param point_objects: A single stroke.
        :return: List of point objects.
        return [
            point for point_index, point in enumerate(point_objects)
            if point_index in indexes

    # The connected vertices are stored as ones in the matrix.
    adjacency_matrix = np.ones((len(stroke), len(stroke)))
    for row in range(len(adjacency_matrix)):
        for col in range(len(adjacency_matrix[row])):
            if row == col:
                adjacency_matrix[row][col] = -1
            elif util.point_2_point(stroke[row], stroke[col]) > limit:
                adjacency_matrix[row][col] = 0

    # The matrix is converted into a dict, that stores the vertex sequence numbers as keys, and
    # the corresponding connected vertices as values.
    adjacency_list = OrderedDict()
    for index, row in enumerate(adjacency_matrix):
        adjacency_list[index] = util.find_all(row, 1)

    # The connected vertices are organised into groups.
    groups = []
    while len(adjacency_list) > 0:
        group = util.dfs(adjacency_list)
        if len(group) != 0:
        for index in group:
            if index in adjacency_list:
                del adjacency_list[index]

    # The groups are represented by their average position.
    average_positions = []
    for group in groups:
            util.get_average_point(index_to_point(group, stroke)))

    # The distances between the average position and the predicted location is calculated.
    distances = []
    for position in average_positions:
                util.Point(estimated_position[1], estimated_position[2])))

    # The group that is closest to the predicted location is chosen.
    closest_group = distances.index(min(distances))

    return [
        index for index, point in enumerate(stroke)
        if index not in groups[closest_group]
コード例 #12
ファイル: get_edge.py プロジェクト: yyuting/visual_debugger
def get_edge(s, local_types, method_name):

    local_types = list(local_types['types'][method_name].s.values())[0]

    r = RedBaron(s)

    defnodes = [
        tnode for tnode in util.find_all(r, 'DefNode')
        if tnode.name == method_name
    defnode = defnodes[0]

    base_fornodes = util.find_fornodes(r)

    lo_Ls = []
    hi_Ls = []
    var_Ls = []
    chosen_radius_Ls = []
    conditionals = []

    for base_fornode in base_fornodes:

        # Find one or more continuous for loops inside which all other code blocks are nested
        all_fornode_L = base_fornode.find_all('ForNode')
        fornode_L = []
        for (i, fornode) in enumerate(all_fornode_L):
            subnodes = [
                node for node in fornode.value
                if not isinstance(node, redbaron.CommentNode)
            if len(subnodes) == 1 and i + 1 < len(
                    all_fornode_L) and subnodes[0] == all_fornode_L[i + 1]:

        # For each such for loop, identify variable name, lower, upper bounds

        assert len(fornode_L)
        if not all(
                isinstance(x.iterator, redbaron.NameNode) for x in fornode_L):
            raise TransformError(
                'each for loop must have a single var for LoopRemoveConditionals'
        var_L = [x.iterator.name.value for x in fornode_L]
        lo_L = []
        hi_L = []
        zero = RedBaron('0').find_all('IntNode')[0]

        is_parallel_L = []

        for fornode in fornode_L:
            fornode_value_str = fornode.target.value.name.value
            if len(fornode.target.value) >= 3 and [
                    fornode.target.value[j].value for j in range(3)
            ] == ['cython', 'parallel', 'prange']:
                is_parallel = True
            elif fornode_value_str in ['range', 'xrange']:
                is_parallel = False
                raise TransformError(
                    'each for loop must have range or xrange for LoopRemoveConditionals ({})',

            # Get positional arguments
            call_L = [
                c.value for c in fornode.target.value.call if c.target is None
            if len(call_L) == 1:
            elif len(call_L) == 2:
            elif len(call_L) == 3:
                success = False
                if util.is_int_constant(
                ):  #isinstance(call_L[2], (redbaron.FloatNode, redbaron.IntNode)) or (isinstance(call_L[2], redbaron.UnitaryOperatorNode) and isinstance(call_L[2].target, (redbaron.FloatNode, redbaron.IntNode))):
                    val = eval(call_L[2].dumps())
                    if val == 1:
                        success = True

                if not success:
                    raise TransformError(
                        'for loop range currently must have constant step of exactly 1 to apply LoopRemoveConditionals'
                raise TransformError(
                    'for loop range must have 1 to 3 arguments to apply LoopRemoveConditionals'

        # Get z3 expression strings

        lo_z3_L = []
        hi_z3_L = []

        def rewrite_expr_z3(r, is_redbaron=True):
            # Rewrites RedBaron expression to a str expression that could be used in z3
            # Return (z3_expr_str, z3_varnames)
            z3_expr_str = (r.dumps() if is_redbaron else r).strip()
            z3_expr_str = z3_expr_str.replace('.', '_').replace('[',
                                                                    ']', '_')

            rp = RedBaron(z3_expr_str)
            for node in rp.find_all('UnitaryOperatorNode'):
                if node.value == 'not':
                    node.replace('z3.Not(' + node.target.dumps() + ')')
            for node in rp.find_all('BooleanOperatorNode'):
                if node.value == 'and':
                    node.replace('z3.And(' + node.first.dumps() + ',' +
                                 node.second.dumps() + ')')
                elif node.value == 'or':
                    node.replace('z3.Or(' + node.first.dumps() + ',' +
                                 node.second.dumps() + ')')
            z3_expr_str = rp.dumps()

            z3_vars = set()
            for node in rp.find_all('NameNode'):
            return (z3_expr_str, z3_vars)

        all_z3_vars = set(var_L)
        for i in range(len(lo_L)):
            (lo_z3, z3_vars) = rewrite_expr_z3(lo_L[i])
            all_z3_vars |= z3_vars
            (hi_z3, z3_vars) = rewrite_expr_z3(hi_L[i])
            all_z3_vars |= z3_vars

        # Find all array getitem/setitem expressions (e.g. a[y,x])
        getitem_L = []

        for node in base_fornode.find_all('AtomtrailersNode'):
            if len(node) == 2 and isinstance(
                    node.value[0], redbaron.NameNode) and isinstance(
                        node.value[1], redbaron.GetitemNode):

        # For each dimension j of each expression of an array A, find radius r_j such that we can prove that the expression is always in bounds if we are more than r_j away from edge of array. Associate r_j with corresponding for loop dimension i (i.e. var_L[i]).

        # List of all candidate radii
        radius_L = [str(rval) for rval in range(min_radius, max_radius + 1)]
        radius_set = set(radius_L)

        getitem_arrayname_args_L = []
        for getitem_node in getitem_L:
            arrayname = getitem_node.value[0].value
            args = getitem_node.getitem.value
            if not isinstance(args, redbaron.TupleNode):
                args = [args]
            args = list(args)
            getitem_arrayname_args_L.append((getitem_node, arrayname, args))

            for arg in args:
                for current_node in util.all_nodes(arg):
                        current_z3 = rewrite_expr_z3(current_node)[0].strip()
                    if len(current_z3):
                        if current_z3 not in radius_set:

        # Intersection of success radii from each dimension
        success_radius_intersect_L = [set(radius_L) for j in range(len(var_L))]

        def get_bound(i, is_upper, radius='0'):
            bound = lo_z3_L[i] if not is_upper else hi_z3_L[i]
            ineq = '>=' if not is_upper else '<'
            pad = ('+' if not is_upper else '-') + '(' + radius + ')'
            z3_expr = '(' + var_L[
                i] + ')' + ineq + '((' + bound + ')' + pad + ')'
            return z3_expr

        for (getitem_node, arrayname, args) in getitem_arrayname_args_L:

                # Add assumptions that current argument to the array 'arrayname' is out of bounds along dimension j,
                # on either the lower bound side (if is_lo_bound) or else the upper bound side.
                for (j, arg) in enumerate(args):
                    # Skip indices that are greater than the number of loops
                    if j >= len(var_L):

                    # Skip getitem index expressions that involve only a single variable, e.g. 'r' and 'c' in A[r,c]
                    if isinstance(arg, redbaron.NameNode):

                    success_radius_L = []

                    # Find radii that work out of the list of candidate radii, where we can prove in-bounds property on
                    # both sides.
                    for radius in radius_L:
                        radius_success = True
                        radius_is_constant = util.is_int_constant(radius)

                        arg_s = arg.dumps()
                        for is_lo_bound in [False, True]:
                            if ':' in arg_s:

                            solver = z3.Solver()

                            current_z3_vars = {}
                            for z3_var in all_z3_vars:
                                current_z3_vars[z3_var] = z3.Int(z3_var)

                            # Add assumptions that each for loop variable is in bounds, with a distance 'radius' to the edge.
                            i = j
                            for k in range(2):
                                z3_expr = get_bound(i, k, radius)
                                    z3_expr_eval = eval(
                                        z3_expr, globals(), current_z3_vars)
                                    radius_success = False
                                    #raise TransformError('LoopRemoveConditionals: could not eval expression {}'.format(z3_expr))

                            if not radius_success:
                            # Add dubious assumption that all arrays with the same shapes during unit testing are always equal in shape.
                            # Really we should probably prove this is true by inspecting the numpy code used and its dependencies
                            # instead of just assuming it.
                            arraytype = local_types[arrayname]
                            for (arrayname_p,
                                 arraytype_p) in local_types.items():
                                if (arraytype_p.cython_type
                                        == arraytype.cython_type
                                        and arraytype_p.shape_list
                                        == arraytype.shape_list):
                                    # It is an array of the same size, so assume equal shape
                                    for k in range(len(arraytype_p.shape)):
                                        z3_var_p = rewrite_expr_z3(
                                            arrayname_p +
                                            '.shape[{}]'.format(k), False)[0]
                                        z3_var_current = rewrite_expr_z3(
                                            arrayname + '.shape[{}]'.format(k),
                                        for z3_v in [z3_var_p, z3_var_current]:
                                            if z3_v not in current_z3_vars:
                                                current_z3_vars[z3_v] = z3.Int(

                                            eval(z3_var_p, globals(),
                                                 current_z3_vars) == eval(
                                                     z3_var_current, globals(),

                            # Assume that current variable used in getitem is out of bounds (either too low or too high),
                            # and attempt to derive a contradiction.
                            if is_lo_bound:
                                out_of_bounds = arg_s + ' < 0'
                                getitem_hi = rewrite_expr_z3(
                                    arrayname + '.shape[{}]'.format(j),
                                out_of_bounds = arg_s + ' >= (' + getitem_hi + ')'
                                out_of_bounds_eval = eval(
                                    out_of_bounds, globals(), current_z3_vars)
                                raise LoopRemoveConditionalsProofFailed(
                                    'LoopRemoveConditionals: could not eval out of bounds expression {}'

                            check = solver.check()
                            if check != z3.unsat:
                                # We did not derive a contraction. This radius is invalid.
                                radius_success = False

                        if radius_success:

                    success_radius_intersect_L[j] &= set(success_radius_L)

            except LoopRemoveConditionalsProofFailed:

        # Place all constraints in a list
        constraints = []
        for j in range(len(var_L)):
            for k in range(2):
                constraints.append(get_bound(j, k))

        # Reduce success_radius_intersect_L to a single radius along each dimension (chosen_radius_L)
        chosen_radius_L = []
        for j in range(len(var_L)):
            success_L = list(success_radius_intersect_L[j])
            is_constant_L = [util.is_int_constant(x) for x in success_L]
            constant_val_L = [(int(success_L[i].strip('()'))
                               if is_constant_L[i] else numpy.nan)
                              for i in range(len(success_L))]
                min_constant_index = numpy.nanargmin(constant_val_L)
            except ValueError:
                raise TransformError(
                    'LoopRemoveConditionals not valid because no radius could be proved'
            success_L = [success_L[min_constant_index]] + [
                for i in range(len(success_L)) if not is_constant_L[i]

                    util.prove_smallest(success_L, all_z3_vars, constraints))
            except util.ProveSmallestError:
                raise TransformError(
                    'LoopRemoveConditionals could not prove smallest element')
        """loop_body = fornode.value.dumps()
        conditional_status = {}
        for nodetype in ['IfNode', 'ElifNode', 'TernaryOperatorNode']:
            for node in fornode.find_all(nodetype):
                conditional = node.test if nodetype != 'TernaryOperatorNode' else node.value
                    #build a grid
                for j in range(3):
                    for k in range(3):
                        for prove_true in [False, True]:
                            radius_r = chosen_radius_L[0]
                            radius_c = chosen_radius_L[1]
                            var_r = var_L[0]
                            var_c = var_L[1]
                            if j == 0:
                                lo_r = lo_L[0].dumps()
                                hi_r =  '(' + '(' + lo_r + ') + ' + radius_r + ')'
                                lo_r_extra = lo_r
                                hi_r_extra = '(' + '(' + hi_L[0].dumps() + ') - ' + radius_r + ')'
                            elif j == 1:
                                lo_r = '(' + '(' + lo_L[0].dumps() + ') + ' + radius_r + ')'
                                hi_r = '(' + '(' + hi_L[0].dumps() + ') - ' + radius_r + ')'
                                lo_r_extra = lo_r
                                hi_r_extra = hi_r
                            elif j == 2:
                                lo_r = '(' + '(' + hi_L[0].dumps() + ') - ' + radius_r + ')'
                                hi_r = hi_L[0].dumps()
                                lo_r_extra = '(' + '(' + lo_L[0].dumps() + ') + ' + radius_r + ')'
                                hi_r_extra = hi_r
                            if k == 0:
                                lo_c = lo_L[1].dumps()
                                hi_c = '(' + '(' + lo_c + ') + ' + radius_c + ')'
                                lo_c_extra = lo_c
                                hi_c_extra = '(' + '(' + hi_L[1].dumps() + ') - ' + radius_c + ')'
                            elif k == 1:
                                lo_c = '(' + '(' + lo_L[1].dumps() + ') + ' + radius_c + ')'
                                hi_c = '(' + '(' + hi_L[1].dumps() + ') - ' + radius_c + ')'
                                lo_c_extra = lo_c
                                hi_c_extra = hi_c
                            elif k == 2:
                                lo_c = '(' + '(' + hi_L[1].dumps() + ') - ' + radius_c + ')'
                                hi_c = hi_L[1].dumps()
                                lo_c_extra = '(' + '(' + lo_L[1].dumps() + ') + ' + radius_c + ')'
                                hi_c_extra = hi_c
                            current_z3_vars = {}
                            for z3_var in all_z3_vars:
                                current_z3_vars[z3_var] = z3.Int(z3_var)
                            lo_constraint_r = rewrite_expr_z3('{var_r} >= {lo_r}'.format(**locals()), False)[0]
                            hi_constraint_r = rewrite_expr_z3('{var_r} < {hi_r}'.format(**locals()), False)[0]
                            lo_constraint_r_extra = rewrite_expr_z3('{var_r} >= {lo_r_extra}'.format(**locals()), False)[0]
                            hi_constraint_r_extra = rewrite_expr_z3('{var_r} < {hi_r_extra}'.format(**locals()), False)[0]
                            lo_constraint_c = rewrite_expr_z3('{var_c} >= {lo_c}'.format(**locals()), False)[0]
                            hi_constraint_c = rewrite_expr_z3('{var_c} < {hi_c}'.format(**locals()), False)[0]
                            lo_constraint_c_extra = rewrite_expr_z3('{var_c} >= {lo_c_extra}'.format(**locals()), False)[0]
                            hi_constraint_c_extra = rewrite_expr_z3('{var_c} < {hi_c_extra}'.format(**locals()), False)[0]
                            solver = z3.Solver()
                            solver.add(eval(lo_constraint_r, globals(), current_z3_vars))
                            solver.add(eval(hi_constraint_r, globals(), current_z3_vars))
                            solver.add(eval(lo_constraint_c, globals(), current_z3_vars))
                            solver.add(eval(hi_constraint_c, globals(), current_z3_vars))
                            solver.add(eval(lo_constraint_r_extra, globals(), current_z3_vars))
                            solver.add(eval(hi_constraint_r_extra, globals(), current_z3_vars))
                            solver.add(eval(lo_constraint_c_extra, globals(), current_z3_vars))
                            solver.add(eval(hi_constraint_c_extra, globals(), current_z3_vars))
                            conditional_s = conditional.dumps()
                            if prove_true:
                                conditional_s = 'not (' + conditional_s + ')'
                            conditional_s = rewrite_expr_z3(conditional_s, False)[0]
                            conditional_eval = eval(conditional_s, globals(), current_z3_vars)
                            if solver.check() == z3.unsat:
                                conditional_status.setdefault((j, k), []).append((node, prove_true))


    return (lo_Ls, hi_Ls, var_Ls, chosen_radius_Ls, all_z3_vars)
コード例 #13
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: thekeyman/insyde-tools
    def locate_packs(self, setuputility_binary):
        "Searches for Forms and the English StringTable using a set of heuristics"

        # 1st byte: upper bits from length: almost certainly zero
        # 2-3: Short typecode, 3 == form
        # 4-5: 0x0e is the formset opcode, and 0x24 is is length
        # This magic string appears three bytes into the header
        form_magic = "\x00\x03\x00\x0e\x24"
        form_magic_offset = -3

        # HiipackHeaderSize
        HHS = 6
        english_attribute_magic = "\x00" * 4

        def create_stringtable(magic_location):
            def test_stringtable(poss_header_location):
                # We started at attributes, start at lnoff
                poss_header_location -= 12

                dat = setuputility_binary[poss_header_location:]
                lnoff, plnoff, count, attributes = unpack_from("<IIII", dat)

                # This check is extraordinarily unlikely to succeed in the case
                # we haven't actually found the string table header.
                if (magic_location - poss_header_location + HHS == lnoff
                        and magic_location - poss_header_location + HHS + 8
                        == plnoff):

                    string_table_loc = poss_header_location - HHS
                    stable = StringTable(setuputility_binary, string_table_loc)
                    raise FindStopSearching(stable)

                raise FindBadPosition

            result = find_all_backwards(setuputility_binary,
                                        test_stringtable, magic_location)

            if result: raise FindStopSearching(result)
            raise FindBadPosition

        string_magic = u"eng\x00English".encode("utf-16le")
        english_stringtable = find_all(setuputility_binary, string_magic,

        if not english_stringtable:
            raise RuntimeError

        #~ english_stringtable.showinfo()

        def create_form(location):
            location += form_magic_offset
                return Form(setuputility_binary, location, english_stringtable)
            except AttributeError:
                raise FindBadPosition

        forms = find_all(setuputility_binary, form_magic, create_form)

        found = False

        # We've finally reached the bottom layer!
        # Now we just search for the location of the VT switch..
        for form in forms:
            for opcode in form.fetch_opcodes(FormOp.EFI_IFR_ONE_OF_OP):
                qid, width, pid, hid = unpack_from("<HBHH", opcode.payload)
                prnt_string = english_stringtable[pid]
                help_string = english_stringtable[hid]
                args = (qid, width, prnt_string, help_string)
                if "Vanderpool" in help_string:
                    found = True
                    print "Location = 0x%03x<%d>, name='%s' help='%s'" % args

        if not found:
            print "Sorry, I couldn't locate the VT flag? :("
コード例 #14
def load_incar():
    global INCAR_JSON
    file = util.find_all("incarceration.json")
    with open(file, 'r') as incar_file:
        INCAR_JSON = json.load(incar_file)
コード例 #15
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: coreboot/bios_extract
    def locate_packs(self, setuputility_binary):
        "Searches for Forms and the English StringTable using a set of heuristics"

        # 1st byte: upper bits from length: almost certainly zero
        # 2-3: Short typecode, 3 == form
        # 4-5: 0x0e is the formset opcode, and 0x24 is is length
        # This magic string appears three bytes into the header
        form_magic = "\x00\x03\x00\x0e\x24"
        form_magic_offset = -3

        # HiipackHeaderSize
        HHS = 6
        english_attribute_magic = "\x00" * 4

        def create_stringtable(magic_location):
            def test_stringtable(poss_header_location):
                # We started at attributes, start at lnoff
                poss_header_location -= 12

                dat = setuputility_binary[poss_header_location:]
                lnoff, plnoff, count, attributes = unpack_from("<IIII", dat)

                # This check is extraordinarily unlikely to succeed in the case
                # we haven't actually found the string table header.
                if (magic_location - poss_header_location + HHS == lnoff and
                        magic_location - poss_header_location + HHS + 8 == plnoff):

                    string_table_loc = poss_header_location - HHS
                    stable = StringTable(setuputility_binary, string_table_loc)
                    raise FindStopSearching(stable)

                raise FindBadPosition

            result = find_all_backwards(setuputility_binary,
                                        test_stringtable, magic_location)

            if result:
                raise FindStopSearching(result)
            raise FindBadPosition

        string_magic = u"eng\x00English".encode("utf-16le")
        english_stringtable = find_all(setuputility_binary, string_magic,

        if not english_stringtable:
            raise RuntimeError

        #~ english_stringtable.showinfo()

        def create_form(location):
            location += form_magic_offset
                return Form(setuputility_binary, location, english_stringtable)
            except AttributeError:
                raise FindBadPosition

        forms = find_all(setuputility_binary, form_magic, create_form)

        found = False

        # We've finally reached the bottom layer!
        # Now we just search for the location of the VT switch..
        for form in forms:
            for opcode in form.fetch_opcodes(FormOp.EFI_IFR_ONE_OF_OP):
                qid, width, pid, hid = unpack_from("<HBHH", opcode.payload)
                prnt_string = english_stringtable[pid]
                help_string = english_stringtable[hid]
                args = (qid, width, prnt_string, help_string)
                if "Vanderpool" in help_string:
                    found = True
                    print "Location = 0x%03x<%d>, name='%s' help='%s'" % args

        if not found:
            print "Sorry, I couldn't locate the VT flag? :("
コード例 #16
def load_weapons():
    weapon = []
    global WEAPON_JSON
    file = util.find_all("weapons.json")
    with open(file, 'r') as weapon_json:
        WEAPON_JSON = json.load(weapon_json)
コード例 #17
def load_victim_offender():
    global V_O_JSON
    file = util.find_all("victim_offender.json")
    with open(file, 'r') as vo_file:
        V_O_JSON = json.load(vo_file)