コード例 #1
    def _raw_mul(self, plaintext):
        """Returns the integer E(a * plaintext), where E(a) = ciphertext

          plaintext (int): number by which to multiply the
            `EncryptedNumber`. *plaintext* is typically an encoding.
            0 <= *plaintext* < :attr:`~PaillierPublicKey.n`

          int: Encryption of the product of `self` and the scalar
            encoded in *plaintext*.

          TypeError: if *plaintext* is not an int.
          ValueError: if *plaintext* is not between 0 and
        if not isinstance(plaintext, int):
            raise TypeError('Expected ciphertext to be int, not %s' %

        if plaintext < 0 or plaintext >= self.public_key.n:
            raise ValueError('Scalar out of bounds: %i' % plaintext)

        if self.public_key.n - self.public_key.max_int <= plaintext:
            # Very large plaintext, play a sneaky trick using inverses
            neg_c = invert(self.ciphertext(False), self.public_key.nsquare)
            neg_scalar = self.public_key.n - plaintext
            return powmod(neg_c, neg_scalar, self.public_key.nsquare)
            return powmod(self.ciphertext(False), plaintext,
コード例 #2
    def __truediv__(a, b):
        """Homomorphically divide a Paillier ciphertext by an integer

        Note that it is not possible to perform this operation between two
        Paillier ciphertexts. This is because the Paillier cryptosystem is only
        partially homomorphic, and not fully homomorphic. For an implementation
        of a fully homomorphic cryptosystem, search for TFHE.

        Also note that his is an exact division modulo `n`. Thus, the result is
        itself an integer `q` such that `q × b = a mod n`.

            a (PaillierCiphertext): left operand
            b (int): right operand

            PaillierCiphertext: decrypting this ciphertext should yield the
                division modulo `n` of the value obtained by decrypting the
                ciphertext `a` with the integer `b`
        if isinstance(b, PaillierCiphertext):
            raise NotImplementedError('Have a look at TFHE ;-)')
        pk = a.public_key
        if b not in pk.inverts:
            pk.inverts[b] = util.invert(b, pk.n)
        return a * pk.inverts[b]
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self, p, q, g):

            p (int): parameter from the Paillier cryptosystem
            q (int): parameter from the Paillier cryptosystem
            g (int): parameter from the Paillier cryptosystem

        self.p = p
        self.q = q
        self.public_key = pk = PaillierPublicKey(p * q, g)

        # pre-computations
        self.hp = util.invert(pk.L(util.powmod(pk.g, p - 1, p * p), p), p)
        self.hq = util.invert(pk.L(util.powmod(pk.g, q - 1, q * q), q), q)
コード例 #4
def detect_edges_gradient(image_path, alpha):
  Saves a new image that presents the non-directional edges in the image saved
      at the given |image_path|. This method uses the Gradient based method for
      edge detection. |alpha|, a number greater than 0, is a parameter to
      determine which pixels to consider edges. The higher the value of |alpha|
      the higher the gradient has to be to for a pixel to be selected.
  print '\tcomputing 2D signal from image path'
  signal = image_to_two_D_signal(image_path)
  print '\tcomputing horizontal gradient'
  horizontal_gradient = clipped_fft_convolve(signal, HORIZONTAL_EDGE_FILTER)
  print '\tcomputing vertical gradient'
  vertical_gradient = clipped_fft_convolve(signal, VERTICAL_EDGE_FILTER)
  print '\tcomputing non-directional gradient'
  non_directional_gradient = Two_D_Signal({key: sqrt(horizontal_gradient[
      key] ** 2 + vertical_gradient[key] ** 2) for key in
  print '\tfinding 95th percentile gradient magnitude'
  cutoff_abs = scoreatpercentile(non_directional_gradient.non_zero_values(), 95)
  print '\tscaling gradient image with alpha=%s' % alpha
  scale_f = scaler(cutoff_abs, 255, alpha)
  scaled = Two_D_Signal({key: scale_f(non_directional_gradient[key]) for key in
  print '\tinverting scaled image'
  inverted = invert(scaled, 255)
  print '\tsaving result image'
  new_image_path = join(strip_dir(image_path), '%s_gradient_edges.%s' % tuple(
  two_D_signal_to_image(inverted, new_image_path)
  print '\tdone'
  return new_image_path
コード例 #5
ファイル: em.py プロジェクト: Evgeneus/fuzzy-data-fusion
def expectation_maximization(N, M, Psi):
    The expectation maximization method (EM) from Dong et al., 2013. It iteratively estimates the probs of objects, then
    the accuracies of sources until a convergence is reached.

    :param N:
    :param M:
    :param Psi:
    inv_Psi = invert(N, M, Psi)
    # convergence eps
    eps = 0.001
    iter_max = 100
    # init accuracies
    A = [np.random.uniform(0.7, 1.0) for s in range(N)]
    iter = 0
    while iter != iter_max:
        # E-step
        p = []
        for obj in range(M):
            # a pass to detect all values of an object
            C = defaultdict(float)
            for s, val in Psi[obj]:
                C[val] = 0.0
            # total number of values
            V = len(C)

            # a pass to compute value confidences
            for s, val in Psi[obj]:
                for v in C.keys():
                    if v == val:
                        if A[s] == 0.: A[s] = 0.5
                        C[v] += math.log(A[s])
                        if A[s] == 1.: A[s] = 0.95
                        C[v] += math.log((1-A[s])/(V-1))

            # compute probs
            # normalize
            norm = 0.0
            for val in C.keys():
                norm += math.exp(C[val])
            for val in C.keys():
                C[val] = math.exp(C[val])/norm

        # M-step
        A_new = [np.average([p[obj][val] for obj, val in x]) for x in inv_Psi]

        # convergence check
        if sum(abs(np.subtract(A, A_new))) < eps:
            A = A_new
            A = A_new

        iter += 1
    return A, p
コード例 #6
ファイル: fields.py プロジェクト: Minions1128/Tools
	def move(self, direction):
		def move_row_left(row):
			def tighten(row):
				new_row = [i for i in row if i != 0]
				new_row += [0 for i in range(len(row) - len(new_row))]
				return new_row

			def merge(row):
				pair = False
				new_row = []
				for i in range(len(row)):
					if pair:
						self.score += 2*row[i]
						pair = False
						if i + 1 < len(row) and row[i] == row[i + 1]:
							pair = True
				assert len(new_row) == len(row)
				return new_row
			return tighten(merge(tighten(row)))

		moves = {}
		moves['Left'] = lambda field:					\
			[move_row_left(row) for row in field]
		moves['Right'] = lambda field:					\
		moves['Up'] = lambda field:						\
		moves['Down'] = lambda field:					\

		if direction in moves:
			if self.move_is_possible(direction):
				self.field = moves[direction](self.field)
				return True
				return False
コード例 #7
def share_paillier_keypair(pk, sk, n_shares):
    """Share an existing keypair for the Paillier cryptosystem

        pk (PaillierPublicKey): public part of the keypair to be shared
        sk (PaillierSecretKey): secret part of the keypair to be shared
        n_shares (int): the number of shares into which to split the keypair

        tuple: pair of two elements, usually named respectively `pk_shares`
            (`list` of `PaillierPublicKeyShare`) and `sk_shares` (`list` of

        When used together, the secret key shares (`sk_shares`) allow to
        decrypt ciphertexts generated using the given public key (but not using
        another), using the method `assemble_decryption_shares()` from
        `PaillierPublicKeyShare`. The public key shares (`pk_shares`) can be
        used to verify that each secret key share was used correctly (usually
        one share would be given to each party, and decryption would imply that
        each party correctly processes the ciphertext using their secret key
    m = (sk.p - 1) * (sk.q - 1)
    exponent = util.invert(pk.n, m)

    # the verification base must generate the quadratic residues; which happens
    # with overwhelming probability for a random square
    verification_base = random.SystemRandom().randrange(pk.nsquare)**2 % pk.n

    # split the secret exponent into required number of shares
    key_shares = [
        random.SystemRandom().randrange(m) for _ in range(n_shares - 1)
    key_shares.append((exponent - sum(key_shares)) % (m))

    # compute corresponding verification elements
    verifications = [
        util.powmod(verification_base, key_share, pk.nsquare)
        for key_share in key_shares

    # create public and private key shares
    pk_shares = [
        PaillierPublicKeyShare(pk, verification_base, verification)
        for verification in verifications
    sk_shares = [
        PaillierSecretKeyShare(pk, verification_base, key_share)
        for key_share in key_shares

    return pk_shares, sk_shares
コード例 #8
ファイル: paillier.py プロジェクト: zlevas/python-paillier
    def __init__(self, public_key, p, q):
        if not p * q == public_key.n:
            raise ValueError(
                'given public key does not match the given p and q.')
        if p == q:  #check that p and q are different, otherwise we can't compute p^-1 mod q
            raise ValueError('p and q have to be different')
        self.public_key = public_key
        if q < p:  #ensure that p < q.
            self.p = q
            self.q = p
            self.p = p
            self.q = q
        self.psquare = self.p * self.p

        self.qsquare = self.q * self.q
        self.p_inverse = invert(self.p, self.q)
        self.hp = self.h_function(self.p, self.psquare)
        self.hq = self.h_function(self.q, self.qsquare)
コード例 #9
    def raw_encrypt(self, plaintext, r_value=None):
        """Paillier encryption of a positive integer plaintext < :attr:`n`.

        You probably should be using :meth:`encrypt` instead, because it
        handles positive and negative ints and floats.

          plaintext (int): a positive integer < :attr:`n` to be Paillier
            encrypted. Typically this is an encoding of the actual
            number you want to encrypt.
          r_value (int): obfuscator for the ciphertext; by default (i.e.
            r_value is None), a random value is used.

          int: Paillier encryption of plaintext.

          TypeError: if plaintext is not an int or mpz.
        if not isinstance(plaintext, int) and not isinstance(
                plaintext, type(mpz(1))) and not isinstance(
                    plaintext, numpy.int64):
            raise TypeError('Expected int type plaintext but got: %s' %

        if self.n - self.max_int <= plaintext < self.n:
            # Very large plaintext, take a sneaky shortcut using inverses
            neg_plaintext = self.n - plaintext  # = abs(plaintext - nsquare)
            neg_ciphertext = (self.n * neg_plaintext + 1) % self.nsquare
            nude_ciphertext = invert(neg_ciphertext, self.nsquare)
            # we chose g = n + 1, so that we can exploit the fact that
            # (n+1)^plaintext = n*plaintext + 1 mod n^2
            nude_ciphertext = (self.n * plaintext + 1) % self.nsquare

        # r = r_value or self.get_random_lt_n()
        # obfuscator = powmod(r, self.n, self.nsquare)
        r = r_value or powmod(self.get_random_lt_n(), self.n,
                              self.nsquare)  # Pass the precomputed obfuscator
        obfuscator = r

        return (nude_ciphertext * obfuscator) % self.nsquare
コード例 #10
def detect_edges_laplacian(image_path, alpha, variance_filter=True):
  Saves a new image that presents the edges in the image saved at the given
      |image_path|. This method uses the Laplacian based method for edge
      detection. |alpha|, a number greater than 0, is a parameter to
      determine which pixels to consider edges. The higher the value of |alpha|
      the higher the laplacian has to be to for a pixel to be selected. If
      |variance_filter| is set, only pixels with high variance have a chance at
      all of being selected as edges.
  print '\tcomputing 2D signal from image path'
  signal = image_to_two_D_signal(image_path)
  print '\tcomputing laplacian'
  laplacian = clipped_fft_convolve(signal, LAPLACIAN_FILTER)
  print '\tcomputing abs'
  abs_laplacian = abs(laplacian)
  print '\tfinding cutoff abs: 95th percentile abs'
  cutoff_abs = scoreatpercentile(abs_laplacian.non_zero_values(), 95)
  print '\tscaling abs image with alpha=%s' % alpha
  scale_f = scaler(cutoff_abs, 255, alpha)
  scaled = Two_D_Signal({key: scale_f(abs_laplacian[key]) for key in
  print '\tinverting scaled image'
  inverted = invert(scaled, 255)
  if variance_filter:
    print '\tcomputing variance'
    var = var_signal(signal, 2)
    print '\tfinding cutoff variance'
    cutoff_var = scoreatpercentile(var.non_zero_values(), 70)
    print '\tupdating result image with cutoff variance'
    for n1 in xrange(inverted.n1_min, inverted.n1_max + 1):
      for n2 in xrange(inverted.n2_min, inverted.n2_max + 1):
        if var[n1, n2] < cutoff_var:
          inverted.set_value(n1, n2, 255)
  print '\tsaving result image'
  new_image_path = join(strip_dir(image_path), '%s_laplacian_edges.%s' % tuple(
  two_D_signal_to_image(inverted, new_image_path)
  print '\tdone'
  return new_image_path
コード例 #11
ファイル: fields.py プロジェクト: Minions1128/Tools
	def move_is_possible(self, direction):
		def row_is_left_movable(row):
			def change(i):
				if 0 == row[i] and 0 != row[i + 1]:
					return True
				if 0 != row[i] and row[i + 1] == row[i]:
					return True
				return False
			return any(change(i) for i in range(len(row) - 1))

		check = {}
		check['Left'] = lambda field:						\
			any(row_is_left_movable(row) for row in field)
		check['Right'] = lambda field:						\
		check['Up'] = lambda field:							\
		check['Down'] = lambda field:						\

		if direction in check:
			return check[direction](self.field)
			return False
コード例 #12
import math
from util import invert

def encrypt(m, e, n):
    return pow(m, e, n)

def decrypt(c, d, n):
    return pow(c, d, n)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    p = 9989999999933
    q = 9999999999971
    n = p * q
    l = (p - 1) * (q - 1) // math.gcd(p - 1, q - 1)
    e = 65537
    d = invert(e, l)

    m = int.from_bytes(sys.argv[1].encode('utf-8'), 'little')
    c = encrypt(m, e, n)
    print(decrypt(c, d, n))

    # IND-CCA2 PoC
    r = 2
    cr = (c * pow(r, e, n)) % n
    mr = decrypt(cr, d, n)
    mprime = (mr * invert(r, n)) % n
コード例 #13
 def h_function(self, x, xsquare):
     """Computes the h-function as defined in Paillier's paper page 12,
     'Decryption using Chinese-remaindering'.
     return invert(
         self.l_function(powmod(self.public_key.g, x - 1, xsquare), x), x)
def sign(hash, k, x, g, p):
    r = pow(g, k, p)
    s = (invert(k, p - 1) * (hash - x * r)) % (p - 1)
    return r, s
コード例 #15
ファイル: mcmc.py プロジェクト: Evgeneus/fuzzy-data-fusion
def mcmc(N, M, Psi, params):
    MCMC for log-likelihood maximum search.
    :param N:
    :param M:
    :param Psi:
    :param inv_Psi:
    N_iter = params['N_iter']
    burnin = params['burnin']
    thin = params['thin']

    inv_Psi = invert(N, M, Psi)

    # random init
    A = np.random.uniform(0.7, 1.0, N)

    # MCMC sampling
    sample_size = 0.0
    mcmc_p = [defaultdict(float) for x in range(M)]
    for _iter in range(N_iter):
        # update objects
        p = []
        for obj in range(M):

            # a pass to detect all values of an object
            C = {}
            for s, val in Psi[obj]:
                C[val] = 0.0
            # total number of values
            V = len(C)

            # a pass to compute value confidences
            for s, val in Psi[obj]:
                for v in C.keys():
                    if v == val:
                        C[v] += math.log(A[s])
                        C[v] += math.log((1-A[s])/(V-1))

            # compute probs
            # normalize
            norm = 0.0
            for val in C.keys():
                norm += math.exp(C[val])
            for val in C.keys():
                C[val] = math.exp(C[val])/norm

        # draw object values
        O = []
        for x in p:
            if len(x) > 0:
                vals = []
                probs = []
                for val, prob in x.iteritems():

                O.append(vals[np.where(np.random.multinomial(1, probs) == 1)[0][0]])
                # if there are now values per object

        # update sources
        for source_id in range(N):
            beta_0 = 0
            beta_1 = 0
            for obj, val in inv_Psi[source_id]:
                if val == O[obj]:
                    beta_0 += 1
                    beta_1 += 1
            A[source_id] = beta(beta_0 + 4, beta_1 + 1)

        if _iter > burnin and _iter % thin == 0:
            sample_size += 1
            for obj in range(M):
                mcmc_p[obj][O[obj]] += 1

    # mcmc output
    for p in mcmc_p:
        for val in p.keys():
            p[val] /= sample_size
    mcmc_A = [0.0 for s in range(N)]
    for s in range(N):
        for obj, val in inv_Psi[s]:
            # TODO take advantage of priors (as in Zhao et al., 2012)
            mcmc_A[s] += mcmc_p[obj][val]
        mcmc_A[s] /= (0.0+len(inv_Psi[s]))

    return mcmc_A, mcmc_p
コード例 #16
def decrypt(c1, c2, x, p):
    c1x = pow(c1, x, p)
    return (c2 * invert(c1x, p)) % p