コード例 #1
ファイル: copy.py プロジェクト: CaribouJohn/xpybuild
	def _copyFile(self, context, src, dest):
		dest = normLongPath(dest)
		src = normLongPath(src)
		with open(src, 'rb') as s:
			with openForWrite(dest, 'wb') as d:
				for m in self.mappers:
					x = m.getHeader(context)
					if x: 
				for l in s:
					for m in self.mappers:
						prev = l
						l = m.mapLine(context, l)
						if prev != l:
						if None == l:
					if None != l:

				for m in self.mappers:
					x = m.getFooter(context)
					if x: 
		shutil.copymode(src, dest)
		assert os.path.exists(dest)
コード例 #2
    def _copyFile(self, context, src, dest):
        dest = normLongPath(dest)
        src = normLongPath(src)
        with open(src, 'rb') as s:
            with openForWrite(dest, 'wb') as d:
                for m in self.mappers:
                    x = m.getHeader(context)
                    if x:

                for l in s:
                    for m in self.mappers:
                        prev = l
                        l = m.mapLine(context, l)
                        if prev != l:
                        if None == l:
                    if None != l:

                for m in self.mappers:
                    x = m.getFooter(context)
                    if x:
        shutil.copymode(src, dest)
        assert os.path.exists(dest)
コード例 #3
ファイル: copy.py プロジェクト: CaribouJohn/xpybuild
	def _copyFile(self, context, src, dest):
		src = normLongPath(src)
		dest = normLongPath(dest)
		with open(src, 'rb') as inp:
			with openForWrite(dest, 'wb') as out:
				shutil.copyfileobj(inp, out)
		shutil.copymode(src, dest)
		assert os.path.exists(dest)
コード例 #4
 def _copyFile(self, context, src, dest):
     src = normLongPath(src)
     dest = normLongPath(dest)
     with open(src, 'rb') as inp:
         with openForWrite(dest, 'wb') as out:
             shutil.copyfileobj(inp, out)
     shutil.copymode(src, dest)
     assert os.path.exists(dest)
コード例 #5
ファイル: zip.py プロジェクト: ramanawithu/xpybuild
	def run(self, context):
		alreadyDone = set()
		with zipfile.ZipFile(normLongPath(self.path), 'w') as output:
			for (f, o) in self.inputs.resolveWithDestinations(context):
				# if we don't check for duplicate entries we'll end up creating an invalid zip
				if o in alreadyDone:
					dupsrc = ['"%s"'%src for (src, dest) in self.inputs.resolveWithDestinations(context) if dest == o]
					raise BuildException('Duplicate zip entry "%s" from: %s'%(o, ', '.join(dupsrc)))
				# can't compress directory entries! (it messes up Java)
				output.write(normLongPath(f).rstrip('/\\'), o, zipfile.ZIP_STORED if isDirPath(f) else zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) 
コード例 #6
ファイル: zip.py プロジェクト: CaribouJohn/xpybuild
	def run(self, context):
		alreadyDone = set()
		with zipfile.ZipFile(normLongPath(self.path), 'w') as output:
			for (f, o) in self.inputs.resolveWithDestinations(context):
				# if we don't check for duplicate entries we'll end up creating an invalid zip
				if o in alreadyDone:
					dupsrc = ['"%s"'%src for (src, dest) in self.inputs.resolveWithDestinations(context) if dest == o]
					raise BuildException('Duplicate zip entry "%s" from: %s'%(o, ', '.join(dupsrc)))
				# can't compress directory entries! (it messes up Java)
				output.write(normLongPath(f).rstrip('/\\'), o, zipfile.ZIP_STORED if isDirPath(f) else zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) 
コード例 #7
	def _resolveUnderlyingDependencies(self, context):
		deplist = None
		options = self.target.options # get the merged options

		dfile = normLongPath(self.target.workDir+'.makedepend')
		testsources = self.sources.resolve(context)
		depsources = self.sources._resolveUnderlyingDependencies(context)

		needsRebuild = not os.path.exists(dfile)
		if needsRebuild:
			self.log.info("Rebuilding dependencies for %s because cached dependencies file does not exist (%s)" % (self.target, dfile))
		dfiletime = 0 if needsRebuild else getmtime(dfile) 
		for x in testsources:
			if not exists(x):
				# can't generate any deps if some source files don't yet exist
				self.log.info("Dependency generation %s postponed because source file does not exist: %s" % (self.target, x))
				return depsources
			elif getmtime(x) > dfiletime:
				if not needsRebuild:	self.log.info("Rebuilding dependencies for %s because cached dependencies file is older than %s" % (self.target, x))
				needsRebuild = True

		if not needsRebuild: # read in cached dependencies
			deplist = []
			with open(dfile) as f:
				lines = f.readlines()
				header = lines[0].strip()
				lines = lines[1:]
				for d in lines:
					d = d.strip()
					if context._isValidTarget(d) or exists(normLongPath(d)):
						needsRebuild = True
						self.log.warn("Rebuilding dependencies for %s because dependency %s is missing" % (self.target, d))
			if header != str(self):
				self.log.info("Rebuilding dependencies for %s because target options have changed (%s != %s)" % (self.target, header, str(self)))
			elif not needsRebuild:
				return deplist

		# generate them again
		startt = time.time()
		self.log.info("*** Generating native dependencies for %s" % self.target)
			deplist = options['native.compilers'].dependencies.depends(context=context, src=testsources, options=options, flags=flatten(options['native.cxx.flags']+[context.expandPropertyValues(x).split(' ') for x in self.flags]), includes=flatten(self.includes.resolve(context)+[context.expandPropertyValues(x, expandList=True) for x in options['native.include']]))
		except BuildException, e:
			if len(testsources)==1 and testsources[0] not in str(e):
				raise BuildException('Dependency resolution failed for %s: %s'%(testsources[0], e))
コード例 #8
ファイル: native.py プロジェクト: CaribouJohn/xpybuild
	def _resolveUnderlyingDependencies(self, context):
		deplist = None
		options = context.mergeOptions(self.target) # get the merged options
		log = logging.getLogger('MakeDepend')

		dfile = normLongPath(self.target.workDir+'.makedepend')
		testsources = self.sources.resolve(context)
		depsources = self.sources._resolveUnderlyingDependencies(context)

		needsRebuild = not os.path.exists(dfile)
		if needsRebuild:
			log.info("Rebuilding dependencies for %s because cached dependencies file does not exist (%s)" % (self.target, dfile))
		dfiletime = 0 if needsRebuild else getmtime(dfile) 
		for x in testsources:
			if not os.path.exists(x):
				return depsources
			elif getmtime(x) > dfiletime:
				if not needsRebuild:	log.info("Rebuilding dependencies for %s because cached dependencies file is older than %s" % (self.target, x))
				needsRebuild = True

		if not needsRebuild: # read in cached dependencies
			deplist = []
			with open(dfile) as f:
				lines = f.readlines()
				header = lines[0].strip()
				lines = lines[1:]
				for d in lines:
					d = d.strip()
					if context._isValidTarget(d) or exists(normLongPath(d)):
						needsRebuild = True
						log.warn("Rebuilding dependencies for %s because dependency %s is missing" % (self.target, d))
			if header != str(self):
				log.info("Rebuilding dependencies for %s because target options have changed (%s != %s)" % (self.target, header, str(self)))
			elif not needsRebuild:
				return deplist

		# generate them again
		startt = time.time()
		log.info("*** Generating native dependencies for %s" % self.target)
			deplist = options['native.compilers'].dependencies.depends(context=context, src=testsources, options=options, flags=flatten(options['native.cxx.flags']+[context.expandPropertyValues(x).split(' ') for x in self.flags]), includes=flatten(self.includes.resolve(context)+[context.expandPropertyValues(x, expandList=True) for x in options['native.include']]))
		except BuildException, e:
			if len(testsources)==1 and testsources[0] not in str(e):
				raise BuildException('Dependency resolution failed for %s: %s'%(testsources[0], e))
コード例 #9
ファイル: touch.py プロジェクト: CaribouJohn/xpybuild
	def run(self, context):
		self.log.info("Touching %s", self.path)
		path = normLongPath(self.path)

		with openForWrite(path, "wb") as f:
コード例 #10
ファイル: buildtarget.py プロジェクト: CaribouJohn/xpybuild
			def isNewer(path):
				pathmodtime = getmtime(normLongPath(path))
				if pathmodtime <= stampmodtime: return False
				if pathmodtime-stampmodtime < 1: # such a small time gap seems dodgy
					log.warn('Up-to-date check: %s must be rebuilt because input file "%s" is newer than "%s" by just %0.1f seconds', self.name, path, self.stampfile, pathmodtime-stampmodtime)
					log.info('Up-to-date check: %s must be rebuilt because input file "%s" is newer than "%s" (by %0.1f seconds)', self.name, path, self.stampfile, pathmodtime-stampmodtime)
				return True
コード例 #11
ファイル: unpack.py プロジェクト: CaribouJohn/xpybuild
	def run(self, context):
		self.log.info('Cleaning existing files from %s', self.path)
		for a in self.archives:
			if isinstance(a, FilteredArchiveContents):
				items = [(a.getResolvedPath(context), '')]
				assert isinstance(a, BasePathSet)
				filteredMembers = None
				items = a.resolveWithDestinations(context)
			for (srcAbs, destRel) in items:
				if destRel and not isDirPath(destRel): destRel = os.path.dirname(destRel) # strip off the zip filename
					filesize = os.path.getsize(srcAbs)
				except Exception:
					filesize = 0
				self.log.info("Unpacking %s (%0.1f MB) to %s", os.path.basename(srcAbs), filesize/1024.0/1024, self.name+destRel)
				starttime = time.time()
				with self. __openArchive(srcAbs) as f:
					if isinstance(a, FilteredArchiveContents) and a.hasIncludeExcludeFilters():
						fullList = _getnames(f)
						if not fullList:
							raise BuildException('No files were found in archive "%s"'%(srcAbs))
						filteredMembers = [x for x in fullList if a.isIncluded(context, x)]
						self.log.info("Unpacking %d of %d members in %s", len(filteredMembers), len(fullList), os.path.basename(srcAbs))
						if not filteredMembers:
							raise BuildException('No files matching the specified include/exclude filters were found in archive "%s": %s'%(srcAbs,  a))
						if len(filteredMembers)==len(fullList):
							raise BuildException('No files were excluded from the unpacking operation by the specified filters (check filters are correct): %s'%a)
						filteredMembers = _getnames(f)
					# NB: some archive types want a list of string members, others want TarInfo objects etc, so 
					# if we support other archive types in future might need to do a bit of work here
					path = normLongPath(self.path+destRel)
					for m in filteredMembers:						
						if not isDirPath(m):
							info = _getinfo(f, m)
							if isinstance(a, FilteredArchiveContents):
								_setfilename(info, a.mapDestPath(context, _getfilename(info)))
							if isWindows(): _setfilename(info, _getfilename(info).replace('/', '\\'))
							f.extract(info, path=path)
							# we should create empty directories too
							if isinstance(a, FilteredArchiveContents):
								m = a.mapDestPath(context, m).rstrip('/')

							m = path.rstrip('/\\')+'/'+m
							if isWindows(): m = m.replace('/', '\\')
				self.log.info("Completed unpacking %s (%0.1f MB) in %0.1f seconds", os.path.basename(srcAbs), filesize/1024.0/1024, (time.time()-starttime))
コード例 #12
ファイル: writefile.py プロジェクト: CaribouJohn/xpybuild
	def run(self, context):
		contents = self._getContents(context)
		path = normLongPath(self.path)
		with openForWrite(path, 'wb') as f:
			f.write(contents.replace('\n', os.linesep))
		if self.__mode and not isWindows():
			os.chmod(path, self.__mode)
		if self.__executable and not isWindows():
			os.chmod(path, stat.S_IXOTH | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | os.stat(self.path).st_mode)
コード例 #13
    def run(self, context):
        contents = self._getContents(context)

        path = normLongPath(self.path)
        with openForWrite(path, 'wb') as f:
            f.write(contents.replace('\n', os.linesep))
        if self.__mode and not isWindows():
            os.chmod(path, self.__mode)
        if self.__executable and not isWindows():
                path, stat.S_IXOTH | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP
                | os.stat(self.path).st_mode)
コード例 #14
ファイル: buildtarget.py プロジェクト: ddfourni/xpybuild
 def isNewer(path):
     pathmodtime = getmtime(normLongPath(path))
     if pathmodtime <= stampmodtime: return False
     if pathmodtime - stampmodtime < 1:  # such a small time gap seems dodgy
             'Up-to-date check: %s must be rebuilt because input file "%s" is newer than "%s" by just %0.1f seconds',
             self.name, path, self.stampfile,
             pathmodtime - stampmodtime)
             'Up-to-date check: %s must be rebuilt because input file "%s" is newer than "%s" (by %0.1f seconds)',
             self.name, path, self.stampfile,
             pathmodtime - stampmodtime)
     return True
コード例 #15
ファイル: docker.py プロジェクト: CaribouJohn/xpybuild
	def run(self, context):
		options = context.mergeOptions(self)
		args = [ options['docker.path'] ]
		environs = { 'DOCKER_HOST' : options['docker.host'] } if options['docker.host'] else {}
		if self.mode == Docker.BUILD:
			dargs = list(args)
					'build', '--rm=true', '-t', context.expandPropertyValues(self.imagename),
			if self.buildArgs: dargs.extend(["--build-arg=%s" % [context.expandPropertyValues(x) for x in self.buildArgs]])
			if self.dockerfile: dargs.extend(["-f", context.expandPropertyValues(self.dockerfile)])
			inputs = self.inputs.resolve(context)
			if len(inputs) != 1: raise BuildException("Must specify a single input for Docker.BUILD", location = self.location)
			cwd = os.path.dirname(inputs[0])
			call(dargs, outputHandler=options['docker.processoutputhandler']('docker-build', False, options=options), timeout=options['process.timeout'], env=environs, cwd=cwd)
		elif self.mode == Docker.PUSHTAG:
			inputs = self.inputs.resolve(context)
			if len(inputs) != 0: raise BuildException("Must not specify inputs for Docker.PUSHTAG", location = self.location)
			dargs = list(args)
					'tag', context.expandPropertyValues(self.depimage), context.expandPropertyValues(self.imagename),
			call(dargs, outputHandler=options['docker.processoutputhandler']('docker-tag', False, options=options), timeout=options['process.timeout'], env=environs)
			dargs = list(args)
					'push', context.expandPropertyValues(self.imagename),
			call(dargs, outputHandler=options['docker.processoutputhandler']('docker-push', False, options=options), timeout=options['process.timeout'], env=environs)
			raise BuildException('Unknown Docker mode. Must be Docker.BUILD or Docker.PUSHTAG', location = self.location)
		# update the stamp file
		path = normLongPath(self.path)
		with openForWrite(path, 'wb') as f:
コード例 #16
ファイル: unpack.py プロジェクト: ramanawithu/xpybuild
    def run(self, context):
        self.log.info('Cleaning existing files from %s', self.path)

        for a in self.archives:
            if isinstance(a, FilteredArchiveContents):
                items = [(a.getResolvedPath(context), '')]
                assert isinstance(a, BasePathSet)
                filteredMembers = None
                items = a.resolveWithDestinations(context)
            for (srcAbs, destRel) in items:
                if destRel and not isDirPath(destRel):
                    destRel = os.path.dirname(
                        destRel)  # strip off the zip filename
                if '..' in destRel:
                    raise Exception(
                        'This target does not permit destination paths to contain ".." relative path expressions'

                    filesize = os.path.getsize(srcAbs)
                except Exception:
                    filesize = 0

                self.log.info("Unpacking %s (%0.1f MB) to %s",
                              filesize / 1024.0 / 1024, self.name + destRel)
                starttime = time.time()
                with self.__openArchive(srcAbs) as f:
                    mkdir(self.path + destRel)
                    if isinstance(a, FilteredArchiveContents
                                  ) and a.hasIncludeExcludeFilters():
                        fullList = _getnames(f)
                        if not fullList:
                            raise BuildException(
                                'No files were found in archive "%s"' %
                        filteredMembers = [
                            x for x in fullList if a.isIncluded(context, x)
                        self.log.info("Unpacking %d of %d members in %s",
                                      len(filteredMembers), len(fullList),
                        if not filteredMembers:
                            raise BuildException(
                                'No files matching the specified include/exclude filters were found in archive "%s": %s'
                                % (srcAbs, a))
                        if len(filteredMembers) == len(fullList):
                            raise BuildException(
                                'No files were excluded from the unpacking operation by the specified filters (check filters are correct): %s'
                                % a)
                        filteredMembers = _getnames(f)
                    # NB: some archive types want a list of string members, others want TarInfo objects etc, so
                    # if we support other archive types in future might need to do a bit of work here
                    path = normLongPath(self.path + destRel)
                    for m in filteredMembers:
                        if not isDirPath(m):
                            info = _getinfo(f, m)
                            if isinstance(a, FilteredArchiveContents):
                                    a.mapDestPath(context, _getfilename(info)))
                            if isWindows():
                                    _getfilename(info).replace('/', '\\'))
                            f.extract(info, path=path)
                            # we should create empty directories too
                            if isinstance(a, FilteredArchiveContents):
                                m = a.mapDestPath(context, m).rstrip('/')

                            m = path.rstrip('/\\') + '/' + m
                            if isWindows(): m = m.replace('/', '\\')

                    "Completed unpacking %s (%0.1f MB) in %0.1f seconds",
                    os.path.basename(srcAbs), filesize / 1024.0 / 1024,
                    (time.time() - starttime))
コード例 #17
ファイル: tar.py プロジェクト: CaribouJohn/xpybuild
	def run(self, context):
		with tarfile.open(normLongPath(self.path), 'w:gz') as output:
			for (f, o) in self.inputs.resolveWithDestinations(context):
				output.add(normLongPath(f).rstrip('/\\'), o)
コード例 #18
ファイル: pathsets.py プロジェクト: CaribouJohn/xpybuild
	def resolveWithDestinations(self, context):
		Uses the file system to returns a list of relative paths for files 
		matching the specified include/exclude patterns, throwing a 
		BuildException if none can be found. 

		This method will cache its result after being called the first time. 
		log = logging.getLogger('FindPaths')
		log.debug('FindPaths resolve starting for: %s', self)
		with self.__lock:
			# think this operation is atomically thread-safe due to global interpreter lock
			if self.__cached: return self.__cached
			# resolve dir if needed, relative to where the fileset was specified in the build file
			resolveddir = _resolveDirPath(self.__dir, context, self.location)

			def dirCouldMatchIncludePattern(includePattern, d):
				if d.startswith('**'): return True
				d = d.split('/')
				p = includePattern.split('/')[:-1] # strip off trailing '' or filename
				if '**' not in includePattern and len(d) > len(p): 
					# don't go into a dir structure that's more deeply nested than the pattern
					#log.debug('   maybe vetoing %s based on counts : %s', d, p)
					return False
				i = 0
				while i < len(d) and i < len(p) and p[i]:
					if '*' in p[i]: return True # any kind of wildcard and we give up trying to match
					if d[i] != p[i]: 
						#log.debug('   maybe vetoing %s due to not matching %s', d, includePattern)
						return False
					i += 1
				return True

			matches = []
				if not os.path.isdir(resolveddir):
					raise BuildException('FindPaths root directory does not exist: "%s"'%os.path.normpath(resolveddir), location=self.location)
				startt = time.time()
				usedIncludes = set() # give an error if any are not used
				longdir = normLongPath(resolveddir)
				visited = 0
				for root, dirs, files in os.walk(longdir):
					visited += 1 
					root = root.replace(longdir, '').replace('\\','/').lstrip('/').rstrip('/')
					#log.debug('visiting: "%s"'%root)
					# optimization: if this doesn't require walking down the dir tree, don't do any!
					# (this optimization applies to includes like prefix/** but not if there is a bare '**' 
					# in the includes lsit)
					if self.includes and "**" not in self.includes:
						dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if any(dirCouldMatchIncludePattern(e, (root+'/'+d).lstrip('/')) for e in self.includes)]
					# optimization: if there's an exclude starting with this dir and ending with '/**' or '/*', don't navigate to it
					dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if not 
						next( (e for e in self.excludes if antGlobMatch(e, root+'/'+d)), None)]
					for p in files+[d+'/' for d in dirs]:
						if root: p = root+'/'+p
						# first check if it matches an exclude
						if next( (True for e in self.excludes if antGlobMatch(e, p)), False): continue
						if not self.includes: # include all files (not directories - that wouldn't make sense or be helpful)
							if not p.endswith('/'):
							m = next( (i for i in self.includes if antGlobMatch(i, p)), None)
							if m: 
								log.debug('FindPaths matched %s from pattern %s', p, m)

				log.info('FindPaths in "%s" found %d path(s) for %s after visiting %s directories; %s', resolveddir, len(matches), self, visited, self.location)
				if time.time()-startt > 5: # this should usually be pretty quick, so may indicate a real build file mistake
					log.warn('FindPaths took a long time: %0.1f s to evaluate %s; see %s', time.time()-startt, self, self.location)
				if not matches:
					raise BuildException('No matching files found', location=self.location)
				if len(usedIncludes) < len(self.includes): # this is a check that ant doesn't do, but it's helpful for ensuring correctness
					raise BuildException('Some include patterns did not match any files: %s'%', '.join(set(self.includes)-usedIncludes), location=self.location)
			except BuildException, e:
				raise BuildException('%s for %s'%(e.toSingleLineString(target=None), self), causedBy=False, location=self.location)
			except Exception, e:
				raise BuildException('%s for %s'%(repr(e), self), causedBy=True, location=self.location)
コード例 #19
 def run(self, context):
     with tarfile.open(normLongPath(self.path), 'w:gz') as output:
         for (f, o) in self.inputs.resolveWithDestinations(context):
             output.add(normLongPath(f).rstrip('/\\'), o)
コード例 #20
ファイル: buildtarget.py プロジェクト: ddfourni/xpybuild
    def uptodate(self, context, ignoreDeps):
			Checks whether the target needs to be rebuilt.
			Returns true if the target is up to date and does not need a rebuild
			Holds the object lock
			Called during the main build phase, after the dependency resolution phase
        with self.lock:
            log.debug('Up-to-date check for %s', self.name)

            if self.isdirty:
                # no need to log at info, will already have been done when it was marked dirty
                log.debug('Up-to-date check: %s has been marked dirty',
                return False

            if not exists(self.path):
                    'Up-to-date check: %s must be rebuilt because file does not exist: "%s"',
                    self.name, self.path)
                self.isdirty = True  # make sure we don't log this again
                return False

            if ignoreDeps: return True

            if not isfile(
            ):  # this is really an existence check, but if we have a dir it's an error so ignore
                # for directory targets
                    'Up-to-date check: %s must be rebuilt because stamp file does not exist: "%s"',
                    self.name, self.stampfile)
                return False

            # assume that by this point our explicit dependencies at least exist, so it's safe to call getHashableImplicitDependencies
            implicitInputs = self.__getImplicitInputs(context)
            if implicitInputs or isDirPath(self.target.name):
                # this is to cope with targets that have implicit inputs (e.g. globbed pathsets); might as well use the same mechanism for directories (which need a stamp file anyway)
                if not exists(self._implicitInputsFile):
                        'Up-to-date check: %s must be rebuilt because implicit inputs/stamp file does not exist: "%s"',
                        self.name, self._implicitInputsFile)
                    return False
                iminpath = os.path.normpath(self._implicitInputsFile)
                iminpath = normLongPath(iminpath)
                with open(iminpath, 'rb') as f:
                    latestImplicitInputs = f.read().split(os.linesep)
                    if latestImplicitInputs != implicitInputs:
                        thediff = list(
                                'inputs for previous build of the target (%d lines)'
                                % len(implicitInputs),
                                'inputs for current build of the target (%d lines)'
                                % len(latestImplicitInputs),
                        if len(thediff) > 10:
                            thediff = thediff[:10] + ['...']
                            'Up-to-date check: %s must be rebuilt because implicit inputs file has changed: "%s"\n\t%s\n',
                            self.name, self._implicitInputsFile,
                            '\n\t'.join(thediff).replace('\r', '\\r\r'))
                        return False
                            "Up-to-date check: implicit inputs file contents has not changed: %s",
                    "Up-to-date check: target has no implicitInputs data: %s",

            # NB: there shouldn't be any file system errors here since we've checked for the existence of deps
            # already in _expand_deps; if this happens it's probably a build system bug
            stampmodtime = getmtime(self.stampfile)

            def isNewer(path):
                pathmodtime = getmtime(normLongPath(path))
                if pathmodtime <= stampmodtime: return False
                if pathmodtime - stampmodtime < 1:  # such a small time gap seems dodgy
                        'Up-to-date check: %s must be rebuilt because input file "%s" is newer than "%s" by just %0.1f seconds',
                        self.name, path, self.stampfile,
                        pathmodtime - stampmodtime)
                        'Up-to-date check: %s must be rebuilt because input file "%s" is newer than "%s" (by %0.1f seconds)',
                        self.name, path, self.stampfile,
                        pathmodtime - stampmodtime)
                return True

            for f in self.fdeps:
                if isdir(normLongPath(f)):
                        'Up-to-date check: walking dependency directory %s to check for newly modified files',
                    for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(normLongPath(f)):
                        for name in files:
                            if isNewer(os.path.join(path, name)): return False
                    log.debug('uptodate: done walking dependency directory %s',
                    if isNewer(f): return False
        return True
コード例 #21
    def run(self, context):
        options = self.options

        # make sure temp dir exists

        classes = os.path.join(self.workDir,
                               "classes")  # output dir for classes

        # create the classpath, sorting within PathSet (for determinism), but retaining original order of
        # PathSet elements in the list
        classpath = os.pathsep.join(self.classpath.resolve(context))

        # compile everything
        )  # (need this for assembling other files to package later on, even if we don't do any javac)
        if self.compile:
                  logbasename=options.get('javac.logs') + '/' +

        manifest = os.path.join(self.workDir, "MANIFEST.MF")  # manifest file

        if isinstance(self.manifest, basestring):
            manifest = context.getFullPath(self.manifest, self.baseDir)
        elif self.manifest == None:
            manifest = None
        else:  # generate one
            # rewrite property values in the manifest
            manifest_entries = {}
            for i in self.manifest:
                manifest_entries[i] = context.expandPropertyValues(

            # determine classpath for manifest
            classpath_entries = []

            if "Class-path" not in manifest_entries:  # assuming it wasn't hardcoded, set it here
                for src, dest in self.classpath.resolveWithDestinations(
                    # we definitely do want to support use of ".." in destinations here, it can be very useful
                assert isinstance(
                    options['jar.manifest.classpathAppend'], list), options[
                        'jar.manifest.classpathAppend']  # must not be a string
                    options['jar.manifest.classpathAppend'] or [])

                # need to always use / not \ for these to be valid
                classpath_entries = [
                    p.replace(os.path.sep, '/').replace('\\', '/')
                    for p in classpath_entries if p

                if classpath_entries:
                    manifest_entries["Class-path"] = " ".join(
                        classpath_entries)  # include the classpath from here
            if not manifest_entries.get(
            ):  # suppress this element entirely if not needed, otherwise there would be no way to have an empty classpath
                manifest_entries.pop('Class-path', '')

            # create the manifest file
            create_manifest(manifest, manifest_entries, options=options)

        # copy in the additional things to include
        for (src, dest) in self.package.resolveWithDestinations(context):
            if '..' in dest:
                raise Exception(
                    'This target does not permit packaged destination paths to contain ".." relative path expressions'
            mkdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.join(classes, dest)))
            destpath = normLongPath(classes + '/' + dest)
            srcpath = normLongPath(src)

            if os.path.isdir(srcpath):
                with open(srcpath, 'rb') as s:
                    with openForWrite(destpath, 'wb') as d:

        # create the jar
コード例 #22
ファイル: java.py プロジェクト: CaribouJohn/xpybuild
	def run(self, context):
		options = context.mergeOptions(self) # get the merged options

		# make sure temp dir exists

		classes = os.path.join(self.workDir, "classes") # output dir for classes
		# create the classpath, sorting within PathSet (for determinism), but retaining original order of 
		# PathSet elements in the list
		classpath = os.pathsep.join(self.classpath.resolve(context)) 

		# compile everything
		mkdir(classes) # (need this for assembling other files to package later on, even if we don't do any javac)
		if self.compile:
			javac(classes, self.compile.resolve(context), classpath, options=options, logbasename=options.get('javac.logs')+'/'+targetNameToUniqueId(self.name), targetname=self.name)

		manifest = os.path.join(self.workDir, "MANIFEST.MF") # manifest file
		if isinstance(self.manifest, basestring):
			manifest = context.getFullPath(self.manifest, self.baseDir)
		elif self.manifest == None:
			manifest = None
		else: # generate one
			# rewrite property values in the manifest
			manifest_entries = {}
			for i in self.manifest:
				manifest_entries[i] = context.expandPropertyValues(self.manifest[i])
			# determine classpath for manifest
			classpath_entries = []
			if "Class-path" not in manifest_entries: # assuming it wasn't hardcoded, set it here
				for src, dest in self.classpath.resolveWithDestinations(context):
				assert isinstance(options['jar.manifest.classpathAppend'], list), options['jar.manifest.classpathAppend'] # must not be a string
				classpath_entries.extend(options['jar.manifest.classpathAppend'] or [])
				# need to always use / not \ for these to be valid
				classpath_entries = [p.replace(os.path.sep, '/').replace('\\', '/') for p in classpath_entries if p]
				if classpath_entries:
					manifest_entries["Class-path"] = " ".join(classpath_entries) # include the classpath from here
			if not manifest_entries.get('Class-path'): # suppress this element entirely if not needed, otherwise there would be no way to have an empty classpath
			# create the manifest file
			create_manifest(manifest, manifest_entries, options=options)

		# copy in the additional things to include
		for (src, dest) in self.package.resolveWithDestinations(context):
			mkdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.join(classes, dest)))
			destpath = normLongPath(classes+'/'+dest)
			srcpath = normLongPath(src)

			if os.path.isdir(srcpath):
				with open(srcpath, 'rb') as s:
					with openForWrite(destpath, 'wb') as d:

		# create the jar
		jar(self.path, manifest, classes, options=options, preserveManifestFormatting=self.preserveManifestFormatting, 
			outputHandler=ProcessOutputHandler('jar', treatStdErrAsErrors=False,options=options))
コード例 #23
ファイル: basetarget.py プロジェクト: ramanawithu/xpybuild
 def updateStampFile(self):
     """ Assumes self.path is a stamp file that just needs creating / timestamp updating and does so """
     path = normLongPath(self.path)
     with openForWrite(path, 'wb') as f:
コード例 #24
ファイル: pathsets.py プロジェクト: ddfourni/xpybuild
    def resolveWithDestinations(self, context):
		Uses the file system to returns a list of relative paths for files 
		matching the specified include/exclude patterns, throwing a 
		BuildException if none can be found. 

		This method will cache its result after being called the first time. 
		Note that it is possible the destinations may contain "../" elements - 
		targets for which that could be a problem should check for and disallow 
		such destinations (e.g. for copy we would not want to allow copying to 
		destinations outside the specified root directory). 
        log = logging.getLogger('FindPaths')
        log.debug('FindPaths resolve starting for: %s', self)
        with self.__lock:
            # think this operation is atomically thread-safe due to global interpreter lock
            if self.__cached: return self.__cached

            # resolve dir if needed, relative to where the fileset was specified in the build file

            resolveddir = _resolveDirPath(self.__dir, context, self.location)

            def dirCouldMatchIncludePattern(includePattern, d):
                if d.startswith('**'): return True
                d = d.split('/')
                p = includePattern.split(
                    '/')[:-1]  # strip off trailing '' or filename
                if '**' not in includePattern and len(d) > len(p):
                    # don't go into a dir structure that's more deeply nested than the pattern
                    #log.debug('   maybe vetoing %s based on counts : %s', d, p)
                    return False

                i = 0
                while i < len(d) and i < len(p) and p[i]:
                    if '*' in p[i]:
                        return True  # any kind of wildcard and we give up trying to match
                    if d[i] != p[i]:
                        #log.debug('   maybe vetoing %s due to not matching %s', d, includePattern)
                        return False
                    i += 1
                return True

            matches = []
                if not os.path.isdir(resolveddir):
                    raise BuildException(
                        'FindPaths root directory does not exist: "%s"' %
                startt = time.time()
                usedIncludes = set()  # give an error if any are not used
                longdir = normLongPath(resolveddir)
                visited = 0
                for root, dirs, files in os.walk(longdir):
                    visited += 1
                    root = root.replace(longdir, '').replace(
                        '\\', '/').lstrip('/').rstrip('/')
                    #log.debug('visiting: "%s"'%root)

                    # optimization: if this doesn't require walking down the dir tree, don't do any!
                    # (this optimization applies to includes like prefix/** but not if there is a bare '**'
                    # in the includes lsit)
                    if self.includes and "**" not in self.includes:
                        dirs[:] = [
                            d for d in dirs if any(
                                    e, (root + '/' + d).lstrip('/'))
                                for e in self.includes)

                    # optimization: if there's an exclude starting with this dir and ending with '/**' or '/*', don't navigate to it
                    dirs[:] = [
                        d for d in dirs
                        if not next((e for e in self.excludes
                                     if antGlobMatch(e, root + '/' + d)), None)
                    for p in files + [d + '/' for d in dirs]:
                        if root: p = root + '/' + p

                        # first check if it matches an exclude
                        if next((True
                                 for e in self.excludes if antGlobMatch(e, p)),

                        if not self.includes:  # include all files (not directories - that wouldn't make sense or be helpful)
                            if not p.endswith('/'):
                            m = next(
                                 for i in self.includes if antGlobMatch(i, p)),
                            if m:
                                    'FindPaths matched %s from pattern %s', p,

                    'FindPaths in "%s" found %d path(s) for %s after visiting %s directories; %s',
                    resolveddir, len(matches), self, visited, self.location)
                if time.time(
                ) - startt > 5:  # this should usually be pretty quick, so may indicate a real build file mistake
                        'FindPaths took a long time: %0.1f s to evaluate %s; see %s',
                        time.time() - startt, self, self.location)

                if not matches:
                    raise BuildException('No matching files found',
                if len(usedIncludes) < len(
                ):  # this is a check that ant doesn't do, but it's helpful for ensuring correctness
                    raise BuildException(
                        'Some include patterns did not match any files: %s' %
                        ', '.join(set(self.includes) - usedIncludes),

            except BuildException, e:
                raise BuildException('%s for %s' %
                                     (e.toSingleLineString(target=None), self),
            except Exception, e:
                raise BuildException('%s for %s' % (repr(e), self),
コード例 #25
ファイル: scheduler.py プロジェクト: ddfourni/xpybuild
    def _deps_target(self, tname):
			Function called by a worker to check the deps for a single target
			tname - this is the canonical PATH of the target, not the name
        errors = []
        pending = [
        ]  # list of new jobs to done as part of dependency resolution
        log.debug("Inspecting dependencies of target %s", tname)
        target = self.targets.get(tname, None)

        # only log dependency status periodically since usually its very quick
        # and not worthwhile
        with self.lock:
            self.index += 1
            log.critical(self.progressFormat + "Resolving dependencies for %s",
                         self.index, self.total, target)

        if not target:
            assert False  # I'm not sure how we can get here, think it should actually be impossible
            if not exists(tname):
                errors.append("Unknown target %s" % tname)
                    'Scheduler cannot find target in build file or on disk: %s',
                    target)  # is this a problem? maybe assert False here?
        elif self.options['ignore-deps'] and exists(target.path):
            # in this mode, any target that already exists should be treated as
            # a leaf with no deps which means it won't be built under any
            # circumstances (even if a target it depends on is rebuilt),
            # and allows us to avoid the time-consuming transitive resolution
            # of dependencies. Has to be implemented this way, since if we were
            # to allow ANY already-existing target to be re-built in the normal
            # way, we would have to resolve dependencies for all targets in
            # order to ensure we never rebuild a target at the same time as
            # a target that depends on it. We're essentially deleting the entire
            # dependency subtree for all nodes that exist already
                'Scheduler is treating existing target as a leaf and will not rebuild it: %s',
        elif not (self.options['ignore-deps'] and self.options['clean']):
                deps = target.resolveDependencies(self.context)
                if deps:
                    log.debug('%s has %d dependencies', target.target,

                targetDeps = []  # just for logging

                leaf = True
                for dname in deps:
                    #log.debug('Processing dependency: %s -> %s', tname, dname)
                    dpath = normLongPath(dname)

                    if dname in self.targets:
                        leaf = False

                        dtarget = self.targets[dname]
                        if dtarget in target.rdeps():
                            raise Exception(
                                'Circular dependency between targets: %s and %s'
                                % (dtarget.name, target.name))


                        if not isDirPath(dname):
                            )  # might have an already built target dependency which is still newer
                            # special case directory target deps - must use stamp file not dir, to avoid re-walking
                            # the directory needlessly, and possibly making a wrong decision if the dir pathset is
                            # from a filtered pathset

                        with self.lock:
                            if not dname in self.pending:
                                pending.append((0, dname))

                    elif (isDirPath(dname)
                          and isdir(dpath)) or (not isDirPath(dname)
                                                and isfile(dpath)):
                        # in the specific case of a dependency error, build will definitely fail immediately so we should log line number
                        # at ERROR log level not just at info
                        ex = BuildException("Cannot find dependency %s" %
                        log.error('FAILED during dependency resolution: %s',
                        assert not os.path.exists(dpath), dname


                if leaf:
                        'Target dependencies of %s (priority %s) are: <no dependencies>',
                        target, -target.priority)
                        'Target dependencies of %s (priority %s) are: %s',
                        target, -target.priority, ', '.join(targetDeps)
                    )  # this is important for debugging missing dependencies etc

            except Exception as e:
                        prefix="Target FAILED during dependency resolution"))
            # For clean ignoring deps we want to be as light-weight as possible

        if pending:
            # if we're adding some new jobs
            with self.lock:
                self.total += len(pending)

        # NB: the keep-going option does NOT apply to dependency failures
        return (pending, errors, 0 == len(errors))
コード例 #26
ファイル: pathsets.py プロジェクト: ramanawithu/xpybuild
    def resolveWithDestinations(self, context):
		Uses the file system to returns a list of relative paths for files 
		matching the specified include/exclude patterns, throwing a 
		BuildException if none can be found. 

		This method will cache its result after being called the first time. 
		Note that it is possible the destinations may contain "../" elements - 
		targets for which that could be a problem should check for and disallow 
		such destinations (e.g. for copy we would not want to allow copying to 
		destinations outside the specified root directory). 
        log = logging.getLogger('FindPaths')
        log.debug('FindPaths resolve starting for: %s', self)
        with self.__lock:
            # think this operation is atomically thread-safe due to global interpreter lock
            if self.__cached: return self.__cached

            # resolve dir if needed, relative to where the fileset was specified in the build file

            resolveddir = _resolveDirPath(self.__dir, context, self.location)

            matches = []
                if not os.path.isdir(resolveddir):
                    raise BuildException(
                        'FindPaths root directory does not exist: "%s"' %
                startt = time.time()
                if self.includes is not None:
                    unusedPatternsTracker = GlobUnusedPatternTracker(
                        self.includes)  # give an error if any are not used
                    unusedPatternsTracker = None
                longdir = normLongPath(resolveddir)
                visited = 0
                for root, dirs, files in os.walk(longdir):
                    visited += 1
                    root = root.replace(longdir, '').replace('\\',
                    if root != '': root += '/'
                    #log.debug('visiting: "%s"'%root)

                    # optimization: if this doesn't require walking down the dir tree, don't do any!
                    # (this optimization applies to includes like prefix/** but not if there is a bare '**'
                    # in the includes lsit)
                    if self.includes is not None:
                        self.includes.removeUnmatchableDirectories(root, dirs)

                    # optimization: if there's an exclude starting with this dir and ending with '/**' or '/*', don't navigate to it
                    # we deliberately match only against filename patterns (not dir patterns) since
                    # empty dirs are handled in the later loop not through this mechanism, so it's just files that matter
                    if self.excludes is not None and dirs != []:
                        # nb: both dirs and the result of getPathMatches will have no trailing slashes
                            self.excludes.getPathMatches(root, filenames=dirs))

                    # now find which files and empty dirs match
                    matchedemptydirs = dirs

                    if self.includes is not None:
                        files, matchedemptydirs = self.includes.getPathMatches(
                        matchedemptydirs = [
                        ]  # only include empty dirs if explicitly specified

                    if self.excludes is not None:
                        exfiles, exdirs = self.excludes.getPathMatches(
                            root, filenames=files, dirnames=matchedemptydirs)
                        self.__removeNamesFromList(files, exfiles)
                        self.__removeNamesFromList(matchedemptydirs, exdirs)

                    for p in files:
                        matches.append(root + p)
                    for p in matchedemptydirs:
                        matches.append(root + p + '/')

                    'FindPaths in "%s" found %d path(s) for %s after visiting %s directories; %s',
                    resolveddir, len(matches), self, visited, self.location)
                if time.time(
                ) - startt > 5:  # this should usually be pretty quick, so may indicate a real build file mistake
                        'FindPaths took a long time: %0.1f s to evaluate %s; see %s',
                        time.time() - startt, self, self.location)

                if not matches:
                    raise BuildException('No matching files found',
                if unusedPatternsTracker is not None:
                    unusedPatterns = unusedPatternsTracker.getUnusedPatterns()
                    if unusedPatterns != []:
                        raise BuildException(
                            'Some include patterns did not match any files: %s'
                            % ', '.join(unusedPatterns),

            except BuildException, e:
                raise BuildException('%s for %s' %
                                     (e.toSingleLineString(target=None), self),
            except Exception, e:
                raise BuildException('%s for %s' % (repr(e), self),
コード例 #27
ファイル: buildtarget.py プロジェクト: CaribouJohn/xpybuild
	def uptodate(self, context, ignoreDeps):
			Checks whether the target needs to be rebuilt.
			Returns true if the target is up to date and does not need a rebuild
			Holds the object lock
			Called during the main build phase, after the dependency resolution phase
		with self.lock:
			log.debug('Up-to-date check for %s', self.name)
			if self.isdirty: 
				# no need to log at info, will already have been done when it was marked dirty
				log.debug('Up-to-date check: %s has been marked dirty', self.name)
				return False

			if not exists(self.path):
				log.info('Up-to-date check: %s must be rebuilt because file does not exist: "%s"', self.name, self.path)
				self.isdirty = True # make sure we don't log this again
				return False
			if ignoreDeps: return True
			if not isfile(self.stampfile): # this is really an existence check, but if we have a dir it's an error so ignore
				# for directory targets
				log.info('Up-to-date check: %s must be rebuilt because stamp file does not exist: "%s"', self.name, self.stampfile)
				return False
			# assume that by this point our explicit dependencies at least exist, so it's safe to call getHashableImplicitDependencies
			implicitInputs = self.__getImplicitInputs(context)
			if implicitInputs or isDirPath(self.target.name):
				# this is to cope with targets that have implicit inputs (e.g. globbed pathsets); might as well use the same mechanism for directories (which need a stamp file anyway)
				if not exists(self._implicitInputsFile):
					log.info('Up-to-date check: %s must be rebuilt because implicit inputs/stamp file does not exist: "%s"', self.name, self._implicitInputsFile)
					return False
				iminpath = os.path.normpath(self._implicitInputsFile)
				iminpath = normLongPath(iminpath)
				with open(iminpath, 'rb') as f:
					latestImplicitInputs = f.read().split(os.linesep)
					if latestImplicitInputs != implicitInputs:
						thediff = list(difflib.unified_diff(latestImplicitInputs, implicitInputs,
							fromfile='inputs for previous build of the target (%d lines)'%len(implicitInputs),
							tofile='inputs for current build of the target (%d lines)'%len(latestImplicitInputs),
						if len(thediff)>10:
							thediff = thediff[:10]+['...']
						log.info('Up-to-date check: %s must be rebuilt because implicit inputs file has changed: "%s"\n\t%s\n', self.name, self._implicitInputsFile, 
						return False
						log.debug("Up-to-date check: implicit inputs file contents has not changed: %s", self._implicitInputsFile)
				log.debug("Up-to-date check: target has no implicitInputs data: %s", self)
			# NB: there shouldn't be any file system errors here since we've checked for the existence of deps 
			# already in _expand_deps; if this happens it's probably a build system bug
			stampmodtime = getmtime(self.stampfile)

			def isNewer(path):
				pathmodtime = getmtime(normLongPath(path))
				if pathmodtime <= stampmodtime: return False
				if pathmodtime-stampmodtime < 1: # such a small time gap seems dodgy
					log.warn('Up-to-date check: %s must be rebuilt because input file "%s" is newer than "%s" by just %0.1f seconds', self.name, path, self.stampfile, pathmodtime-stampmodtime)
					log.info('Up-to-date check: %s must be rebuilt because input file "%s" is newer than "%s" (by %0.1f seconds)', self.name, path, self.stampfile, pathmodtime-stampmodtime)
				return True

			for f in self.fdeps:
				if isdir(normLongPath(f)): 
					log.debug('Up-to-date check: walking dependency directory %s to check for newly modified files', f)
					for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(normLongPath(f)):
						for name in files:
							if isNewer(os.path.join(path, name)): return False
					log.debug('uptodate: done walking dependency directory %s', f)
					if isNewer(f): return False
		return True
コード例 #28
ファイル: scheduler.py プロジェクト: CaribouJohn/xpybuild
	def _deps_target(self, tname):
			Function called by a worker to check the deps for a single target
			tname - this is the canonical PATH of the target, not the name
		errors = []
		pending = [] # list of new jobs to done as part of dependency resolution
		log.debug("Inspecting dependencies of target %s", tname)			
		target = self.targets.get(tname, None)

		# only log dependency status periodically since usually its very quick
		# and not worthwhile
		with self.lock:
			self.index += 1
			log.critical(self.progressFormat+"Resolving dependencies for %s", self.index, self.total, target)

		if not target:
			assert False # I'm not sure how we can get here, think it should actually be impossible
			if not exists(tname):
				errors.append("Unknown target %s" % tname)
				log.debug('Scheduler cannot find target in build file or on disk: %s', target) # is this a problem? maybe assert False here?
		elif self.options['ignore-deps'] and exists(target.path): 
			# in this mode, any target that already exists should be treated as 
			# a leaf with no deps which means it won't be built under any 
			# circumstances (even if a target it depends on is rebuilt), 
			# and allows us to avoid the time-consuming transitive resolution 
			# of dependencies. Has to be implemented this way, since if we were 
			# to allow ANY already-existing target to be re-built in the normal 
			# way, we would have to resolve dependencies for all targets in 
			# order to ensure we never rebuild a target at the same time as 
			# a target that depends on it. We're essentially deleting the entire 
			# dependency subtree for all nodes that exist already
			log.debug('Scheduler is treating existing target as a leaf and will not rebuild it: %s', target)
		elif not (self.options['ignore-deps'] and self.options['clean']): 
				deps = target.resolveDependencies(self.context)
				if deps: log.debug('%s has %d dependencies', target.target, len(deps))
				targetDeps = [] # just for logging
				leaf = True
				for dname in deps:
					#log.debug('Processing dependency: %s -> %s', tname, dname)
					dpath = normLongPath(dname)
					if dname in self.targets:
						leaf = False
						dtarget = self.targets[dname]
						if dtarget in target.rdeps(): raise Exception('Circular dependency between targets: %s and %s'%(dtarget.name, target.name))
						if not isDirPath(dname):
							target.filedep(dname) # might have an already built target dependency which is still newer
							# special case directory target deps - must use stamp file not dir, to avoid re-walking 
							# the directory needlessly, and possibly making a wrong decision if the dir pathset is 
							# from a filtered pathset
						with self.lock:
							if not dname in self.pending:
								pending.append((0, dname))
					elif (isDirPath(dname) and isdir(dpath)) or (not isDirPath(dname) and isfile(dpath)):
						# in the specific case of a dependency error, build will definitely fail immediately so we should log line number 
						# at ERROR log level not just at info
						ex = BuildException("Cannot find dependency %s" % dname)
						log.error('FAILED during dependency resolution: %s', ex.toMultiLineString(target, includeStack=False), extra=ex.getLoggerExtraArgDict(target))
						assert not os.path.exists(dpath), dname
				if leaf:
					log.info('Target dependencies of %s (priority %s) are: <no dependencies>', target, -target.priority)
					log.info('Target dependencies of %s (priority %s) are: %s', target, -target.priority, ', '.join(targetDeps)) # this is important for debugging missing dependencies etc
			except Exception as e:
				errors.extend(self._handle_error(target.target, prefix="Target FAILED during dependency resolution"))
			# For clean ignoring deps we want to be as light-weight as possible
		if pending:
			# if we're adding some new jobs
			with self.lock:
				self.total += len(pending)
		# NB: the keep-going option does NOT apply to dependency failures 
		return (pending, errors, 0 == len(errors))