コード例 #1
def connection_getCellsFreeMemory(params):
       test API for getCellsFreeMemory in class virConnect
    logger = params['logger']
    fail = 0

    nodeset = utils.file_read(NODE_ONLINE)
    logger.info("host exist node is %s" % nodeset)

    node_tuple = utils.param_to_tuple_nolength(nodeset)
    if not node_tuple:
        logger.info("error in function param_to_tuple_nolength")
        return 1

        conn = libvirt.open(params['conn'])

        logger.info("get connection cells free memory")
        for n in range(len(node_tuple)):
            if not node_tuple[n]:

            D = utils.get_standard_deviation(getnodemem, virtgetmem, \
                '/sys/devices/system/node/node%d/meminfo' % n, [conn,n])
            logger.info("Standard Deviation for node %d is %d" % (n, D))
            """ expectations 177 is a average collected in a x86_64 low load machine"""
            if D > 177 * 5:
                fail = 1
                logger.info("FAIL: Standard Deviation is too big \
                             (biger than %d) for node %d" % (177 * 5, n))

    except libvirtError, e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s" % e.message)
        fail = 1
コード例 #2
def connection_getCellsFreeMemory(params):
       test API for getCellsFreeMemory in class virConnect
    logger = params['logger']
    fail = 0

    nodeset = utils.file_read(NODE_ONLINE)
    logger.info("host exist node is %s" % nodeset)

    node_tuple = utils.param_to_tuple_nolength(nodeset)
    if not node_tuple:
        logger.info("error in function param_to_tuple_nolength")
        return 1

        conn = libvirt.open(params['conn'])

        logger.info("get connection cells free memory")
        for n in range(len(node_tuple)):
            if not node_tuple[n]:

            D = utils.get_standard_deviation(getnodemem, virtgetmem,
                                             % n, [conn, n])
            logger.info("Standard Deviation for node %d is %d" % (n, D))

            """ expectations 177 is a average collected in a x86_64 low load machine"""
            if D > 177 * 5:
                fail = 1
                logger.info("FAIL: Standard Deviation is too big \
                             (biger than %d) for node %d" % (177 * 5, n))

    except libvirtError as e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s" % e.message)
        fail = 1
    return fail
コード例 #3
def connection_getMemoryStats(params):
       test API for getMemoryStats in class virConnect
    logger = params['logger']
    fail = 0

    nodeset = utils.file_read(NODE_ONLINE)
    logger.info("host exist node is %s" % nodeset)

    node_tuple = utils.param_to_tuple_nolength(nodeset)
    if not node_tuple:
        logger.info("error in function param_to_tuple_nolength")
        return 1

        conn = libvirt.open(params['conn'])

        logger.info("get connection cells memory status")
        for n in range(len(node_tuple)):
            if not node_tuple[n]:

            D = utils.get_standard_deviation(getsysmem, virtgetmem, \
                ['/sys/devices/system/node/node%d/meminfo' % n,1,3], [conn,n,'free'])
            logger.info("Standard Deviation for free memory in node %d is %d" %
                        (n, D))
            """ expectations 177 is a average collected in a x86_64 low load machine"""
            if D > 177 * 5:
                fail = 1
                logger.info("FAIL: Standard Deviation is too big \
                             (biger than %d) for node %d free memory" %
                            (177 * 5, n))

            a1 = ['/sys/devices/system/node/node%d/meminfo' % n, 0, 3]
            a2 = [conn, n, 'total']
            if long(getsysmem(a1)) != long(virtgetmem(a2)):
                fail = 1
                logger.info("FAIL: Total memory in node %d is not right" % n)

        D = utils.get_standard_deviation(getsysmem, virtgetmem, \
            [MEMINFO, 3, 1], [conn, -1, 'buffers'])
        logger.info("Standard Deviation for host buffers is %d" % D)
        """ expectations 30 is a average collected in a x86_64 low load machine"""
        if D > 30 * 5:
            fail = 1
            logger.info("FAIL: Standard Deviation is too big \
                         (biger than %d) for host buffers" % 30 * 5)

        D = utils.get_standard_deviation(getsysmem, virtgetmem, \
            [MEMINFO,4,1], [conn,-1,'cached'])
        logger.info("Standard Deviation for host cached is %d" % D)
        """ expectations 32 is a average collected in a x86_64 low load machine"""
        if D > 32 * 5:
            fail = 1
            logger.info("FAIL: Standard Deviation is too big \
                         (biger than %d) for host cached" % 32 * 5)

        D = utils.get_standard_deviation(getsysmem, virtgetmem, \
            [MEMINFO,1,1], [conn,-1,'free'])
        logger.info("Standard Deviation for host free memory is %d" % D)
        """ expectations 177 is a average collected in a x86_64 low load machine"""
        if D > 177 * 5:
            fail = 1
            logger.info("FAIL: Standard Deviation is too big \
                         (biger than %d) for host free memory" % 177 * 5)

        if long(getsysmem([MEMINFO, 0, 1])) != long(
                virtgetmem([conn, -1, 'total'])):
            fail = 1
            logger.info("FAIL: Total memory for host is not right" % n)

    except libvirtError, e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s" % e.message)
        fail = 1
コード例 #4
ファイル: cpu_status.py プロジェクト: rbian/libvirt-test-API
def cpu_status(params):
       test API for getCPUStats in class virDomain
    logger = params["logger"]
    fail = 0

    cpu = utils.file_read(ONLINE_CPU)
    logger.info("host online cpulist is %s" % cpu)

    cpu_tuple = utils.param_to_tuple_nolength(cpu)
    if not cpu_tuple:
        logger.info("error in function param_to_tuple_nolength")
        return 1

        conn = libvirt.open(params["conn"])

        logger.info("get connection to libvirtd")
        guest = params["guestname"]
        vm = conn.lookupByName(guest)
        vcpus = vm.info()[3]
        for n in range(len(cpu_tuple)):
            if not cpu_tuple[n]:

            D = utils.get_standard_deviation(
                getcputime, virtgetcputime, [CGROUP_PERCPU % guest, n], [vm, n, "cpu_time"]
            logger.info("Standard Deviation for host cpu %d cputime is %d" % (n, D))

            """ expectations 403423 is a average collected in a x86_64 low load machine"""
            if D > 403423 * 5:
                fail = 1
                    "FAIL: Standard Deviation is too big \
                             (biger than %d) for host cpu %d"
                    % (403423 * 5, n)

            D = utils.get_standard_deviation(getvcputime, virtgetcputime, [vcpus, guest, n], [vm, n, "vcpu_time"])
            logger.info("Standard Deviation for host cpu %d vcputime is %d" % (n, D))

            """ expectations 4034 is a average collected in a x86_64 low load machine"""
            if D > 4034 * 5 * vcpus:
                fail = 1
                    "FAIL: Standard Deviation is too big \
                             (biger than %d) for host cpu time %d"
                    % (4034 * 5 * vcpus, n)

        D = utils.get_standard_deviation(getcputime, virtgettotalcputime, [CGROUP_USAGE % guest, 0], [vm, "cpu_time"])
        logger.info("Standard Deviation for host cpu total cputime is %d" % D)

        """ expectations 313451 is a average collected in a x86_64 low load machine"""
        if D > 313451 * 5 * len(cpu_tuple):
            fail = 1
                "FAIL: Standard Deviation is too big \
                         (biger than %d) for host cpu time %d"
                % (313451 * 5 * len(cpu_tuple), n)

        D = utils.get_standard_deviation(
            getcputime, virtgettotalcputime2, [CGROUP_STAT % guest, 3], [vm, "system_time"]
        logger.info("Standard Deviation for host cpu total system time is %d" % D)

        """ expectations 10 is a average collected in a x86_64 low load machine"""
        if D > 10 * 5:
            fail = 1
                "FAIL: Standard Deviation is too big \
                         (biger than %d) for host system cpu time %d"
                % (10 * 5, n)

        D = utils.get_standard_deviation(getcputime, virtgettotalcputime2, [CGROUP_STAT % guest, 1], [vm, "user_time"])
        logger.info("Standard Deviation for host cpu total user time is %d" % D)

        """ expectations 10 is a average collected in a x86_64 low load machine"""
        if D > 10 * 5:
            fail = 1
                "FAIL: Standard Deviation is too big \
                         (biger than %d) for host user cpu time %d"
                % (10 * 5, n)

    except libvirtError, e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s" % e.message)
        fail = 1
コード例 #5
def connection_getMemoryStats(params):
       test API for getMemoryStats in class virConnect
    logger = params['logger']
    fail = 0

    nodeset = utils.file_read(NODE_ONLINE)
    logger.info("host exist node is %s" % nodeset)

    node_tuple = utils.param_to_tuple_nolength(nodeset)
    if not node_tuple:
        logger.info("error in function param_to_tuple_nolength")
        return 1

        conn = libvirt.open(params['conn'])

        logger.info("get connection cells memory status")
        for n in range(len(node_tuple)):
            if not node_tuple[n]:

            D = utils.get_standard_deviation(
                getsysmem, virtgetmem,
                ['/sys/devices/system/node/node%d/meminfo' % n, 1, 3],
                [conn, n, 'free'])
                "Standard Deviation for free memory in node %d is %d" %
                (n, D))

            """ expectations 177 is a average collected in a x86_64 low load machine"""
            if D > 177 * 5:
                fail = 1
                    "FAIL: Standard Deviation is too big "
                    "(biger than %d) for node %d free memory" %
                    (177 * 5, n))

            a1 = ['/sys/devices/system/node/node%d/meminfo' % n, 0, 3]
            a2 = [conn, n, 'total']
            if long(getsysmem(a1)) != long(virtgetmem(a2)):
                fail = 1
                logger.info("FAIL: Total memory in node %d is not right" % n)

        D = utils.get_standard_deviation(
            getsysmem, virtgetmem, [
                MEMINFO, 3, 1], [
                conn, -1, 'buffers'])
        logger.info("Standard Deviation for host buffers is %d" % D)

        """ expectations 30 is a average collected in a x86_64 low load machine"""
        if D > 30 * 5:
            fail = 1
            logger.info("FAIL: Standard Deviation is too big "
                        "(biger than %d) for host buffers" % 30 * 5)

        D = utils.get_standard_deviation(getsysmem, virtgetmem,
                                         [MEMINFO, 4, 1], [conn, -1, 'cached'])
        logger.info("Standard Deviation for host cached is %d" % D)

        """ expectations 32 is a average collected in a x86_64 low load machine"""
        if D > 32 * 5:
            fail = 1
            logger.info("FAIL: Standard Deviation is too big "
                        "(biger than %d) for host cached" % 32 * 5)

        D = utils.get_standard_deviation(getsysmem, virtgetmem,
                                         [MEMINFO, 1, 1], [conn, -1, 'free'])
        logger.info("Standard Deviation for host free memory is %d" % D)

        """ expectations 177 is a average collected in a x86_64 low load machine"""
        if D > 177 * 5:
            fail = 1
            logger.info("FAIL: Standard Deviation is too big "
                        " (biger than %d) for host free memory" % 177 * 5)

        if long(getsysmem([MEMINFO, 0, 1])) != long(
                virtgetmem([conn, -1, 'total'])):
            fail = 1
            logger.info("FAIL: Total memory for host is not right" % n)

    except libvirtError as e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s" % e.message)
        fail = 1
    return fail
コード例 #6
def cpu_status(params):
       test API for getCPUStats in class virDomain
    logger = params['logger']
    fail = 0

    cpu = utils.file_read(ONLINE_CPU)
    logger.info("host online cpulist is %s" % cpu)

    cpu_tuple = utils.param_to_tuple_nolength(cpu)
    if not cpu_tuple:
        logger.info("error in function param_to_tuple_nolength")
        return 1

        conn = libvirt.open(params['conn'])

        logger.info("get connection to libvirtd")
        guest = params['guestname']
        vm = conn.lookupByName(guest)
        vcpus = vm.info()[3]
        for n in range(len(cpu_tuple)):
            if not cpu_tuple[n]:

            D = utils.get_standard_deviation(getcputime, virtgetcputime, \
                [CGROUP_PERCPU % guest, n], [vm,n,'cpu_time'])
            logger.info("Standard Deviation for host cpu %d cputime is %d" %
                        (n, D))
            """ expectations 403423 is a average collected in a x86_64 low load machine"""
            if D > 403423 * 5:
                fail = 1
                logger.info("FAIL: Standard Deviation is too big \
                             (biger than %d) for host cpu %d" %
                            (403423 * 5, n))

            D = utils.get_standard_deviation(getvcputime, virtgetcputime, \
                [vcpus, guest, n], [vm,n,'vcpu_time'])
            logger.info("Standard Deviation for host cpu %d vcputime is %d" %
                        (n, D))
            """ expectations 4034 is a average collected in a x86_64 low load machine"""
            if D > 4034 * 5 * vcpus:
                fail = 1
                logger.info("FAIL: Standard Deviation is too big \
                             (biger than %d) for host cpu time %d" %
                            (4034 * 5 * vcpus, n))

        D = utils.get_standard_deviation(getcputime, virtgettotalcputime, \
            [CGROUP_USAGE % guest, 0], [vm,'cpu_time'])
        logger.info("Standard Deviation for host cpu total cputime is %d" % D)
        """ expectations 313451 is a average collected in a x86_64 low load machine"""
        if D > 313451 * 5 * len(cpu_tuple):
            fail = 1
            logger.info("FAIL: Standard Deviation is too big \
                         (biger than %d) for host cpu time %d" %
                        (313451 * 5 * len(cpu_tuple), n))

        D = utils.get_standard_deviation(getcputime, virtgettotalcputime2, \
            [CGROUP_STAT % guest, 3], [vm,'system_time'])
        logger.info("Standard Deviation for host cpu total system time is %d" %
        """ expectations 10 is a average collected in a x86_64 low load machine"""
        if D > 10 * 5:
            fail = 1
            logger.info("FAIL: Standard Deviation is too big \
                         (biger than %d) for host system cpu time %d" %
                        (10 * 5, n))

        D = utils.get_standard_deviation(getcputime, virtgettotalcputime2, \
            [CGROUP_STAT % guest, 1], [vm,'user_time'])
        logger.info("Standard Deviation for host cpu total user time is %d" %
        """ expectations 10 is a average collected in a x86_64 low load machine"""
        if D > 10 * 5:
            fail = 1
            logger.info("FAIL: Standard Deviation is too big \
                         (biger than %d) for host user cpu time %d" %
                        (10 * 5, n))

    except libvirtError, e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s" % e.message)
        fail = 1