コード例 #1
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: FeeeeK/TraceMoe_bot
async def handler(ans: Message, match) -> str:
    url = get_image_url(ans)
    if not url:
        return "Не удалось найти картинку для поиска в Вашем сообщении!"
        text = await search(url)
    except Exception:
        return "Ой, произошла ошибка, попробуйте еще раз."
    return text
コード例 #2
ファイル: view_thread.py プロジェクト: camalot/kochandi
    def browse(self):
        posts = utils.get_thread(self.board, self.threadId)["posts"]

        for p in posts:
            if ('ext' not in p) or ("filename" not in p):

            if p["ext"] in utils.image_ext:
                thumb = utils.get_thumb_url(self.board, p["tim"])
                img_url = utils.get_image_url(self.board, p["tim"], p["ext"])
                utils.add_image(p['filename'], thumb, img_url)
                thumb = utils.get_thumb_url(self.board, p["tim"])
                vid_url = utils.get_image_url(self.board, p["tim"], p["ext"])
                utils.add_video(p['filename'], thumb, vid_url)

コード例 #3
def pretty_message(message):
    dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(message['time'])
    dt_str = dt.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
    print(message['name'], dt_str)

    if message['text'] == 'бот пришли пёсика':
        url = get_image_url()
コード例 #4
    def pretty_message(self, message):
        dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(message['time'])
        dt_str = dt.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
        self.messages.append(message['name'] + ' ' + dt_str)

        if message['text'] == 'бот пришли пёсика':
            self.messages.append('*открываю браузер*')
            url = get_image_url()

コード例 #5
ファイル: img_crawler.py プロジェクト: wenqf11/FSE
def get_image(html, query, current):
    # extract image url    
    img_list = get_img_list(html)
    num = 0
    if img_list:
        count = 0
        # extract title
        title_list = get_title_list(html)
        title_list = remove_label(title_list)
        # extract size
        width_list = get_width_list(html)
        height_list = get_height_list(html)
        for img_url in img_list:
            # extract url
            img_url = get_image_url(img_url)
            # crawl image on the page
                # detect the image(find the bigest face in the image)
                result = api.detection.detect(url=img_url, mode='oneface')
                if result['face']:
                    image_path = '%s%s.jpg' % (IMAGE_DIR, current+num)
                    # download image
                    filename, msg = urllib.urlretrieve(img_url, image_path)
                    # if download successfully
                    if msg['Content-Length']:
                        # append tag to image
                        append_tags(image_path, get_image_size(width_list[count]), get_image_size(height_list[count]),
                            get_image_title(title_list[count]), img_url, query, result['face'][0]['attribute'])
                        # output info
                        print "%s: %s" % (current+num, img_url)
                        num += 1
                        if num >= EACH:
            except Exception as err:
            count += 1
        print "%s didn't have .jpg format picture" % query
    return current+num
コード例 #6
def info_image_url(image_uri):
    return redirect(get_image_url(str(image_uri)))
コード例 #7
def csvimport(dbo, csvdata, encoding = "utf8", user = "", createmissinglookups = False, cleartables = False, checkduplicates = False):
    Imports the csvdata.
    createmissinglookups: If a lookup value is given that's not in our data, add it
    cleartables: Clear down the animal, owner and adoption tables before import

    # Convert line endings to standard unix lf to prevent
    # the Python CSV importer barfing.
    csvdata = csvdata.replace("\r\n", "\n")
    csvdata = csvdata.replace("\r", "\n")

    if user == "":
        user = "******"
        user = "******" % user

    reader = None
    if encoding == "utf8":
        reader = utils.UnicodeCSVReader(StringIO(csvdata))
        reader = utils.UnicodeCSVReader(StringIO(csvdata), encoding=encoding)

    # Make sure we have a valid header
    cols = None
    for row in reader:
        cols = row
    if cols is None:
        asynctask.set_last_error(dbo, "Your CSV file is empty")

    onevalid = False
    hasanimal = False
    hasanimalname = False
    hasmed = False
    hasvacc = False
    hasperson = False
    haspersonlastname = False
    haspersonname = False
    haslicence = False
    haslicencenumber = False
    hasmovement = False
    hasmovementdate = False
    hasdonation = False
    hasdonationamount = False
    hasoriginalowner = False
    hasoriginalownerlastname = False
    for col in cols:
        if col in VALID_FIELDS: onevalid = True
        if col.startswith("ANIMAL"): hasanimal = True
        if col == "ANIMALNAME": hasanimalname = True
        if col.startswith("ORIGINALOWNER"): hasoriginalowner = True
        if col.startswith("VACCINATION"): hasvacc = True
        if col.startswith("MEDICAL"): hasmed = True
        if col.startswith("LICENSE"): haslicence = True
        if col == "LICENSENUMBER": haslicencenumber = True
        if col == "ORIGINALOWNERLASTNAME": hasoriginalownerlastname = True
        if col.startswith("PERSON"): hasperson = True
        if col == "PERSONLASTNAME": haspersonlastname = True
        if col == "PERSONNAME": haspersonname = True
        if col.startswith("MOVEMENT"): hasmovement = True
        if col == "MOVEMENTDATE": hasmovementdate = True
        if col.startswith("DONATION"): hasdonation = True
        if col == "DONATIONAMOUNT": hasdonationamount = True

    # Any valid fields?
    if not onevalid:
        asynctask.set_last_error(dbo, "Your CSV file did not contain any fields that ASM recognises")

    # If we have any animal fields, make sure at least ANIMALNAME is supplied
    if hasanimal and not hasanimalname:
        asynctask.set_last_error(dbo, "Your CSV file has animal fields, but no ANIMALNAME column")

    # If we have any person fields, make sure at least PERSONLASTNAME or PERSONNAME is supplied
    if hasperson and not haspersonlastname and not haspersonname:
        asynctask.set_last_error(dbo, "Your CSV file has person fields, but no PERSONNAME or PERSONLASTNAME column")

    # If we have any original owner fields, make sure at least ORIGINALOWNERLASTNAME is supplied
    if hasoriginalowner and not hasoriginalownerlastname:
        asynctask.set_last_error(dbo, "Your CSV file has original owner fields, but no ORIGINALOWNERLASTNAME column")

    # If we have any movement fields, make sure MOVEMENTDATE is supplied
    if hasmovement and not hasmovementdate:
        asynctask.set_last_error(dbo, "Your CSV file has movement fields, but no MOVEMENTDATE column")

    # If we have any donation fields, we need an amount
    if hasdonation and not hasdonationamount:
        asynctask.set_last_error(dbo, "Your CSV file has donation fields, but no DONATIONAMOUNT column")

    # We also need a valid person
    if hasdonation and not (haspersonlastname or haspersonname):
        asynctask.set_last_error(dbo, "Your CSV file has donation fields, but no person to apply the donation to")

    # If we have any med fields, we need an animal
    if hasmed and not hasanimal:
        asynctask.set_last_error(dbo, "Your CSV file has medical fields, but no animal to apply them to")

    # If we have any vacc fields, we need an animal
    if hasvacc and not hasanimal:
        asynctask.set_last_error(dbo, "Your CSV file has vaccination fields, but no animal to apply them to")

    # If we have licence fields, we need a number
    if haslicence and not haslicencenumber:
        asynctask.set_last_error(dbo, "Your CSV file has license fields, but no LICENSENUMBER column")

    # We also need a valid person
    if haslicence and not (haspersonlastname or haspersonname):
        asynctask.set_last_error(dbo, "Your CSV file has license fields, but no person to apply the license to")

    # Read the whole CSV file into a list of maps. Note, the
    # reader has a cursor at the second row already because
    # we read the header in the first row above
    data = []
    for row in reader:
        currow = {}
        for i, col in enumerate(row):
            if i >= len(cols): continue # skip if we run out of cols
            currow[cols[i]] = col

    al.debug("reading CSV data, found %d rows" % len(data), "csvimport.csvimport", dbo)

    # If we're clearing down tables first, do it now
    if cleartables:
        al.warn("Resetting the database by removing all non-lookup data", "csvimport.csvimport", dbo)

    # Now that we've read them in, go through all the rows
    # and start importing.
    errors = []
    rowno = 1
    asynctask.set_progress_max(dbo, len(data))
    for row in data:

        al.debug("import csv: row %d of %d" % (rowno, len(data)), "csvimport.csvimport", dbo)

        # Should we stop?
        if asynctask.get_cancel(dbo): break

        # Do we have animal data to read?
        animalid = 0
        if hasanimal and gks(row, "ANIMALNAME") != "":
            a = {}
            a["animalname"] = gks(row, "ANIMALNAME")
            a["sheltercode"] = gks(row, "ANIMALCODE")
            a["shortcode"] = gks(row, "ANIMALCODE")
            if gks(row, "ANIMALSEX") == "": 
                a["sex"] = "2" # Default unknown if not set
                a["sex"] = gks(row, "ANIMALSEX").lower().startswith("m") and "1" or "0"
            a["basecolour"] = gkl(dbo, row, "ANIMALCOLOR", "basecolour", "BaseColour", createmissinglookups)
            if a["basecolour"] == "0":
                a["basecolour"] = str(configuration.default_colour(dbo))
            a["species"] = gkl(dbo, row, "ANIMALSPECIES", "species", "SpeciesName", createmissinglookups)
            if a["species"] == "0":
                a["species"] = str(configuration.default_species(dbo))
            a["animaltype"] = gkl(dbo, row, "ANIMALTYPE", "animaltype", "AnimalType", createmissinglookups)
            if a["animaltype"] == "0":
                a["animaltype"] = str(configuration.default_type(dbo))
            a["breed1"] = gkbr(dbo, row, "ANIMALBREED1", a["species"], createmissinglookups)
            if a["breed1"] == "0":
                a["breed1"] = str(configuration.default_breed(dbo))
            a["breed2"] = gkbr(dbo, row, "ANIMALBREED2", a["species"], createmissinglookups)
            if a["breed2"] != "0" and a["breed2"] != a["breed1"]:
                a["crossbreed"] = "on"
            a["size"] = gkl(dbo, row, "ANIMALSIZE", "lksize", "Size", False)
            if gks(row, "ANIMALSIZE") == "": 
                a["size"] = str(configuration.default_size(dbo))
            a["internallocation"] = gkl(dbo, row, "ANIMALLOCATION", "internallocation", "LocationName", createmissinglookups)
            if a["internallocation"] == "0":
                a["internallocation"] = str(configuration.default_location(dbo))
            a["unit"] = gks(row, "ANIMALUNIT")
            a["comments"] = gks(row, "ANIMALCOMMENTS")
            a["markings"] = gks(row, "ANIMALMARKINGS")
            a["hiddenanimaldetails"] = gks(row, "ANIMALHIDDENDETAILS")
            a["healthproblems"] = gks(row, "ANIMALHEALTHPROBLEMS")
            a["notforadoption"] = gkbi(row, "ANIMALNOTFORADOPTION")
            a["nonshelter"] = gkbi(row, "ANIMALNONSHELTER")
            a["housetrained"] = gkynu(row, "ANIMALHOUSETRAINED")
            a["goodwithcats"] = gkynu(row, "ANIMALGOODWITHCATS")
            a["goodwithdogs"] = gkynu(row, "ANIMALGOODWITHDOGS")
            a["goodwithkids"] = gkynu(row, "ANIMALGOODWITHKIDS")
            a["reasonforentry"] = gks(row, "ANIMALREASONFORENTRY")
            a["estimatedage"] = gks(row, "ANIMALAGE")
            a["dateofbirth"] = gkd(dbo, row, "ANIMALDOB", True)
            if gks(row, "ANIMALDOB") == "" and a["estimatedage"] != "":
                a["dateofbirth"] = "" # if we had an age and dob was blank, prefer the age
            a["datebroughtin"] = gkd(dbo, row, "ANIMALENTRYDATE", True)
            a["deceaseddate"] = gkd(dbo, row, "ANIMALDECEASEDDATE")
            a["neutered"] = gkbc(row, "ANIMALNEUTERED")
            a["neutereddate"] = gkd(dbo, row, "ANIMALNEUTEREDDATE")
            if a["neutereddate"] != "": a["neutered"] = "on"
            a["microchipnumber"] = gks(row, "ANIMALMICROCHIP")
            if a["microchipnumber"] != "": a["microchipped"] = "on"
            a["microchipdate"] = gkd(dbo, row, "ANIMALMICROCHIPDATE")
            # image data if any was supplied
            imagedata = gks(row, "ANIMALIMAGE")
            if imagedata.startswith("http"):
                # It's a URL, get the image from the remote server
                r = utils.get_image_url(imagedata, timeout=5000)
                if r["status"] == 200:
                    al.debug("retrieved image from %s (%s bytes)" % (imagedata, len(r["response"])), "csvimport.csvimport", dbo)
                    imagedata = "data:image/jpeg;base64,%s" % base64.b64encode(r["response"])
                    row_error(errors, "animal", rowno, row, "error reading image from '%s': %s" % (imagedata, r), dbo, sys.exc_info())
            elif imagedata.startswith("data:image"):
                # It's a base64 encoded data URI - do nothing as attach_file requires it
                # We don't know what it is, don't try and do anything with it
                imagedata = ""
            # If an original owner is specified, create a person record
            # for them and attach it to the animal as original owner
            if gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERLASTNAME") != "":
                p = {}
                p["title"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERTITLE")
                p["initials"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERINITIALS")
                p["forenames"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERFIRSTNAME")
                p["surname"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERLASTNAME")
                p["address"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERADDRESS")
                p["town"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERCITY")
                p["county"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERSTATE")
                p["postcode"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERZIPCODE")
                p["jurisdiction"] = gkl(dbo, row, "ORIGINALOWNERJURISDICTION", "jurisdiction", "JurisdictionName", createmissinglookups)
                p["hometelephone"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERHOMEPHONE")
                p["worktelephone"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERWORKPHONE")
                p["mobiletelephone"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERCELLPHONE")
                p["emailaddress"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNEREMAIL")
                    if checkduplicates:
                        dups = person.get_person_similar(dbo, p["emailaddress"], p["surname"], p["forenames"], p["address"])
                        if len(dups) > 0:
                            a["originalowner"] = str(dups[0]["ID"])
                    if "originalowner" not in a:
                        ooid = person.insert_person_from_form(dbo, utils.PostedData(p, dbo.locale), user, geocode=False)
                        a["originalowner"] = str(ooid)
                        # Identify an ORIGINALOWNERADDITIONAL additional fields and create them
                        create_additional_fields(dbo, row, errors, rowno, "ORIGINALOWNERADDITIONAL", "person", ooid)
                except Exception as e:
                    row_error(errors, "originalowner", rowno, row, e, dbo, sys.exc_info())
                if checkduplicates:
                    dup = animal.get_animal_sheltercode(dbo, a["sheltercode"])
                    if dup is not None:
                        animalid = dup["ID"]
                if animalid == 0:
                    animalid, newcode = animal.insert_animal_from_form(dbo, utils.PostedData(a, dbo.locale), user)
                    # Identify any ANIMALADDITIONAL additional fields and create them
                    create_additional_fields(dbo, row, errors, rowno, "ANIMALADDITIONAL", "animal", animalid)
                # If we have some image data, add it to the animal
                if len(imagedata) > 0:
                    imagepost = utils.PostedData({ "filename": "image.jpg", "filetype": "image/jpeg", "filedata": imagedata }, dbo.locale)
                    media.attach_file_from_form(dbo, user, media.ANIMAL, animalid, imagepost)
            except Exception as e:
                row_error(errors, "animal", rowno, row, e, dbo, sys.exc_info())

        # Person data?
        personid = 0
        if hasperson and (gks(row, "PERSONLASTNAME") != "" or gks(row, "PERSONNAME") != ""):
            p = {}
            p["ownertype"] = gks(row, "PERSONCLASS")
            if p["ownertype"] != "1" and p["ownertype"] != "2": 
                p["ownertype"] = "1"
            p["title"] = gks(row, "PERSONTITLE")
            p["initials"] = gks(row, "PERSONINITIALS")
            p["forenames"] = gks(row, "PERSONFIRSTNAME")
            p["surname"] = gks(row, "PERSONLASTNAME")
            # If we have a person name, all upto the last space is first names,
            # everything after the last name
            if gks(row, "PERSONNAME") != "":
                pname = gks(row, "PERSONNAME")
                if pname.find(" ") != -1:
                    p["forenames"] = pname[0:pname.rfind(" ")]
                    p["surname"] = pname[pname.rfind(" ")+1:]
                    p["surname"] = pname
            p["address"] = gks(row, "PERSONADDRESS")
            p["town"] = gks(row, "PERSONCITY")
            p["county"] = gks(row, "PERSONSTATE")
            p["postcode"] = gks(row, "PERSONZIPCODE")
            p["jurisdiction"] = gkl(dbo, row, "PERSONJURISDICTION", "jurisdiction", "JurisdictionName", createmissinglookups)
            p["hometelephone"] = gks(row, "PERSONHOMEPHONE")
            p["worktelephone"] = gks(row, "PERSONWORKPHONE")
            p["mobiletelephone"] = gks(row, "PERSONCELLPHONE")
            p["emailaddress"] = gks(row, "PERSONEMAIL")
            p["gdprcontactoptin"] = gks(row, "PERSONGDPRCONTACTOPTIN")
            flags = gks(row, "PERSONFLAGS")
            if gkb(row, "PERSONFOSTERER"): flags += ",fosterer"
            if gkb(row, "PERSONMEMBER"): flags += ",member"
            if gkb(row, "PERSONDONOR"): flags += ",donor"
            p["flags"] = flags
            p["comments"] = gks(row, "PERSONCOMMENTS")
            p["membershipnumber"] = gks(row, "PERSONMEMBERSHIPNUMBER")
            p["membershipexpires"] = gkd(dbo, row, "PERSONMEMBERSHIPEXPIRY")
            p["matchactive"] = gkbi(row, "PERSONMATCHACTIVE")
            if p["matchactive"] == "1":
                if "PERSONMATCHADDED" in cols: p["matchadded"] = gkd(dbo, row, "PERSONMATCHADDED")
                if "PERSONMATCHEXPIRES" in cols: p["matchexpires"] = gkd(dbo, row, "PERSONMATCHEXPIRES")
                if "PERSONMATCHSEX" in cols: p["matchsex"] = gks(row, "PERSONMATCHSEX").lower().startswith("m") and "1" or "0"
                if "PERSONMATCHSIZE" in cols: p["matchsize"] = gkl(dbo, row, "PERSONMATCHSIZE", "lksize", "Size", False)
                if "PERSONMATCHCOLOR" in cols: p["matchcolour"] = gkl(dbo, row, "PERSONMATCHCOLOR", "basecolour", "BaseColour", createmissinglookups)
                if "PERSONMATCHAGEFROM" in cols: p["matchagefrom"] = gks(row, "PERSONMATCHAGEFROM")
                if "PERSONMATCHAGETO" in cols: p["matchageto"] = gks(row, "PERSONMATCHAGETO")
                if "PERSONMATCHTYPE" in cols: p["matchanimaltype"] = gkl(dbo, row, "PERSONMATCHTYPE", "animaltype", "AnimalType", createmissinglookups)
                if "PERSONMATCHSPECIES" in cols: p["matchspecies"] = gkl(dbo, row, "PERSONMATCHSPECIES", "species", "SpeciesName", createmissinglookups)
                if "PERSONMATCHBREED1" in cols: p["matchbreed"] = gkbr(dbo, row, "PERSONMATCHBREED1", p["matchspecies"], createmissinglookups)
                if "PERSONMATCHBREED2" in cols: p["matchbreed2"] = gkbr(dbo, row, "PERSONMATCHBREED2", p["matchspecies"], createmissinglookups)
                if "PERSONMATCHGOODWITHCATS" in cols: p["matchgoodwithcats"] = gkynu(row, "PERSONMATCHGOODWITHCATS")
                if "PERSONMATCHGOODWITHDOGS" in cols: p["matchgoodwithdogs"] = gkynu(row, "PERSONMATCHGOODWITHDOGS")
                if "PERSONMATCHGOODWITHCHILDREN" in cols: p["matchgoodwithchildren"] = gkynu(row, "PERSONMATCHGOODWITHCHILDREN")
                if "PERSONMATCHHOUSETRAINED" in cols: p["matchhousetrained"] = gkynu(row, "PERSONMATCHHOUSETRAINED")
                if "PERSONMATCHCOMMENTSCONTAIN" in cols: p["matchcommentscontain"] = gks(row, "PERSONMATCHCOMMENTSCONTAIN")
                if checkduplicates:
                    dups = person.get_person_similar(dbo, p["emailaddress"], p["surname"], p["forenames"], p["address"])
                    if len(dups) > 0:
                        personid = dups[0].ID
                        # Merge flags and any extra details
                        person.merge_flags(dbo, user, personid, flags)
                        person.merge_gdpr_flags(dbo, user, personid, p["gdprcontactoptin"])
                        # If we deduplicated on the email address, and address details are
                        # present, assume that they are newer than the ones we had and update them
                        # (we do this by setting force=True parameter to merge_person_details,
                        # otherwise we do a regular merge which only fills in any blanks)
                        person.merge_person_details(dbo, user, personid, p, force=dups[0].EMAILADDRESS == p["emailaddress"])
                if personid == 0:
                    personid = person.insert_person_from_form(dbo, utils.PostedData(p, dbo.locale), user, geocode=False)
                    # Identify any PERSONADDITIONAL additional fields and create them
                    create_additional_fields(dbo, row, errors, rowno, "PERSONADDITIONAL", "person", personid)
            except Exception as e:
                row_error(errors, "person", rowno, row, e, dbo, sys.exc_info())

        # Movement to tie animal/person together?
        movementid = 0
        if hasmovement and personid != 0 and animalid != 0 and gks(row, "MOVEMENTDATE") != "":
            m = {}
            m["person"] = str(personid)
            m["animal"] = str(animalid)
            movetype = gks(row, "MOVEMENTTYPE")
            if movetype == "": movetype = "1" # Default to adoption if not supplied
            m["type"] = str(movetype)
            m["movementdate"] = gkd(dbo, row, "MOVEMENTDATE", True)
            m["returndate"] = gkd(dbo, row, "MOVEMENTRETURNDATE")
            m["comments"] = gks(row, "MOVEMENTCOMMENTS")
            m["returncategory"] = str(configuration.default_entry_reason(dbo))
                movementid = movement.insert_movement_from_form(dbo, user, utils.PostedData(m, dbo.locale))
            except Exception as e:
                row_error(errors, "movement", rowno, row, e, dbo, sys.exc_info())

        # Donation?
        if hasdonation and personid != 0 and gkc(row, "DONATIONAMOUNT") != 0:
            d = {}
            d["person"] = str(personid)
            d["animal"] = str(animalid)
            d["movement"] = str(movementid)
            d["amount"] = str(gkc(row, "DONATIONAMOUNT"))
            d["fee"] = str(gkc(row, "DONATIONFEE"))
            d["comments"] = gks(row, "DONATIONCOMMENTS")
            d["received"] = gkd(dbo, row, "DONATIONDATE", True)
            d["chequenumber"] = gks(row, "DONATIONCHECKNUMBER")
            d["type"] = gkl(dbo, row, "DONATIONTYPE", "donationtype", "DonationName", createmissinglookups)
            if d["type"] == "0":
                d["type"] = str(configuration.default_donation_type(dbo))
            d["payment"] = gkl(dbo, row, "DONATIONPAYMENT", "donationpayment", "PaymentName", createmissinglookups)
            if d["payment"] == "0":
                d["payment"] = "1"
                financial.insert_donation_from_form(dbo, user, utils.PostedData(d, dbo.locale))
            except Exception as e:
                row_error(errors, "payment", rowno, row, e, dbo, sys.exc_info())
            if movementid != 0: movement.update_movement_donation(dbo, movementid)

        # Vaccination?
        if hasvacc and animalid != 0 and gks(row, "VACCINATIONDUEDATE") != "":
            v = {}
            v["animal"] = str(animalid)
            v["type"] = gkl(dbo, row, "VACCINATIONTYPE", "vaccinationtype", "VaccinationType", createmissinglookups)
            if v["type"] == "0":
                v["type"] = str(configuration.default_vaccination_type(dbo))
            v["required"] = gkd(dbo, row, "VACCINATIONDUEDATE", True)
            v["given"] = gkd(dbo, row, "VACCINATIONGIVENDATE")
            v["expires"] = gkd(dbo, row, "VACCINATIONEXPIRESDATE")
            v["batchnumber"] = gks(row, "VACCINATIONBATCHNUMBER")
            v["manufacturer"] = gks(row, "VACCINATIONMANUFACTURER")
            v["comments"] = gks(row, "VACCINATIONCOMMENTS")
                medical.insert_vaccination_from_form(dbo, user, utils.PostedData(v, dbo.locale))
            except Exception as e:
                row_error(errors, "vaccination", rowno, row, e, dbo, sys.exc_info())

        # Medical?
        if hasmed and animalid != 0 and gks(row, "MEDICALGIVENDATE") != "" and gks(row, "MEDICALNAME") != "":
            m = {}
            m["animal"] = str(animalid)
            m["treatmentname"] = gks(row, "MEDICALNAME")
            m["dosage"] = gks(row, "MEDICALDOSAGE")
            m["startdate"] = gkd(dbo, row, "MEDICALGIVENDATE")
            m["comments"] = gks(row, "MEDICALCOMMENTS")
            m["singlemulti"] = "0" # single treatment
            m["status"] = "2" # completed
                medical.insert_regimen_from_form(dbo, user, utils.PostedData(m, dbo.locale))
            except Exception as e:
                row_error(errors, "medical", rowno, row, e, dbo, sys.exc_info())

        # License?
        if haslicence and personid != 0 and gks(row, "LICENSENUMBER") != "":
            l = {}
            l["person"] = str(personid)
            l["animal"] = str(animalid)
            l["type"] = gkl(dbo, row, "LICENSETYPE", "licencetype", "LicenceTypeName", createmissinglookups)
            if l["type"] == "0": l["type"] = 1
            l["number"] = gks(row, "LICENSENUMBER")
            l["fee"] = str(gkc(row, "LICENSEFEE"))
            l["issuedate"] = gkd(dbo, row, "LICENSEISSUEDATE")
            l["expirydate"] = gkd(dbo, row, "LICENSEEXPIRESDATE")
            l["comments"] = gks(row, "LICENSECOMMENTS")
                financial.insert_licence_from_form(dbo, user, utils.PostedData(l, dbo.locale))
            except Exception as e:
                row_error(errors, "license", rowno, row, e, dbo, sys.exc_info())

        rowno += 1

    h = [ "<p>%d success, %d errors</p><table>" % (len(data) - len(errors), len(errors)) ]
    for rowno, row, err in errors:
        h.append("<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>" % (rowno, row, err))
    return "".join(h)
コード例 #8
def info_image_url(image_uri):
    return redirect(get_image_url(str(image_uri)))
コード例 #9
def Home():
    """Home page"""
    st.subheader('Have a question about veganism:question:')
    user_q = st.text_input(label = 'Ask me below and I\'ll try my best to answer!')
    ans = st.empty()
    inf = st.empty()


        img = utils.get_image_url()

        caption = 'Photo by [' + img[1] + ']('+ img[2] + \
        ''') on [Unsplash](https://www.unsplash.com) - randomly selected from the 
        vegan collection'''

        st.image(img[0], use_column_width=True)

        st.markdown(':confused: unsplash hourly API limit reached.' 
                'Come back later for more beautiful pictures!')

    df = utils.load_data()
    model = utils.load_model()

    # About
    ## What is VIRA?
    **VIRA** ('Vegan Information Retrieval Assistant') is a bot that tries to answer your
    *veganism related* questions!

    ## How does VIRA work?    
    VIRA tries to match your question to its stored knowledge bank - and then return
    the most relevant response.
    VIRA is a 'closed domain' QA bot, and thus if the answer is not found in one of 
    VIRA's corpora, she will have a hard time answering the question!

    ## Tell me more about VIRA's knowledge bank    
    VIRA's knowledge bank was curated from various sources such as: reddit, wikipedia,
    bbc news, & vegan related websites.
    The set of questions & answers is quality controlled to ensure the responses 
    accurately represent veganism!

    Currently VIRA's knowledge bank is small, and thus she won't always be able to 
    assist. It is however being continually updated!

    ## Tell me more about VIRA's information retrieval algorithm
    VIRA utilises a 'Universal Sentence Encoder' algorithm. This approach was publicised 
    by google in [this](https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.11175) paper. Compared to traditional
    methods such as word2vec or glove - which create word embeddings, Universal Sentence
    Encoder creates 512 dimensional embeddings at the sentence level. VIRA will compare 
    the embeddings of your question, with those of the questions in her knowledge 
    bank - and then if there is a close enough match - retrive the answer!

    Stay tuned for a full article on this approach, including what could be improved,
    and why this algorithm was used over others!



    [1]:  https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=github&message=VIRA&color=informational&logo=github
    [2]:  https://www.github.com/ME-64/VIRA
    [3]:  https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=contact&[email protected]&color=green&logo=gmail
    [4]:  mailto:[email protected]
    [5]:  https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=version&message=Protoype&color=red



    suggested_questions = ['Does it actually make a difference if I go vegan?',
                           'Do plants feel pain?',
                           'What do vegans think of palm oil?',
                           'Don\'t zoos help protect endangered species?',
                           'If you were stuck on a desert island with just meat, would you eat it?',
                           'What\'s wrong with milking cows?',
                           'Can fish really feel pain like other animals?',
                           'I\'m an athlete, can i go vegan?',
                           'Would you eat road kill?',
                           'Is tattoo ink vegan?',
                           'Is animal testing bad if it benefits humans?']

    rand_questions = utils.select_random_questions(suggested_questions)

    if user_q == '':
        ans.info('Here\'s some questions to get you started!' + '\n - ' +  \
                rand_questions[0]  + '\n- '+ \
                rand_questions[1]  + '\n- '+ \
                rand_questions[2]   + '\n- '+ \

    elif len(user_q.split())  < 3:
        ans.info(':broken_heart: Your question must be more than 3 words' + \
                 '\n\n Maybe try this question -  ' + random.choice(suggested_questions))

        with st.spinner('Loading Answer'):
            prediction = utils.comp_q(user_q, df, model)
            if prediction[0] >= 0.5:
                know_bank = '\n\n *Associated question in my knowledge bank: *\n\n > ' + \

                        ':mag: \n**Answer:**\n' + prediction[2].reset_index(drop=True)[0])
                if prediction[0] <= 0.70:
                    inf.info('I think this might answer your question! :neutral_face:' + \
                elif prediction[0] <= 0.85:
                    inf.info('I\'m fairly confident this answers your question' 
                            ':grinning: :heavy_check_mark:' + know_bank)
                    inf.info('This looks like it answers your question perfectly!'  
                    ':white_check_mark: :tada:' + know_bank)
                ans.warning(':disappointed: Sorry I\'m not confident I can answer' 
                        'that correctly, please try another question')
コード例 #10
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: nightexcessive/chan
	def post(self, post_id_str, ip_num_str):
		post_id = int(post_id_str)

		main_post_key = models.Post.get_key(post_id)

		main_post = main_post_key.get()

		if main_post and main_post.parent_thread is None:
			errors = self._validate_form()

			if len(errors) > 0:
				delete_rpc = self._delete_files_async()
				child_posts_rpc = models.Post.get_child_posts_async(main_post_key)

				self.render_response("post_view.html", post_errors=errors, main_post=main_post, posts=child_posts_rpc.get_result())

				ip_num = int(ip_num_str)
				ip = ipaddr.IPAddress(ip_num)

				ban_rpc = self.user_is_banned_async(ip)

				if not ban_rpc.get_result()[0]:
					uploads = self.get_uploads()
					if len(uploads) > 0:
						image_info = self.get_uploads()[0]
						image_key = image_info.key()

						delete_rpc = self._delete_files_async(image_info)

						if image_info.size > config.MAX_FILE_SIZE_BYTES:
							child_posts_rpc = models.Post.get_child_posts_async(main_post_key)
							self.render_response("post_view.html", post_errors=['The supplied file was too large.'], main_post=main_post, posts=child_posts_rpc.get_result())
							logging.info("File was too large")

						data = blobstore.fetch_data(image_key, 0, 50000)
							image_data = images.Image(image_data=data)
							_ = image_data.width
							_ = image_data.height
						except images.NotImageError:
							child_posts_rpc = models.Post.get_child_posts_async(main_post_key)
							self.render_response("post_view.html", post_errors=['The supplied file was not an image.'], main_post=main_post, posts=child_posts_rpc.get_result())
							logging.info("Not an image", exc_info=True)
						except images.Error:
							child_posts_rpc = models.Post.get_child_posts_async(main_post_key)
							self.render_response("post_view.html", post_errors=['An unknown error occurred when we attempted to process the file you supplied.'], main_post=main_post, posts=child_posts_rpc.get_result())
							logging.warn("Unknown error when processing image", exc_info=True)
						image_data = None
						image_info = None
						image_key = None
						delete_rpc = None

					main_post_changed = False

					post_id_rpc = models.Post.get_next_id_async()

					current_user = users.get_current_user()
					current_user_admin = users.is_current_user_admin()

					post_id = post_id_rpc.get_result()
					post_key = models.Post.get_key(post_id)
					post = models.Post(key=post_key, ip=ip_num)

					post.parent_thread = main_post_key
					post.thread_bumped = None

					if image_key and image_data and image_info:
						post.image = image_key

						post.image_width = image_data.width
						post.image_height = image_data.height
						post.image_url = utils.get_image_url(image_info)

					post_as = self.request.POST.get('post-as', None)

					if current_user:
						post.user = current_user
						if post_as == 'anonymous':
							post.username = '******'
							if current_user_admin and post_as == 'admin':
								post.capcode = "Admin"
								post.capcode = "Logged in"
							post.username = current_user.nickname()
							if 'post-include-email' in self.request.POST:
								post.email = current_user.email()
						poster_name = self.request.POST.get('poster-name', '').strip()
						if len(poster_name) > 0:
							post.username = poster_name
							post.username = '******'

						if 'poster-email' in self.request.POST:
							post.email = self.request.POST['poster-email']

					if 'dont-bump' not in self.request.POST:
						main_post.thread_bumped = datetime.now()
						main_post_changed = True

					if 'post-subject' in self.request.POST:
						post.subject = cgi.escape(self.request.POST['post-subject'])

					if 'post-comment' in self.request.POST:
						post.comment = utils.format_comment(self.request.POST['post-comment'])

					if main_post_changed:
						ndb.put_multi([main_post, post])

					track_rpc = self.mixpanel_track_async("New thread", {"Post number": post_id, "mp_note": "User made post #%s." % post_id})

					self.redirect('/post/%s#%s' % (main_post_key.id(), post_id))

					if delete_rpc:
						ndb.Future.wait_all([delete_rpc, track_rpc])
					child_posts_rpc = models.Post.get_child_posts_async(main_post_key)
					delete_rpc = self._delete_files_async()

					self.render_response("post_view.html", main_post=main_post, posts=child_posts_rpc.get_result())

			delete_rpc = self._delete_files_async()


コード例 #11
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: nightexcessive/chan
	def post(self, ip_num_str):
		errors = self._validate_form()

		if len(errors) > 0:
			index_threads_rpc = models.Post.get_index_page_async()
			delete_rpc = self._delete_files_async()

			self.render_response("index.html", post_errors=errors, threads=index_threads_rpc.get_result())

			ip_num = int(ip_num_str)
			ip = ipaddr.IPAddress(ip_num)

			ban_rpc = self.user_is_banned_async(ip)

			if not ban_rpc.get_result()[0]:
				image_info = self.get_uploads()[0]
				image_key = image_info.key()

				delete_rpc = self._delete_files_async(image_info)

				if image_info.size > config.MAX_FILE_SIZE_BYTES:
					index_threads_rpc = models.Post.get_index_page_async()
					self.render_response("index.html", post_errors=['The supplied file was too large.'], threads=index_threads_rpc.get_result())
					logging.info("File was too large")

				data = blobstore.fetch_data(image_key, 0, 50000)
					image_data = images.Image(image_data=data)
					_ = image_data.width
					_ = image_data.height
				except images.NotImageError:
					index_threads_rpc = models.Post.get_index_page_async()
					self.render_response("index.html", post_errors=['The supplied file was not an image.'], threads=index_threads_rpc.get_result())
					logging.info("Not an image", exc_info=True)
				except images.Error:
					index_threads_rpc = models.Post.get_index_page_async()
					self.render_response("index.html", post_errors=['An unknown error occurred when we attempted to process the file you supplied.'], threads=index_threads_rpc.get_result())
					logging.warn("Unknown error when processing image", exc_info=True)

				post_id_rpc = models.Post.get_next_id_async()

				current_user = users.get_current_user()
				current_user_admin = users.is_current_user_admin()

				post_id = post_id_rpc.get_result()
				post_key = models.Post.get_key(post_id)
				post = models.Post(key=post_key, ip=ip_num)

				post.image = image_key

				post.image_width = image_data.width
				post.image_height = image_data.height
				post.image_url = utils.get_image_url(image_info)

				post_as = self.request.POST.get('post-as', None)

				if current_user:
					post.user = current_user
					if post_as == 'anonymous':
						post.username = '******'
						if current_user_admin and post_as == 'admin':
							post.capcode = "Admin"
							post.capcode = "Logged in"
						post.username = current_user.nickname()
						if 'post-include-email' in self.request.POST:
							post.email = current_user.email()
					poster_name = self.request.POST.get('poster-name', '').strip()
					if len(poster_name) > 0:
						post.username = self.request.POST['poster-name']
						post.username = '******'

					if 'poster-email' in self.request.POST:
						post.email = self.request.POST['poster-email']

				if 'post-subject' in self.request.POST:
					post.subject = self.request.POST['post-subject']

				if 'post-comment' in self.request.POST:
					post.comment = utils.format_comment(self.request.POST['post-comment'])


				track_rpc = self.mixpanel_track_async("New thread", {"Post number": post_id, "mp_note": "User made thread #%s." % post_id})

				self.redirect('/post/%s#%s' % (post_id, post_id))

				ndb.Future.wait_all([delete_rpc, track_rpc])
				index_threads_rpc = models.Post.get_index_page_async()
				delete_rpc = self._delete_files_async()

				logging.info("Banned user attempted to post")

				self.render_response("index.html", threads=index_threads_rpc.get_result())

コード例 #12
ファイル: upload.py プロジェクト: JoeHO888/MyInstagramBot
print("English Hashtags are extracted")

hashtags = utils.generate_hashtags(english_hashtags, path=hashtags_db_path)
print("All hashtags are generated")

# 3. Pick Sentences (picking 2 captions by default)
sentences = utils.pick_sentences(sentences_db_path)
print("Sentences in caption are generated")

# 4. Generate caption
caption = utils.generate_caption(author_name, sentences, hashtags,
print("Caption is generated")

with open("Mydebug.txt", "a") as f:
    f.write(caption + "\n" + utils.get_image_url(df.loc[row_num, "image_id"]))

# Login
bot = instabot.Bot()
bot.login(username=my_account_name, password=my_account_password)
print("Successfully log in")

# Pause a while
time.sleep(random.randint(5, 15))

# Update Image DB: Change Image Availability
utils.update_image_availability(cnxn, image_id)
print(f"Id: Availability of Image ID: {row_num} is updated ")

# Post
bot.upload_photo(downloaded_photo_path, caption)