コード例 #1
def parse_alleles(toks, options):
    """ return the alleles (first sample /last column) todo: more general?"""
    if toks[-2].split(":")[0] == "GT":
        gtcol = len(toks) - 1
        if options.g:
            gttok = "0|1"
            gttok = toks[gtcol].split(":")[0]
        gts = "|".join(gttok.replace(".", "0").split("/")).split("|")
        vals = [parse_ref(toks)] + parse_alts(toks)
        alleles = [vals[int(x)] for x in gts]
        return alleles
    return []
コード例 #2
def parse_alleles(toks, options):
    """ return the alleles (first sample /last column) todo: more general?"""
    if toks[-2].split(":")[0] == "GT": 
        gtcol = len(toks) - 1
        if options.g:
            gttok = "0|1"
            gttok = toks[gtcol].split(":")[0]
        gts = "|".join(gttok.replace(".", "0").split("/")).split("|")
        vals = [parse_ref(toks)] + parse_alts(toks)
        alleles = [vals[int(x)] for x in gts]
        return alleles
    return []
コード例 #3
def make_allele_dict(vcf_path, options):
    """ load up all variants by their coordinates
    map (chrom, pos) -> [allele1, allele2]
    vcf_dict = dict()
    ref_dict = dict()
    with open(vcf_path) as f:
        for line in f:
            skip = line[0] == "#"
            for ignore_keyword in options.i:
                if ignore_keyword in line:
                    skip = True
            if not skip:
                toks = line.split()
                chrom = toks[0] if options.c is False else None
                pos = int(toks[1])
                alleles = parse_alleles(toks, options)
                vcf_dict[(chrom, pos)] = alleles
                ref_dict[(chrom, pos)] = [parse_ref(toks)]
    return vcf_dict, ref_dict
コード例 #4
def make_allele_dict(vcf_path, options):
    """ load up all variants by their coordinates
    map (chrom, pos) -> [allele1, allele2]
    vcf_dict = dict()
    ref_dict = dict()
    with open(vcf_path) as f:
        for line in f:
            skip = line[0] == "#"
            for ignore_keyword in options.i:
                if ignore_keyword in line:
                    skip = True
            if not skip:
                toks = line.split()
                chrom = toks[0] if options.c is False else None
                pos = int(toks[1])
                alleles = parse_alleles(toks, options)
                vcf_dict[(chrom, pos)] = alleles
                ref_dict[(chrom, pos)] = [parse_ref(toks)]
    return vcf_dict, ref_dict