def plotContourFills(self, painter, posn, axes, clip): """Plot the traced contours on the painter.""" s = self.settings # don't draw if there are no cached polygons if self._cachedpolygons is None or s.Fills.hide: return # iterate over each level, and list of lines for num, polylist in enumerate(self._cachedpolygons): # iterate over each complete line of the contour path = qt4.QPainterPath() for poly in polylist: # convert coordinates from graph to plotter xplt = axes[0].dataToPlotterCoords(posn, poly[:,0]) yplt = axes[1].dataToPlotterCoords(posn, poly[:,1]) pts = qt4.QPolygonF() utils.addNumpyToPolygonF(pts, xplt, yplt) clippedpoly = qt4.QPolygonF() utils.polygonClip(pts, clip, clippedpoly) path.addPolygon(clippedpoly) # fill polygons brush = s.Fills.get('fills').returnBrushExtended(num) utils.brushExtFillPath(painter, brush, path)
def areaDrawStacked(self, painter, posns, maxwidth, dsvals, axes, widgetposn, clip): """Draw a stacked area plot""" s = self.settings # get axis which values are plotted along ishorz = s.direction == 'horizontal' vaxis = axes[not ishorz] # compute stacked coordinates stackedvals, stackedcoords = self.calcStackedPoints( dsvals, vaxis, widgetposn) # coordinates of origin zerocoords = vaxis.dataToPlotterCoords(widgetposn, N.zeros(posns.shape)) # draw areas (reverse order, so edges are plotted correctly) for dsnum, coords in izip( xrange(len(stackedcoords)-1, -1, -1), stackedcoords[::-1]): # add points at end to make polygon p1 = N.hstack( [ [zerocoords[0]], coords, [zerocoords[-1]] ] ) p2 = N.hstack( [ [posns[0]], posns, [posns[-1]] ] ) # construct polygon on path, clipped poly = qt4.QPolygonF() if ishorz: utils.addNumpyToPolygonF(poly, p1, p2) else: utils.addNumpyToPolygonF(poly, p2, p1) clippoly = qt4.QPolygonF() utils.polygonClip(poly, clip, clippoly) path = qt4.QPainterPath() path.addPolygon(clippoly) path.closeSubpath() # actually draw polygon brush = s.BarFill.get('fills').returnBrushExtended(dsnum) utils.brushExtFillPath(painter, brush, path) # now draw lines poly = qt4.QPolygonF() if ishorz: utils.addNumpyToPolygonF(poly, coords, posns) else: utils.addNumpyToPolygonF(poly, posns, coords) pen = s.BarLine.get('lines').makePen(painter, dsnum) painter.setPen(pen) utils.plotClippedPolyline(painter, clip, poly) # draw error bars barwidth = maxwidth * s.barfill for barval, dsval in izip(stackedvals, dsvals): self.drawErrorBars(painter, posns, barwidth, barval, dsval, axes, widgetposn)
def areaDrawStacked(self, painter, posns, maxwidth, dsvals, axes, widgetposn, clip): """Draw a stacked area plot""" s = self.settings # get axis which values are plotted along ishorz = s.direction == 'horizontal' vaxis = axes[not ishorz] # compute stacked coordinates stackedvals, stackedcoords = self.calcStackedPoints( dsvals, vaxis, widgetposn) # coordinates of origin zerocoords = vaxis.dataToPlotterCoords(widgetposn, N.zeros(posns.shape)) # draw areas (reverse order, so edges are plotted correctly) for dsnum, coords in izip(xrange(len(stackedcoords) - 1, -1, -1), stackedcoords[::-1]): # add points at end to make polygon p1 = N.hstack([[zerocoords[0]], coords, [zerocoords[-1]]]) p2 = N.hstack([[posns[0]], posns, [posns[-1]]]) # construct polygon on path, clipped poly = qt4.QPolygonF() if ishorz: utils.addNumpyToPolygonF(poly, p1, p2) else: utils.addNumpyToPolygonF(poly, p2, p1) clippoly = qt4.QPolygonF() utils.polygonClip(poly, clip, clippoly) path = qt4.QPainterPath() path.addPolygon(clippoly) path.closeSubpath() # actually draw polygon brush = s.BarFill.get('fills').returnBrushExtended(dsnum) utils.brushExtFillPath(painter, brush, path) # now draw lines poly = qt4.QPolygonF() if ishorz: utils.addNumpyToPolygonF(poly, coords, posns) else: utils.addNumpyToPolygonF(poly, posns, coords) pen = s.BarLine.get('lines').makePen(painter, dsnum) painter.setPen(pen) utils.plotClippedPolyline(painter, clip, poly) # draw error bars barwidth = maxwidth * s.barfill for barval, dsval in izip(stackedvals, dsvals): self.drawErrorBars(painter, posns, barwidth, barval, dsval, axes, widgetposn)
def _fillRegion(self, painter, pxpts, pypts, bounds, belowleft, clip, brush): """Fill the region above/below or left/right of the points. belowleft fills below if the variable is 'x', or left if 'y' otherwise it fills above/right.""" # find starting and ending points for the filled region x1, y1, x2, y2 = bounds # trimming can lead to too few points if len(pxpts) < 2 or len(pypts) < 2: return pts = qt4.QPolygonF() if self.settings.variable == 'x': if belowleft: pts.append(qt4.QPointF(pxpts[0], y2)) endpt = qt4.QPointF(pxpts[-1], y2) else: pts.append(qt4.QPointF(pxpts[0], y1)) endpt = qt4.QPointF(pxpts[-1], y1) else: if belowleft: pts.append(qt4.QPointF(x1, pypts[0])) endpt = qt4.QPointF(x1, pypts[-1]) else: pts.append(qt4.QPointF(x2, pypts[0])) endpt = qt4.QPointF(x2, pypts[-1]) # add the points between utils.addNumpyToPolygonF(pts, pxpts, pypts) # stick on the ending point pts.append(endpt) # draw the clipped polygon clipped = qt4.QPolygonF() utils.polygonClip(pts, clip, clipped) path = qt4.QPainterPath() path.addPolygon(clipped) utils.brushExtFillPath(painter, brush, path)
def _fillRegion(self, painter, pxpts, pypts, bounds, belowleft, clip, brush): """Fill the region above/below or left/right of the points. belowleft fills below if the variable is 'x', or left if 'y' otherwise it fills above/right.""" # find starting and ending points for the filled region x1, y1, x2, y2 = bounds pts = qt4.QPolygonF() if self.settings.variable == 'x': if belowleft: pts.append(qt4.QPointF(pxpts[0], y2)) endpt = qt4.QPointF(pxpts[-1], y2) else: pts.append(qt4.QPointF(pxpts[0], y1)) endpt = qt4.QPointF(pxpts[-1], y1) else: if belowleft: pts.append(qt4.QPointF(x1, pypts[0])) endpt = qt4.QPointF(x1, pypts[-1]) else: pts.append(qt4.QPointF(x2, pypts[0])) endpt = qt4.QPointF(x2, pypts[-1]) # add the points between utils.addNumpyToPolygonF(pts, pxpts, pypts) # stick on the ending point pts.append(endpt) # draw the clipped polygon clipped = qt4.QPolygonF() utils.polygonClip(pts, clip, clipped) path = qt4.QPainterPath() path.addPolygon(clipped) utils.brushExtFillPath(painter, brush, path)
def draw(self, posn, phelper, outerbounds=None): """Plot the data on a plotter.""" s = self.settings # exit if hidden if s.hide: return # get points in plotter coordinates xp, yp = self._getPlotterCoords(posn) if xp is None or yp is None: # we can't calculate coordinates return x1, y1, x2, y2 = posn cliprect = qt4.QRectF( qt4.QPointF(x1, y1), qt4.QPointF(x2, y2) ) painter = phelper.painter(self, posn, clip=cliprect) pen = s.Line.makeQPenWHide(painter) pw = pen.widthF()*2 lineclip = qt4.QRectF( qt4.QPointF(x1-pw, y1-pw), qt4.QPointF(x2+pw, y2+pw) ) # this is a hack as we generate temporary fake datasets path = qt4.QPainterPath() for xvals, yvals in document.generateValidDatasetParts( document.Dataset(xp), document.Dataset(yp)): poly = qt4.QPolygonF() utils.addNumpyToPolygonF(poly,, clippedpoly = qt4.QPolygonF() utils.polygonClip(poly, lineclip, clippedpoly) path.addPolygon(clippedpoly) path.closeSubpath() utils.brushExtFillPath(painter, s.Fill, path, stroke=pen)
def draw(self, posn, phelper, outerbounds=None): """Plot the data on a plotter.""" s = self.settings # exit if hidden if s.hide: return # get points in plotter coordinates xp, yp = self._getPlotterCoords(posn) if xp is None or yp is None: # we can't calculate coordinates return x1, y1, x2, y2 = posn cliprect = qt4.QRectF(qt4.QPointF(x1, y1), qt4.QPointF(x2, y2)) painter = phelper.painter(self, posn, clip=cliprect) pen = s.Line.makeQPenWHide(painter) pw = pen.widthF() * 2 lineclip = qt4.QRectF(qt4.QPointF(x1 - pw, y1 - pw), qt4.QPointF(x2 + pw, y2 + pw)) # this is a hack as we generate temporary fake datasets path = qt4.QPainterPath() for xvals, yvals in document.generateValidDatasetParts( document.Dataset(xp), document.Dataset(yp)): poly = qt4.QPolygonF() utils.addNumpyToPolygonF(poly,, clippedpoly = qt4.QPolygonF() utils.polygonClip(poly, lineclip, clippedpoly) path.addPolygon(clippedpoly) path.closeSubpath() utils.brushExtFillPath(painter, s.Fill, path, stroke=pen)