コード例 #1
 def profileSimulateGraphMatch(self): 
     N, matchAlpha, breakDist, purtScale = HIVModelUtils.toyABCParams()
     startDate, endDate, recordStep, M, targetGraph = HIVModelUtils.toySimulationParams()
     theta, stdTheta = HIVModelUtils.toyTheta()
     featureInds= numpy.ones(targetGraph.vlist.getNumFeatures(), numpy.bool)
     featureInds[HIVVertices.dobIndex] = False 
     featureInds[HIVVertices.infectionTimeIndex] = False 
     featureInds[HIVVertices.hiddenDegreeIndex] = False 
     featureInds[HIVVertices.stateIndex] = False 
     featureInds = numpy.arange(featureInds.shape[0])[featureInds]        
     #QCV is fastest and most accurate 
     #PATH is slowests but quite accurate 
     #RANK is very fast by less accurate than PATH 
     #U is fastest but least accurate         
     matcher = GraphMatch("QCV", alpha=matchAlpha, featureInds=featureInds, useWeightM=False)
     matcher.lambdaM = 50 
     matcher.init = "rand"
     graphMetrics = HIVGraphMetrics2(targetGraph, breakDist, matcher, float(endDate))        
     def run(): 
         times, infectedIndices, removedIndices, graph = HIVModelUtils.simulate(theta, startDate, endDate, recordStep, M, graphMetrics)
         print("Mean distance " + str(graphMetrics.meanDistance()))
     ProfileUtils.profile('run()', globals(), locals())
コード例 #2
def runModel(meanTheta):
    startDate, endDate, recordStep, M, targetGraph = HIVModelUtils.toySimulationParams()
    endDate = 1000.0
    recordStep = 50
    undirected = True

    logging.debug("MeanTheta=" + str(meanTheta))
    numReps = 10
    numInfectedIndices = []
    numRemovedIndices = []
    numRemovedEdges = []
    numContactEdges = []

    statistics = GraphStatistics()
    statsTimes = numpy.arange(0, endDate, recordStep)

    for i in range(numReps):
        graph = HIVGraph(M, undirected)
        logging.info("Created graph at index " + str(i) + ": " + str(graph))

        alpha = 2
        zeroVal = 0.9
        p = Util.powerLawProbs(alpha, zeroVal)
        hiddenDegSeq = Util.randomChoice(p, graph.getNumVertices())

        rates = HIVRates(graph, hiddenDegSeq)
        model = HIVEpidemicModel(graph, rates)
        times, infectedIndices, removedIndices, graph = model.simulate(True)

        vertexArray, infectedIndices, removedIndices, contactGraphStats, removedGraphStats = HIVModelUtils.generateStatistics(
            graph, statsTimes

        numInfectedIndices.append([len(x) for x in infectedIndices])
        numRemovedIndices.append([len(x) for x in removedIndices])

        numContactEdges.append(contactGraphStats[:, statistics.numVerticesIndex])
        numRemovedEdges.append(removedGraphStats[:, statistics.numVerticesIndex])

    numInfectedIndices = numpy.array(numInfectedIndices)
    numInfectedIndices = numpy.mean(numInfectedIndices, 0)

    numRemovedIndices = numpy.array(numRemovedIndices)
    numRemovedIndices = numpy.mean(numRemovedIndices, 0)

    numContactEdges = numpy.array(numContactEdges)
    numContactEdges = numpy.mean(numContactEdges, 0)

    numRemovedEdges = numpy.array(numRemovedEdges)
    numRemovedEdges = numpy.mean(numRemovedEdges, 0)

    return statsTimes, numInfectedIndices, numRemovedIndices, numContactEdges, numRemovedEdges, vertexArray[:, 6]
コード例 #3
ファイル: ProcessResults.py プロジェクト: charanpald/wallhack
def saveStats(args):    
    i, theta = args 
    resultsFileName = outputDir + "SimStats" + str(i) + ".pkl"
    lock = FileLock(resultsFileName)
    if not lock.fileExists() and not lock.isLocked():    
        model = HIVModelUtils.createModel(targetGraph, startDate, endDate, recordStep, M, matchAlpha, breakSize, matchAlg, theta=thetaArray[i])
        times, infectedIndices, removedIndices, graph, compTimes, graphMetrics = HIVModelUtils.simulate(model)
        times = numpy.arange(startDate, endDate+1, recordStep)
        vertexArray, infectedIndices, removedIndices, contactGraphStats, removedGraphStats, finalRemovedDegrees = HIVModelUtils.generateStatistics(graph, times)
        stats = times, vertexArray, infectedIndices, removedGraphStats, finalRemovedDegrees, graphMetrics.objectives, compTimes
        Util.savePickle(stats, resultsFileName)
        logging.debug("Results already computed: " + str(resultsFileName))
コード例 #4
    def testSimulate(self): 
        #We want to see if we can get the same simulation twice 

        N, matchAlpha, breakScale, numEpsilons, epsilon, minEpsilon, matchAlg, abcMaxRuns, batchSize, pertScale = HIVModelUtils.toyABCParams()
        startDate, endDate, recordStep, M, targetGraph = HIVModelUtils.toySimulationParams(test=True)    
        breakSize = (targetGraph.subgraph(targetGraph.removedIndsAt(endDate)).size - targetGraph.subgraph(targetGraph.removedIndsAt(startDate)).size)  * breakScale 
        theta, sigmaTheta, pertTheta = HIVModelUtils.toyTheta() 
        model = HIVModelUtils.createModel(theta, targetGraph, startDate, endDate, recordStep, M, matchAlpha, breakSize, matchAlg)
        times, infectedIndices, removedIndices, graph, compTimes, graphMetrics = HIVModelUtils.simulate(model)
        numEdges = graph.getNumEdges()
        lastRemovedIndices = removedIndices[-1]
        #Simulate again 
        model = HIVModelUtils.createModel(theta, targetGraph, startDate, endDate, recordStep, M, matchAlpha, breakSize, matchAlg)
        times, infectedIndices, removedIndices, graph, compTimes, graphMetrics = HIVModelUtils.simulate(model)
        numEdges2 = graph.getNumEdges()
        lastRemovedIndices2 = removedIndices[-1]
        self.assertEquals(numEdges, numEdges2)
        self.assertEquals(lastRemovedIndices, lastRemovedIndices2)
コード例 #5
ファイル: ProcessResults.py プロジェクト: charanpald/wallhack
def loadParams(ind): 
    if processReal: 
        resultsDir = PathDefaults.getOutputDir() + "viroscopy/real/theta" + str(ind) + "/"
        outputDir = resultsDir + "stats/"
        N, matchAlpha, breakScale, numEpsilons, epsilon, minEpsilon, matchAlg, abcMaxRuns, batchSize, pertScale = HIVModelUtils.realABCParams(True)
        startDate, endDate, recordStep, M, targetGraph, numInds = HIVModelUtils.realSimulationParams(test=True, ind=ind)
        realTheta, sigmaTheta, pertTheta = HIVModelUtils.estimatedRealTheta(ind)
        prefix = "Real"
        resultsDir = PathDefaults.getOutputDir() + "viroscopy/toy/theta/"
        outputDir = resultsDir + "stats/"        
        N, matchAlpha, breakScale, numEpsilons, epsilon, minEpsilon, matchAlg, abcMaxRuns, batchSize, pertScale = HIVModelUtils.toyABCParams()
        startDate, endDate, recordStep, M, targetGraph = HIVModelUtils.toySimulationParams(test=True)
        realTheta, sigmaTheta, pertTheta = HIVModelUtils.toyTheta()
        prefix = "Toy"
        numInds = 1

    breakSize = (targetGraph.subgraph(targetGraph.removedIndsAt(endDate)).size - targetGraph.subgraph(targetGraph.removedIndsAt(startDate)).size)  * breakScale       
    return N, resultsDir, outputDir, recordStep, startDate, endDate, prefix, targetGraph, breakSize, numEpsilons, M, matchAlpha, matchAlg, numInds
コード例 #6
    def profileSimulate(self):
        startDate, endDates, numRecordSteps, M, targetGraph = HIVModelUtils.realSimulationParams()
        meanTheta, sigmaTheta = HIVModelUtils.estimatedRealTheta()
        undirected = True
        graph = HIVGraph(M, undirected)
        logging.info("Created graph: " + str(graph))
        alpha = 2
        zeroVal = 0.9
        p = Util.powerLawProbs(alpha, zeroVal)
        hiddenDegSeq = Util.randomChoice(p, graph.getNumVertices())
        rates = HIVRates(graph, hiddenDegSeq)
        model = HIVEpidemicModel(graph, rates)
        logging.debug("MeanTheta=" + str(meanTheta))

        ProfileUtils.profile('model.simulate()', globals(), locals())
コード例 #7
    def testSimulate2(self):    
        alpha = 2
        zeroVal = 0.9
        startDate = 0.0 
        endDate = 200.0
        M = 1000 
        undirected = True
        theta, sigmaTheta, pertTheta = HIVModelUtils.toyTheta()        
        graph = HIVGraph(M, undirected)
        p = Util.powerLawProbs(alpha, zeroVal)
        hiddenDegSeq = Util.randomChoice(p, graph.getNumVertices())
        rates = HIVRates(graph, hiddenDegSeq)
        model = HIVEpidemicModel(graph, rates, endDate, startDate, metrics=None)
        times, infectedIndices, removedIndices, graph =  model.simulate(True)
        numVertices = graph.size
        numEdges = graph.getNumEdges()
        #Try again 
        graph = HIVGraph(M, undirected)
        p = Util.powerLawProbs(alpha, zeroVal)
        hiddenDegSeq = Util.randomChoice(p, graph.getNumVertices())
        rates = HIVRates(graph, hiddenDegSeq)
        model = HIVEpidemicModel(graph, rates, endDate, startDate, metrics=None)
        times, infectedIndices, removedIndices, graph =  model.simulate(True)
        numVertices2 = graph.size
        numEdges2 = graph.getNumEdges()

        self.assertEquals(numVertices2, numVertices)
        self.assertEquals(numEdges2, numEdges)
コード例 #8
ファイル: ModelRealExp.py プロジェクト: pierrebo/wallhack
def createModel(t):
    The parameter t is the particle index. 
    return HIVModelUtils.createModel(targetGraph, startDate, endDate, recordStep, M, matchAlpha, breakSize, matchAlg)
コード例 #9
ファイル: ModelRealExp.py プロジェクト: pierrebo/wallhack
    numProcesses = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

if len(sys.argv) > 2:
    i = int(sys.argv[2])
    i = 0 

FORMAT = "%(levelname)s:root:%(process)d:%(message)s"
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG, format=FORMAT)
logging.debug("Number of processes: " + str(numProcesses))
logging.debug("Epidemic period index " + str(i))
numpy.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=4, linewidth=150)

resultsDir = PathDefaults.getOutputDir() + "viroscopy/real/" 
startDate, endDate, recordStep, M, targetGraph, numInds = HIVModelUtils.realSimulationParams(ind=i)
N, matchAlpha, breakScale, numEpsilons, epsilon, minEpsilon, matchAlg, abcMaxRuns, batchSize, pertScale = HIVModelUtils.realABCParams(i)

logging.debug("Posterior sample size " + str(N))
logging.debug("Matching algorithm " + str(matchAlg))

logging.debug("="*10 + "Starting new simulation batch with index " + str(i) + "="*10) 
logging.debug("Total time of simulation is " + str(endDate-startDate))    

breakSize = (targetGraph.subgraph(targetGraph.removedIndsAt(endDate)).size - targetGraph.subgraph(targetGraph.removedIndsAt(startDate)).size)  * breakScale
logging.debug("Largest acceptable graph is " + str(breakSize))

def createModel(t):
    The parameter t is the particle index. 
コード例 #10
ファイル: ProcessResults.py プロジェクト: charanpald/wallhack
        thetaArray = loadThetaArray(N, resultsDir, t)[0]
        paramList = []
        for i in range(thetaArray.shape[0]): 
            paramList.append((i, thetaArray[i, :]))
        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(multiprocessing.cpu_count())               
        resultIterator = pool.map(saveStats, paramList)  
        #resultIterator = map(saveStats, paramList)  
        #Now save the statistics on the target graph 
        times = numpy.arange(startDate, endDate+1, recordStep)
        vertexArray, infectedIndices, removedIndices, contactGraphStats, removedGraphStats, finalRemovedDegrees = HIVModelUtils.generateStatistics(targetGraph, times)
        stats = vertexArray, infectedIndices, removedIndices, contactGraphStats, removedGraphStats, finalRemovedDegrees
        resultsFileName = outputDir + "IdealStats.pkl"
        Util.savePickle(stats, resultsFileName)
    import matplotlib 
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt     
    plotStyles = ['k-', 'kx-', 'k+-', 'k.-', 'k*-']
    N, resultsDir, outputDir, recordStep, startDate, endDate, prefix, targetGraph, breakSize, numEpsilons, M, matchAlpha, matchAlg, numInds = loadParams(0) 

    inds = range(numInds)
    numRecordSteps = int((endDate-startDate)/recordStep)+1
コード例 #11
 def run(): 
     times, infectedIndices, removedIndices, graph = HIVModelUtils.simulate(theta, startDate, endDate, recordStep, M, graphMetrics)
     print("Mean distance " + str(graphMetrics.meanDistance()))
コード例 #12
from wallhack.viroscopy.model.HIVEpidemicModel import HIVEpidemicModel
from wallhack.viroscopy.model.HIVRates import HIVRates
from wallhack.viroscopy.model.HIVModelUtils import HIVModelUtils

This is the epidemic model for the HIV spread in cuba. We repeat the simulation a number
of times and average the results. The purpose is to test the ABC model selection 
by using a known value of theta. 

logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG)
numpy.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=4, linewidth=100)

startDate, endDate, recordStep, M = HIVModelUtils.toySimulationParams(False, test=True)

numRepetitions = 10
undirected = True
outputDir = PathDefaults.getOutputDir() + "viroscopy/toy/"
theta, sigmaTheta, purtTheta = HIVModelUtils.toyTheta()

graphList = []
numInfected = numpy.zeros(numRepetitions)
numRemoved = numpy.zeros(numRepetitions)

for j in range(numRepetitions):
    graph = HIVGraph(M, undirected)
    logging.debug("Created graph: " + str(graph))

    alpha = 2
コード例 #13
ファイル: RunEpidemicModel.py プロジェクト: pierrebo/wallhack
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

This is the epidemic model for the HIV spread in cuba. Let's try to get an 
exponential infection. 

assert False, "Must run with -O flag"

logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG)
numpy.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=4, linewidth=100)

startDate, endDate, recordStep, M, targetGraph = HIVModelUtils.realSimulationParams()
M = 100
endDate = startDate + 1000
meanTheta, sigmaTheta = HIVModelUtils.estimatedRealTheta()
meanTheta = numpy.array([ 1,   0.1,    0.0,    0.00,         0.5,      0.1])
outputDir = PathDefaults.getOutputDir() + "viroscopy/"

undirected = True
graph = HIVGraph(M, undirected)
logging.info("Created graph: " + str(graph))

alpha = 2
zeroVal = 0.9
p = Util.powerLawProbs(alpha, zeroVal)
hiddenDegSeq = Util.randomChoice(p, graph.getNumVertices())
コード例 #14
from wallhack.viroscopy.model.HIVGraphMetrics2 import HIVGraphMetrics2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

This is the epidemic model for the HIV spread in cuba. We want to see how different 
graphs can get under the same params but different seeds. 

assert False, "Must run with -O flag"

logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG)
numpy.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=4, linewidth=100)

startDate, endDate, recordStep, M, targetGraph = HIVModelUtils.toySimulationParams()
meanTheta, sigmaTheta = HIVModelUtils.toyTheta()

#In this case, we'll extend the end date 
endDate *= 2 

epsilon = 5.0
reps = 10

graphDists = [] 
removedArray = [] 
biArray = [] 
maleArray = [] 
femaleArray = []

for i in range(reps): 
コード例 #15
ファイル: ModelRealExp2.py プロジェクト: pierrebo/wallhack
assert False, "Must run with -O flag"

if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    numProcesses = int(sys.argv[1])
    numProcesses = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

FORMAT = "%(levelname)s:root:%(process)d:%(message)s"
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG, format=FORMAT)
logging.debug("Number of processes: " + str(numProcesses))
numpy.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=4, linewidth=150)

resultsDir = PathDefaults.getOutputDir() + "viroscopy/real/" 
startDates, endDates, numRecordSteps, M, targetGraph = HIVModelUtils.realSimulationParams()
N, matchAlpha, breakScale, numEpsilons, epsilon, minEpsilon, matchAlg, abcMaxRuns, batchSize = HIVModelUtils.realABCParams()

logging.debug("Posterior sample size " + str(N))

alpha = 2
zeroVal = 0.9

for i, endDate in enumerate(endDates): 
    startDate = startDates[i]
    logging.debug("="*10 + "Starting new simulation batch with index " + str(i) + "="*10) 
    logging.debug("Total time of simulation is " + str(endDate-startDate))    
    breakSize = targetGraph.subgraph(targetGraph.removedIndsAt(endDate)).size * breakScale
    logging.debug("Largest acceptable graph is " + str(breakSize))
コード例 #16
ファイル: ModelToyExp.py プロジェクト: pierrebo/wallhack
assert False, "Must run with -O flag"

if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    numProcesses = int(sys.argv[1])
    numProcesses = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

FORMAT = "%(levelname)s:root:%(process)d:%(message)s"
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG, format=FORMAT)
logging.debug("Number of processes: " + str(numProcesses))
numpy.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=4, linewidth=150)

resultsDir = PathDefaults.getOutputDir() + "viroscopy/toy/" 
startDate, endDate, recordStep, M, targetGraph = HIVModelUtils.toySimulationParams()
N, matchAlpha, breakScale, numEpsilons, epsilon, minEpsilon, matchAlg, abcMaxRuns, batchSize, pertScale  = HIVModelUtils.toyABCParams()

logging.debug("Total time of simulation is " + str(endDate-startDate))
logging.debug("Posterior sample size " + str(N))

epsilonArray = numpy.ones(numEpsilons)*epsilon   
breakSize = (targetGraph.subgraph(targetGraph.removedIndsAt(endDate)).size - targetGraph.subgraph(targetGraph.removedIndsAt(startDate)).size)  * breakScale
logging.debug("Largest acceptable graph is " + str(breakSize))

def createModel(t):
    The parameter t is the particle index. 
    return HIVModelUtils.createModel(targetGraph, startDate, endDate, recordStep, M, matchAlpha, breakSize, matchAlg)