コード例 #1
 def __init__(self, energy_interval, energy_metrics_list, wattsup_path, wattsup_device, connected_node, mconf, gconf):
   self.energy_interval = energy_interval
   self.energy_metrics_list = energy_metrics_list.split(",")
   self.wattsup_path = wattsup_path
   self.wattsup_device = wattsup_device
   self.connected_node = connected_node
   self.mconf = mconf
   self.gconf = gconf
   self._stopevent = threading.Event()
   self.wattsup = WUProcessWrapper(logger, wattsup_path, wattsup_device, energy_metrics_list)
   self.threadWattsUp = threading.Thread(target = self.wattsup.continuousCollector)
コード例 #2
class WattsupPowerMetrics:
  def __init__(self, energy_interval, energy_metrics_list, wattsup_path, wattsup_device, connected_node, mconf, gconf):
    self.energy_interval = energy_interval
    self.energy_metrics_list = energy_metrics_list.split(",")
    self.wattsup_path = wattsup_path
    self.wattsup_device = wattsup_device
    self.connected_node = connected_node
    self.mconf = mconf
    self.gconf = gconf
    self._stopevent = threading.Event()
    self.wattsup = WUProcessWrapper(logger, wattsup_path, wattsup_device, energy_metrics_list)
    self.threadWattsUp = threading.Thread(target = self.wattsup.continuousCollector)

  def stopThreads(self):
    logger.info("Stopping Wattsup module...")
  def collectPowerMetrics(self):

    gmetric_obj = gmetric.Gmetric(self.gconf.host, self.gconf.port, self.gconf.protocol)
    while not self._stopevent.isSet():
      list_metrics = {}

      captured_energy = self.wattsup.getCurrentReading()   # Obtain a copy of the string, thread safe

      # parse metrics
      regex = re.compile("^[0-9.,]+")
      if re.match(regex, captured_energy.strip()):
        a = captured_energy.strip().split(", ")
        for i in range(len(self.energy_metrics_list)):
            list_metrics[self.energy_metrics_list[i]] = a[i] 

      # send metrics
      self.sendPowerMetrics(list_metrics, gmetric_obj)

      # sleep until next capture

  # def collectPowerMetrics(self):

  #   gmetric_obj = gmetric.Gmetric(self.gconf.host, self.gconf.port, self.gconf.protocol)

  #   while not self._stopevent.isSet():
  #     list_metrics = {}

  #     #./wattsup -c 1 ttyUSB0 watts
  #     cmd = self.wattsup_path + " -c " + self.energy_interval + " " + self.wattsup_device + " " + " ".join(str(x) for x in self.energy_metrics_list)

  #     output = ""
  #     try:
  #       output = subprocess.check_output(cmd.split())
  #     except Exception, e:
  #       logger.error("%s",e)
  #       sleep(int(self.energy_interval))
  #       continue

  #     # parse metrics
  #     regex = re.compile("^[0-9.,]+")

  #     if int(self.energy_interval) > 1:
  #         list_metrics_tmp = self.empty_metrics_dictionary()
  #         lines = output.split("\n")
  #         for line in lines:
  #           if re.match(regex, line.strip()):
  #               a = line.strip().split(", ")
  #               for i in range(len(self.energy_metrics_list)):
  #                   list_metrics_tmp[self.energy_metrics_list[i]].append(float(a[i]))
  #         list_metrics = self.compact_metrics(list_metrics_tmp)
  #     elif int(self.energy_interval) == 1:
  #         if re.match(regex, output.strip()):
  #           a = output.strip().split(", ")
  #           for i in range(len(self.energy_metrics_list)):
  #               list_metrics[self.energy_metrics_list[i]] = a[i] 

  #     # send metrics
  #     self.sendPowerMetrics(list_metrics, gmetric_obj)

  # def compact_metrics(self, metrics_map_lists):
  #       compacted_metrics = {}
  #       for metric, values in metrics_map_lists.items():
  #           compactedValue = 0.0
  #           if metric != "kwh":
  #               for value in values:
  #                   compactedValue += value
  #               compactedValue /= len(values)
  #           else:
  #               compactedValue = max(values)
  #           compacted_metrics[metric] = compactedValue
  #       return compacted_metrics

  def empty_metrics_dictionary(self):
        list_metrics_tmp = {}
        for metric in self.energy_metrics_list:
            list_metrics_tmp[metric] = []
        return list_metrics_tmp

  def sendPowerMetrics(self, list_metrics, gmetric_obj):
    #send metric
    logger.info("%s: sending host energy metrics", threading.currentThread().name)
    for wattsupkey,value in list_metrics.items():
      key = wattsupMetricEquivalent[wattsupkey]
      if key in self.mconf:
        gmetric_obj.send(key, value, self.mconf[key]["type"], self.mconf[key]["units"], self.gconf.slope, self.mconf[key]["tmax"], self.mconf[key]["dmax"], self.mconf[key]["group"], self.connected_node)