コード例 #1
ファイル: import_docs.py プロジェクト: cmrajan/wnframework
def get_template():
	import webnotes.model

	from webnotes.utils import getCSVelement
	form = webnotes.form
	sql = webnotes.conn.sql
	# get form values
	dt = form.getvalue('dt')
	overwrite = cint(form.getvalue('overwrite')) or 0

	pt, pf = '', ''
	tmp_lbl, tmp_ml = [],[]
	# is table?
	dtd = sql("select istable, autoname from tabDocType where name='%s'" % dt)
	if dtd and dtd[0][0]:
		res1 = sql("select parent, fieldname from tabDocField where options='%s' and fieldtype='Table' and docstatus!=2" % dt)
		if res1:
			pt, pf = res1[0][0], res1[0][1]

	# line 1
	dset = []
	if pt and pf:
		lbl, ml = [pt], ['[Mandatory]']
		line1 = '%s,%s,%s' % (getCSVelement(dt), getCSVelement(pt), getCSVelement(pf))
		line2 = ',,,,,,Please fill valid %(p)s No in %(p)s column.' % {'p':getCSVelement(pt)}
		if dtd[0][1]=='Prompt' or overwrite:
			lbl, ml= ['Name'], ['[Mandatory][Special Characters are not allowed]']
			lbl, ml= [], []
		line1 = '%s' % getCSVelement(dt)
		line2 = (overwrite and ',,,,,,Please fill valid %(d)s No in %(n)s' % {'d':dt,'n': 'Name'}) or ',,'

	# Help on Line 
	line1 = line1 + ',,,Please fill columns which are Mandatory., Please do not modify the structure'
	# fieldnames
	res = sql("select fieldname, fieldtype, label, reqd, hidden from tabDocField where parent='%s' and docstatus!=2" % dt)

	for r in res:
		# restrict trash_reason field, hidden and required fields 
		if not r[1] in webnotes.model.no_value_fields and r[0] != 'trash_reason' and not r[4] and not r[3]:
		# restrict trash_reason field and hidden fields and add Mandatory indicator for required fields
		elif not r[1] in webnotes.model.no_value_fields and r[0] != 'trash_reason' and not r[4] and r[3]:
	dset.append(','.join(ml + tmp_ml))
	dset.append(','.join(lbl + tmp_lbl))
	txt = '\n'.join(dset)
	webnotes.response['result'] = txt
	webnotes.response['type'] = 'csv'
	webnotes.response['doctype'] = dt
コード例 #2
ファイル: query_builder.py プロジェクト: ranjithtenz/stable
def runquery_csv():
	from webnotes.utils import getCSVelement

	# run query
	res = runquery(from_export = 1)
	q = form.getvalue('query')
	rep_name = form.getvalue('report_name')
	if not form.has_key('simple_query'):
		tl, fl= get_sql_tables(q), get_sql_fields(q)
		meta = get_sql_meta(tl)

		# Report Name
		if not rep_name:
			rep_name = get_sql_tables(q)[0]
	if not rep_name: rep_name = 'DataExport'
	# Headings
	heads = []
	for h in out['colnames']:
	if form.has_key('colnames'):
		for h in form.getvalue('colnames').split(','):

	# Output dataset
	dset = [rep_name, '']
	if heads:
	# Data
	for r in out['values']:
		dset.append(','.join([getCSVelement(i) for i in r]))
	txt = '\n'.join(dset)
	out['result'] = txt
	out['type'] = 'csv'
	out['doctype'] = rep_name
コード例 #3
ファイル: form.py プロジェクト: ranjithtenz/stable
def make_csv_output(res, dt):
	import webnotes
	from webnotes.utils import getCSVelement

	txt = []
	if type(res)==list:
		for r in res:
			txt.append(','.join([getCSVelement(i) for i in r]))
		txt = '\n'.join(txt)
		txt = 'Output was not in list format\n' + r
	webnotes.response['result'] = txt
	webnotes.response['type'] = 'csv'
	webnotes.response['doctype'] = dt.replace(' ','')						
コード例 #4
ファイル: import_docs.py プロジェクト: ant0nk/wnframework
def get_template():
    import webnotes.model

    from webnotes.utils import getCSVelement

    form = webnotes.form
    sql = webnotes.conn.sql
    # get form values
    dt = form.getvalue('dt')
    overwrite = cint(form.getvalue('overwrite')) or 0

    pt, pf = '', ''
    tmp_lbl, tmp_ml = [], []

    # is table?
    dtd = sql("select istable, autoname from tabDocType where name='%s'" % dt)
    if dtd and dtd[0][0]:
        res1 = sql(
            "select parent, fieldname from tabDocField where options='%s' and fieldtype='Table' and docstatus!=2"
            % dt)
        if res1:
            pt, pf = res1[0][0], res1[0][1]

    # line 1
    dset = []
    if pt and pf:
        lbl, ml = [pt], ['[Mandatory]']
        line1 = '%s,%s,%s' % (getCSVelement(dt), getCSVelement(pt),
        line2 = ',,,,,,Please fill valid %(p)s No in %(p)s column.' % {
            'p': getCSVelement(pt)
        if dtd[0][1] == 'Prompt' or overwrite:
            lbl, ml = ['Name'
                       ], ['[Mandatory][Special Characters are not allowed]']
            lbl, ml = [], []
        line1 = '%s' % getCSVelement(dt)
        line2 = (overwrite and ',,,,,,Please fill valid %(d)s No in %(n)s' % {
            'd': dt,
            'n': 'Name'
        }) or ',,'

    # Help on Line
    line1 = line1 + ',,,Please fill columns which are Mandatory., Please do not modify the structure'

    # fieldnames
    res = sql(
        "select fieldname, fieldtype, label, reqd, hidden from tabDocField where parent='%s' and docstatus!=2"
        % dt)

    for r in res:
        # restrict trash_reason field, hidden and required fields
        if not r[1] in webnotes.model.no_value_fields and r[
                0] != 'trash_reason' and not r[4] and not r[3]:
        # restrict trash_reason field and hidden fields and add Mandatory indicator for required fields
        elif not r[1] in webnotes.model.no_value_fields and r[
                0] != 'trash_reason' and not r[4] and r[3]:

    dset.append(','.join(ml + tmp_ml))
    dset.append(','.join(lbl + tmp_lbl))

    txt = '\n'.join(dset)
    webnotes.response['result'] = txt
    webnotes.response['type'] = 'csv'
    webnotes.response['doctype'] = dt