コード例 #1
    def validate_pl_balances(self):
        income_bal = webnotes.conn.sql(
			select sum(ifnull(t1.debit,0))-sum(ifnull(t1.credit,0)) 
			from `tabGL Entry` t1, tabAccount t2 
			where t1.account = t2.name and t1.posting_date between %s and %s 
			and t2.debit_or_credit = 'Credit' and t2.is_pl_account = 'Yes' 
			and t2.docstatus < 2 and t2.company = %s""",
            (self.year_start_date, self.doc.posting_date, self.doc.company))

        expense_bal = webnotes.conn.sql(
			select sum(ifnull(t1.debit,0))-sum(ifnull(t1.credit,0))
			from `tabGL Entry` t1, tabAccount t2 
			where t1.account = t2.name and t1.posting_date between %s and %s
			and t2.debit_or_credit = 'Debit' and t2.is_pl_account = 'Yes' 
			and t2.docstatus < 2 and t2.company=%s""",
            (self.year_start_date, self.doc.posting_date, self.doc.company))

        income_bal = income_bal and income_bal[0][0] or 0
        expense_bal = expense_bal and expense_bal[0][0] or 0

        if not income_bal and not expense_bal:
                _("Both Income and Expense balances are zero. \
				No Need to make Period Closing Entry."))
コード例 #2
ファイル: item.py プロジェクト: poses/erpnext
    def check_stock_uom_with_bin(self):
        if not self.doc.fields.get("__islocal"):
            matched = True
            ref_uom = webnotes.conn.get_value("Stock Ledger Entry",
                                              {"item_code": self.doc.name},
            if ref_uom:
                if cstr(ref_uom) != cstr(self.doc.stock_uom):
                    matched = False
                bin_list = webnotes.conn.sql(
                    "select * from tabBin where item_code=%s",
                for bin in bin_list:
                    if (bin.reserved_qty > 0 or bin.ordered_qty > 0 or bin.indented_qty > 0 \
                     or bin.planned_qty > 0) and cstr(bin.stock_uom) != cstr(self.doc.stock_uom):
                        matched = False

                if matched and bin_list:
                        """update tabBin set stock_uom=%s where item_code=%s""",
                        (self.doc.stock_uom, self.doc.name))

            if not matched:
                    _("Default Unit of Measure can not be changed directly \
					because you have already made some transaction(s) with another UOM.\n \
					To change default UOM, use 'UOM Replace Utility' tool under Stock module."
コード例 #3
ファイル: item_price.py プロジェクト: poses/erpnext
	def check_duplicate_item(self):
		if webnotes.conn.sql("""select name from `tabItem Price` 
			where item_code=%s and price_list=%s and name!=%s""", 
			(self.doc.item_code, self.doc.price_list, self.doc.name)):
				webnotes.throw(_("Duplicate Item: ") + self.doc.item_code + 
						_(" already available in Price List: ") + self.doc.price_list, 
コード例 #4
ファイル: post.py プロジェクト: bindscha/wnframework_old
def save_post(post, content, picture=None, picture_name=None, title=None,
	assigned_to=None, status=None, event_datetime=None):
	post = webnotes.bean("Post", post)

	access = get_access(post.doc.website_group)
	if not access.get("write"):
		raise webnotes.PermissionError
	# TODO improve error message
	if webnotes.session.user != post.doc.owner:
		for fieldname in ("title", "content"):
			if post.doc.fields.get(fieldname) != locals().get(fieldname):
				webnotes.throw("You cannot change: {}".format(fieldname.title()))
		if picture and picture_name:
			webnotes.throw("You cannot change: Picture")
		"title": (title or "").title(),
		"content": content,
		"assigned_to": assigned_to,
		"status": status,
		"event_datetime": event_datetime
	post.ignore_permissions = True
	if picture_name and picture:
		process_picture(post, picture_name, picture)
	return post.doc.parent_post or post.doc.name
コード例 #5
ファイル: gl_entry.py プロジェクト: saurabh6790/med_app_rels
	def pl_must_have_cost_center(self):
		if webnotes.conn.get_value("Account", self.doc.account, "is_pl_account") == "Yes":
			if not self.doc.cost_center and self.doc.voucher_type != 'Period Closing Voucher':
				webnotes.throw(_("Cost Center must be specified for PL Account: ") + 
		elif self.doc.cost_center:
			self.doc.cost_center = None
コード例 #6
    def validate_production_order_against_so(self):
        # already ordered qty
        ordered_qty_against_so = webnotes.conn.sql(
            """select sum(qty) from `tabProduction Order`
			where production_item = %s and sales_order = %s and docstatus < 2 and name != %s""",
            (self.doc.production_item, self.doc.sales_order,

        total_qty = flt(ordered_qty_against_so) + flt(self.doc.qty)

        # get qty from Sales Order Item table
        so_item_qty = webnotes.conn.sql(
            """select sum(qty) from `tabSales Order Item` 
			where parent = %s and item_code = %s""",
            (self.doc.sales_order, self.doc.production_item))[0][0]
        # get qty from Packing Item table
        dnpi_qty = webnotes.conn.sql(
            """select sum(qty) from `tabPacked Item` 
			where parent = %s and parenttype = 'Sales Order' and item_code = %s""",
            (self.doc.sales_order, self.doc.production_item))[0][0]
        # total qty in SO
        so_qty = flt(so_item_qty) + flt(dnpi_qty)

        if total_qty > so_qty:
            webnotes.throw(_("Total production order qty for item") + ": " +
                           cstr(self.doc.production_item) +
                           _(" against sales order") + ": " +
                           cstr(self.doc.sales_order) + _(" will be ") +
                           cstr(total_qty) + ", " +
                           _("which is greater than sales order qty ") + "(" +
                           cstr(so_qty) + ")" + _("Please reduce qty."),
コード例 #7
ファイル: account.py プロジェクト: nazmulsarkar/erpnext
 def validate_master_name(self):
     """Remind to add master name"""
     if self.doc.master_type in ("Customer", "Supplier") or self.doc.account_type == "Warehouse":
         if not self.doc.master_name:
             msgprint(_("Please enter Master Name once the account is created."))
         elif not webnotes.conn.exists(self.doc.master_type or self.doc.account_type, self.doc.master_name):
             webnotes.throw(_("Invalid Master Name"))
コード例 #8
ファイル: gl_entry.py プロジェクト: saurabh6790/med_app_rels
def update_outstanding_amt(account, against_voucher_type, against_voucher, on_cancel=False):
	# get final outstanding amt
	bal = flt(webnotes.conn.sql("""select sum(ifnull(debit, 0)) - sum(ifnull(credit, 0)) 
		from `tabGL Entry` 
		where against_voucher_type=%s and against_voucher=%s and account = %s""", 
		(against_voucher_type, against_voucher, account),debug=1)[0][0] or 0.0)

	if against_voucher_type == 'Purchase Invoice':
		bal = -bal
	elif against_voucher_type == "Journal Voucher":
		against_voucher_amount = flt(webnotes.conn.sql("""
			select sum(ifnull(debit, 0)) - sum(ifnull(credit, 0))
			from `tabGL Entry` where voucher_type = 'Journal Voucher' and voucher_no = %s
			and account = %s and ifnull(against_voucher, '') = ''""", 
			(against_voucher, account),debug=1)[0][0])
		bal = against_voucher_amount + bal
		if against_voucher_amount < 0:
			bal = -bal
	# Validation : Outstanding can not be negative
	if bal < 0 and not on_cancel:
		webnotes.throw(_("Outstanding for Voucher ") + against_voucher + _(" will become ") + 
			fmt_money(bal) + _(". Outstanding cannot be less than zero. \
			 	Please match exact outstanding."))
	# Update outstanding amt on against voucher
	if against_voucher_type in ["Sales Invoice", "Purchase Invoice"]:
		webnotes.conn.sql("update `tab%s` set outstanding_amount=%s where name='%s'" %
		 	(against_voucher_type, bal, against_voucher))
コード例 #9
ファイル: account.py プロジェクト: nazmulsarkar/erpnext
 def validate_warehouse(self, warehouse):
     if webnotes.conn.get_value("Stock Ledger Entry", {"warehouse": warehouse}):
             _("Stock transactions exist against warehouse ")
             + warehouse
             + _(" .You can not assign / modify / remove Master Name")
コード例 #10
	def validate_qty_against_so(self):
		so_items = {} # Format --> {'SO/00001': {'Item/001': 120, 'Item/002': 24}}
		for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'indent_details'):
			if d.sales_order_no:
				if not so_items.has_key(d.sales_order_no):
					so_items[d.sales_order_no] = {d.item_code: flt(d.qty)}
					if not so_items[d.sales_order_no].has_key(d.item_code):
						so_items[d.sales_order_no][d.item_code] = flt(d.qty)
						so_items[d.sales_order_no][d.item_code] += flt(d.qty)
		for so_no in so_items.keys():
			for item in so_items[so_no].keys():
				already_indented = webnotes.conn.sql("""select sum(qty) from `tabMaterial Request Item` 
					where item_code = %s and sales_order_no = %s and 
					docstatus = 1 and parent != %s""", (item, so_no, self.doc.name))
				already_indented = already_indented and flt(already_indented[0][0]) or 0
				actual_so_qty = webnotes.conn.sql("""select sum(qty) from `tabSales Order Item` 
					where parent = %s and item_code = %s and docstatus = 1 
					group by parent""", (so_no, item))
				actual_so_qty = actual_so_qty and flt(actual_so_qty[0][0]) or 0

				if actual_so_qty and (flt(so_items[so_no][item]) + already_indented > actual_so_qty):
					webnotes.throw("You can raise indent of maximum qty: %s for item: %s against sales order: %s\
						\n Anyway, you can add more qty in new row for the same item."
						% (actual_so_qty - already_indented, item, so_no))
コード例 #11
    def update_last_purchase_rate(self, obj, is_submit):
        """updates last_purchase_rate in item table for each item"""

        import webnotes.utils
        this_purchase_date = webnotes.utils.getdate(
            or obj.doc.fields.get('transaction_date'))

        for d in getlist(obj.doclist, obj.fname):
            # get last purchase details
            last_purchase_details = get_last_purchase_details(
                d.item_code, obj.doc.name)

            # compare last purchase date and this transaction's date
            last_purchase_rate = None
            if last_purchase_details and \
              (last_purchase_details.purchase_date > this_purchase_date):
                last_purchase_rate = last_purchase_details['purchase_rate']
            elif is_submit == 1:
                # even if this transaction is the latest one, it should be submitted
                # for it to be considered for latest purchase rate
                if flt(d.conversion_factor):
                    last_purchase_rate = flt(d.purchase_rate) / flt(
                        _("Row ") + cstr(d.idx) + ": " +
                        _("UOM Conversion Factor is mandatory"))

            # update last purchsae rate
            if last_purchase_rate:
                    """update `tabItem` set last_purchase_rate = %s where name = %s""",
                    (flt(last_purchase_rate), d.item_code))
コード例 #12
ファイル: serial_no.py プロジェクト: saurabh6790/aimobilize
 def validate_warehouse(self):
     if not self.doc.fields.get("__islocal"):
         item_code, warehouse = webnotes.conn.get_value("Serial No", self.doc.name, ["item_code", "warehouse"])
         if item_code != self.doc.item_code:
             webnotes.throw(_("Item Code cannot be changed for Serial No."), SerialNoCannotCannotChangeError)
         if not self.via_stock_ledger and warehouse != self.doc.warehouse:
             webnotes.throw(_("Warehouse cannot be changed for Serial No."), SerialNoCannotCannotChangeError)
コード例 #13
    def before_rename(self, old, new, merge=False):
        # Add company abbr if not provided
        from setup.doctype.company.company import get_name_with_abbr
        new_account = get_name_with_abbr(new, self.doc.company)

        # Validate properties before merging
        if merge:
            if not webnotes.conn.exists("Account", new):
                webnotes.throw(_("Account ") + new + _(" does not exists"))

            val = list(
                    "Account", new_account,
                    ["group_or_ledger", "debit_or_credit", "is_pl_account"]))

            if val != [
                    self.doc.group_or_ledger, self.doc.debit_or_credit,
                    _("""Merging is only possible if following \
					properties are same in both records.
					Group or Ledger, Debit or Credit, Is PL Account"""))

        return new_account
コード例 #14
	def validate_qty_against_so(self):
		so_items = {} # Format --> {'SO/00001': {'Item/001': 120, 'Item/002': 24}}
		for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'indent_details'):
			if d.sales_order_no:
				if not so_items.has_key(d.sales_order_no):
					so_items[d.sales_order_no] = {d.item_code: flt(d.qty)}
					if not so_items[d.sales_order_no].has_key(d.item_code):
						so_items[d.sales_order_no][d.item_code] = flt(d.qty)
						so_items[d.sales_order_no][d.item_code] += flt(d.qty)
		for so_no in so_items.keys():
			for item in so_items[so_no].keys():
				already_indented = webnotes.conn.sql("""select sum(qty) from `tabMaterial Request Item` 
					where item_code = %s and sales_order_no = %s and 
					docstatus = 1 and parent != %s""", (item, so_no, self.doc.name))
				already_indented = already_indented and flt(already_indented[0][0]) or 0
				actual_so_qty = webnotes.conn.sql("""select sum(qty) from `tabSales Order Item` 
					where parent = %s and item_code = %s and docstatus = 1 
					group by parent""", (so_no, item))
				actual_so_qty = actual_so_qty and flt(actual_so_qty[0][0]) or 0

				if actual_so_qty and (flt(so_items[so_no][item]) + already_indented > actual_so_qty):
					webnotes.throw("You can raise indent of maximum qty: %s for item: %s against sales order: %s\
						\n Anyway, you can add more qty in new row for the same item."
						% (actual_so_qty - already_indented, item, so_no))
コード例 #15
ファイル: quotation.py プロジェクト: saurabh6790/tru_app_back
	def declare_order_negotiated(self):
		if not self.has_sales_order():
			webnotes.conn.set(self.doc, 'status', 'Negotiation Mode')
			#webnotes.conn.set(self.doc, 'order_lost_reason', arg)
			webnotes.throw(_("Cannot set as Negotiation Mode as Sales Order is made."))
コード例 #16
ファイル: profile.py プロジェクト: bindscha/wnframework_old
	def on_trash(self):
		if self.doc.name in ["Administrator", "Guest"]:
			throw("{msg}: {name}".format(**{
				"msg": _("Hey! You cannot delete user"), 
				"name": self.doc.name
		# disable the user and log him/her out
		self.doc.enabled = 0
		if getattr(webnotes.local, "login_manager", None):
		# delete their password
		webnotes.conn.sql("""delete from __Auth where user=%s""", (self.doc.name,))
		# delete todos
		webnotes.conn.sql("""delete from `tabToDo` where owner=%s""", (self.doc.name,))
		webnotes.conn.sql("""update tabToDo set assigned_by=null where assigned_by=%s""",
		# delete events
		webnotes.conn.sql("""delete from `tabEvent` where owner=%s
			and event_type='Private'""", (self.doc.name,))
		webnotes.conn.sql("""delete from `tabEvent User` where person=%s""", (self.doc.name,))
		# delete messages
		webnotes.conn.sql("""delete from `tabComment` where comment_doctype='Message'
			and (comment_docname=%s or owner=%s)""", (self.doc.name, self.doc.name))
コード例 #17
ファイル: item_price.py プロジェクト: saurabh6790/OFF-RISAPP
    def check_duplicate_item(self):
        if self.doc.item_code:
            if webnotes.conn.sql(
                    """select name from `tabItem Price` 
				where item_code=%s and price_list=%s and name!=%s""",
                (self.doc.item_code, self.doc.price_list, self.doc.name)):
                    "{duplicate_item}: {item_code}, {already}: {price_list}".
                            "duplicate_item": _("Duplicate Item"),
                            "item_code": self.doc.item_code,
                            "already": _("already available in Price List"),
                            "price_list": self.doc.price_list
                        }), ItemPriceDuplicateItem)

        if self.doc.study:
            if webnotes.conn.sql(
                    """select name from `tabItem Price` 
                                where study=%s and price_list=%s and name!=%s""",
                (self.doc.study, self.doc.price_list, self.doc.name)):
                    "{duplicate_item}: {study}, {already}: {price_list}".
                            "duplicate_item": _("Duplicate Study"),
                            "item_study": self.doc.study,
                            "already": _("already available in Price List"),
                            "price_list": self.doc.price_list
                        }), ItemPriceDuplicateItem)
コード例 #18
ファイル: delivery_note.py プロジェクト: shygoly/erpnext
	def update_stock_ledger(self, update_stock):
		self.values = []
		for d in self.get_item_list():
			if webnotes.conn.get_value("Item", d['item_code'], "is_stock_item") == "Yes":
				# this happens when item is changed from non-stock to stock item
				if not d["warehouse"]:
				if d['reserved_qty'] < 0 :
					# Reduce reserved qty from reserved warehouse mentioned in so
					if not d["reserved_warehouse"]:
						webnotes.throw(_("Reserved Warehouse is missing in Sales Order"))
					args = {
						"item_code": d['item_code'],
						"voucher_type": self.doc.doctype,
						"voucher_no": self.doc.name,
						"reserved_qty": flt(update_stock) * flt(d['reserved_qty']),
						"posting_date": self.doc.posting_date,
						"is_amended": self.doc.amended_from and 'Yes' or 'No'
					get_obj("Warehouse", d["reserved_warehouse"]).update_bin(args)
				# Reduce actual qty from warehouse
				self.make_sl_entry(d, d['warehouse'], - flt(d['qty']) , 0, update_stock)
		get_obj('Stock Ledger', 'Stock Ledger').update_stock(self.values)
コード例 #19
	def validate_inclusive_tax(self, tax):
		def _on_previous_row_error(row_range):
			throw((_("Row") + " # %(idx)s [%(doctype)s]: " +
				_("to be included in Item's rate, it is required that: ") +
				" [" + _("Row") + " # %(row_range)s] " + _("also be included in Item's rate")) % {
					"idx": tax.idx,
					"doctype": tax.doctype,
					"inclusive_label": self.meta.get_label("included_in_print_rate",
					"charge_type_label": self.meta.get_label("charge_type",
					"charge_type": tax.charge_type,
					"row_range": row_range
		if cint(tax.included_in_print_rate):
			if tax.charge_type == "Actual":
				# inclusive tax cannot be of type Actual
					+ " # %(idx)s [%(doctype)s]: %(charge_type_label)s = \"%(charge_type)s\" " 
					+ "cannot be included in Item's rate") % {
						"idx": tax.idx,
						"doctype": tax.doctype,
						"charge_type_label": self.meta.get_label("charge_type",
						"charge_type": tax.charge_type,
			elif tax.charge_type == "On Previous Row Amount" and \
					not cint(self.tax_doclist[tax.row_id - 1].included_in_print_rate):
				# referred row should also be inclusive
			elif tax.charge_type == "On Previous Row Total" and \
					not all([cint(t.included_in_print_rate) for t in self.tax_doclist[:tax.row_id - 1]]):
				# all rows about the reffered tax should be inclusive
				_on_previous_row_error("1 - %d" % (tax.row_id,))
コード例 #20
	def set_fieldname(self):
		if not self.doc.fieldname:
			if not self.doc.label:
				webnotes.throw(_("Label is mandatory"))
			# remove special characters from fieldname
			self.doc.fieldname = filter(lambda x: x.isdigit() or x.isalpha() or '_', 
				cstr(self.doc.label).lower().replace(' ','_'))
コード例 #21
ファイル: general_ledger.py プロジェクト: Anirudh887/erpnext
def validate_filters(filters, account_details):
	if account_details and account_details.group_or_ledger == "Ledger" \
			and filters.get("group_by") == "Group by Account":
		webnotes.throw(_("Can not filter based on Account, if grouped by Account"))
	if filters.get("voucher_no") and filters.get("group_by") == "Group by Voucher":
		webnotes.throw(_("Can not filter based on Voucher No, if grouped by Voucher"))
コード例 #22
	def validate_account_head(self):
		debit_or_credit, is_pl_account = webnotes.conn.get_value("Account", 
			self.doc.closing_account_head, ["debit_or_credit", "is_pl_account"])
		if debit_or_credit != 'Credit' or is_pl_account != 'No':
			webnotes.throw(_("Account") + ": " + self.doc.closing_account_head + 
				_("must be a Liability account"))
コード例 #23
 def declare_order_lost(self, arg):
     if not self.has_sales_order():
         webnotes.conn.set(self.doc, 'status', 'Lost')
         webnotes.conn.set(self.doc, 'order_lost_reason', arg)
         webnotes.throw(_("Cannot set as Lost as Sales Order is made."))
コード例 #24
ファイル: warehouse.py プロジェクト: YarZarTun-sead/erpnext
    def on_trash(self):
        # delete bin
        bins = webnotes.conn.sql("select * from `tabBin` where warehouse = %s",
        for d in bins:
            if d['actual_qty'] or d['reserved_qty'] or d['ordered_qty'] or \
              d['indented_qty'] or d['projected_qty'] or d['planned_qty']:
                    """Warehouse: %s can not be deleted as qty exists for item: %s"""
                    % (self.doc.name, d['item_code']))
                webnotes.conn.sql("delete from `tabBin` where name = %s",

        warehouse_account = webnotes.conn.get_value(
            "Account", {
                "account_type": "Warehouse",
                "master_name": self.doc.name
        if warehouse_account:
            webnotes.delete_doc("Account", warehouse_account)

        if webnotes.conn.sql(
                """select name from `tabStock Ledger Entry` 
				where warehouse = %s""", self.doc.name):
                _("""Warehouse can not be deleted as stock ledger entry 
				exists for this warehouse."""))
コード例 #25
ファイル: delivery_note.py プロジェクト: rajatkapoor/erpnext
	def update_stock_ledger(self, update_stock):
		self.values = []
		for d in self.get_item_list():
			if webnotes.conn.get_value("Item", d['item_code'], "is_stock_item") == "Yes":
				# this happens when item is changed from non-stock to stock item
				if not d["warehouse"]:
				if d['reserved_qty'] < 0 :
					# Reduce reserved qty from reserved warehouse mentioned in so
					if not d["reserved_warehouse"]:
						webnotes.throw(_("Reserved Warehouse is missing in Sales Order"))
					args = {
						"item_code": d['item_code'],
						"voucher_type": self.doc.doctype,
						"voucher_no": self.doc.name,
						"reserved_qty": flt(update_stock) * flt(d['reserved_qty']),
						"posting_date": self.doc.posting_date,
						"is_amended": self.doc.amended_from and 'Yes' or 'No'
					get_obj("Warehouse", d["reserved_warehouse"]).update_bin(args)
				# Reduce actual qty from warehouse
				self.make_sl_entry(d, d['warehouse'], - flt(d['qty']) , 0, update_stock)
		get_obj('Stock Ledger', 'Stock Ledger').update_stock(self.values)
コード例 #26
ファイル: item.py プロジェクト: rajatkapoor/erpnext
	def check_stock_uom_with_bin(self):
		if not self.doc.fields.get("__islocal"):
			ref_uom = webnotes.conn.get_value("Stock Ledger Entry", 
				{"item_code": self.doc.name, "is_cancelled": "No"}, "stock_uom")
			if ref_uom:
				if cstr(ref_uom) != cstr(self.doc.stock_uom):
					matched = False
				bin_list = webnotes.conn.sql("select * from tabBin where item_code=%s", 
					self.doc.item_code, as_dict=1)
				for bin in bin_list:
					if (bin.reserved_qty > 0 or bin.ordered_qty > 0 or bin.indented_qty > 0 \
						or bin.planned_qty > 0) and cstr(bin.stock_uom) != cstr(self.doc.stock_uom):
							matched = False
				if matched and bin_list:
					webnotes.conn.sql("""update tabBin set stock_uom=%s where item_code=%s""",
						(self.doc.stock_uom, self.doc.name))
			if not matched:
				webnotes.throw(_("Default Unit of Measure can not be changed directly \
					because you have already made some transaction(s) with another UOM.\n \
					To change default UOM, use 'UOM Replace Utility' tool under Stock module."))
コード例 #27
    def update_ordered_qty(self):
        stock_items = self.get_stock_items()
        for d in self.doclist.get({"parentfield": "purchase_receipt_details"}):
            if d.item_code in stock_items and d.warehouse \
              and cstr(d.prevdoc_doctype) == 'Purchase Order':

                already_received_qty = self.get_already_received_qty(
                    d.prevdoc_docname, d.prevdoc_detail_docname)
                po_qty, ordered_warehouse = self.get_po_qty_and_warehouse(

                if not ordered_warehouse:
                    webnotes.throw(_("Warehouse is missing in Purchase Order"))

                if already_received_qty + d.qty > po_qty:
                    ordered_qty = -(po_qty - already_received_qty) * flt(
                    ordered_qty = -flt(d.qty) * flt(d.conversion_factor)

                    if self.doc.docstatus == 1 else -flt(ordered_qty)
コード例 #28
ファイル: opportunity.py プロジェクト: saurabh6790/OFF-RISAPP
 def declare_enquiry_lost(self, arg):
     if not self.has_quotation():
         webnotes.conn.set(self.doc, 'status', 'Lost')
         webnotes.conn.set(self.doc, 'order_lost_reason', arg)
             _("Cannot declare as lost, because Quotation has been made."))
コード例 #29
    def validate_one_root(self):
        if not self.doc.fields[self.nsm_parent_field]:
            if webnotes.conn.sql(
                    """select count(*) from `tab%s` where
				ifnull(%s, '')=''""" %
                (self.doc.doctype, self.nsm_parent_field))[0][0] > 1:
                webnotes.throw(_("""Multiple root nodes not allowed."""))
コード例 #30
ファイル: sales_order.py プロジェクト: Tejal011089/med2-app
	def update_prevdoc_status(self, flag):				
		for quotation in self.doclist.get_distinct_values("prevdoc_docname"):
			bean = webnotes.bean("Quotation", quotation)
			if bean.doc.docstatus==2:
				webnotes.throw( internal + ": " + webnotes._("Quotation is cancelled."))
コード例 #31
    def check_duplicate_entry_for_production_order(self):
        other_ste = [
            t[0] for t in webnotes.conn.get_values(
                "Stock Entry", {
                    "production_order": self.doc.production_order,
                    "purpose": self.doc.purpose,
                    "docstatus": ["!=", 2],
                    "name": ["!=", self.doc.name]
                }, "name")

        if other_ste:
            production_item, qty = webnotes.conn.get_value(
                "Production Order", self.doc.production_order,
                ["production_item", "qty"])
            args = other_ste + [production_item]
            fg_qty_already_entered = webnotes.conn.sql(
                """select sum(actual_qty)
				from `tabStock Entry Detail` 
				where parent in (%s) 
					and item_code = %s 
					and ifnull(s_warehouse,'')='' """ %
                (", ".join(["%s" * len(other_ste)]), "%s"), args)[0][0]

            if fg_qty_already_entered >= qty:
                    _("Stock Entries already created for Production Order ") +
                    self.doc.production_order + ":" + ", ".join(other_ste),
コード例 #32
ファイル: purchase_common.py プロジェクト: Anirudh887/erpnext
	def update_last_purchase_rate(self, obj, is_submit):
		"""updates last_purchase_rate in item table for each item"""
		import webnotes.utils
		this_purchase_date = webnotes.utils.getdate(obj.doc.fields.get('posting_date') or obj.doc.fields.get('transaction_date'))
		for d in getlist(obj.doclist,obj.fname):
			# get last purchase details
			last_purchase_details = get_last_purchase_details(d.item_code, obj.doc.name)

			# compare last purchase date and this transaction's date
			last_purchase_rate = None
			if last_purchase_details and \
					(last_purchase_details.purchase_date > this_purchase_date):
				last_purchase_rate = last_purchase_details['purchase_rate']
			elif is_submit == 1:
				# even if this transaction is the latest one, it should be submitted
				# for it to be considered for latest purchase rate
				if flt(d.conversion_factor):
					last_purchase_rate = flt(d.purchase_rate) / flt(d.conversion_factor)
					webnotes.throw(_("Row ") + cstr(d.idx) + ": " + 
						_("UOM Conversion Factor is mandatory"))

			# update last purchsae rate
			if last_purchase_rate:
				webnotes.conn.sql("""update `tabItem` set last_purchase_rate = %s where name = %s""",
					(flt(last_purchase_rate), d.item_code))
コード例 #33
	def validate_account_head(self):
		debit_or_credit, is_pl_account = webnotes.conn.get_value("Account", 
			self.doc.closing_account_head, ["debit_or_credit", "is_pl_account"])
		if debit_or_credit != 'Credit' or is_pl_account != 'No':
			webnotes.throw(_("Account") + ": " + self.doc.closing_account_head + 
				_("must be a Liability account"))
コード例 #34
ファイル: selling_controller.py プロジェクト: Jdfkat/erpnext
	def validate_max_discount(self):
		for d in self.doclist.get({"parentfield": self.fname}):
			discount = flt(webnotes.conn.get_value("Item", d.item_code, "max_discount"))
			if discount and flt(d.adj_rate) > discount:
				webnotes.throw(_("You cannot give more than ") + cstr(discount) + "% " + 
					_("discount on Item Code") + ": " + cstr(d.item_code))
コード例 #35
def _make_customer(source_name, ignore_permissions=False):
    quotation = webnotes.conn.get_value("Quotation", source_name,
                                        ["lead", "order_type"])
    if quotation and quotation[0]:
        lead_name = quotation[0]
        customer_name = webnotes.conn.get_value("Customer",
                                                {"lead_name": lead_name})
        if not customer_name:
            from selling.doctype.lead.lead import _make_customer
            customer_doclist = _make_customer(
                lead_name, ignore_permissions=ignore_permissions)
            customer = webnotes.bean(customer_doclist)
            customer.ignore_permissions = ignore_permissions
            if quotation[1] == "Shopping Cart":
                customer.doc.customer_group = webnotes.conn.get_value(
                    "Shopping Cart Settings", None, "default_customer_group")

                return customer
            except NameError, e:
                if webnotes.defaults.get_global_default(
                        'cust_master_name') == "Customer Name":
                    customer.doc.name += "-" + lead_name
                    return customer
            except webnotes.MandatoryError:
                from webnotes.utils import get_url_to_form
                webnotes.throw(_("Before proceeding, please create Customer from Lead") + \
                 (" - %s" % get_url_to_form("Lead", lead_name)))
コード例 #36
	def validate_production_order_against_so(self):
		# already ordered qty
		ordered_qty_against_so = webnotes.conn.sql("""select sum(qty) from `tabProduction Order`
			where production_item = %s and sales_order = %s and docstatus < 2 and name != %s""", 
			(self.doc.production_item, self.doc.sales_order, self.doc.name))[0][0]

		total_qty = flt(ordered_qty_against_so) + flt(self.doc.qty)
		# get qty from Sales Order Item table
		so_item_qty = webnotes.conn.sql("""select sum(qty) from `tabSales Order Item` 
			where parent = %s and item_code = %s""", 
			(self.doc.sales_order, self.doc.production_item))[0][0]
		# get qty from Packing Item table
		dnpi_qty = webnotes.conn.sql("""select sum(qty) from `tabPacked Item` 
			where parent = %s and parenttype = 'Sales Order' and item_code = %s""", 
			(self.doc.sales_order, self.doc.production_item))[0][0]
		# total qty in SO
		so_qty = flt(so_item_qty) + flt(dnpi_qty)
		if total_qty > so_qty:
			webnotes.throw(_("Total production order qty for item") + ": " + 
				cstr(self.doc.production_item) + _(" against sales order") + ": " + 
				cstr(self.doc.sales_order) + _(" will be ") + cstr(total_qty) + ", " + 
				_("which is greater than sales order qty ") + "(" + cstr(so_qty) + ")" + 
				_("Please reduce qty."), exc=OverProductionError)
コード例 #37
 def validate_purchase_receipts(self, purchase_receipts):
     for pr in purchase_receipts:
         if webnotes.conn.get_value("Purchase Receipt", pr,
                                    "docstatus") != 1:
                 _("Purchase Receipt") + ": " + pr +
                 _(" is not submitted document"))
コード例 #38
	def validate_exchange_rates_exist(self):
		"""check if exchange rates exist for all Price List currencies (to company's currency)"""
		company_currency = webnotes.conn.get_value("Company", self.doc.company, "default_currency")
		if not company_currency:
			msgprint(_("Please specify currency in Company") + ": " + self.doc.company,
		price_list_currency_map = webnotes.conn.get_values("Price List", 
			[d.selling_price_list for d in self.doclist.get({"parentfield": "price_lists"})],
		# check if all price lists have a currency
		for price_list, currency in price_list_currency_map.items():
			if not currency:
				webnotes.throw("%s: %s" % (_("Currency is missing for Price List"), price_list))
		expected_to_exist = [currency + "-" + company_currency 
			for currency in price_list_currency_map.values()
			if currency != company_currency]
		if expected_to_exist:
			exists = webnotes.conn.sql_list("""select name from `tabCurrency Exchange`
				where name in (%s)""" % (", ".join(["%s"]*len(expected_to_exist)),),
			missing = list(set(expected_to_exist).difference(exists))
			if missing:
				msgprint(_("Missing Currency Exchange Rates for" + ": " + comma_and(missing)),
コード例 #39
	def validate_data(self):
		for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'pp_details'):
			if not flt(d.planned_qty):
				webnotes.throw("Please Enter Planned Qty for item: %s at row no: %s" % 
					(d.item_code, d.idx))
コード例 #40
ファイル: gl_entry.py プロジェクト: saurabh6790/medsyn-app1
def update_outstanding_amt(account, against_voucher_type, against_voucher, on_cancel=False):
	# get final outstanding amt
	bal = flt(webnotes.conn.sql("""select sum(ifnull(debit, 0)) - sum(ifnull(credit, 0)) 
		from `tabGL Entry` 
		where against_voucher_type=%s and against_voucher=%s and account = %s""", 
		(against_voucher_type, against_voucher, account))[0][0] or 0.0)

	if against_voucher_type == 'Purchase Invoice':
		bal = -bal
	elif against_voucher_type == "Journal Voucher":
		against_voucher_amount = flt(webnotes.conn.sql("""
			select sum(ifnull(debit, 0)) - sum(ifnull(credit, 0))
			from `tabGL Entry` where voucher_type = 'Journal Voucher' and voucher_no = %s
			and account = %s and ifnull(against_voucher, '') = ''""", 
			(against_voucher, account))[0][0])
		bal = against_voucher_amount + bal
		if against_voucher_amount < 0:
			bal = -bal
	# Validation : Outstanding can not be negative
	if bal < 0 and not on_cancel:
		webnotes.throw(_("Outstanding for Voucher ") + against_voucher + _(" will become ") + 
			fmt_money(bal) + _(". Outstanding cannot be less than zero. \
			 	Please match exact outstanding."))
	# Update outstanding amt on against voucher
	if against_voucher_type in ["Sales Invoice", "Purchase Invoice"]:
		webnotes.conn.sql("update `tab%s` set outstanding_amount=%s where name='%s'" %
		 	(against_voucher_type, bal, against_voucher))
コード例 #41
ファイル: gl_entry.py プロジェクト: saurabh6790/medsyn-app1
	def pl_must_have_cost_center(self):
		if webnotes.conn.get_value("Account", self.doc.account, "is_pl_account") == "Yes":
			if not self.doc.cost_center and self.doc.voucher_type != 'Period Closing Voucher':
				webnotes.throw(_("Cost Center must be specified for PL Account: ") + 
		elif self.doc.cost_center:
			self.doc.cost_center = None
コード例 #42
ファイル: quotation.py プロジェクト: abordin/erpnext
	def declare_order_lost(self, arg):
		if not self.has_sales_order():
			webnotes.conn.set(self.doc, 'status', 'Lost')
			webnotes.conn.set(self.doc, 'order_lost_reason', arg)
			webnotes.throw(_("Cannot set as Lost as Sales Order is made."))
コード例 #43
	def validate_max_discount(self):
		for d in self.doclist.get({"parentfield": self.fname}):
			discount = flt(webnotes.conn.get_value("Item", d.item_code, "max_discount"))
			if discount and flt(d.adj_rate) > discount:
				webnotes.throw(_("You cannot give more than ") + cstr(discount) + "% " + 
					_("discount on Item Code") + ": " + cstr(d.item_code))
コード例 #44
ファイル: quotation.py プロジェクト: abordin/erpnext
def _make_customer(source_name, ignore_permissions=False):
	quotation = webnotes.conn.get_value("Quotation", source_name, ["lead", "order_type"])
	if quotation and quotation[0]:
		lead_name = quotation[0]
		customer_name = webnotes.conn.get_value("Customer", {"lead_name": lead_name})
		if not customer_name:
			from selling.doctype.lead.lead import _make_customer
			customer_doclist = _make_customer(lead_name, ignore_permissions=ignore_permissions)
			customer = webnotes.bean(customer_doclist)
			customer.ignore_permissions = ignore_permissions
			if quotation[1] == "Shopping Cart":
				customer.doc.customer_group = webnotes.conn.get_value("Shopping Cart Settings", None,
				return customer
			except NameError, e:
				if webnotes.defaults.get_global_default('cust_master_name') == "Customer Name":
					customer.doc.name += "-" + lead_name
					return customer
			except webnotes.MandatoryError:
				from webnotes.utils import get_url_to_form
				webnotes.throw(_("Before proceeding, please create Customer from Lead") + \
					(" - %s" % get_url_to_form("Lead", lead_name)))
コード例 #45
ファイル: sales_order.py プロジェクト: pdvyas/erpnext
	def update_prevdoc_status(self, flag):				
		for quotation in self.doclist.get_distinct_values("prevdoc_docname"):
			bean = webnotes.bean("Quotation", quotation)
			if bean.doc.docstatus==2:
				webnotes.throw(quotation + ": " + webnotes._("Quotation is cancelled."))
コード例 #46
ファイル: post.py プロジェクト: rmehta/aapkamanch
def assign_post(post, profile=None):
	post = webnotes.bean("Post", post)

	if not get_access(post.doc.unit).get("write"):
		raise webnotes.PermissionError("You are not allowed edit this post")
	if profile and not get_access(post.doc.unit, profile).get("write"):
		raise webnotes.PermissionError("Selected user does not have 'write' access to this post")
	if profile and post.doc.assigned_to:
		webnotes.throw("Someone is already assigned to this post. Please refresh.")
	if not profile and post.doc.status == "Completed":
		webnotes.throw("You cannot revoke assignment of a completed task.")
	post.doc.status = "Assigned" if profile else None
	post.doc.assigned_to = profile
	post.doc.assigned_to_fullname = get_fullname(profile) if profile else None
	post.ignore_permissions = True
	return {
		"post_settings_html": get_post_settings(post.doc.unit, post.doc.name),
		"assigned_to_fullname": post.doc.assigned_to_fullname,
		"status": post.doc.status
コード例 #47
ファイル: account.py プロジェクト: marchon/erpnext-15
	def validate_frozen_accounts_modifier(self):
		old_value = webnotes.conn.get_value("Account", self.doc.name, "freeze_account")
		if old_value and old_value != self.doc.freeze_account:
			frozen_accounts_modifier = webnotes.conn.get_value( 'Accounts Settings', None, 
			if not frozen_accounts_modifier or \
				frozen_accounts_modifier not in webnotes.user.get_roles():
					webnotes.throw(_("You are not authorized to set Frozen value"))
コード例 #48
ファイル: account.py プロジェクト: gangadhar-kadam/powapp
	def validate_frozen_accounts_modifier(self):
		old_value = webnotes.conn.get_value("Account", self.doc.name, "freeze_account")
		if old_value and old_value != self.doc.freeze_account:
			frozen_accounts_modifier = webnotes.conn.get_value( 'Accounts Settings', None, 
			if not frozen_accounts_modifier or \
				frozen_accounts_modifier not in webnotes.user.get_roles():
					webnotes.throw(_("You are not authorized to set Frozen value"))
コード例 #49
	def check_stop_sales_order(self, ref_fieldname):
		for d in self.doclist.get({"parentfield": self.fname}):
			if d.fields.get(ref_fieldname):
				status = webnotes.conn.get_value("Sales Order", d.fields[ref_fieldname], "status")
				if status == "Stopped":
					webnotes.throw(self.doc.doctype + 
						_(" can not be created/modified against stopped Sales Order ") + 
コード例 #50
	def validate_pos(self):
		if not self.doc.cash_bank_account and flt(self.doc.paid_amount):
			msgprint("Cash/Bank Account is mandatory for POS, for making payment entry")
			raise Exception
		if flt(self.doc.paid_amount) + flt(self.doc.write_off_amount) \
				- flt(self.doc.grand_total) > 1/(10**(self.precision("grand_total") + 1)):
			webnotes.throw(_("""(Paid amount + Write Off Amount) can not be \
				greater than Grand Total"""))
コード例 #51
ファイル: stock_entry.py プロジェクト: Jdfkat/erpnext
		def _validate_production_order(pro_bean):
			if flt(pro_bean.doc.docstatus) != 1:
				webnotes.throw(_("Production Order must be submitted") + ": " + 
			if pro_bean.doc.status == 'Stopped':
				msgprint(_("Transaction not allowed against stopped Production Order") + ": " + 
コード例 #52
 def validate_ledger(self, group_identifier="is_group"):
     if self.doc.fields.get(group_identifier) == "No":
         if webnotes.conn.sql(
                 """select name from `tab%s` where %s=%s and docstatus!=2"""
                 % (self.doc.doctype, self.nsm_parent_field, '%s'),
             webnotes.throw(self.doc.doctype + ": " + self.doc.name + _(
                 " can not be marked as a ledger as it has existing child"))
コード例 #53
 def validate_rejected_warehouse(self):
     for d in self.doclist.get({"parentfield": "purchase_receipt_details"}):
         if flt(d.rejected_qty) and not d.rejected_warehouse:
             d.rejected_warehouse = self.doc.rejected_warehouse
             if not d.rejected_warehouse:
                     _("Rejected Warehouse is mandatory against regected item"
コード例 #54
    def check_if_page_name_is_unique(self, new_page_name):
        if webnotes.conn.sql(
                """select name from `tabWebsite Sitemap` where name=%s 
			and website_sitemap_config!=%s and docname!=%s""",
            (new_page_name, self._website_config.name, self.doc.name)):
            webnotes.throw("%s: %s. %s: <b>%s<b>" %
                           (new_page_name, _("Page already exists"),
                            _("Please change the value"), self.doc.title))
コード例 #55
    def before_rename(self, newdn, olddn, merge=False, group_fname="is_group"):
        if merge:
            is_group = webnotes.conn.get_value(self.doc.doctype, newdn,
            if self.doc.fields[group_fname] != is_group:
                    _("""Merging is only possible between Group-to-Group or 
コード例 #56
ファイル: selling_controller.py プロジェクト: Jdfkat/erpnext
	def check_stop_sales_order(self, ref_fieldname):
		for d in self.doclist.get({"parentfield": self.fname}):
			if d.fields.get(ref_fieldname):
				status = webnotes.conn.get_value("Sales Order", d.fields[ref_fieldname], "status")
				if status == "Stopped":
					webnotes.throw(self.doc.doctype + 
						_(" can not be created/modified against stopped Sales Order ") + 
コード例 #57
	def validate_warehouse(self):
		if not self.doc.fields.get("__islocal"):
			item_code, warehouse = webnotes.conn.get_value("Serial No", 
				self.doc.name, ["item_code", "warehouse"])
			if item_code != self.doc.item_code:
				webnotes.throw(_("Item Code cannot be changed for Serial No."), SerialNoCannotCannotChangeError)
			if not self.via_stock_ledger and warehouse != self.doc.warehouse:
				webnotes.throw(_("Warehouse cannot be changed for Serial No."), SerialNoCannotCannotChangeError)