コード例 #1
 def forward(
     memory: torch.Tensor,
     memory_mask: torch.Tensor,
     ys_in_pad: torch.Tensor,
     ys_in_lens: torch.Tensor,
     r_ys_in_pad: torch.Tensor = torch.empty(0),
     reverse_weight: float = 0.0,
 ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
     """Forward decoder.
         memory: encoded memory, float32  (batch, maxlen_in, feat)
         memory_mask: encoder memory mask, (batch, 1, maxlen_in)
         ys_in_pad: padded input token ids, int64 (batch, maxlen_out)
         ys_in_lens: input lengths of this batch (batch)
         r_ys_in_pad: not used in transformer decoder, in order to unify api
             with bidirectional decoder
         reverse_weight: not used in transformer decoder, in order to unify
             api with bidirectional decode
         (tuple): tuple containing:
             x: decoded token score before softmax (batch, maxlen_out,
                 vocab_size) if use_output_layer is True,
             torch.tensor(0.0), in order to unify api with bidirectional decoder
             olens: (batch, )
     tgt = ys_in_pad
     maxlen = tgt.size(1)
     # tgt_mask: (B, 1, L)
     tgt_mask = ~make_pad_mask(ys_in_lens, maxlen).unsqueeze(1)
     tgt_mask = tgt_mask.to(tgt.device)
     # m: (1, L, L)
     m = subsequent_mask(tgt_mask.size(-1),
     # tgt_mask: (B, L, L)
     tgt_mask = tgt_mask & m
     x, _ = self.embed(tgt)
     for layer in self.decoders:
         x, tgt_mask, memory, memory_mask = layer(x, tgt_mask, memory,
     if self.normalize_before:
         x = self.after_norm(x)
     if self.use_output_layer:
         x = self.output_layer(x)
     olens = tgt_mask.sum(1)
     return x, torch.tensor(0.0), olens
コード例 #2
    def forward(
        memory: torch.Tensor,
        memory_mask: torch.Tensor,
        ys_in_pad: torch.Tensor,
        ys_in_lens: torch.Tensor,
    ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
        """Forward decoder.

            memory: encoded memory, float32  (batch, maxlen_in, feat)
            memory_mask: encoder memory mask, (batch, 1, maxlen_in)
                input token ids, int64 (batch, maxlen_out)
                if input_layer == "embed"
                input tensor (batch, maxlen_out, #mels) in the other cases
            ys_in_lens: (batch)
            (tuple): tuple containing:

            x: decoded token score before softmax (batch, maxlen_out, token)
                if use_output_layer is True,
            olens: (batch, )
        tgt = ys_in_pad
        # tgt_mask: (B, 1, L)
        tgt_mask = (~make_pad_mask(ys_in_lens).unsqueeze(1)).to(tgt.device)
        # m: (1, L, L)
        m = subsequent_mask(tgt_mask.size(-1),
        # tgt_mask: (B, L, L)
        tgt_mask = tgt_mask & m

        x, _ = self.embed(tgt)
        for layer in self.decoders:
            x, tgt_mask, memory, memory_mask = layer(x, tgt_mask, memory,
        if self.normalize_before:
            x = self.after_norm(x)
        if self.use_output_layer:
            x = self.output_layer(x)

        olens = tgt_mask.sum(1)
        return x, olens
コード例 #3
ファイル: asr_model.py プロジェクト: zoumt1633/wenet
    def recognize(
        speech: torch.Tensor,
        speech_lengths: torch.Tensor,
        beam_size: int = 10,
        decoding_chunk_size: int = -1,
        num_decoding_left_chunks: int = -1,
        simulate_streaming: bool = False,
    ) -> torch.Tensor:
        """ Apply beam search on attention decoder

            speech (torch.Tensor): (batch, max_len, feat_dim)
            speech_length (torch.Tensor): (batch, )
            beam_size (int): beam size for beam search
            decoding_chunk_size (int): decoding chunk for dynamic chunk
                trained model.
                <0: for decoding, use full chunk.
                >0: for decoding, use fixed chunk size as set.
                0: used for training, it's prohibited here
            simulate_streaming (bool): whether do encoder forward in a
                streaming fashion

            torch.Tensor: decoding result, (batch, max_result_len)
        assert speech.shape[0] == speech_lengths.shape[0]
        assert decoding_chunk_size != 0
        device = speech.device
        batch_size = speech.shape[0]

        # Let's assume B = batch_size and N = beam_size
        # 1. Encoder
        encoder_out, encoder_mask = self._forward_encoder(
            speech, speech_lengths, decoding_chunk_size,
            simulate_streaming)  # (B, maxlen, encoder_dim)
        maxlen = encoder_out.size(1)
        encoder_dim = encoder_out.size(2)
        running_size = batch_size * beam_size
        encoder_out = encoder_out.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, beam_size, 1, 1).view(
            running_size, maxlen, encoder_dim)  # (B*N, maxlen, encoder_dim)
        encoder_mask = encoder_mask.unsqueeze(1).repeat(
            1, beam_size, 1, 1).view(running_size, 1,
                                     maxlen)  # (B*N, 1, max_len)

        hyps = torch.ones([running_size, 1], dtype=torch.long,
                          device=device).fill_(self.sos)  # (B*N, 1)
        scores = torch.tensor([0.0] + [-float('inf')] * (beam_size - 1),
        scores = scores.to(device).repeat([batch_size]).unsqueeze(1).to(
            device)  # (B*N, 1)
        end_flag = torch.zeros_like(scores, dtype=torch.bool, device=device)
        cache: Optional[List[torch.Tensor]] = None
        # 2. Decoder forward step by step
        for i in range(1, maxlen + 1):
            # Stop if all batch and all beam produce eos
            if end_flag.sum() == running_size:
            # 2.1 Forward decoder step
            hyps_mask = subsequent_mask(i).unsqueeze(0).repeat(
                running_size, 1, 1).to(device)  # (B*N, i, i)
            # logp: (B*N, vocab)
            logp, cache = self.decoder.forward_one_step(
                encoder_out, encoder_mask, hyps, hyps_mask, cache)
            # 2.2 First beam prune: select topk best prob at current time
            top_k_logp, top_k_index = logp.topk(beam_size)  # (B*N, N)
            top_k_logp = mask_finished_scores(top_k_logp, end_flag)
            top_k_index = mask_finished_preds(top_k_index, end_flag, self.eos)
            # 2.3 Seconde beam prune: select topk score with history
            scores = scores + top_k_logp  # (B*N, N), broadcast add
            scores = scores.view(batch_size, beam_size * beam_size)  # (B, N*N)
            scores, offset_k_index = scores.topk(k=beam_size)  # (B, N)
            scores = scores.view(-1, 1)  # (B*N, 1)
            # 2.4. Compute base index in top_k_index,
            # regard top_k_index as (B*N*N),regard offset_k_index as (B*N),
            # then find offset_k_index in top_k_index
            base_k_index = torch.arange(batch_size, device=device).view(
                -1, 1).repeat([1, beam_size])  # (B, N)
            base_k_index = base_k_index * beam_size * beam_size
            best_k_index = base_k_index.view(-1) + offset_k_index.view(
                -1)  # (B*N)

            # 2.5 Update best hyps
            best_k_pred = torch.index_select(top_k_index.view(-1),
                                             index=best_k_index)  # (B*N)
            best_hyps_index = best_k_index // beam_size
            last_best_k_hyps = torch.index_select(
                hyps, dim=0, index=best_hyps_index)  # (B*N, i)
            hyps = torch.cat((last_best_k_hyps, best_k_pred.view(-1, 1)),
                             dim=1)  # (B*N, i+1)

            # 2.6 Update end flag
            end_flag = torch.eq(hyps[:, -1], self.eos).view(-1, 1)

        # 3. Select best of best
        scores = scores.view(batch_size, beam_size)
        # TODO: length normalization
        best_index = torch.argmax(scores, dim=-1).long()
        best_hyps_index = best_index + torch.arange(
            batch_size, dtype=torch.long, device=device) * beam_size
        best_hyps = torch.index_select(hyps, dim=0, index=best_hyps_index)
        best_hyps = best_hyps[:, 1:]
        return best_hyps